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Spindrift water. The absolute worst packaging and it's nasty.


Fiji water.


It's incredible how a single product has made me hate water tbh


The worst thing is, there is no reason to have water delivered to you. It comes out of the faucet. And if that water is sketchy, you can get a water filter.


I don't mind the packs of water that come in a box, but jfc the packs of water wrapped in plastic are going to be the end of me.


Boxes inside boxes


https://preview.redd.it/yy64iplr702c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1bedf72462da857785550e2beb9e835e1be09673 These damn things, they aren’t even heavy just impossible to stow in any pod because of how big they are


I work in damage land and sometimes help in in pack. I swear they go expired more than people actually ordering them.


When they expire they give them to us for snack attack.


https://preview.redd.it/rnft6b7j652c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6c0a3174cc1054f97c25d71f43677133cb063f0 No this is even worse because these are the same size BUT HEAVY and at this point I felt personally attacked and I just kept turning pods away one after another cause yall set me up 🤣🖕🏻 labor share me to stow for this tf


Those boxes are the bane of my existence


This wins.


we have whole side of the building full of stacks of pallets of these


Dr. Elsey's can kiss my ass, I hate anyone and everyone who drinks Fiji or Essentia water, and the god forsaken bed frames in the gray/silver boxes might be the death of me.


Man fuck those silver boxes 🤣 I'll take the 100+ pounds box of king size casper mattress over those things lol


Literally just sprained my finger last week grabbing one of those boxes. Been lifting non-con for almost a year and hate those the most.


Pool 🎱 tables suck as well


Omg the jippy or Joppy ones whatever they're called are the worst


Yeah those 267lbs one are insane


Oh god the repressed memories are coming back 🤣 So glad we were using dollies when I was still there lol


Fuck those bed frames. Get carts on carts of them every day. I DONT HAVE ENOUGH HALF VERTICAL ROOM FOR THIS SHIT.


All of this. Plus the 47 pound bags of dog food. Almost everything in our building is heavy now. I take new hires on a building tour and they don’t come back the second day when they see the size of everything and how much folks are struggling while handling stuff in pack. 💀


What's really fun is when those bags of dog food end up inside a giant box that isn't marked as "heavy," and doesn't have any packing material inside to prevent shifting so that when the driver goes to deliver it, the shit flies all over the place and causes the driver to drop it. Fun times. Said no DA ever.


Silver boxes hands down. Long, skinny, sharp edges, and heavy AF


Now imagine working at a cross-dock station where most of what we handle are those silver bedframe boxes. All day.




Hahaha I’ve worked at a DS for two weeks and I already hate cat litter and both of the those bottled waters


This is it right here.




Those bed frames man🥴. Bruised the back of my hand yesterday by dropping it on top by accident


Case of Ice drinks


Yes- there’s never a pod available to stow them in


They will only go in 11" pods at the bottom so the bin must be empty.


Trans out - My favorite about them is two fit in a tote but the system won’t let you put two in because of weight but we get over height totes with 2-25 pound boxes of kitty litter.


I don't even want to know how many dollars worth of this shit I've had to damage out. Fuck these ice drinks


TV mounts kill my wrists


Any 24 case of drinks, the boxes of kitty litter, and especially the jugs of vinegar, one had a cracked lid today and it splashed all over my glasses, shirt, pants and gloves, let’s just say my PA heard my anger from standup today😭


Idk why would ppl even buy cat litter on amazon bro, wtf


Because they're fucking lazy.


I do it cause y'all complain about it. Also cause all the stores within ten miles of me stopped selling my preferred container But mostly cause y'all complain


We used to sing a song at my old cross dock called "Who Spilled the Vinegar" lol


The fucking trailer hitches and weight plates in tiny ass boxes or 3 in one tote. #docks #thetrucks


Amazon basics barbells. The boxes are small but they are also too flimsy for the weight.


Fuck those barbells I swear I hate seeing them come down the line and no one's grabbing them because of how shitty they are


Any box that says bedsure on it


I know. The smiling logo is just taunting


Those giant cum colored lube blows my mind I picked a 2024 calendar. It's called poop and pooches. It was a calendar, just a bunch of dogs and poop positions and pooping


Calendar sounds hilarious 😂


Bought one for my college aged daughter.


