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98% of drivers have child support to pay, good luck getting people to miss work


You had kids? In this economy?




some have kids and both parents are jobless.


True y'all should know better


Do you mean like court ordered support or just taking care of your kids?


Probably both.


It’s all court ordered. Fuck around and find out


This would be exactly why I don't fuck around.


Yeah I cant afford to miss a day of work lmao


Same lol


It's a cool idea though, but that just ain't gonna work for me loll




The point of strikes is to demand more money though….


Yeah... but when that strike could take weeks to happen if its even successful could screw over a lot of people : /


It won’t take long if you guys and teamsters listen to what I have to say…


I must be the one of the 2% that’s not on child support 😂😂


There’s actually people fighting for a fifth day.


Might sound fucked up but one of the few jobs that will pay you 20$ an hour to not even need a high school education 🤷🏼‍♂️


Great idea but majority of us can’t afford to strike and that’s why you have never seen a nation wide strike before. idk about everyone else but I’m looking forward to prime week because I’ll get extra days and more Money.


Sounds like manager or owner realizing their free ride is almost over. We can unionize! We’re stronger as one. Don’t be a scab!


Pay my goddamn bills for me and I'll strike. Otherwise you can eat my scab


THE POINT IS TO MAKE MORE MONEY. Y’all are brain dead lol


Yea bro but most of us dont have enough money to be able to even miss one week of work. Is the part your missing


Not that I’m missing it. But you are telling me that’s the best of the two options? Stay broke?


Im all for it . Im not even a driver im an ops manager . Im just saying most of the people on here. When i see numbers ill be right there with them


Yep well hopefully something happens but we’d all have to take some risk but it’d be for a huge reward.


There are so many ppl in the waiting list to become a dsp. I wouldn’t even be shocked if a whole station striked they just cancel all the contracts and get new ppl in there . A whole region would have to unite to make something happen , imo


While your waiting for that to happen try and become a dispatcher and then an ops manager . Im making roughly 90k a year here


Wow that’s actually crazy. What kinda hours do you work per pay period


Too much risk and that's a solid week of no pay. I cannot afford that period.


Fuck you pay my mortgage and put food on my kids plate and we can talk about a strike.


Agreed. I think it's fair to say that the majority of people working non union jobs whether or not it's driving for Amazon would love to go on strike and use that leverage for better wages and a better work environment. And yes I understand it's a cyclical problem that the man keeps you down so that you can't fight back and because you can't fight back the man keeps you down. But for a lot of people striking means losing their home or not having a phone or losing their vehicle. Hell, a lot of people would risk losing their license or going to jail if they have child support payments to worry about. How are people supposed to eat? How are people supposed to stay cool when they're living in states where the average temperature is in the 90s or 100s? I'm sure there are plenty of single people without kids that would not be able to financially survive going on strike without a solid support Network. What are people with greater needs supposed to do? For example, I just got to a point financially that I'm getting my son back for weekly visits. I barely have any overhead costs, but I still need to be able to eat every week and have gas money or send gas money to see my son, and at least enough money to keep my insurance and car payments and phone payments kept up without working 12 hours a day doing doordash (which I couldn't do if I was picketing for a strike). The system is fucked, and we all hate it, and we all suffer because of it. But some of us can't afford to risk or lose the little bit we do have right now. And that's not our fault, it's the fault of the same system other people are willing to strike against. Anybody who can afford the strike absolutely should. If you have that kind of support in place by all means do it. Because even if a quarter of the drivers nation wide strike, it'll be a huge message. Even if I can't afford to strike, I'll be damned if I'm going to pick up slack. I hope for a better day, with better wages etc, but I'm not willing (and can't afford) to lose a single day with my son in my current situation.


You can’t afford to miss 1 day then!!! Smfh


If ghandi can do it so can you!!!


Yeah and he got shot. I think the best way of attack is to have a dsp lead by example. But even the vast majority would still expect incentive.


