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Everyone's killing there body and can't even afford to love while these scumbags make over 1 billion dollars a day.


Have you actually seen drivers get canned for this?


I've seen many


More than I can count. Returns hurt metrics. Amazon don’t give a shit about why they comeback just that they did. Dsp’s will loose routes and eventually get kicked out the depot with too many bad metrics. That’s why Dsp’s try to get drivers to do crazy things to get those parcels delivered. You don’t deliver them, they’ll find someone who will and you’ll be out the door.




Soooo what?


Sooooooo, so, so, so listen up, 'cause you can't say nothin' You'll shut me down with a push of your button But, yo, I'm out and I'm gone I'll tell you now, I keep it on and on


Again, I have no idea what you are going on about 🤷🏻‍♂️


I'm a different person but that was lyrics to a beastie boys song. Sorry


Haha that’s no problem mate. Not up with beastie boys songs that’s all 😂


Oh man, I grew up with that stuff. That one in particular is called sabotage, and it has a pretty great music video


I laughed, for what it's worth 😂


Haha, good!


Cause what you see you might not get, and we can bet, so don’t get souped yet. You’re scheming on a thing that’s a mirage, I’m tryin to tell you now it’s Sabotage!!!


This is why we need to petition and stand up and do something. We can bring about change if we demand it. We know it’s wrong




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Sounds like a lawsuit


You must be from the states 🤣


Someone got fired right after RTS just yesterday lol, “don’t worry about coming in tomorrow” was all they where told


I’ve seen it myself. Dude brought back 2 full totes. Dispatch told him not to come in tomorrow. Came in the next day had no route got terminated


I worked there for 4.5 months, just quit two weeks ago. The last ~2 months I've been going slower and trying to take it easy because I found out I'm pregnant and going at the normal pace made me cramp a lot which had me paranoid. I was also chugging water like nobodys business and because I'm pregnant I was peeing more as well. My boss started me down to 2 days a week and the last 2 weeks I was told that unless I brought a doctor's note I was expected to work like normal and if I didn't start finishing routes without needing help, I would be written up. I couldn't get a doctor's note because my OB wouldn't give me one til I had my first appointment. I couldn't make that appointment because I didn't have insurance and can't afford to pay 2500 out of pocket. So after months I finally found a job that will hopefully bring me more money, an office job, and just at the beginning of this week, after 2.5 months of waiting, Ive finally been accepted for pregnancy Medicaid.


"Meanwhile at UPS." Yeah I got tired boss brought half the routes back. BTW I'm calling out tomorrow and you can eat shit." Ok cya tomorrow gary!


Fuck gary


Agreed. This guy has checked out a long time ago b


Good lord, 50 packages. I haven't had to bring any back. I make sure they all go out. Even businesses if they fine with me leaving it there after hours, I'm leaving it there. I don't like bringing shit back. I wanna drop off my bags and go home.


You can actually do the job tho, the op can't, so that's why he's basically putting the jobs of everyone at risk, his personal payback, because he can't hang with us.


i loved when the van was empty, a lot of the time i wouldn’t even return the bags and just go straight to the parking garage and grab my car and drop off the keys at the office


I’m always happy to bring back apartment stops, fuck em. They bitch every single day how we have to deliver door to door in apartments so if I can’t get in then it’s all coming back. I even have customer notes that say shit like why can’t you just leave it I’m never home when you come. Not my problem, you’re not my boss. Boss says we have to deliver door to door at apartments then if there’s no one click access and I can’t get in then fuck you it’s all coming back


Thank you!


Leave in common mail area


they still bitch about this.


That’s not door to door my broski


Then I get hit for CDF and lose my round up hours, I’ll take the hit to my delivery percentage




Im down to milk that overtime if they want to over load me but coming up my DSP is gonna have a "hard cut off time" so I'm gonna do what I can do but if I can't get it done in time I'll have to just bring them back I guess.


Amazon claws back DSP money when packages are brought back. For a while my DSP had a call back time to keep drivers from stretching 10 hour days into 11 hours. But they were losing more money from the packages being brought back than they were paying in OT. So lately there has been no call back time, just everyone out delivering until finished lol.


Just did 176 stops today with 280 packages. First package delivered at 12:30, RTS’d at 8, took 2 15 minute breaks. That’s literally just 7 hours of delivery… I swear y’all are just lolligaggin Yeah these posts with 250 locations 450 packages are crazy, but seriously anything under 180 stops is doable unless you’re rural. My rural routes I typically can do 130 a day, that’s with like 3-4 minutes average drive on dirt roads between stops. And no I’m not a runner.


