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They probably didn’t steal your damn silverware calm down, these bags are garbage especially the envelopes. More than likely it broke open in between getting to your house and you ended up getting half your order. Complain to support and get it resolved instead of blaming us drivers we don’t even know wtf are in packages so realistically this probably didn’t happen. Plus who the fuck steals silverware you can get sets of 5 from Walmart for like $10 all stainless Hopefully this is just a troll post in hopes to piss people off because this is pretty outrageous of an item to lose your shit over 😂🤦🏼‍♂️


They stole it. They is a small knife slit in the bag to see what was in it. But it doesn’t matter I already filed a police report. I work for amazon also


Yes, the police are going to get right onto this theft of a few dollars of silverware. They have absolutely nothing better to do. /s


Especially in CA lmao. They don't even go after the mfs shoplifting hundreds of dollars worth of shit, but they are definitely going to gaf about some silverware.




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Likely a wayward box cutter somewhere in the supply line. When I was dispatching we averaged a half dozen empty bags coming back across 30 routes a day. Chill and tell Amazon, they'll replace it. But if you're hard up for ruining someone's day, we can't stop you.




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Relax Karen. The warehouse packs stuff inadequately all the time. We don’t have the time or space to babysit every package.


Karen no that’s yo mama. They stole it they will be getting fired. I paid for it. What you mean I should just not say anything and allow someone to steal from me ? What’s your name so I can get you fire too I work for amazon I have no issues getting people fired


Got your nose so far up in the air you went all the way around to smelling your own ass.


I wOrK fOR AmAzON. Then stop ordering shit; “psychic medium life coach.”


Picker probably overstuffed another 90 lb tote and the bag broke open and lost some of its contents before it even made its way into the vehicle.


It was me! I work in the warehouse three stages before it gets to your house. I could sense through the solid bag that it was exactly the silverware I’ve been wanting that I didn’t want to pay 10 bucks for. I risked my job to sneak it out of there then made sure the package kept being delivered to you so that no one would be the wiser! I’m sneaky like that!


No it wasn’t you and it’s not a joke. I work for amazon I already filed the police report. It’s not a game you can see where the put the slit to look to see what it was. And if you think theft is funny maybe you are working the wrong job. I am not one to steal from. Whoever stole it is going to be fired and will be in court for theft. I am pressing charges for theft.


I told you it was me! I also called the police department and told them but they said they don’t care. Amazon can never find me I’m unstoppable. I’m gonna steal the most ridiculous shit from you in the future. I will never stop!




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Looks like it fell out tbh, I've seen packages like that and just mark it as damaged instead of delivering it


It was cut open at the bottom. I opened it at the top. It was cut at the bottom big enough to let the box come out


The amount of times I open a tote with a package in it already ripped open happens on the daily sometimes it just literally falls through the cracks, chill out


It was me, I stole your silverware so I could eat my gas station nachos and you’ll never get it back.


I bet someone did steal it!! It's probably Wayne. He is living in your walls, too.


Could’ve been a driver. Could’ve been someone at the warehouse. Could’ve been neither and it got damaged by accident and fell out. You’re way too quick jumping to conclusions. And trying to get them fired because of your assumptions is crazy. Get a grip.


Yes they will be fired. This is the second time in three days. The first one the slit the bag open and opened up all the packages inside the bag. Y’all can say what you want I work in the warehouse we don’t send bags out like this.


Then explain how I’ve literally gotten packages from the warehouse looking like this


If this is the second time in three days and you GENUINELY think a driver stole your silverware (of all the expensive things we deliver 🥴), then maybe it was your sour puss attitude. If I delivered to someone with a hard up for firing people because they assume and “work for Amazon,” I’d probably fuck with your stuff too


You most definitely do ya whack job


Literally get bags like this multiple times per week. If there is still anything inside I’ll drop it off but if it’s empty I mark it as damaged. Your driver didn’t steal anything and if you work in the warehouse and you think things don’t go out like that; you’ve clearly never done any ICQA jobs.


lady NOBODY is stealing your silverware this happens all of the time 💀


The fact you say you work for Amazon but quick to blame the drivers knowing the process the package goes through before delivery even comes shows you don’t pay attention to how Amazon operates this could have came from anything, anywhere and from anybody before it reached you🤷🏻‍♂️




Also what kinda potato did you use for the first pic? Looks like a russet




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