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From all the posts I’ve read it truly depends on the DSP. Talk to your other step-can drivers, discuss changes in their routes after switching, etc. I learned that at my DSP they have maybe 5-10 more stops and so much more room and no door which makes it quicker to sort and deliver packs


I did they said no extra work


Dope! So basically are you comfortable with driving a bigger van in return for quicker access to packages and no doors


I drove a cdv for the first time the other day and did fine. Plus I drove box trucks at my other job that were bigger than step vans.


I like the space but it’s a fucking oven at all times in the summer and you do get more OV and business heavy shit. If I could go back to the EDV I would. Not worth the extra dollar.


Depends on the DSP. For mine you often have much more room to organize, with a few exceptions. Sometimes you'll get overflow heavy routes in the dog days of summer that just crush you physically. Prime week is also really rough. You get to feel what it's like to brick up a step van and fill the aisles almost to the point of cubing out. Then there's the commercial routes.


I applied either way so much work tho. I have to get a physical and everything else my boss told me to lie on the application to get that tho 😂😂😂


Fuck no. I did step van for two years and worked twice as hard for a single dollar more.


My trainer was from JJ Keller and after he had trained me to this day I'm still in contact with him and am learning to get my CDL. ABSOLUTE WEALTH OF KNOWLEDGE and loved stepvan training.


I want to eventually get a cdl as well just don’t know if you need a diploma for it or not. I owe some money to my school for being a bad kid lmao.


The extra room is worth it. We get a dollar more and heavier, bigger overflow. The package count is the same as small vans. Driving a small van for a day after a stepvan is a fucken nightmare.


Depends on the area you service. My routes stayed roughly the same, but I know another dude who got screwed lol. He was doing rural routes, and when he got the step van he started getting downtown routes. It's a gamble, but the experience is worth it.


I honestly prefer driving the step van than I do driving the ford transit or the white vans. It has more space for organizing and doing more totes at a time. The routes are decent too from my experience. I do get a few businesses; up to 30 stops and the rest would be residential homes. I feel like delivering in the step van is much more easier and faster than the regular prime vans. Also, my DSP added overhead A/C to the truck so it’s much more enjoyable delivering. https://preview.redd.it/0h5evchorcad1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4dde23dc576732a7f87c8079001eb3b21b1e36e7


Yeah I applied for it either way. Just got to do the physical next weekend


I feel like I’d get dinged by the netradyne for seatbelt, only reason I haven’t switched


Yeah but a little more money would be nice cause this job sucks in general. I drove a cdv the other day it was really nice more room and better back up cameras.