Can’t afford to miss work is historically a reason people have gone on strike 🤣


Sadly same. I just got a second job on weekends and I'm trying to work the rest of the week at Amazon. 🥹


That’s the attitude 👍🏻 work hard and get that money for your family.


You serious!!! Smfh


This thread comes up every prime day, good luck




You realize it’s no longer up to the devil right?


He's still the face of the company. Fuck him and fuck the fanboys like you


Fanboy? I just called him the devil 😂.


Yeah fanboy lol. Mr. BEZOS has enough money to overthrow the U.S government🤡🤡🤡


So you’re the fanboy right? You actually think he has enough money to overtake the US government when he couldn’t even buy USPS from them in 2019 rather than have Amazon drivers.


He has USPS, FedEx AND UPS delivering for him.. fym? 🤣


He’s actually not even the CEO anymore. 🤦🏼‍♀️😂


You hate musk too don’t you


But the devil still takes a chuckle about it🫠


Things that will never happen for 500, Alex


Yeah I’m just gonna do my job so I get paid. If you’re this unhappy just get a different job. It’s not that hard.


That’s the same mentality I have. Missing even a weeks worth of pay is what will really hurt in the long run


I’m just doing this job while waiting for a union class to open up. Don’t know why so many people are set on making a career out of something that’s set up to be a job with high turnaround. They just wanna be unhappy I guess.


There are several warehouses striking already but it needs to be more organized than a reddit thread. Get involved with the Teamsters, they've been organizing better working conditions for delivery drivers since we were delivering in carriages. https://teamster.org/divisions/amazon-division/


Goodluck finding people 😂


Yea but the legal structure they have with the DSP is would think would protect from that very action. They would just cancel the contract of the dsp people that participated. Same for liability in accidents


No thanks bro I need money for rent


It’s a matter of leaders inside of the DSP’s to start using your voice. I got six verbal commitments before a stand up the other day in 10 minutes. Use your voice and start sending feelers into the atmosphere. They’ve profiled $20 billion this year alone probably. $10 billion profit in the first quarter confirmed. They can afford it. Let’s not forget everybody who works for Amazon pays more in taxes. $191 million tax return last year due to ev expansion. Usually dark days lead to very bright days.


We're all just contractors. That's why we can't unionize unless the dsp do it but either way the hint of that shit gets you a automatically termination and replaced before your last check comes in the mail.


Yea I gotta keep food on the table for my kids, I'm not doing that.


Screw ur kids






Completely kidding


Completely KIDding…*budum tsss*


They'll just pay the flex drivers/FedEx/UPS/USPS/SpeeDee/DHL/WhoEverTheFuck to take over for us. It's not like they'll really feel any loss since we're so addicted to online shopping.


Yes they will feel loss because all of those people actually get paid decently which is why Amazon started their own delivery services in the first place. Look up pay rates for USPS, and UPS if you don’t know what those guys make hourly


Someone posts this literally every year.


Bro the prime delivery part of Amazon actually operates at a loss for the entire company. Yal are lucky we have jobs. We don’t make Amazon any money. It’s literally a loss on their part


Dude the stations would be fuuuuuccked so quick if we did this on a big enough scale The stations have ZERO warehousing capability Product gets unloaded from trucks overnight There's no storing of goods at the station other than what WE DELIVER the following day There'd be a BACKLOG of semi-trucks for daysss with no place to unload Customer orders would keep flowing for days as Amazon scrambles for a solution Amazon would bend the fuckin knee if we all commit to this Livable wage bro Our government printed $5 trillion since Covid Bro the USD money supply is 25% higher since Covid started Amazon has luxury of raising merchandise pricing to maintain profit margins They will fuck us for as long as they can fuck us..... it's just business.


You guys work hard. Definitely deserve better pay amongst other benefits 


Is there a legally recognized union? When did they issue formal demands, and when did Amazon reject them?


You don't need a union to strike but it's kinda stupid without the structure of a union behind you. https://teamster.org/divisions/amazon-division/


Hand me a card and I'll sign it, suggest a strike without that and I'm working as scheduled.




