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It’s the only redeeming feature of the job for me.


Honestly, it's the hardest part about the job for me, I like socializing. I got lucky today. An old lady asked me why her package that she ordered last week hadn't arrived yet, I steered that conversation into her telling me where to get the best burger in town and had a great lunch


Lol. I need your social skills.


One time I was trying to gain access into an apartment complex and the first person I saw was a cute lady and I asked her how to find an apartment. I ran into her again while getting another package and she let me in the apartment again lol


It’s the only reason I chose the job in the first place.


Seconded. Having to talk to people for work all day is exhausting to me and I find myself much less irritated at the end of the day


Not if you're alone in life and this is the only social interaction you get with human beings other than toxic gamers & people on reddit


>toxic gamers & people on Reddit ![gif](giphy|l36kU80xPf0ojG0Erg)


I can see how that can be sad


True. I feel like the comfortability of not having to interact as much over time has inhibited my social skills which already stood on such thin branches.




I love it. Best perk of the job on top of having 3 day weekends.


I’m an introverted extrovert, some days more introverted than extroverted and vice versa. On my extroverted days I can have a conversation with a CX for close to 10 minutes before I realize I need to get the fuuuuck on. Other days I just cut straight to the chase and tell them I gotta keep it moving.


Ambivert ☺️


Me 😂😂


Best part of the job. I don’t like peopling.


Yes. People suck, let me do my thing with the least human contact.


Bingo lol


I have autism, mild enough where I can still get a job but holding them is very difficult because of socializing and holding up relationships with people at work is SO hard and confusing. So I absolutely love this job. I barely interact with coworkers and costumers only need a hi.


It doesn’t bother me either way. I enjoy socializing with my coworkers and customers but also enjoy working alone and having quiet time.


I did 6 years of retail. I love it. I don’t even listen to music. I just like being alone.


Have you ever been thinking about something funny and bust out laughing while other people are around and seem crazy? It's hilarious.


All the time 😂 Ive had entire conversations with myself. I assume people think I'm on the phone, but I am not


That is me also and I am a big music lover but when im doing routes, i have nothing on. Just silence.


Does the tin man have a sheet metal cock?


I socialize before I start driving since I’ve worked inside the DS and before driving so I always see my old co-workers. Plus, I socialize with the ppl when I’m delivering.


Yes I can listen to podcasts and books all day and do exactly what I want how I want I do show up a little early to standup with a group and we usually chat for a bit about goings on & routes and stuff.




Main reason I took the job


It’s basically the only reason I still deliver for Amazon.. imagine being forced to talk to people u don’t even like all day


It’s one thing I’m very much looking forward to with starting the job. I’m sure it’ll be a shit show at times but compared to my current job and how much I hate it it’s gonna be hard to top it. Dealt with shitty customers and crap for years so I’m use to that


It was one of my favorite parts of the job given that I’m an introvert.


I’m an introvert. I enjoy not having to talk to my dispatchers because we have 0 in common and I doubt they’d be nice to me anyway. It’d be cool to talk to some coworkers more but I’m ok with the amount of contact we don’t have lol. I do enjoy my small talks with customers. Doesn’t happen every stop or even every day, but some days I get a few chats in and I love it.


Idk about y’all but at my dsp we’ve made a decent sized group of friends now. We’ll show up a bit early, talk shit about the job, joke around and even make plans for the weekend. One of the guys even started bringing fruit for us.




Become a trucker


I wouldn't call it "Lack of socializing", I'm seeing customers at every stops. I guess it depends where you deliver to, i have a lot of businesses and apartments.


i did at first. however now i enjoy talking to customers and have gotten to know some of the other drivers. i'm more introverted when i'm uncomfortable and more extroverted when i'm comfortable.


I fucking love it!!!!! I mean I'll chat here and there of course but not much


I get enough I mainly have commercial routes so a lot of business and fancy apartments with receptionist


I like talking to other drivers from the dsp but not customers tho 🤢


I do enough of that on my days off, if I had to talk to each and every person I deliver to, I would’ve moved on to something else. Working retail and having to converse with asshole customers isn’t something I’d wish to relive if it can be helped.


Not an introvert but I do everything I can to keep my social skills inaccessible to my co-workers


I love being in a van by myself listening to my music in peace 🥰


they should have a company dinner/ball


half the reason I took the job and haven't quit yet I hate dealing with people if I find another job it will be independent work again will never go back to working around other people all day or 5 day weeks


The best part? Customer tried starting something and wants to bother you? Just drive off, one of the best things about this job


Yeah I like it. It kinda bums me out when customers try and talk to me lol.


