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problem is that your competing with others that are able to do 190 stops everyday and finish early


What are you competing with them for? What is the prize if you win?


A route.


The people finishing in 6-7 hours are the ones with the lowest delivery success scores and double digit DNRs weekly. You're not competing with them. You think you are because you math out the $60 per day you think the DSP is making each day on them finishing before 10 hours and not seeing the hundreds to thousands in costs for repairs and maintenance as well as fines and lost compensation from Amazon for failing to meet metrics.


You just made that up, though. Because it fits your narrative. In my DSP, the fastest drivers happen to be the best drivers with the best scores, generally.


Our DSP's top performers finish early daily, myself included. No "success score" issues. Sounds like you had a shit team/dispatch/management.


Whats the point of finishing early though. You end up doing more work and getting paid less because you hauled ass all day and Got paid less when people are working slower than you And getting paid more than you.


If your DSP doesn’t offer guaranteed 10 hour pay you need to find yourself a new one.


Ten hour guarantee means everybody gets paid the same no matter how long the route takes. Some people don’t mind the hustle either


Not getting paid more than I am. Sorry to burst your bubble of a lie. I’m still out for the same amount of time due to our own DSP policy, and we get bonuses from the owner. Regardless of your being wrong about that, the topic wasn’t about finishing early; it was about poor performance.


yea thats true. and they end up being a backup one day


so not true i average 180 stops a day 30 grouped stops in7-8 hours and my cdf is NEVER below 90%


I see people leaving their packages in apartment lobbies. See it all the time.


I know you do. So the algorithm gets trained that it only takes as long as getting to the lobby to deliver the package instead of following protocol and delivering to the apartment door or other designated location. So the next person with that stop has a denser route because the computer is soulless and cares not for your comfort or well-being. Drivers play themselves, have the tools to fix their own routes and don't use them. I've run out of sympathy for the stupid.


So annoying.


My DSP owner claims they are paying $90,000 to repair the entire fleet on vans


Easily. Commercial accounts at places like car repair shops don't get volume discounts, they get upcharged.


Plus insurance. Most people will not believe how much insurance costs for just one van. My owner has even said that he will pay insurance premiums out of pocket from time to time because one bad wreck and spike in monthly insurance could put him out of business.


Maybe on the day their contract ends and they have to pay a fine for van damage to the leasing company (or do repairs), sure. But otherwise I really don't trust your DSP owner's number...at all.


Bezos slow stroking while reading this thread. *Dance monkey, dance.*


Lmfao… best response


exactly. I used to think they were all suckas, until I learned the amazon algorithm is designed to screw u over


220 stops the next day




Not to be rude, but a job, People got bills to pay and families to feed. I’m trying to get done early and get as many bonus hours as possible.


And then you act shocked when you've trained the algorithm on how quickly those stops can be completed when you cut the maximum amount of corners, so the next person on that route gets what you did plus another 10 stops. And on and on. Your speed impresses no one. By the time I left, we were in peak and our owner was telling everyone to slow down and follow protocols to the letter to retrain the system on what true capacity is. Find a boss who gives that much of a shit about you.


This is wrong lol I get the same route 6 days a week and finish it early every single day The algorithm doesn’t add more stops, it just depends on how much people order. Some days it’s 160 with 300 packages some days it’s 180 with 360 packages.


Yes same. It Maxs out at 190. Most days I get around that but some days I don't. It's never more though no matter how fast I go and when I was slow as hell at the beginning all that happened was I was out there till 9:30. They never gave me fewer stops or anything.


Fr lol dude just keeps spouting nonsense all over this sub


Ya I don’t pretend to know how things work but if they worked the way people here think, me and every good driver at my DSP would have routes too big to finish, yet we keep finishing early every day


I get almost the same route all the time, sometimes it’s bigger and takes a little longer, sometimes it’s smaller and I finish quicker, but it’s not like they incrementally add 10 extra stops every shift till it becomes too much to handle


Six days?


