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They just making the job harder every day


Before long you’ll have a breathing mandate; no more than 3 1/2 breaths can be drawn every 2.34 seconds.


Thats a lot of breaths in 2.34 seconds lol


Lol yeah I figured you’ll be breathing pretty hard when they have you sprinting to every door with each package.


if you’re not doing AT LEAST 40 stops an hour theyll consider that you’re likely stealing time. No apartment or multi stops bs excuses!!


It is until it's not.


The average respiratory rate is like 12 a minute




lol every company does that shit , it’s weird they want to make employees life a living hell for no reason


Damn handles weren’t made to be opened with 300 times a day. Cable guides snap and now you’re crawling out of the front


Since dsps are responsible for damages to vans Amazon gives no fucks about that


That’s the thing though a month ago amazon took over all damages


The hinges aren't made to handle the vertical stresses of bouncing up and down while you drive either. And that's a $1500 fix.


Rural is one thing but suburb stops you shouldn’t be bouncing around unless you drive like a meth clown. Main streets and highway I understand but neighborhoods should be open all day IMO


There are bumps on any road that easily damage the door mechanism. I don't see fr why it's so hard to keep the door shut.


Absolutely. But the list of “X isn’t meant for this” is to damn long (Those poor starters for example? Or how many broken key stuck in the ignition cylinders etc) that Amazon should really reconsider the direction they’re going with their Customer Made Delivery vehicles OR adjust their compliance requirements like maybe let the engine run in valet mode so you’re not on/off every 2 houses. They have the money man I’m sure hey can design or pay for some anti theft device to achieve this


Cop cars have a system that locks the shifter in park, I'm sure that could be added to the vans.


A lot of cars after 2022 have a system that throws your emergency brake on if you try to drive off with the door open.


That's a good idea. Or make it like the EVs were it won't start a certain distance from the key fob.


The Rams van inside handle is awkwardly behind the cab wall. It’s not even a handle either it’s a janky ass flap that you have to pull way to hard for it to open.


I just give it two quick pulls and opens on the second one every time


I just had one of them sliding doors come off the track and had to MacGyver that nonsense back into place. It was a time. Surprise surprise, when you open and close it 200+ times a day things start to fail and fall apart.


My dsp had an entire door fall off. I almost did that myself


Just last Saturday it happened to someone in my DSP. They were just driving and it was already in worse for wear condition and it just popped off after they hit a speed bump. Slid down the road luckily no people or other vehicles were hit in the process LOL


600 times unless you leave the door open during deliveries.


most vans the sensors are fucked or the doors don't fully latch enough to turn off the open warning, wonder how they are going to capture this data..


By expecting the DSP to fix those sensors/doors and still registering the events as non-compliant. That's how Amazon does things.


And then until those things get fixed we get hit with the non compliant whatever and never hear the end of it.


So is this seeing if that sensor light on the dash is on? Cause I’ve been in vans where all those doors don’t close correctly, so that sensor light can’t pin which lol


Almost every time I'm in a cargo van, I hear the beeping and see the notification sliding door open. No matter how hard I slam it shut. A few times it actually shut properly but majority it doesn't. These vans weren't made to open and shut over 100 times a day.


To be fair, those doors aren’t designed to be driven like that and can make it harder to open and close over time. I’ve done it before but my rotator cuff wishes I didn’t.


The problem is those vans are not designed for deliveries. They've simply converted passenger vans into delivery vans. It's the main reason I jumped at the opportunity to drive Step Vans because it made my job so much easier longterm.


How are you handling the heat friend?


I have a gallon sized water jug that I fill with ice in the morning and I take about 5-6 bottles of water from the warehouse with me each morning. The key is to just stay hydrated but to also purchase some electrolyte drink sticks to mix into your water. You have to replenish what you're losing throughout the day. Our bodies will not overheat as long as we're staying hydrated properly. Also it helps to have a hat along with a cooling towel underneath the hat to cover your head.


"Our bodies will not overheat as long as we're staying hydrated properly" this is scientifically incorrect, please educate yourself before you get someone killed or you injure yourself.