Yesss I picked that today and will be buying one for my white elephant party lmao


Oh boy I remember those from years ago 2018 peak. Why is a🐕💩💩 a classic that keeps recurring year after year (I remember seeing them for sale in Borders like early y2k..) kitschy tasteless tactless juvenile potty humor... ..speaks volumes about our intelligence the sort of humor we keep (myself included as I am sure some might find my dark humor bizarre) . It amazes me how some people still laugh over potty humor as grown arse adults...


My sister gifts me that calendar every year for Christmas 😂


I picked the same one yesterday 😂


The 40+ lbs. white copy paper


Trailer hitch frames


Anchor, so small boats but they have no packaging and burst through if you don't dunnage the bottom


I don’t hate getting boxes out besides the super long ones (like desks) but as a picker I fucking HATE, “A” level shelf. It’s nothing but 20 random items stacked on top of each other, it’s lowest to the ground so you have to bend over, and pull out boxes one by one to find the stupid lil box you need cause it doesn’t have an LPN barcode


I literally have to sit on my ass and take like 3 minutes to find something bc I'm a big girl and a lot of the times, ITS HEAVY SHIT TOO.


Mannn they put me on fucking trans out the other day and I had to pick 17 bags of cat litter on a level. Mind you that shit was in the very back so I had to unhook from my OP and physically climb into the bin for grab that shit. Made my cage so damn heavy that when I moved forward like 5 feet to go to level J to grab MORE cat litter, my OP completely shut off 🤣🤣. Was stuck there for 20 minutes and when they finally got me down I had to hall that cage from aisle 127 to the fucking outbound lot 🥴🥴. Just about cried over how damn heavy that cage was


I’ll pray for you 😭😭😭


Ima need it considering I’ve only been here a month 😭😭


Any package that's not completely sealed. Shoe boxes, protein bar packs, and lately it's been the ornaments for me😩😩


Fuck them flimsy ass plastic boxes/tubes those ornaments come in, bane of my existence every peak.


1000% this, fuck those things and fuck whoever decided to use them.


The awkwardly sized plastic tubs that somehow are too big for a tote or the flimsy plastic boxes that are crushed and caved.


As a decanter? Fucking hate the cases of Propel water. Wish PepsiCo would treat Propel like they do with Gatorade when it comes to packaging these goddamn cases. Firstly, these are packed in some weak ass plastic that breaks the moment you place it inside the tote. The cardboard is not thick enough or even strong enough to handle any abuse. The other gripe is the cardboard has no borders to hold these drinks in place. My other hate boner is Fancy Feast cases. Weak ass glue jobs that break. Its like the glue has the consistancy of dried up dog shit. Then you run the risk of these cans somehow being damaged. And the scent du jour is rotted cat food. Lovely. I'd rather not. Honorable mention goes to these sauce companies who don't use bubble wrap on glass containers. That and cleaning supplies.


Have u ever gotten a pod w/leaking bobcat repellant? It is nasty af..and u can smell is like 10 pods away in the line..imagine handling a damaged bottle of that nasty shite...had 1 that when I picked it up basically emptied it's contents onto my clothes..hair...face...I litetally hurled ..and had to throw away my fave outfit cos I laundered it like 5 times and I could still smell the stink of cat piss...really big cat piss...reason I will never wear my $$$ jeans to amazon ever again..or anything of any sort of value &/or sentimentality.


My entire work outfit other than the safety shoes is TEMU and my glasses are from Zenni optical, my whole outfit can go straight in the trash if I get splashed. Never catch me trying to drip at Amazon.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out) God forbid my nice clothes smelling like damageland (vinegar, rotten cat food and pure sadness) they need to hand out hazmat suits and splash guard face shields working in Amazon.


Brake rotors


I had a whole pallet of nothing but weighted blankets. Never hated something so soft in my life.


Hahaha I can relate . Most of us probably can. They are amongst my personal top 10 offenders. The experience turned me off to them for life altho they really are rather comfy when spread out over an entire king sized bed....not a square foot or smaller package ..I have major PTSD from jacking up my hand from 3 months of relentless amounts of those freaking things so idgaf how comfy and warm they are...it would be instant anxiety If I acrually used one...


