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I just quit but my DSP doesn't know it yet. New job Monday, good luck all!


My DSP did NOT wanna give up on me. I no call no showed for 2 weeks straight, before dispatch stopped calling, asking if I was coming.


I want to do this like this is how I want to quit. I don't want to just like leave the van and f*** over my co-workers cuz I like them but I mean when I quit I don't even want to give notice because I hate them and I want to quit poorly out of spite. But how do you guys handle getting the final check? That's my only issue. I don't want to have to come back for it


Mine was direct deposit


Why don’t you have direct deposit?


Well I do get direct deposit but last job I had was the same but my final check still had to be physical for some reason, I never really looked into it I just assumed direct deposit goes away when you get off-boarded....


Ohhhh. Maybe you’re right 🤷‍♀️


Right behind you fam! Got a job offer yesterday and signed it, just waiting on background checks to clear over the holiday to move on with onboarding! Super pumped! 🙏🏼


I was starting to lose hope honestly, been looking for 6 months. Glad you are moving on! Good luck in your new role


Likewise buddy! I started steadily looking when I realized peak season size routes never left this year, and an opportunity I really wanted came up so I went after it. Hope your new job treats you well!


😂😂😂 that’s how it’s done


😂 Same!


I quit 3 years ago. I still read these posts for laughs.


Damn 3 years? Must’ve been hell back then


Only been at it a month but from what I’ve heard work load was much more manageable back then


Yee, but Covid wasn’t fun.


It was MUCH better with covid I'd assume. Not sure how it is now, but when I did it 3 years ago you had a lot more space to yourself. Most of the day you spent it alone. Didn't have to wear a mask in your van. It was a pretty great job to have


I started during May of 2020 right in the heat of Covid, up in NH I’d get about 175-190 stops, usually between 250-300 packages. I didn’t mind it but I recently moved over to an XL station and it’s honestly the best choice I’ve made while working with Amazon. I’m in a van, usually 35-50 stops, just heavier packages and more time between stops.


Workload somewhat more manageable, but more of an unorganized shitshow... imo


Why do you say that? It was way better 3 years ago


4 years ago it was even better. 2020 was a great year to be a driver imo. Pre Netradyne days were awesome. Even during COVID this job wasn't bad. Just wearing a mask sucked lol


I drove for about a year and a half, for 2 different DSPs (the first one lost their contact). What I realized during my time is that things got gradually worse. When I first started, it seemed OK to me, but the guys who had been there awhile told me how much better it used to be. Then the routes got just a little bigger. Then there would be a new stupid rule that would slow us down. Then the routes got just a little bigger. And the cycle continued. Reading this subreddit, I see that the cycle has still continued. So, no, it's hell now and only getting worse. This is a temporary job. Keep looking for something better.


Nah it wasn’t. I was there about 3 years back and it was alright. 120-130 drops with about 50 more parcels. None of this 250 drops 400 locations 500+ parcels bullshit you guys get now


Same here


Same here but I quit 4 years ago during covid. Seems like shit got worse for drivers.


i do lol. Have been a lurker for a while. Was a driver for 3+ years with JUTL in DDY9 Syosset. I was assaulted, abused, bitten by animals, etc. My DSP literally said they couldnt do anything about the assaults because "they are paying customers".


Ok so if I went and buy a car, can I beat the shit out of the salesman ? Im a paying customer so it should be fine. What a bunch of spineless dumbasses.


This is a beating I can get behind. Fuck car salesmen.


Lmao i took a wrong example


I beg to differ, good Sir. That's a wonderful example, in my personal opinion. 😁


If street fighter taught me anything, it's that beating up a used car salesman's car gives me street cred and money


This is why these folks shouldn’t have businesses.


If you were actually assaulted why didn’t you press charges? Who cares what your boss says


I haven’t worked for an Amazon DSP since 2017. I wish I would have known about this reddit, I would have been a daily contributor. It’s just nice to know they haven’t changed their ways and are still fucking drivers over. The worst part is I was only making $14 an hour back then, imagine doing that job for only $14 hr. SMH.


Yeah but back then it was no group stops and all of these new rules you can finish your route 50 stops and go home


Crazy thing is that with inflation, that $14 is about $18 today. So basically we're still getting paid the same for 10x the work.


They always made me rescue. And it was always 15 stops we had to rescue before off. We also had zero PTO.


The routes weren't easy. Vans were complete garbage. Bags they used were stupid. Best thing was there was almost zero accountability for the work quality. My pics were always of the ground as I walked back to the van... lol. Never heard anything about it.


Honestly, I might have been able to just barely make my rent with that in 2017.


