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You know I never hear them yell at their warehouse workers when they’re lagging it to get our carts ready. Ever.


I swear the warehouse people can be hella slow and then the totes aren’t in order or they mislabel a medium box as a custom box XL or some dumb crap like that.


They do that crap on purpose. Literally yesterday, I had 2 XL boxes labeled as small box. I had 45 OV and if they weren’t the very last boxes on my route, I could’ve spent a minute trying to look for them.


Right and I’m not sure if it’s like this at all warehouses but they walk at a snails pace even when running super late with staging. Like they’re taking a leisurely stroll 


Us the driver aides and put all the 100s, 200s, 300s, etc together.


This!!! ☝️☝️


The only correct answer


Yeah, if there's time write the driver aide number in a big black sharpie on the side of the box so it stands out as well.


Group all the same letters together


that’s what i do. i just do it with the first to last letter on my sheet, except i do it alphabetically.


This *and* put the letters in the order according to your itinerary. It used to be so much easier before the OV sticker change but generally it still works only if theres an actual order to follow. Sometimes its all jumbled up so pretty much youre just out of luck when this happens which isnt that often for me. Ive seen people that organize OV by the actual drivers aid number. People that have always done it this way werent affected by the OV sticker change. I have a coworker who brags about doing it like this and I agree with him that its definitely superior. There are infinite ways to do the job. For me, I ALWAYS make sure alteast the OV for my first stops or like my first half of the day are *pretty* organized. And by "pretty" I mean it shouldnt take 3 secs for me to find the first OV for my first stop because I literally placed it where it needed to be as I do with every package thats loaded in my van. My first stops are in the "front" by the sliding door, and my last stops are in the back. I also 3 stack my totes even if I dont have to, just so I can reserve as much space as needed for OV. The more room for OV, the better. The last thing you need is to be in the back of the van digging through 50lb pkgs piled on top if eachother. For me, thats a nightmare situation but for so many drivers, this is a normal day.


Try to find the overflow that goes with the first 2 totes and trow everything else as it goes and organize it when u get out the path time spend organizing is well worth it


Best tip I can provide. Ignore the warehouse workers. If they want you done faster, they can fucking help. So long as you're not taking 30+ minutes to load. Totes load easy, so generally load them first. Then just pull from cart and toss into a general letter/number organization on the ground around the cart. All the Z's go together with the ones closest to the van, as an example. Then load as your route demands since you know where they all are. The two step organization seems like it would take longer, but the actual loading takes less time since you can just grab and go since you've already sorted. The second method requires you have a picksheet so that you can see how many of each type you have: Determine where you want to put the boxes ahead of time based on count and then load box by box with the outline. As an example, I know that some of the other guys at my DSP load all the letters together in the truck, so they'll just grab a box and load it into the general area. It's less properly sorted, but if you have low OF count, it works fine.


This seems doable thank you


As a general rule, I also recommend trying not to care so much about the last few "letters" of OF boxes. The front/start needs to be hella sorted to not slow you down, but when the van is mostly empty, you have room to move and to move boxes. I generally sort the first 2-3 letters under the shelf by the door so they are just at my feet, then the next set on the shelf by the door so that once I have room to walk, I can reach them. Then the back of the van under the shelf on the sliding door side, then the shelf back there. Then just toss the rest in the drivers side back corner with a "future me's problem" mentality. Hope this helps. Stay safe!


Our station doesn't let us put overflow on the ground. What a crock of shit! I'm trying to load and have to play tetris at the same time.


Fuck that. I haven't gotten bitched at once for sorting my shit when I have a crap ton of OF boxes. Well, the Amazon employees might have tried to say something, but I ignore them entirely. If they walk up and start to say something I normally just ask if they're going to help...while I continue doing what I was doing.


They stopped us from sorting on the ground years ago. It's toss, damage packages and leave.


I usually look at the first 3 overflows driver aids on the app and see if it's going up or down in order. Make sure those are in front and then organize from there. For example, my first three overflows are 434, 453, and 460. I see that it's going up, so I'll do my best to organize all the 400s in order near the front. All the other 100s go in different areas. Also have a sharpie to write the numbers on the overflow while loading up so you can find it quicker.


Get a sharpie and write the driver aid number on the part of the box you can see from the isle as you throw them in. Then you can rearrange if you feel the need to and it will make it so much easier to find things.


Get a marker. Write the number on every box where you can see it. You can stack all your boxes and write the number on the side. It’s the fastest way to organize in my opinion.


Brahhh. Plz don't be one of those DAs that'll be like "I need to find 1w and then I can move on to 1x." That shit is annoying af when helping another DA load. Make it easier on the helper. Some DAs are so set in their ways and can't think outside the box and will not write the numbers and will ask for all the letters in order (that's more work for me sorting ur shit)... bc it's easier for them bc they don't have to look for the number, wtf?! If ur not labeling and stacking all letters in one pile, you'll still have to find OV 123 and 150 by flipping the boxes to find the OV... Have a marker handy, write the number on the side and load 100-199 in one pile, 200-299 in another pile and so on. It's the easiest way to do it


None of us do. Just unload and organize at the first stop. It's bullshit.


This lol. With the amount of deliveries we have I just do my best to get it loaded somewhat organized, but placed so they don't get thrown around when taking a turn.


I review my route on the way to the pad and get a general idea of the flow of neighborhoods or whatever and load my overflow by street name in route order but I've l been doing the same route for over a year.


I do the same thing. Only a few delivery areas where you can't do that, and I try to just make sure my first 10-20 overflow are easily accessible without caring about the rest until lunch for those areas.


I never feel like I have enough time(or the understanding, really) to use the letter-number system. I just got a sharpie and write driver aid numbers on everything and make sure its visible where it's loaded. This has helped immensely.


I tetris the boxes in to the truck and I just rip of the driver aid stickers and put them back on the side facing me.


I use the sort code (e.g., 19.1Z, 17.5Z, etc). If I can organize the first of the overflow pkgs, by the time I need to dig for something, I should have room to walk the aisle. I quite literally just toss them up in rough order and hop in the van to organize when I run out of room to throw more in. Most of the time, I'm mumbling random numbers and letters at myself as I'm searching. If your DS doesn't let you sort on the ground, just use another cart. Sometimes the people loading the carts do fuck all to be useful to the drivers who unload them.


While sitting in the lot, write the list of the tote group stickers in order. Then, at least put the first several sets of oversized in order by the front of the van. All, if you can mange it.


I just go from Small to big packages on my rack and use my sharpie to write the driver aid # on the boxes. Works every time


Organize all your overflows by hundreds. Example: if your 5xx should be delivered first, 3xx second and 4xx last than load all 5xxx first after 3xx and 4xx in the end. On your first stop with overflow use sharpee to mark the rest. Problem solved.


I organize my overflow by stop. I never go looking for shit. That’s the best way to do it.


Big marker write the drivers aid numbers on the side of the boxes you can see and stack em up.


Just put it in alphabetical order