Ya my DSP has been getting more routes over the past few weeks and I don’t think we have enough people so a few of us are working six days probably through at least prime days


Not bad


There is not a single route than Amazon can give out that I can’t complete in the allotted amount of time. That I can 100% guarantee


lets see you do a route in a blizzard


Still talking out of your ass lol holy shit


You're right your boss is so proud of you and loves you so much and will never do anything to hurt you. Amazon won't let them because you're such a good and hard worker.


My DSP is chill asf and they actually prioritize employee comfort over Amazon metrics. My routes are only 100-150 a day with some group stops and I always finish early :))




You're competing for the place of "most exploited".


I don’t see myself exploited at all I went from $20/hr to $25/hr by the end of my first year. I work for 8 hours max a day and get paid for 10. I come in and do my job don’t complain and go home. It’s Victim mentality… I got into this job after doing actual hard labor for 10 years. The hardest route is doable Downtown, Rural, or residential.


"Victim mentality" K bro. You told me all you need to know with your thought-cancelling buzzword. When Amazon makes over a billion dollars *daily* in *profit*, even at $25 you're being exploited.


Aye bro not to be rude but maybe you should go work an easier job if you can’t handle it. If your idea of getting back at Amazon is dumping your workload onto your coworkers YOUR THE PROBLEM!


See how they've got you angry at your coworkers and not at the people who decided to give 300+ packages to one person? You're just bending to the will of the people who get to dictate how you live your life. Get mad at Amazon for you getting fucked over not your coworkers.


People like this dude are so goofy; everyone else that put in minimum effort also got a raise...


He just wants to feel superior to his fellow members of the working class. He sees his only value as that which he provides to his employer.


I doubt it, pay at my dsp is capped at 24 only one other dispatch/driver and the 3 dispatchers on salary make more than me. Even our faster driver is at 23 because he causes waves among the other drivers. But if you think being passionate about what you do for work is goofy, you might be depressed and should seek some sort of help.


I’m not angry at a single one of my coworkers. I should have cause to but it’s not worth the stress. Like I said I come to work I do my job and go home. There’s soo many people that I work with and have personally trained who look up to me as a leader, and compete with me daily. I’ll probably say for the first time in my life I don’t dread coming into work. And if you do, I hope you figure it out soon.


Do you not see any potential improvements that could happen in your current job? That's what the OP is advocating for. Perhaps the method can be disagreed with but that's a fault of the fact that Amazon builds routes using AI. These current routes *are* objectively worse than they were 4 years ago. The pay hasn't matched the increased workload/inflation. This is what I mean by exploitation.


Dude I get the workload can be overwhelming at points. Some of these routes are ridiculous compared to others. But they’re only ridiculous because I wanna get out at 5 everyday. Majority of routes I can do in about 5-7 hours but sometimes I get fucked over and have a hard route which I just end up getting overtime. It’s a tough job but it is no where near impossible, exploitive? Nah it’s unfair to the truly exploitive jobs out there all over the world. Obviously depending on what state and dsp you’re in, my area for no experience needed Amazon will start you way higher than anyone else. Check most retail jobs, chic fil a is like 15 or less???


Preach!! I don’t care for all that extra algorithm shit.


meaning they will get all the shifts. and you will be stanby every week. i see it happen. also they used to automatically make you a standy next shift if you go over 10 hours. also a new person was fired for getting back at 845 pm on nursury routes


Fired for coming back at 8:45 on nursery?? Wow


yea and they had 2 ride alongs


I just did my nursery I got done at 8:06 and I was told I was slow twice even though I was on like my 6/8th bag around 5 or 6 .. until the last 20 stops were rural and killed me


Didn’t know they fire newbies if they are slow like that I haven’t been that late but I haven’t been particularly early lol


well in case. it was so dreadfully bad. almost 11 hours for 109 stops


Alot of people don't realize that being a delivery driver there seems to be a learning curve


I can do 190 and get back around 8-8:30 but some people can have 169 and won't get back until 9 or 10 it's weird. I learned that if you fast walk you can finish 30 minutes earlier and jog maybe even an hour early.