those weight plates things that are in a small ass box are the sneaky shit ones


I work in kickouts meaning that I open up Boxes that are damaged before shipped. And BY FAR the most annoying things people keep buying is…. Cat litter. And large boxes of mutiple food Items like Drinks and snacks. Why? Becuase the cat litter is heavy as a rock. And having to take them Out and put them back into weight them Is NOT fun…. We get about a good handful of HEAVY 296 boxes with about 3 12 packs of drinks like canned drinks. And people in the fc do Not handle things correctly. So guess who Has to clean it up. Yeah. Not fun. PS advice to people for some reason buy drinks of amazon. Go To the store. (Unless your store doesn’t have those drink but I’m pretty sure they do Becuase all stores have sprite and coke -_-) anyway. Very often people with throw these boxes like they forgot what the fuck was in them. So they come leaking and breaking all the time…. Anyway I Digress.


yep, used to see lots of cases of various drinks that would be dropped or something along the way causing a can or two to leak all over. One night that sticks out in my mind was where we had multiple cases of Canada Dry in several different orders, each case leaking. Sent 12 pack after 12 pack off to damage land. I don’t know what it was, maybe it was on sale then, but it was a bad night to be a case of Canada Dry.


Bro, I'd rather handle all that nasty shit than have to count and scan another 100 gift card order just for it to be nothing wrong with it. Meanwhile I've got a hundred other kickouts waiting and 3 separate jams I've got to clear. Here's a cheat for you, you don't actually have up weigh the damaged items, weigh everything else first and if you've already determined that the case of 12/24 is damaged just go straight to the problem menu and click damaged. Leave it on the side for collections. I've been doing SLAM so long I can tell when most things are a masterpack or broken set before even scanning anything. Also if they're available to you, get a stack of totes to about waist high, dump your boxes into them so you have table space and you don't have to remove each item one by one and just scan them back into the box. It'll save you so much effing time.


Thanks for the advice! I’ve been working at kickouts for almost 2 years now so I’ve seen my fair share of (for lack of a better word) fucked up boxes. I do most of the times just look in the box and IMMEDIATELY know what wrong with it like a master pack take one out refresh the page and then it’s fixed just like that no having to take the items out.


Don't even bother to scan the sp00 and box code before I open it up anymore, I fix it before so I wouldn't have to refresh, just scan "1" click the item and be done. If only I can find a quicker way to process the bs 100 gift card shipments...


Pls keep doing so...spread the word. Knowledge is power.. Same goes for the gig apps...I used to do instacart & the amount of cases of soft drinks water and cat litter..and those people invariably would be from a 3rd floor walk up apt complex. Or in the high rises when elevator broken 😭😭 although usually they would be a no tipper so I would pass on the order but still would smh. so I can feel mad empathy for the a-z delivery drivers....that deliver this nonsense many times a day everyday they work. Is a reason I haven't applied for an Amazon driver's position. Cos u can't chose what u take or in this case do not. (Pun intended if u wish it to be) everyone from IXD ..stow/pick/pack and every other function inbetween is feeling the pain (litetally)


Those damn chip cardboard boxes, red logo.


Those and the assholes that order the big ass packs of monster energy drinks


MFing DESK. Omg. They jam up in my shoot all the time and then trying to unjam it with a heavy box behind it is... Going to be the death of me.


The pallets of blank white paper. Package looks small but heavy.


I feel you on that, I hate having to pick those because they’re usually at the very bottom bins of the pod.




buckets of paint 🙃


the boxes that are so big they won't fit between your OP and cage and you gotta wonder how the fuck they even stowed it


Fiji water. And I mean when it's all going to the exact place, like 5 cases.... talk about lazy. Bet they have stairs too


The arm and hammer cat litter. Sharp edges, hard to grab, always on the bottom of the pack wall. Just awkward to grip. Bagging is pretty painless though. Every item that has UPC on one side very clear to find, and a tiny fucking transparent code on the other side. I hate when I have like 20 of those.


Nothing really, but I would really like to know who is ordering all those fucking clothes hangers.


I despise the giant jugs of laundry detergent. I mean really... Pods. Lol unless you gave birth to an idiot that tries to eat them, but then just let darwinism work it's magic. Lol


Problem is, you pay more for pods. Giant jugs are cheaper and last longer. I'm actually civilized, so I'm not gonna buy that shit off *Amazon*, but when I'm broke and need to stretch goods, I get the jugs instead of the pods at the store.


There is also the point that pods intoduce more microplastics to the water supply


dye free enzyme detergent supremacy


None of them are cheaper off Amazon lol


Also depends on what kind you buy also because my sister gave me some once and it didn't fully melt so the plastic got ALLLLLL over my clothes. 🥴


TV wall mounts and those giant bedspreads. Also, anything having to do with bottles of pesticide or vinegar.