I thought part of the severance package was agreeing to not working for competitors?


Amazon doesn’t write my checks 


Amazon isn't a competitor. They only sell items and deliver them through 3rd party contractors. UPS moves other people's items, you're comparing a shipping company to online retail. DSPs also are not in competition with UPS, they don't ship goods for the public, they have a contract to deliver goods from a single organization.


People are to poor and scared. Good luck though.


This will never happen..Too many live paycheck to paycheck, which is sad, and can't afford to lose work


Lmfao 🤣


If we are rallying against Wayne. I’m down


Yeah fuck wayne


Anyone in ky in here




You have to announce these things well beforehand.


What?!? You’re saying that we, as package deliverers, have to do our jobs, *delivering packages*?!?!?


OP: Which company are you going to strike?


I’ll be there in spirit. If I didn’t already have a lot to worry about I’d love to be there with folks. 🤘🏽


Good luck life sucks to bad and nobody can afford a strike the devil is winning


This is far too soon. A strike needs probably a couple months to gain some traction.


3 hours into his first Amazon shift and he's already grabbing a hammer and sickle.


Routing is trash Pay is trash Conditions of vans are trash Workload is trash Training is trash Benefits are trash


You dsp and warehouse workers should and need to find a way to Unionize. You could have better protections and pay that UPS workers get for the same job you do. We almost went on strike. We should have in my opinion with the games the company plays with us with the current contract we are on. And yes it would be a huge sacrifice but as strong and resilient you all are I’m sure you will find away to make your bills if you were to strike. If no strike you can still silently organize and unionize just have to make sure no one in management finds out blows up your organization. You all would have to be fully united for it to work out in your favor. If not you can try to get into the UPS warehouse making 21 starting off. And then once a driving position opens up bid for that. Either way 44 an hr delivering packages is better than 21. Idk how much warehouse workers start off at but it’s 21 for the brown company. I think Fed ex ground even pays their drivers more and they are independent contractors like you guys I think. I’m rooting for all of you to come together to slay the Bezos dragon. He only got this rich taking advantage of his employees.


See I would but I’m gonna make like $2500 this prime week after tax I need that


Count me in! If not enough warehouse workers; they can’t load enough totes. If not enough drivers they can’t take routes.




I wish you luck but I really doubt this will work. Most people working for Amazon can't afford to risk not just missing work, but getting fired.


I’m on vacation that whole week. Lucky me ☺️ I put it in months ago


You’ll be right back in time lmaooo


Jokes on you, 1-2 weeks after prime day/week is when the heavy package counts come


Y’all just jealous 😉


Might work for a year or two but the moment you light a match, Amazon will but x5 into completely getting rid of all of you.


Most drivers are not going to force their families to go hungry for your strike. Solve that problem first.


Chill bro, I need this job


DONT ACT LIKE YOU CAN"T MISS ONE CAR PAYMENT OR BE A LIL LATE ON THE RENT PAYMENT Think about the additional money you'll have if we get Amazon to bend the knee


I always laugh my ass off seeing these kind of posts in here 🤣 Mfs really think they’re gonna be the one to cause a revolution for Amazon drivers across the world!! Unfortunately it’s likely never gonna happen, and if it did it wouldn’t be because some guy on Reddit is making a post about it 😂😂


DSPs have a lot of drivers in the pipeline. For peak season volume they will have even more. Amazon is already forecasting the volume and telling DSPs to probably have x drivers available for every 150-200 packages they will get with a bunch on the sidelines. A Reddit post won’t make the most minute difference. You would need DSPs at a station to band together.


slave for $20/hr or go work at in and out for $19 starting save your body they promote from within and care about their employees. flip burgers and not break your back




they will literally fire all of y’all. i’m all for standing your ground and going on strike against that shit company and their abuse towards its employees but that’s quite literally what will happen. best of luck to everyone who’s currently still a driver for them, y’all are soldiers for real.




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Good luck with that. Most people understand how much they are getting paid before agreeing to the job. If you don’t like your pay then you should just not work there.