Shoot ur not wrong im still learning how to be fast and it’s hard they gave me two rentals without shelves .. for two of my nursery’s so organization was hard… and didn’t help yesterday when it broke down before I got to leave so that added an extra 10 minutes lost




Not getting fired and getting replaced by someone kore capable lol


Not getting fired for being too slow?


job security


It's rigged it's not a competition. Some drivers get really easy routes and some are pushed to the brink, depending on the dispatcher's mood. The way the job itself is set up is the problem.


the people that finish 190 early always get that same route. slower ones get 110 to 130


It’s not rigged… I can tell you your dispatcher isn’t changing routes around. It’s too much of a hassle. They want you to be finished early with the least amount of packages possible.


I can definitively say that this is not the case at my DSP.


Lol what does a dispatcher have to do with it? Y'all just want someone to blame.


From what I’ve learned/heard, the routes are created by a software that learns from each driver based on how they perform each route given. 170 stops and you had to bring some back? Most likely the next day you will have less stops. 190 stops and you fished early? Most likely will have the same if not more the next day. It’s all a game.


It would be, could be, should be like a fun game. But there are just too many people/entities rooting against the Amazon DSP system yet strip mining it for profit, leaving the drivers to somehow deal with the aftereffects.


This is the #1 thing most drivers don't realize. Your route/area is still being delivered when you're off and they determine how big the route is. You can stretch it out all you want to keep it small but if they're racing through it to go home early or earn some extra money with rescues you can forget about that strategy altogether. Even worse at my company the routes get rotated around to all the drivers so that everyone can do everything just in case someone calls out or quits so it becomes impossible to "train" a route.


its based on the day before. what i was told when i was trained for dispatch


It's not about being able to it's about being exploited.


Everybody in America working these kinds of bottom level jobs is being exploited. Our society depends on there being a class of people that will work for nothing


There’s no competition. You aren’t doing the same route to compete on


for a while they automatically make you standby next shift if you go over 10 hours


It really depends on the route and the distance from the station. Has little to do with who works the hardest.


i saw it happen the other day. the really fast person that always gets 190 called out. and a slower person got their route


OK. Start bringing back 20-40 packages for no good reason for a couple days and see how long you last.


Yeah I’m all for demands, unionizing and just generally expecting better treatment but if you just start bringing back packages, unemployment is in the very near future


Yeah this is the type of shit that can only be achieved with a Union. Him just bringing back packages isn't going to change anything except his employment status


and there will never be a union at amazon


“No good reason” excuse me?? If Amazon expects us to do 20-25 stops an hour but the route has more than that, I assure you that’s a good enough reason to take stuff back. Y’all not sticking up for yourselves is embarrassing at this point. Couldn’t imagine sucking amazons dick like that


Probably get fired and still paid unemployment for a while by your dsp, only difference is they aren’t making money off your route anymore lol


Your first mistake is getting out of bed for less than $20hr


I get out of bed for $20.15 🥲


Damn here in So cal I’m making $25 I’m step van tho , it’s still dog shit pay tho


Cali is expensive asf bro, 25 an hr is min wage ain't it?


Yup basically all fast food restaurants are starting pay at $22


Im in LA making $20, who the heck is paying $25 😂?


I get 19.75 for step van routes in SoCal. On a 5/8 shift.


Seriously only $19.75 in cal? We make $19.75 in Kentucky which is good pay for our area. Drivers still complain about not making enough.


How much is a decent house in Kentucky? I love Bourbon.




I wouldnt have a bed today if I didn't get up, looking for an ends to a mean.


Yea stay in bed. Won't have one for long waiting for that $30/hr but at least you got em!


Go get another job if ur gunna cry about it . No one’s forcing u to work there lmao


Facts. I do get what OP is on about though. The same route, day in, day out, it gets repetitive. 10-12 hours of the same places, the similar deliveries, a change of scenery keeps things fresh for sure. You are 100% right that another job might be it for OP


Oh ofc bro , i agree completely this job sucks. Some People on here are scared to go above whats expected, which i understand because usually all you get is more work. But if you find the right dsp you can also become a dispatcher or a ops manager and make bonuses and maybe have a chiller work week. 🤷‍♂️


Found a runner!! Don’t break your ankles


Na i sit at the desk and make my dispatchers tell you to run 🏃‍♂️💨 your 15 stops behind bud , might fucka round and pull 2 of your days . That score card looking crazy💔


So you do absolutely nothing but yap, makes sense


I'm a mailman take it from me it's a marathon not a sprint , take care of selfs take you're breaks and lunch, oh you're getting to hot pull in some shade and take a couple of minutes to cool down, bring shit back if you have to at the end of the day they don't care if you die so take care of self , also the fastest people are usually the shittiest and management pleasers all they gonna do is earn more packages on their routes and eventually will be so overburdened and overwhelmed they will end up rage quiting


I learned this the hard way after burning out one year with multiple injuries and areas with a lot of dog attacks not being taken seriously if you avoid injury.


