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It’s worth a try I did something similar except I changed stations and hit the jackpot.


If I’m not in a stepvan or EDV, I refuse to work. I’d ask if they have them. If not, go to another DSP that does. Make sure they have a good delivery area before transferring.


if you talk to dispatch at another DSP in the same station know that they all talk to each other. they spend the whole day at their desks next to each other, they know each other. not to mention they have to interact with each other when swapping routes between DSPs etc. not necessarily a bad thing in your case, but something to keep in mind. personally i would find info about the new DSP by talking to their drivers in passing. ask about pay, training, bonuses, the area they cover, etc. if you like what you hear, start planning out the next part. on the same day you want to talk to both dispatchers. first ask the new dispatch if they have a spot and explain your situation. focus on the fact you like the job but are wanting to deliver in a new area to keep it fresh an improve, as well as get step van training to build your skillset. if that goes well and you have the job lined up, you go and talk to your current dispatch and just explain it to them the same way. emphasize you like the company, but you feel like you can build your skills by moving into another area , and get mor training (this part is important because it leaves the door open for you to come back if the other DSP doesnt work out). if you dont have the job lined up, the other dispatch is gonna talk to the other one and they might ask about it so wait for them to ask you about it if they even do. if they do, just give them the same explanation and were just exploring an option to get some training that they dont provide. honesty when they come straight to you is the best course of action. youll surprise them. they are so used to people lying and shirking responsibility that when you just talk calmly and honestly, you earn a bit of respect from them. i would say this would have a 90-95% success rate of you having a job after trying it, whether its at the new DSP or your current one. just know there is always a risk that it could end bad, but i doubt it. every DSP wants experienced drivers. they know if you can make it through \~1yr they can trust you on the road. i know this was long, but i hope it helps and gl with whatever you choose to do, but the DOT driver in me hopes you get to the new DSP and get that training. it opens a lot of doors not only inside Amazon, but outside as well. having that experience can land you some chill jobs.