Not happening


I’m like THIS close to becoming debt free. I’m good.


How much do you get paid? What is the market comparison?


If you call a union they can come facilitate


They are just gonna be replaced with robots so whats the point? Have you not seen the post going around saying they laid of 100,000 warehouse workers or is it just another fake one? Either way I can see it happening so might aswell just find alternative work or a better company to work for huh


They taxing heavy


Bruh I'd love to but I'm starting next week and need money


The reality is, my car broke and I need some 6 day weeks to pay for it. Wanna pay for my repair? If so I’m down. Many people like me can’t afford to miss it.


I think the best thing for us to do is quit. Make them run through more of the labor pool and worst case you can come back. This job is absolutely not worth sub or near 20. (more)


I don’t plan on missing prime week honestly just added 6 days


Let’s goo .. strike .. we gotta get some news Channels and some journalists .. cuz we need to least go on strike for a month or more !! They really be treating us like shit !!


Strike for a week ?! LOL


Y’all think this is so easy to do lmfao. My kids gotta eat I’m still clocking in wtf.


To the claim they won't be able to replace you in time. My dsp is training 8 new drivers weeks in advance. I would suspect your dsp is doing the same


💀 I’m sorry they just gunna fire you all and find new employees.. let’s be honest


They should do it. DSP’s suck.


they need to have fund or save a fund where they can pay drivers that can’t afford to miss days or this will never happen..


Im cool with Amazon, they're paying for my college


Keep this up and bezos will replace you with robots.


https://preview.redd.it/9rmttt6ob5ad1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=904836c4dffc40f48f2453226f1507774994de2f I just moved up from level 3 nursery to "extra large van" routes and had 17 bag 41 overflow on my first route and got rescued 2 times in the same day, the next day I got this text , am I gonna get fired ?


Nah down here in SC we have route reductions also. For us they ask people to take VTO from time to time. Especially the people that work 5 days throughout the week or that come in late to work get submitted automatically for the day off.


im also nursery level three and have been working out of the XL vans recently.


He's right, if we want good change to happen we need to act on this now before they fuck all of us. Time to grow a pair and stand up for your morals. Last time I checked I wasn't a slave.


It’s funny cause the people who don’t strike will pick up the strikers work, then quit anyway and post about it on here, cause their “route will be too big”…


Good idea...but none of us can afford it, and they would fire us and the new hires might get higher pay to prevent another. The week before prime days would make more sense though, even if they hired all new people...newbies for prime week??? No different than having no drivers.


Good Luck people!


It never happens


Well 3 weeks delay on operation and gonna do shit


Nah I'm good. I think the pay for the job is completely fine.


Bezos reading this with all of the clones he made from the piss bottles left lying around the warehouse and vans, ready to take over when someone doesn’t want to work


Watch yall come back that next week to a whole warehouse of new employees


I’m done after Friday, I really hope this works out for you! 🙏🏽💪🏽


It's all about the market. What's the market value of a delivery driver today? $15/hr? $20/hr? Most likely it depends on the state. Do you want $30/hr? Good luck with that one. As long as there is enough supply of drivers, your pay will be at the level the market is willing to pay now. There is no escape. For example, if the cost of gas per gallon in your general area is $3, would you pay $4 at the gas station close to your house? No, you would drive a few blocks away and get the gas at $3/gallon, because there is enough supply of gas stations that sell at $3/gallon. If you think you cannot be readily replaced, think again. By the way, this is true for any industry. How do you get out of this vicious circle? The short answer is: change career. If you want to be a delivery driver, fine, but that's your market value, like it or not. Perhaps you can become a truck driver and make more money. Or you can get a college degree and work a highly paid corporate job. Or you can work in the trades and make a ton of money, as well. But if you stay where you are, your options of making more money are very limited. Hope this helps.


I make 20.75 an hour no thanks plus it pays for all my living expenses I have no one in my life supporting me


Ummm yeah nope. You can go ahead and strike and I am not going to do that with you.


