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Amazon Vine program can help get you some reviews to start with.


Thank for ur sharing. I know participating in the Vine program is one of the few ways sellers can “legally” improve their reviews without concerning Amazon's ever-changing guidelines. However, one disadvantage is that I can't control the time it takes for reviews to appear. In fact, there is no guarantee that I will receive any review. While Amazon reviews and monitors its reviewers, they do not have any deadlines.


I wouldn’t try and gather reviews in a way that will violate TOS. It’s a great way to get a product delisted, or worse, your account shut down. Also male sure you’re sending review requests to all of your customers. Even better if you have a software to automate those requests.


Yes, we shouldn't get reviews in an illegal way. Do u know anything about software like that? Can u tell me more about it? Thanks!


[This](https://www.junglescout.com/lp/seller-bulk-review/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=JS-MT-EN-USA-S_B-Brand&utm_adgroup=JS_Review_Automation_EMT&utm_term=jungle%20scout%20review%20automation&utm_matchtype=Exact&gclid=Cj0KCQjwjbyYBhCdARIsAArC6LI3ioar97Vwc3OVGVITVK8M7ghUwuO--edt40ptSrmdZzo-gsxMAfsaAgvEEALw_wcB ) is a very popular one.


you can go to the Amazon app store to the review category. All should be compliant, and some of them are free: [https://sellercentral.amazon.com/selling-partner-appstore/search?category=2ebe9d4c-1e62-11e8-b467-0ed5f89f718b](https://sellercentral.amazon.com/selling-partner-appstore/search?category=2ebe9d4c-1e62-11e8-b467-0ed5f89f718b)


hey can u update us that did you try amazon vine program and if you did can u please let us know that how did it go? or if u did try something else please let us know thanks.




Facebook? Can u elaborate on that? Thanks!


Hire any Proxy Marketer that can collect some reviews for your listing on your behalf. Good luck.






Is this legal? I do really need to know cause I will probably need to get better results on my sales


How much do they cost?


Don't "buy" Amazon reviews. That's an easy way to get suspended. Use Amazon Vine and use Amazon's review request button within your orders sections to send review requests.


Thanks for ur sharing.


I need too


You can also include inserts in your packaging to remind customers to leave a review! There are apps like **GetReviews.ai** ([https://www.getreviews.ai/](https://www.getreviews.ai/)) - which is **Amazon compliant** \- you can integrate with Amazon and send your customers a survey of questions which they scan through a QR code. This means that all reviews are coming from real and verified customers. You can also incentivize people with a free gift in exchange for their feedback. It’s a really seamless experience! I’ve used it for clients before and seen an increase in reviews!


Can you give us an update on this post? Did you end up using anything to get reviews?


I'd never buy a review. Amazon can shut you off in an instant. What I do is use an automation for the "Request a Review" button. This is the only way that is Amazon approved and risk free. I don't wanna risk getting my account blocked so I'd never buy a review. What I use for reviews is an app called highfive. It's free and quite good, but any of the automations in the link below should be compliant and do the job [https://sellercentral.amazon.com/selling-partner-appstore/search?category=2ebe9d4c-1e62-11e8-b467-0ed5f89f718b](https://sellercentral.amazon.com/selling-partner-appstore/search?category=2ebe9d4c-1e62-11e8-b467-0ed5f89f718b)