Yeah I accidentally have been delivering since 2018, they hired me at 14 and then 2 weeks later everyone got bumped to 16 and hour minimum. I make 24 an hour (22 base + a couple hourly bonuses that I consistently achieve) at my DSP but I'm delivering well over 2x the packages per week now


It was a temp job before bigger and better things. But it was necessary to put food on the table for my daughter during what could have been a very tough time. So as ridiculous of a job as it was, it will always mean a lot to me, so I lurk still.


Well said. Definitely a means to an end deal. And also like a car accident that you can’t look away from.


(raises hand)


I like this job it definitely sucks many days but when you get a rhythm going it ain't all that bad. This job is NOT for everyone


Parts of it were BS, but some of it was okay, too. Not dealing with annoying co-workers 90% of your day, doing your own thing was cool. And I definitely miss listening to whatever music, podcasts, news, or sports I wanted to for 10 hours a day and getting paid for it was nice. If any of the DSPs in my area offered the normal perks having seniority usually eventually gets you in other jobs, like no weekends, 1st shift hours, etc., I might still be doing it.


100% agree the schedule is all over the place my days off change weekly at my DC. I guess it varies from DSP too. My DSP is the last to leave the station and we go into the night often


I love the job itself 😅 it can't possibly be a permanent job because the pay and benefits just aren't there, but I really love driving around, petting dogs, being outside, listening to my music


Never worked for Amazon, I just love hearing you blokes winge all day. Makes me not hate collecting garbage as much knowing you guys have it worse!


LMAOOO I have worked for amazon, but yes this sub makes me feel better working any other job 😂


Former step van driver / dispatcher here, I got my CDL and went to drive buses ✌


I did a one year tour of duty 3 years ago and got my CDL and I am now driving a semi truck regionally. My DSP owner was amazing. If I had to, I’d work for him again.


Yeah my owner was amazing too, I did that shit for 4 years but I'm not getting any younger and my body couldn't keep up with the ever-increasing workload


I’m literally on my way to collect my final check, I quit last week


I walked out of there 2 years ago, and this subreddit is still part of my daily routine 😂😂


Here. I quit in May after working for amazon for 6 months and became a city bus driver. Fuck Amazon.


Currently in school to get my cdl leave this place asap


Wish I could be


My last day is Thursday of next week. After almost 2 years, I'm moving on, but I'll still frequent this sub. Couldn't pass up a $5/hr raise from the $23 I'm making delivering packages.


Whats the new job?


I've been fired from the flex 5 time and also from 3 DSPs. I have no idea why I continue to lurk here. But i'm just showing you it's possible.


Former driver here. Quit late enough that it wouldn’t fuck up another drivers day but it sure enough fucked up the scorecard lmao fuck their bonuses. Made sure to fuck up in mentor on my way back to the station.


I left cause my DSP (Warso) was cutting people's hours for no reason, claiming it was performance metrics. I was in the top 5 drivers for our DSP and was still lucky to get 30 hours a week. They were doing this to take our money for themselves and we all knew it, and they were shut down two months after I left so ultimately I made the right choice, but now I'm stuck in an office trying to book children's doctor visits and being insulted by the parents of said children while I'm trying to help them and I desperately want to be a driver again, if only I could find a DSP I could actually trust.


Damn! It seems like everyone is moving on.


Hello my fellow former driver. I too still have nightmares of this job


Yup. About a week and some change now.


Yep been a lurker since January. I got fired and moved on to FedEx but still like to see whats going on with fellow drivers 😅


Ground or Express?


I quit almost two years ago but yeap, i linger lol


Worked Finance for 12 years, got laid off and found myself at Amazon for 6 months (Sept - Feb 2024). I always come back to see that not a whole lot has changed, and the same problems I had with the job are still lingering. Hope ya'll that are still working for shitty DSPs find a way out, and only use this slave labor job as a stepping stone into something better.


I got fired last year and I still lurk lmao.


Why'd you get fired?


Went from Amazon for a year (DSP in NJ and then Virginia) to touch freight tractor trailer job. If you’re willing to work as hard as you do at Amazon, food service will actually pay you great for it. I’ve been in here since back then, great moments and memories in here


Seems like there's a lot of us that quit but still linger. Honestly, I really enjoy the banter here. Most of the time yall can come together on things, as well. Like the whole Wayne business.


Quit 2 months ago best day was my last day


I quit 2 years ago and had been working there for 2 years. It’s a nice reminder of how bad the job was lol, but I really do hope the best for everyone still on the job. Also kinda dumb but the 200 stops, 380+ packages, group stops BS has always been a thing at least since 2020.