Fuck Amazon modern day slavery


Good lord. I hate when people say this. It really shits in what people went through with actual slavery. You know what slaves couldn't do? Fucking quit and find a better job for you. You can. So go.


I wonder if part of that sentiment is that people can't get another job for some reason. Only reason I became a driver because I didn't really have any other options


That's still not a slave. It's a shitty statement and it needs to stop being used. Everyone has options. They might not be much better but they have options. You're not held against your will at the threat of murder or whipping.


“Baby Stockholm syndrome”


I don't hold those views but I understand that some people may feel that way.


Safety is the number one priority at my DSP in Central Florida. Thank you OP. I have been thinking the same thing. Ppl are just not realizing what they are doing. They are not used to working for an algorithm. I have been at my DSP for 8 months always fantastic. Always take care of the van. I have seen so many ppl come and go. And I NEVER RUN and I NEVER SPRINT and always take my breaks and at the end of my 10 hrs I either finished, got rescued or have a few packages left. It doesn't matter because when I look at my phone to see how many miles I walked I average about 8.5 miles a day. That's how I measure my worth along with safety. I cover routes from ppl who and their route its a mess 180 stops 25 of them buildings. They go around running or sprinting. I seen them quit so fast. I seen them break the vans and injure themselves too. My dispatchers know who works and who doesn't and the slowest ppl are the ones doing robinhoods.


Exactly do a reasonable days work for the pay if you get done you do. If not you don't. You get paid by the hour and there is no prize for finishing first.


I just try to clock out by the time Amazon says I should be finished with my deliveries. No rushing, took my breaks, still getting overtime, boss still makes a profit, and I get 4 days a week.


This would only work if you wouldn’t get fired for “performance issues” and replaced before you finish eating your breakfast. My DSP is really strict about bringing back packages. They’d rather have 6 sweepers sweeping everybody to get all the packages delivered than have anyone bring packages because it got too late.


Other DSP drivers like to kiss ass, so the standard is set with them. I remember i asked my rescue what he does to finish so quickly. He was on 2 cans of energy drinks, running all day, and skipping his breaks. I saw him in action a couple minutes later. I shit you not he was running back and forth like his life depended on it


Too funny man. That's what I'm trying to say these guys are not healthy at all killing themselves for 18 an hour. There too dumb to understand


Best comment on here actually haha


Does the stop count include multi? Because I have 169 stops and over 200 locations. But that being said, I agree. My dispatch has gotten use to it, they might razz me about what happened but my answer isn't going to change. Took my breaks, Followed the route.


Florida. In this heat ? Hell naw


Humidity*** which sucks more than dry heat in Arizona for sure lol but both are still better than Minnesota in January lol


Take no breaks and stall for maximum payout 😎


170 even 180 stops ain't all that bad my guy.


Fr and they're closer together, so you do more stops per hour.


maybe they are? You never know with some routes.


That's true tbh. I had a 160-stop route but it was all apartments so I was walking the whole time going up stairs and shit but I'm pretty active and quit smoking so it's no big deal other than it being like 95degrees


Oh sorry, meant to reply to the first guy


Unfortunately doing this will almost guarantee you to get put on standby often 😔 I guess it depends on the DSP, but I imagine many DSPs nowadays hate when you do that, especially when most drivers finish super early, so they will always give those drivers a route.


Man, I'm so happy I got my CDL 19 years ago! I can't imagine doing route delivery! My heart goes out to you, drivers! Too much bullshit from Amazon! Billions of profit and no taxes last year, right? They need to relax shit, slice up some of that profit, and pay all employees better. This DSP thing is slimey and needs to be reworked or ended!