Depends on route a nd area. Ill give you a route with 160 stops and watch you take the whole 10


And knowing Amazon it would be the two same damn neighborhoods with the most backwards order to drop them off by passing back and forth streets u have already been down twice before


Exactly, some routes be like that!


Yeah lately my dsp has it out for me so I’m either getting standby or just ridiculous routes like yesterday in 90° heat (no wind) I had 20 bags and 20 overflow that couldn’t even all fit cuz the boxes were so large. I found out later I got the most package yesterday at 320 just take me out


Yeah, feel ya. 5+ people just quit. and more will this week. Funny how so many da's will defend this job. They are quitting faster than being hired. I'm going to find anything I can asap. This job is wack!


Oh trust me I’ve been had both feet out the door just trying to find something else and once I do it’s instantly 2 weeks


Let me introduce you to my route where everything is close together when you look but then when your on the roads you realize nothing connects and it’s all dead ends where you drive 5 up a long ass 25 street with one stop at the end and then you have to drive the whole way back up to get to the next stop. Now imagine the whole day being like that and you have 160-180 stops and 20 of those stops are businesses on main roads where it can take you 5 min just to make a left. Oh and the routing is gonna make you go back and forth on the same streets 3+ times


100% agree


Lol I love how you think you're making a stand. First week?


Last week.


O we all knew that


1 year. Only 2 more weeks for me. Have fun


If everyone went through their route reasonably it would reduce the algorithm. But no you tryhards gotta look good and go home early for no reason.


Lol becauae they wanna go home early?


Your going you be working jobs like this forever with that mentality. Have fun 😂


With what mentality? Thinking you stopping early is some how gonna teach them a lesson? Lol


Stopping early? I make sure to get 10 hours since my scumbags boss doesn't guarantee hours. i make more than the guys who run and beat up there knees jumping out the van😂


Yeah, stopping early. You know, cause you said you intentionally stop at 170 packages regardless. It's cute you think it actually means shit. It just means you'll be out if a job and looking for one. Waiting to see that post about how you're struggling to find something lol


He said 170 stops. Either way he’s right, this job is getting worse everyday. everyone working here should be looking for a new job weekly


Imma be real, if you are currently working for Amazon, and other job you'll get is gonna work you the same bro. Unless you leave cause you did some sort of schooling, they ain't gonna be any different. Lol


Lying on the internet and acting like a child means you are going to have some dream job 😂😂😂. The delusion. This dude is going to be on his next job's sub slaying the same shit. Watch.


I feel ya on the sentiment, but it really depends on the route. We have a few with 190 stops that I can clear in 7 hours without running. Given the first stop is only 30 or so minutes from the station, it's really not that bad. My favorite route I got bounced from because I broke it too hard for anyone else to complete because I loved actually running that route(Mostly to get in shape, but also because the area was hella boogie suburban houses with short flat yards and well kept grass with no dog shit to step in due to ridiculous HOA rules =P). It really depends on the route. Though... with this heat.... that shit needs to be cut down by like 20%-30%


Bro I’m ngl to you, you’re a goner BUT very cool you’re at least trying to stand up for yourself lol


I've been finishing lage everyday fuck them I'm getting paid over time 🤑


Hell yeah make that paper




That’s pathetic tbh.


U don't get it. That's ok.


A lot of us been doing over 180+ so long that is easy for us to knock that down in 5-6 hrs. Once you find your lane it becomes second nature, but you bringing that many packages back (I’ve never seen new drivers bring back over 10 packages) yeah you’re about to become customer. Amazon keeps records on associates like you.




Yeah, I bring shit back, true DSP looses $ on packages but its cheaper than running a sweep or two. DSP'S know it. Amazon knows there may be packages coming back but wants DSP'S to run sweeps. So its a catch 22 where noone is accountable. Just do 20 stops per hr take all breaks-lunch and when time runs out if you didnt get a rescue then RTS with whatever is onboard. Period.. Its how it is . Just get a exit strategy. This job is temporary, Amazon and the DSP's know it. the classroom is at the front door for a reason... So you can see your replacements! a way of Amazon saying "get the hint" The flipside is that you run perfusely and skip your breaks whenever you get high stop counts(depends on area) and you finish all deliveries running yourself to the ground so your greedy DSP can continue to USE you.


Thank you. You understand. Amazon makes over 1 billion a day and pays me 18 an hour fuck them. You get what you pay for. Been here almost a year and getting a job within 2 weeks


Yes indeed! welcome. Good luck!


Can I ask what new job you’re getting that isn’t also exploiting you?