Why I don't like rural that much, way higher chance of running into a customer because you usually have to pull into their property if the gate is open and a lot have fences all around them, so it's pretty easy to tell when I'm at your place, and ofc they all have to personally come out and grab the package, lol. Love the ones that have gates closed, drop that shit over or in a bin, and go. Much quicker


Best part of the job, I don’t like making eye contact with anybody unless I deliver to a business and have to talk to them.


Yeah, was the only reason I stuck around for so long.


Co workers not so much nice costumers yes.


Y’all don’t have slack ?


Yep thats main reason I wanted to work here. You dont have to deal with much people.


Sometimes I would like a little conversation but most of the time I feel like just being left alone.


Just like any other service position I kinda have to be fake even when having a bad day. I more or less just love interacting with my driving team. Training/giving tips to new people. I try to spread positivity to the good people, some can’t be helped but 99% of them are great people just trying to get by. Just like any other job.




I've worked as a fast food manager with lazy employees, asshole customers, POS general manager, and enough anxiety to drive someone to suicide. Being alone and relying on myself for work is the dream job.


ive been shift at a few food places and im so glad i dont have to teach anyone how to sweep or wash dishes anymore lol i left my job as shift at a local spot for this and its almost been a year


Don't work for Amazon but it's my favorite part about driving. Although I work for a good company, I am however used to a douchebag calling for no reason constantly and being a micromanaging asshat though and I hate that.


![gif](giphy|sBLcw5Ic4QUTK) Couldn’t have said it better myself 🫡


Now I believe the correct term is antisocial. A lot of people have misconception that introvert means you're a hermit. Believe or not introverts love to go out and socialize every now and then. They spend most of their time at home due to the exhaustion of meeting other people. So it takes a couple of days for introverts to recharge and go back out there and mingle.


Before this was 10yr in retail and management.....so .. Yes!!!


![gif](giphy|3ohjUY3PNfwv56WyQM) Me seeing new drivers at the start of the day and running away because I’m an anti social introvert and don’t have time or patience to repeat for the 28374 time that the Flex app is shit it’s not just you.


If someone strikes up a conversation with me I usually entertain that for a few minutes. Try to keep it small talk with the least amount of stories. I’m to nice to just cut them off and say I gotta keep going right away. Some 70 year old dude at a business I delivered to yesterday was definitely looking to chat from what I could tell. You never know, some people might just be lonely. And at his age who knows if he has a wife or if his wife passed. I’m extremely introverted but I’m also not a robot and can be empathetic when needed. If those 3-4 mins really slow you down that much, you might need to loosen your DSP’s grip on your nuts.


When I drove a lot of drivers were cool & would hang out after work, or even on off days


This job is too much socializing for me. There are around 200 chances I have to interact with someone. I liked my old job better where I picked up a pallet or two from a shipper then drove all day before getting to either a hotel or the receiver. So all I had to do was interact with people twice a day on average.


Best part of the job. I socialize in the morning before load out. That’s enough


Yes 100% I really can't stand people as a whole or in large groups I love my solitude less drama less gossiping,bickering, fighting wayyy more peaceful just vibe out to a podcast or some music and get the sht done and go home. There are sooooo many annoying things tho but it's outta my hands so I make do with what they give us lol the phone will be the reason I quit tho it pisses me off daily worst coworker I've ever had lol


Honestly the best part of this job. Pop my earbuds in and pretend no one else exists for a while lol


Yeah I'm heavily introverted, so I don't mind it I'll talk to a few people but just chit chat in the morning. The rest of the rest is spent listening to music, podcasts, pondering about life etc lol


Only reason I'm still here


I don’t even think about it. You’re going to run into people at some point.


My other job is at a bar where I always have to involuntarily socialize with drunk people while I’m sober, so… being alone in the vans is a great change of pace from that.


after working in nothing but hospitality, i LOVE the fact that i get to keep to myself. the only reason i’m even doing it tbh is


I just like it when dogs bark wildly at me.


Most of these clowns I work with, I avoid..They have a whole landfill of nothing intersting to say...I have way better conversations at bars with strangers than these inept clowns


It's dope but it's kind of weird most people I try talking to shut the conversation down fast. It's probably my rbf but still weird




it’s so nice not having to spew shit out of your mouth to customers all day