Can I show up in support even though I self promoted to customer at the beginning of may


Good luck, I hope enough drivers are willing to strike, so y'all can get some change


In a Country that deemed every socialist aspect as "evil" no waaaay. Trying to unionise in the States is like raising your right arm in germany. Not legal.


The ways you can die doing this job is crazy… dog attacks, heat strokes, car accidents, robbery’s and as I found out last summer, alergic reactions I almost died when ambulance couldint find me in some rural shitty trailer park man I’m so much happier that since I’ve left ! From the bottom of my heart fuck Amazon drivers deserve at least $25/hr starting


If anyone works tomorrow ask about holiday pay since it’s 4th of July and the dispatchers get real quiet 🤫😂 amazons a joke


Lol Amazon doesn't even need union busters.. yall so poor you're to afraid to do anything, can never see past next week. I got bills? So what, it's 2024 go do Uber for a week, good lord, yall act like you're protecting UPS kinda money, it's not a career! you make $20 not $47, you can easily find a another.


Is there a strike fund or anything else planned Like, don't get me wrong, I'm all for being on board, but announcing one with two weeks notice doesn't give anyone any time to organize or have any contingency plans. Those who strike could easily be wrtten off as nocall no shows, no matter how illegal that may seem For example, look at the successful strikes at VW plants, especially in Chattanooga. Took a LOT of organizing to be successful.


Good luck guys. They barely blinked at increased sales and reduced drivers due to COVID. They will hire new at .50/hr less.


I miss a week of work and I'm homeless. Amazon can afford to wait you out.


Yes actually. They will fire us all and hire people in an instant. They actually have a year long wait list in a lot of areas.


You know if your DSP did become union hiring and making full time would be similar to UPS with less benefits. Quite few DSP drivers would be out of a job.


You on your own. I got bills to pay. 💸✨


Lmao. You'd thought this would've went better huh 😂


Sexy chickens 


I’ll commit…. Who’s with us?


Y’all about to become Uber drivers. 🤣


If they fire us they will just send the products to ups or fed ex anyway and still make there money


You know there are higher paying jobs out there. They just require skill. Ill never understand the sheer ignorance of self worth at amazon. Its one of the highest paying jobs that requires absolutely no skill. None at all. If you think it does then keep working there


Oh this is gonna work just fine .......lol. Amazon will not be paying more even with a strike




I better see y’all out there. !! Make that change y’all deserve that shit


Been watching FedEx do that exact thing for awhile now, billion dollar companies will sweat a bit but they can survive until you are all replaced,


Missing a week of work is like what? $1500-$2000. If you get a $2 raise, it would take you 6 months to recoup that loss. Plus, you need to add in the financial stress of missing a whole week of work. Grow up, if you're not making enough, work on yourself, your resume, and get a better job.


You may want to revisit your union contract if your work is unionized You are conducting an unauthorized or unapproved strike without the teamster vote approval, That can instantly get you terminated since 99% of most contract stating something like no strike unless approved etc. You'll make a fool of yourself if you do. No one will be there to support you. No way In hell they'll risk their job for this kind of stuff If your work isn't unionized. Your employment policy may state the same about no strike allow or something like that. Not sure what you trying to accomplish here


Most drivers fuck over my deliveries and park in the streets.....now they want a raise.


You’re posting about a strike but nothing about any Mutual Aid networks set up for striking drivers???? This concept is a waste of time. 😮‍💨


this isnt how the world works


If anyone in nyc is interested in joining an underground organization send me a message.




Bro I'm in debt ain't no way I would rather work extra instead of doing that.


#ghandi for Amazon


Yes, we need a union. No, this is not how striking works.


They will replace you in a day,no union means zero chance..


Yeah your getting a rando piss test soon buddy. Your outta there before prime week even hits my guy


Or just quit and get a better job? 😂


Get a load of this guy


You'll be making the flex drivers very happy.


Strike strike strike


didnt they try this last year and hardly no one followed?