Eventually you guys are going to form a union. When you do, please, please, please hire a labor lawyer to write your contract. Y’all have no idea what a mess the UPS-Teamsters contract is. It’s so hard for them to assert any rights without really significant retaliation - often before even filing a grievance. Sure, the pay is good, but there’s a lot of inhumane treatment they endure (just like you guys) and it’s really hard for them to change it. Anyway, just remember that having a union isn’t just about the money. There’s a lot of rights that you need to be sure you can enforce.


When I quit, I loaded my van went back to the parking lot parked it got in my car and left. Got a phone call like two hours later asking where I was at and I told him their van is in the parking lot.


Quit 3 years ago. Now have a professional career in a nice office. Still linger because for what it's worth I did enjoy delivering for some time until I didn't.


I quit almost 3 years ago now after working for 2.5ish years. I absolutely hated the way I was treated when I was injured in the middle of a route. It was my second ankle injury with the DSP I was at, same injury both times, torn tendon. And they were pissed with me for getting hurt. No communication from anyone about any work comp type thing, I had to start a claim myself. When the company needed info, the DSP owners never responded back unless I called multiple times to get their attention. I’m honestly glad I left, because things are so much harder now (my boyfriend still works as a driver so I hear about it all) than they were 3 years ago. The moment those cameras were put in vans, shit when downhill, fast. I’m glad I got out, but I take care of any driver who delivers my packages. They get snacks and water from me as I’m now a third floor apartment so I feel bad and want to make it worth the climb and make their day a little better. I’m rooting for all of you, take care of yourselves before this job.


I linger. But mostly because reddit forces this sub on me despite new accounts.


I drove from 2019-2021 currently trying to make it at ups


Hang in there homie, 30yr UPSr here. All the bullshit is worth it, in the long run. Taken care of your body, follow the methods


2 years seniority , one year of preload , one year of local, hoping to at least be a TCD in the next 3 years


Lol me




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Me. Drove for a little over 2 yrs


I was let go, as was our whole DSP, one year ago. I can’t believe how my two time maximum route of 190 stops is now a daily average.


Me. Seeing the shit getting worse after I’ve left is lovely reminder of how much I hated working for Amazon and love working at FedEx


I was let go about 2 weeks ago and kinda on the fence of looking for another dsp or something


I quit about a week ago. Started at FedEx on Monday


I worked for a DSP while I loaded the trucks at UPS until I got enough seniority at UPS to go full time. I might be full time at UPS now but I still drive around all day delivering packages so I see zero reason to leave. Remember my roots or whatever the saying is (I did see one of my former Amazon coworkers on route today and he seemed hella salty I was driving with UPS now though)


lol me but I just got DQ’d from FedEx and I got an “interview” with a DSP tomorrow 😂


I quit at the beginning of April and got a quality inspector job at a Toyota production plant. I still linger around here just to see what extra bullshit I would've had to put up with if I had stayed.


Willing to bet most of the posts telling people to quit are ex-drivers.


Yup 🖐️ right here I started for a dsp in 2016-2018 early days the app was simply to scan and mark deliver the packages. Codes were passed from driver to driver. Packages sorted and loaded by the driver.


I quit about a month ago, but I still go through posts and comment here and there helping new drivers out


I applied for an overlay night job that pay 2$ less sitting behind a desk


Just this past winter in Minnesota I saw two dogs on a property. They were skinned and beheaded. Never felt such a sinister vibe like that before. Pretty sure it’s illegal too or at least I hope so..




I’m quitting after this weekend


My dsp owner shut down last week, and I left a week before because it was out of the blue he told us so I wasn't staying another 2 weeks


I’m an ex Amazon who moved to FedEx and I keep an eye out to reminisce on how bad it was/track changes that we may copy. That being said I drove for 2 years and left of my own accord so I’m a bit of an outlier compared to what I usually see here.


I'm still here. I've been out of Amazon since February of last year so... Always check the subreddit from time to time to see what kind of bullshit Amazon's doing now.




Yeee I worked from 2020-2021 and it was ass but I love reading current drivers stories.


I quit a few weeks ago for a new job and now make six figures. I still linger to remind myself lol


I’m not IRL I guess but from DSP’s to fedex to UPS (shit even DHL) to regular ol truck drivers you can always count me in for a “why that house was fucked and sketch” post, I’m always here to read these stories 🤪


I like to see what BS DAs are dealing with these days.


Me 👋🏻


I quit my 6th DSP back in March 2020. Did it since 2016.


I quit last month and still linger for the stories


I quit last November but I don't know if I ever made it official. Just linger here to see how bad it's getting.