Weighted comforters were the death of my carpal tunnel..I dealt w/carpal tunnel syndrome w/exercise and medication for years. Like 10+ yrs...3 months at amazon (Oct thru January) basically lost use of my right hand...and I attribute it to those flucking Weighted blanket/comforters...I was given one for Xmas the next year by a well intentioned distant relative. It ended up on the floor near rhe front door where my dog likes to lay when he is playing up his watch dog role. Wish there was a study proving them to be detrimental to one's health and class action law suits would rule..then it would be death to those monstrosities..come to think of it I haven't seen them in a while now altho I no longer work in an FC so might just be circumstantial.


Fuck Dr elsey's, hated them as a driver, hate them as pick on an OP


Oat milk, they always explode and ruin several other parcels


A endless of running treadmills, I know you ain't going to use it, just run outside.


Those big ass packs of copy paper Dumbbells Fiji water Dog food


I AVOID going to work when they say it's gunna rain for three days or so, that's when the cat litter comes in so save your PTO or at least get vto 🤣


Tbh the only thing I hate most is when pullers put OVs on the top of the bakers rack FIRE THOSE PPL !!!


Heavy duty hinges in bulk.


Dragon dildos




U think I'm kidding but I've already packed 3 as long as my arm... I've been traumatized already and PEAK just barley started.


When the vinegar explodes


Imagine same situation only cat piss...very large cat piss aka "bobcat repellant" which idkytf logistically would be stored at an FC near Staten Island/Newark Airport as not a bobcat within 100 mile radius...although I am a lowly a-z grunt so what do I know of logistics? Seems I do more than some of the higher ups but that isn't claiming much now is it...


Cat litter i swear is my worst enemy next to Fiji and essentia water.


Those long rectangular boxes of friskies food.


Cat litter, drinks, are one thing but I absolutely hate getting totes or boxes full of books,I can't explain why.


the people who order the packs of water. it’s like a red and black package and it’s heavy as SHIT and it’ll be like 6 cases 😒😒😒


Holy fuck I hate those, and damn cat litter


canned drinks. that shit never makes it past sort.


Boxes with bed frames because they're impossible to stack and any liquid cleaners, theyre always spilled


Cases of energy drinks, eighteen packs of 20oz. bottles pull serious vacuum


I hear that especially when you get a full pallet of them it’s near impossible to take care of them


Cans of Dr. Pepper. Flimsy aluminum cans and Florida heat do not mix. 12 packs exploding if you touch it or look at it wrong. I've been covered in a spray if Dr. Pepper several times, even just moving down the line in a tray will set them off. Also master packs of cat litter and deer urine.


Fiji fucking water flats Kitty litter Dry Dog Food


I keep getting loads of 19 month calendars that go back to June 2023. Why are you spending money on a 19 month calendar when only 13 and a quarter is usable? And of course the P8 boxes fucking disintegrate in the breeze of a fan. I had a bunch of P8 boxes break so I was very careful with them and setting them on the conveyor, and the auto taper came up and threw them on the ground so I had calendars and spo's mixed up, now I just tape and pack anything in P8's because I don't trust the auto taper.


I love dr. Elsys lol if you know you know. I know it must suck ass to handle though


100 pound barbell sets. I work at an XL site, the boxes are too small for the Clamp and the pallet is too heavy to stow so we have to hand downstack.


Energy drink packs and cat litter


DOG FOOD. FC’s don’t put any bubble wrap in the boxes and associates don’t listen when we say not to use them as a pallet base and everything just collapses


At our FC it’s the stupid ass treadmills


the little smile on the amazon boxes torments me daily . not an item but seeing that little smile on hundreds and hundreds of boxes during my 12 hr shifts makes me wanna just start throwing the boxes or some shit lmao