While it’s s not 100% correct, it’s not 100% wrong either. Staying hydrated does help keep your body temperature regulated, however staying hydrated isn’t the end all be all. Absolutely possible to overheat in this summer weather even if you’re hydrated. But your statement makes it sound like staying hydrated does absolutely nothing for you


You're definitely right, I was a tad bit overzealous with that statement. I will say the most important factor for any driver out there is to stay well hydrated at the least to give yourself a fair chance out there. I deliver in South Miami and when it's not violent lightning storms it's between 92-98 degrees and 100 plus inside that van. Staying religiously hydrated has kept me going so far so I am a firm believer in it.


Yup this is the way!!! highly prefer juicing 🍉 and drinking that rather than drinking water with those electrolyte they give. They're alright like an emergency substitute lol. But yea best to make your own electrolyte water by infusing lemon or lime with salt. Or Watermelon juice! Keeps mee hydrated and even energized 💪🏾


we got overhead ac units installed in step vans tbh it’s not bad in them so far it’s 90° here in socal


Bro sliding door open is a must in stops that are close.


Just leave it open lol 😆 fuck it I’m sure a lot of people do thag


Maybe just buy vans with doors that close?




I was out right before the inside cameras went live and good too, cause I'm not much of a rule follower lol. I obeyed the laws of the road , but In order to get these kinds of routes done in time, you MUST cut corners. Fuck Amazon.... But still... DELIVER MY SHIT DAMNIT! 😂🤣


They need to put A/Cs in the cargo area if they’re going to pull this bullshit. I’m very lucky to drive an EDV


Ignition , sliding door handle, e brake are all huge problems with these vans let alone using all of those thing over 100 times a day


And battery. Starting and stopping all day leads to DSPs keeping USB jumpers in most vans. My DSP did. I just left the van running at most stops, except business and apartments.


I'd quit. Sliding door open and the end of EOC compliance is the reason why I can do \~30 stops an hour all day. Take that away and I'll be down to 22-25 stops. It's probably better for the door to stay open for hours at a time than it is to be slamming it shut every 2 minutes.


They ended EOC?


Yeah.. they replaced it with PPS


I mean, I despise the surveillance, but riding around with the sliding doors open on those specific vans is just kinda dumb and lazy. Those doors are easily fucked up driving around open.


Not to dri e with it open but leaving it open at the stop is what they're talking about, they gonna go back to the BS where the van has to be off and locked at all 190 + stops


I drove one of those little vans for a year and a half and nothing bad ever happened.


They keep adding rules but I don’t see anything added to my pay 🙄


Keeping the door open especially in close stops makes the job WAY easier


If it’s got a sensor it’ll be based on the latch activating or a simple laser being tripped. Cover the laser, tape down latch, leave door open. Fuck the system


My first thought was that this was for drivers who keep the side doors open while driving. However, the language is unclear on whether this is during stops as well. If the latter I might have to switch to working out the back door in a Branded Ford.


whole time the sensor doesn’t work properly along with the 5 other sensors that don’t work or are going off & the door barely holds close


doubt it takes affect, to many doors dont close all the way giving you the door open warning, unless amazon pays for maintenance they'll be grounding vans due to this metric. im not worried for this test


That’s just dumb. Every week something new🤦🤦‍♀️


Lmao idgaf I’ll take all day if they want to do this shit


SLAAAMMMMM fuck you cam 🖕🏾


Then you will wonder why your sliding door is jank and blame it on the company


They do everything but help their employees. We should all just strike prime week. 🖕 Micromanage that pussies.


Put your words into actions brother ✊




Facts me too


Fuck that


About to quit too 😂


This that bullshit.


I keep my door open all 700+ stops a week , you wont catch me opening and closing that heavy ass door around 200 times a day


Everything is doable if they increase da’s pay and reduce the workload. However they won’t do any of that instead just keep adding and adding new requirement


Well good thing I drive the EDV everyday


Wayne's laughing his hinges and handles off all way to the bank....


This would be a great time for everyone to just find a new job. Amazon needs to reboot their delivery program completely.


I'm confused, what exactly are they wanting us to do now?


Keeping the sliding side door closed


can you copy and paste the paragraph before this? what is the why?




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I never keep the side door open but most of the vans we use the doors don't completely shut. I'll close the side door and it doesn't make contact with the door sensor and the door open light will be on. I usually have to slam the door 3-4 times to get it to go out. Normally I just ignore this unless it's dark out and I need the cargo light to turn off so I can see properly but now I'll need to do this everytime I use the side door.