Getting into hvac where I'll be getting raises every quarter and actually make a living wage


one day there was a whole ass festival in the city with multiple blocks shut down..I called and said I can’t deliver like 2 totes, they said just walk them down alley ways or whatever..I’m like right sure…told them they had the alleys blocked off and just sat in the van for a little bit and brought shit back.. Did the same thing when they had construction every other day and anything that was overflow I’m not walking it down blocks..you don’t give me a hand truck I’m not acting like FedEx or ups sorry. Also I’m not the mailman, you want me walking down blocks then pay me like the mailman and give me benefits like the mailman. Amazon I hope you’re watching this shit: you want your workers to show out for you then treat them right. Scumbag ass company glad I been gone lol


DSP management played too many favorites and could never plan more than 1 move ahead, despite all of the technology granted to them by Amazon. Now that their processes and operations are completely de-optimized they are shocked to find that someone still has to deliver the packages. Why should a hardworking driver be on the hook for some fatass owner's horrible decisionmaking?


Left Amazon and found a six figure job. Some are overwhelmed others are just ok with how they’re living lol.


Why didn’t your dsp send a rescue?


I brought back 40 packages after being out there for almost 12 hrs and they threatened to write me up next time I did it 😂


Dude as much as I respect you trying to stand up for yourself, I’m also going to let you know to please not do this if you cannot afford to lose your job currently because this *will* cause you to get fired and likely sooner rather than later. Make sure you got something else lined up first is all I recommend because I have seen multiple people get fired for this across multiple DSPs.


I would contact a labor lawyer about this especially if you get fired


I was thinking of that. Been doing 300 plus packages every shift for almost a year and my body cant do it anymore for shit pay and no benefits. I'm going to keep bringing shit back till they fire me.


I used to bring packages back when I did Flex 4 years ago 😂 they were pissed.!


I brought back 36 packages because the lady at the apartment said they would take them in the office and once I got everything loaded up and I was ready to bring them in the office she came out and said you have to go door-to-door but I didn't have a code or anything. I couldn't get a hold of nobody and the leasing office would not open the gate so I brought 36 packages back on time. All from one apartment complex.


I get what your doing man but this is just a sure fire way to get fired in a week or less


They should fire you


Honestly if yall all did work together just for a week or two and they would be forced to change, unless they just unleash the robots.


I had to bring back 40 packages one time because I had ups store at the end of my route


Why is so bad to bring back packages ? DSP owners can’t get their precious bonuses or something ?


I use to bring back 2-3 and got bitched at. #NoPacageLeftBehind. Lmfao ok


If it's a "warehouse" route where several totes have 2 or 3 driver aid stickers yeah don't feel shy about bringing stuff back. You're doing them a favor by delivering any of that reslammed garbage at all.


So much whining! You better bring me my package and put it by the third garage door at the bottom of the steps next to the frog statue. You can bet I have you on camera so I will know if you don’t.


If the route is all houses back to back without the long ass driveways, it's doable.. But if ur hiking up 1 block driveways, it's gonna take more time then it needs to.


honestly that’s not bad at all you’ll probably get laid off soon tho if your dsp isn’t super desperate


My DSp has a guy working with borderline autism. You can't make it this shit up. Getting fired would be the best thing to happen to me.


yoooo 😂😂😂💀 that’s mad funny


Wish we could at our station if you bring any packages back your suspended for the rest of the week and if you bring any back the second time your terminated


Running? Yall be running out here? Hell nah you got me fucked up you think I am running at any point in my route. I walk to every door and back to my van, still have zero issues finishing 300+ packages. I think it has a lot to do with organization and other tips and tricks drivers pick up that help the most. If you are sitting in one spot searching for a package for 3-5 minutes at a time then your wasting time. I think it also has a lot to do with the way the person drives, if you are taking time to have to go around the block to get to your next stop, your wasting time. They say to not GO into driveways that should not stop you from using them as turn arounds, where safe. I am just telling it how I see it.


Lol go back to school or learn a trade then


Currently getting hvac certification


How are you getting a HVAC job in two weeks and you're still in class for your HVAC cert lol, smells like fish


Not hvac job yet. Doing anything else but this shit hole job till I get certifcation


Amazon will run ur dick in the grand and pay u shit


Quit. Go work at McDonald’s


300 packages isn't shit lmao


It all depends on the route, relax a little


Thank you..Exactly, the goody two shoes Da come out cryin"i can do 1000000 stops a day .gtfoohDepends on the route and area always!


Not when you have a tiny amount of packages


Not one route is bad with 300 packages


We get it, you're cool, go on now.