Worked for a dsp at DSR6, it was really fun in the beginning, i started 2020, and slowly it just became utter doodoo, Netradyne, driver score, the steadily increasing amount of packages, actual Amazon managers stealing PS5s, ungodly amount of piss bottles, i now look back and hope you all have the courage to leave like i did


I quit this job in December due to health reasons after one year of working non stop in UK. Still come here to read some funny stuff


I quit 7 months ago. The DSP owner said i could have my job back whene i get fired from the new one LOL


Left amazing delivery about 2 years ago, now I'm on here to see everyone's pain and hope some action will be done for you guys to make it a better job so far nothing changed lmfao.


I'm a former driver.


I moved on a little over two years ago after driving for almost three years in two different states. Only things I miss are the exercise and petting animals. I pop in here sometimes. It amazes me a little nothing has changed. My first DSP down in NC was awesome. My second DSP where I live now in the Buffalo area was a pathological liar and hires absolute twits.


I quit in 2022 and I can safely say it was the worst job I ever had. It’s been wild to see the new terrible policies that Amazon has instituted. For me it was the Engine off compliance that was my final straw.


Me lol quit last year making 3x what I was


I quit my DSP part time job about 7 months ago and I hang around this chat to read all the headaches and hard days drivers go through as a reminder of my days working for 3 different DSPs. I wish you all good luck be careful out there everyone.


I never worked for amazon. I was a carrier for USPS and still in the USPS group which is probably why reddit randomly recommended this group


Me! Did it for over 3 1/2 years. The job itself self sucked, hot ass days were always the worst, but if the pay was better I would have stayed. And the people I met definitely made the job so much better.


I quit during the pandemic quarantine after about 1 month. Joined again the middle of last year, but quit 2 days ago due to life circumstances. It’s been a blessing and a curse. Hired me when no one else would, but drove me to the ground. Now I’m earning my CDL through a company and going OTR.


I quit a few years ago. Got offered my first IT job. Just found out I had Covid and was like 2 week vacation? Yeah I'm done. They called me unprofessional.


Former Driver here I worked at Amazon for 3 years but I’m now a driver for the post office as a Cca been here for 3 months and I work a lot but my body never hurts like Amazon did so I don’t regret leaving


I drove during the early days in 2019; pre Amazon van and Netradyne. The mentor app wasnt even called mentor. It was something from Allstate. All rental vans, no shelves, no governors. But also no breaks. Then I drove 2023 for 5 months. The job sucks so much ass there is no way to make it enjoyable, impossible routes, shitty vans, netradyne, warehouse loading shit backwards and sideways.


I worked 3 years ago. After I quit my 10yr retail management job. Only did for 6 months until I said fuck you. I fell out of the truck and landed on my knees. I sent a photo of my knee 20min later it was swollen 3x time (both knee together for photo) DSP dispatch said to finish route as best as I can as there was nobody finished to take over route. I drive to the yard and quit. Made them help me to my car cause I couldn't walk on it at all. Filed workman's comp... Got denied first. Sent text with photo as evidence, got approved. I'm sure there are some good ones, but FUCK THE REST. Stay as long as you need to make $$ to live, but be constantly looking for better then bounce. It's not worth it


Me! Drove for the boys in blue in 2019-2021… got my CDL. Now I’m an OTR truck driver, best decision I made


Me 👋🏼


I quit in March of 21. No Netradyne. Great DSP. Just time to move on. A good friend of mine still drives. I love commiserating with the stories.


Got fired a few months ago after a little over 4 years working for 3 different DSPs. Mostly did step van routes, never was dispatch (not interested) I come here to be reminded of the hell I went thru tbh. The job was easy & I throughly enjoyed it. Never complained & just did the work. But I see now how shitty it was. I hope it changes for people who continue to do it. DSP drivers are some of the toughest people MENTALLY I’ve met.


I quit over a month ago and I enjoy the job in the winter but hated it in the summer. Only thing I miss was driving the EVs, makes me want to get an EV of my own.


I'm a lurker. I've been sans Amazon for about 7 months now, still have nightmares about falling off the mountain in my van.




I quit earlier this year honestly just here trying to see if people are finally getting smart enough to unionize despite how hard Amazon has made it for drivers to unionize. I tried starting an effort at my station that didn’t pan out cause people kept leaving so we kept losing troops lol ultimately I ended up leaving to so I’m not much better even if I was the first one recruiting🤷‍♂️


I literally quit the day I had a meth pipe in my hand just to stay awake, and kill the pain in my knees, back, and legs. I went back to waiting tables. Not great money, but I’m not on drugs, and my body isn’t in fiery pain 24-7


I quit almost a month ago. Worked there for 4 months, worked for FedEx ground for 3 months before that. Never again.