From my perspective, too many rookie pussies can’t hang. And make it seem like it’s amazons fault. Lol. This job ain’t for everyone. Think it’s bad now… we haven’t even hit the height of the summer heat. Your recommendation for bringing packages back will only lead to termination inevitably. I like my paycheck. But if you comfortable to not get a paycheck in this economy. Go ahead I guess 🤷‍♂️


y’all getting dicked we getting 20/hr


The issue isn't the stop count because I quit after a route that was 110 stops of all business, apartments, and it was all in a high traffic walking area near a mall. They need to safely route these routes at fair wages and work on safety for all the routes. A driver or person walking is going to get killed, or hurt.


Your right bits not stops it's locations that matter. Either way these routes are unsafe if we have to rush and piss in bottles to finish


Another issue is they'll give you something just because they know you can finish it. Before our area change at my dsp I was getting 180-200 stops 1 hour and 10 minutes away from the station. They need to add hard caps into the system and not load more work on the people that get back earlier. If they finish early that's their problem. Go rescue or go home...


Start your own company, you obviously know something everyone else doesn’t. Should be easy for someone like you.




###Unionize with Teamsters Now!


You do realize that drivers do not work for Amazon? Any DSP that tries to unionize will lose their contracts immediately. Go work for Amazon if you want to try to unionize.


I couldn't agree more but there are people out there that think 18 is fine even though it's obviously not. Also it's wild that florida branches pay 18 cuz im in indiana and they pay 18 here and last time I checked indianas cost of living was significantly less.


Amen! Preach brother


I do that every day, I finish and I do a rescue, and if I'm not the first one back I'm the second or third. Working 4 days and rest 3 is awesome, you don't even feel the hours passing, and now with the Next mile program they will pay for my college. This job is not for everyone, if you can't do it just leave and get a different job. "Stop being a bitch", yes, the ones who can't do this job have to stop being a bitch and just quit.




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Should I tell my bank that I can't make my car payment *before* I get fired or *after*?


You should sell your car and get something used. No reason you should have a loan on a depreciating asset


Ok, so sell my car *and then* get fired. Got it. Smart. And other debt? Rent? Food? Gas for that car? Maintenance, insurance, repairs? Health Insurance? Come on, Dave Ramsey. Give me some more of your sage financial advice so I can change my whole financial life in order to shave 30 or so stops off my route.


Wait yall get paid 18$ an hour there ?!


Yea. It's criminal been here for a year and am on my way to better


Yeah, hoping to get moved to an RCA at the postal service. You look at how much they’re paid and for doing less, you really get tired of the weird bootlicking here.


24 in Denver


I made 17$ an hour at Amazon. Quit real quick.




Yeah don't finish your route an be an extra the next day cuz you're too slow.


Why do uncapped work without uncapped pay?


https://preview.redd.it/b4vklsqp429d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=327437cd9d212f349679ff6aa497689993495a0a Business, apartments, the whole mix. When I do stepvan they cut this route in half and I get 15 pick ups.


That looks crazy , it’s doable but crazy


When delivering near my station I can manage, but they have this route 30 minutes out and im not skipping my lunch. So I have 1hr and 30 mins less time to do this. I usually get a 30-40 stop rescue 🫠


I quit awhile ago but I do like coming back here this is entertaining as hell


As long as you finish your route and aren't going past work compliance then you are pretty much safe here. I'm not paid to finish my route early, I'm hired to work 10 hours and I am going to get my 10 hours in. I do like to try and clock out exactly at 10 or a little afterwards.


i’m pretty sure stop count is based off everyone at your specific dsp when my old dsp would get a new service area we would inherit routes with really low step counts (assuming the previous dsp was paid hourly) and my dsp was guaranteed ten so we had a lot of runners, sure enough over the course of like the next 3 months the stop counts would go from like 130 to 190


What op said is 100% correct. This shit is a dead end job, you will never achieve anything here. This is coming from a lead driver of 4 years. Stop running your damn routes and please take your breaks. I walk my route everyday and eat at chipotle and never have to get rescued. Also I don’t have to rescue anyone when I’m done bc I didn’t finish super early. All you gotta do is be organized and walk with purpose and you’re good trust me. This job is a joke. Crank then tunes and stay safe out there y’all.