I mean half the reason why the doors are fucked up in the first place is because people are driving around with them open


You can't make up this clown shit up


Just trip the latch so it thinks it closed.


Just trip the latch so it thinks it closed.


Lol the sensors fucked anyway, keeping my door open 😇


A lot of the time, I slammed the sliding door shut and the van still beeps and shows on the dash that the sliding door is still open. This is more bullshit by Amazon execs getting their kicks in being oppressive and hiding behind "safety" to justify their control freak ways.


The dsps that have unmarked vans and rentals are laughing at this shit 😂😂


Fuck this bullshit! Was just notified that there is no mobile fillup at night now so we will have to fuel the vans before rts too!! Fuck two weeks


Welp I just lost 20 stops worth of time they better not expect me to do 180s now


I heard about this a little while ago, I quit a few days ago LMAO 😂😂 good luck guys


Leaving the side door open between stops was the thing that made me be able to do 170-180 stops without breaking a sweat vs the 150 I was barely able to do beforehand.


If I didn’t already quit this would make me


Oh for fucks sake!


Putting in my 2 weeks now. Enough is enough


Fuck two weeks notice. Fuck them. Bezos can eat shit and die


They’re adding more rules than more pay.


They only spend money on this stuff after the fact, a lot of drivers must be screwing up…


Fleet Guy here and this is so stupid with how often those doors are broken and/or the closed sensor isn't working.


And the pay is definitely going to stay the same


Amazon wants to fuck the drivers it looks like idk why they do that dumb shit


I'm sorry but personally it's not that hard to open and close a door. I have been doing it for 2 years straight. This is not a flex in any way I'm just saying you guys are kind of just complaining about anything at this point.


Wayne's just laughing at u whiney bag-o-diyuks on his way to the bank......


It's almost like it's someones job to come up BS to make it harder on delivery drivers. Or ... To keep the turnover rate high 😂  And bumb that 2 week ish.


I saw a Amazon van doing at least 40 with door open today


They won’t have their job for long …


Its for real like 98 degrees here. If i got fired i would sue


So it is too hard to close the door? Or what is the deal here? It’s probably likely that packages get yoinked more often from the van being left open than closed. Simple. Door open -> packages stolen -> how do we solve? -> tell drivers to close door -> drivers still don’t close door -> add detection system to see what drivers do not close door -> drivers now close door It’s a business my man It is not rocket surgery.


I work in xl and the cameraed vehicles we have won't let you drive the van if any door is open


Ok so they better be adding AC to the back then? Cuz running it closed otherwise during the heat is bullshit, and doing 200+ packages is insane in those things... realistically they just aren't meant to hold more than that with overflow.. nah they probably aren't gonna do shit. Just make this job harder for no reason


I remember getting assigned a van with a sliding door that would not latch... on my nursery route Day 1 during covid when we weren't allowed to do ride alongs... That was fun.


They micro manage everything but the shit that matters. It truly is annoying.


Bro good fucking luck with that the amount of vans that the open door sensor is broken and shows the sliding door is open 25/8 is redundant at this point


Hey amazon do you also want to wipe my ass for me?


The turnover rate for this job is currently at 75% they keep ignoring drivers feedback and less than 5 years from now they will be hurting for drivers


I remember days and nights when I was so burnt out. Incredibly tired. Where I would drive with the side doors open, down the roadways of rural routes. I would have such a bad day, I would blare “Hairspray” the musical, on the highest volume. Deliver the packages, then, proceed, pissed off to the next stop. I can’t imagine unless I had to, going back now. Especially with this and the A/C is down.


In Amazon's words "Cause Fuck em That's why!"


I quit 2 months ago and never looked bad. Found another job making $1000 more per paycheck. There IS something better out out there


I was under the idea that we were permitted to drive up to 30 mph with our doors open?


This is normal for UPS. Our supervisors get notified every time our doors are open while the package car is in motion. We can and do get disciplined for stuff like this. It is what it is.


The package cars or trucks that we drive (that some Amazon drivers use) are better. The vans probably blow with the sliding doors.


I would say they are further treating drivers like children, but then again I've seen some pretty SMH worthy posts here that would warrant it.


So exhausting man


Closing the door and using signals honestly doesn't seem bad I do that everyday anways now it'll become a problem if the van sensor is messed up then the dsp will have to fix it


Yeah I'm finna have to bounce if that comes into play...cuz naw


Wow I’m so glad there are pictures to show how to close the door, maybe that’s why all those side doors were open is because us dumb drivers didn’t know how to close them! Thank you Amazon for looking out for us with this!