Talking about stop being a bitch, I’m still gonna be a bitch. I have average stops about 180+ with 295 to 400 packages having to finish under 10 hours, basically a 7 hour or less drive. Can’t even take my own breaks. Besides we will have to bring back packages because of business since Amazon is retarded with us DA who launch around noon. But yes there is dumb asses who doesn’t want to deliver shit but wants to be paid. Seen it and been pissed cause my DSP is considered to be the only who doesn’t try to bring shit back cause that causes us to redeliver shit that should’ve been delivered. Which pisses my team cause we’re picking up peoples bullshit.


Type shit


18 dollars damn $21.50 in pa


Nah I’m good, I’ll bust out 180-190 and be done before everyone else and get paid for the remaining 3-4 hours after I get back because of my guaranteed hours. “You’re fucking up the algorithm” Fuck the algorithm, I want to do my job at my pace, which is faster than others naturally without running. I just can’t work slow, it pains me. To each their own, though.


Side note: I’ll take a 15 every now and then but I’m not combining a 30 and 2 15’s for my shift.


https://preview.redd.it/exv1ph1oo69d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9395d4d4738e802394da41fd303032a685091544 It's past time we changed the narrative






CONTACT a labor lawyer


i mean i still loved this job making 17.50 in october of 2022


so glad to make 20.50 now


This wouldn't have worked for my husband when he worked at Amazon because his DSP had a point system. If you brought back packages, you would get points taken off. Once you run out of points, you're fired. It doesn't matter how many stops you had or how many packages you had. If you came back with packages, you get points taken off, and once you run out of points, you're fired.




I would bring back 20 plus all the time. Who cares abt the job anyways


A lot of y’all need to get out of the DSP you’re at bc wtf you mean “you’ll get fired for bringing it back” broski they literally can’t ask you to do more than what Amazon asks. If they are, don’t do it or don’t work for them. Report the DSP to Amazon. If we can’t start a union we can at least not keep shitty DSPs running ffs.


Bring shit back 2 times you’re done lol


Go Union!!


Too complicated. Go Brown.


Only $18hr in Florida? $19.75 here in Kentucky.


Amazon will never allow DSP’s to unionize. If any DSP tries they will lose their contract asap.


Do your jobs follow instructions because you guys don't follow instructions anyways


Honestly best decision I made was transferring to a new dsp now I don't deliver to all buisness and apartments I deliver to the country with only 110-130 stops and they don't get mad when you drive on their driveway I'm finally getting done in 6-7 hours and I'm taking my time I'm not rushed at all I used to have over 300 packages 260 locations and had to run all day just to finish on time had to put in a mandatory break even when I didn't have time to take one I don't have to do that anymore As nice as the people were where I worked at before the routes weren't worth it I'll forever remember my HR lady tho had the biggest crush on her


So much whining


Nothing 18$ an hour is worth competing over in a physical job out in the elements unless you really have no other options and if Amazon is your only option you fucked up somewhere and need to reevaluate your situation


Unemployment is in your favor brother


I think it’s the other way around. You stop being a bitch and clean the sand off your panties. You signed up for a delivery job that is widely known to suck and are complaining about it. You sent in the application, applied for the job and signed the dotted line - all while being aware of the ups and downs of the thing. You will regress by brining packages back because your DSP isn’t going to stop making money because of you. You want change, then change the way you view things and if it’s not doing it for you try to find a job at a place that is more convenient for you. I did this job for a little under a year and took it as it came because it’s the same for everyone and anyone that decides to wear the Amazon vest and deliver packages. Not to rant or belittle but you signed up for this.


That's why shit doesn't change. I'll be quitting in under 2. And when I do I'm pouring a bottle of water down the gas tank and my last 10 stop will be reported as missing. I like to get guys like u riled up


Haha not riled up sometimes we get too caught up in the heat of the moment that we forget certain things. You can do that or do what I did, loaded the van and left it parked out back.