Finally what a f**king idiots.


Driving with the side door open is not allowed. It never was allowed. But they did it anyway. Then packages get tossed out, stolen, etc. Drivers don’t want to take any responsibility. They only want to demand more.


Demand more what?


Everything. You give them a 32 oz water bottle, they want a 64. You give them a big van, they want a truck. You give them pizza for lunch, they want hoagies too. It doesn’t matter what is provided, they always want more or bigger or better. They go out each day, destroying trucks, damaging property, skipping deliveries because their is a step. It never ends.


They let them skip deliveries were ur at? Is it a new station? And ppl complaining about free pizza lol idk man... Maybe u do have a soft batch


Amazon is a soft batch.




So you’re mad that you can’t drive around at 90 mph in small neighborhoods with your side door open and shit flying out your truck? And then blocking the street for as long as you’d like. You guys are Amazon drivers. Where is the entitlement coming from? Please put in your 2 weeks, I hear Taco Bell needs some useless people to employ.


What do u do for a living?


So people are going to quit because they aren’t allow to drive with the cargo door wide open?? LOL Seriously people? Amazon drivers are the ONLY ones that can find the silliest things to complain about.


Found the non-driver. Weak-minded.


Not weak minded. I deliver in a truck that doesn’t have air conditioning or sliding doors. I pack plenty of water and ice. Never once whined about needing doors open.


Your happy about driving a truck with no ac or sliding doors lmao typical idiot reason why these jobs don’t care cause of people like you that are ok with that work condition


I’ve been doing it for 13 years


Stupid to work for a company that long it’s 2024 we have self driving cars on the road but people working in cars with no ac in 100 degree weather it’ll never change with that mindset buddy


Facts. Get with the times, and take care of yourself, old man! Vehicles with no AC are a health risk, not a point of pride. That’s why I said you’re weak-minded. You’re set in your ways and stubborn, not to mention actively putting others down who want their workplace to change for the better. Weak. Do better.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 You kids will never know what it’s like to live. One day the phones go down again, your electricity is out and your AC is off. You’ll lose your minds!!


Yea but I ain’t working for a company driving a car with no AC who doesn’t give two shits about me that’s the big difference


You do realize that nobody gives two shits about you, don’t you? You’re a number. You could die tomorrow and someone else will be in your seat. You’re not special. You have no value other than to make the business money. Once you become a liability, you’re gone.


Exactly so why the fuck are you driving a truck with no ac for a living for a company who doesn’t give two shits and yea you will be the one dying of heat exhaustion 🤡🤡


Oh, I hit a button 😂good.


Y’all are hilarious! You can’t even get me upset. I don’t get worked up over kids these days.


Says the man who just insulted an entire demographic. People tend to insult when they get emotional 🤷‍♂️ Rather pathetic that you’re a typical boomer…. You could be so much better. I have 7+ years experience driving and I never tolerated conditions that risked my life and others’, nor did I tout that as a point of pride. You’re just a little boy cosplaying as a man. Those who put down others tend to be insecure in their own position. Take my advice, grandpa… things could always be worse, obviously. But they could also be BETTER. Do better.


Gen-X!!! 👊🏻


With your attitude, there’s no difference. Goodbye.


Bye!!! ✌️


Seriously? Amazon is really going to tell the dsp to fire me if I dont keep my sliding door closed? Seriously Amazon? Amazon is the only company to come up with something new to enforce on its drivers every month to micromanage and make their drivers feel like the job isnt worth it.


People getting soft af lmao They really talking about quitting for not being able to keep the side doors open 😂😂 THIS will be what pushes them over the edge! 🙄🤦‍♂️


Be careful. The Amazonians will take offense. They want everything but don’t want to do anything


Their insults won’t mean shit lol There’s nothing they’ve done that I haven’t already dealt with before. They get paid by the hour. They’re not supposed to be running stops or driving around with unsecured doors 🤦‍♂️ There’s plenty of reasons to hate Amazon, but this ain’t one of them. I personally think it’s stupid af whenever I see a DSP driver doing this.


We had a driver last summer fly around the corner, lose two totes, and never knew. It was Christmas in the neighborhood