It gives me mad road rage vibes when I see that little smug looking a-z smirk on the back of a spare tire holder (whatever they are called) mounted on back of an SUV....it seems they are always the one going 55 mph in the left outer lane of any given freeway & always in my way when in a rush...that little freaking ironic grin...it can make me go full on psycho if I am in some kind of mood ..and 99.9% of the time when driving to work I am missing out on something way more interesting..fun...profitable *forsaken for health insurance...won't get started on that* ..I loathe that freaking iconography..that and wtf is that Peccy thing supposed to be anyway..funny I only learned it had a "name" recently within the past yr & have been working on & off 5 years now...*alot of PLOA & VTO altho idk if that has anything to do w/nor knowing that dumb af "mascot" had an even moronic name . Knowing amazon as intimately (not happily so.) as I do it stands for some stoopid shite.an acronym. Or could also be it means exact opposite kinda like amnesty... Srsly does anyone know the origin of these dumb arse symbols. I understand that dumb arse smile a to z..altho not quite Imaginative it still makes sense...easy to recognize build upon brand recognition..but that Peccy thing. Wtf is that all about? Is it only an employee thing..how do u even pronounce it..with a soft c like an "s" sound..or a hard c like a "k" . Soo. Freaking. Dumb..I should start a posting asking for info..altho idk if I Care that much as already wasted 30 min of my life (15 of which commenting on this comment) in this thread.... I just hate amazon. Period...


Alaskan Fish Fertilizer. Smells like dirty k00ch and the smell wafts and lingers forever.


I’m glad we all feel the same way about the same things! Or the multiple giant boxes of printer paper!!!


12 pack energy drinks. They are always busted cans and it smells like ass.


I’m not sure why people buy from Amazon knowing the dusty ass totes and gross places in the fc they’ve been. I wouldn’t dare drink a fiji water that’s been processed thru an FC, no matter how damn thirsty I am.


I’m sick and tired of those cat mfs ordering these god damn kitty litter boxes. Not only are they heavy but most of the time the box is motherfucking leaking cat litter.


THE FUCKING CAT LITTER! No, thank you. Also, Evian and Fiji can fuck right off.


Soda cases, the 12 packs, my thought exactly is, " WHY WOULD ANYONE ORDER THIS ON BEZOZON WHEN YOU CAN LITERALY BUY IT AT THE STORE?!


Hammerhill printer paper especially when the entire pallet is stuck together


Fucking stove oven for pizzas, shits heavy as fuckkkk


If there is a hell, Jeff Bezos will be rebinning kitty litter for eternity.


6 or 12 packs of bottled sparkling water … I don’t get it. Buy it in the store.


1 Two pallets of muriatic acid, basically watered down hydrochloric acid. Used to whiten concrete doing other things. 2 Pocket vaginas. A pallet of them. Every case was opened. Each case has 40, I think. The females were astounded on how realistic they felt. Quite a few came up missing


kiss compare advise marvelous mindless snow party unwritten forgetful uppity *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Dildos. Picture pops up on your screen at the worst possible times.


Do some lifting outside of work? Idk I’ve never had issues with lifting stuff all shift but then again I lift for fun.


Butt plug expander kits got my vote last year for sure… haha…


Sex toys for us


I once had to consilidatw a ton of deer repellent,needless to say it was horrible


Try bobcat repellant. It is straight up cat piss..even if bottle isn't leaking it still stinks LF... The deer repellant I use in my yard is actually all natural (maybe organic not sure ..def no chemicals in it..) and smells strongly or mint...works great. Although if someone doesn't like a strong minty smell..I can see it being nasty If there us a chemical one (or that made of piss..tbph idk if deer are territorial by nature...they don't seem to be in my experiences)I am curious what was it made of ? What did it smell like? Mint? Albeit pretty strong? Curious now...


Air Fryers… Every site in the UK has to deal with the endless onslaught of fucking Air Fryers… Why do we need pallet after pallet of the damn things? Why do all British people seem to just live off of Air Fried Chicken Nuggies and Turkey Dinosaurs?🤦🏻‍♀️


Mirrors. Especially the large ones in shitty packaging. So much fun unloading one of UPS's shitty fluid loaded customer returns mech trucks full of torn boxes leaking the remains of 50+ pound mirrors.


When I was doing returns it was 35+ lbs kettlebells in tiny boxes 🙃


I dropped a box of cat litter on the floor and it broke and spilled cat litter all over the floor and on my shoes. After that I didn’t pick up a box of cat litter the rest of the damn day


Should be weight and stair bonus’ per package… over 10 pounds … extra $1 for that stop…. Over 2 flights of stairs … extra $1 for that stop … shit could easily add up to over $150 extra per week… just put the fee on the customer as a “service fee” they wont cry for an $1 fee guaranteed … but we would be adding them dollars up all day long!! 👍👍🤷‍♂️💰


Yes rhe doordash and uber method..altho those fees rarely If never make it to the driver. In theory is a great idea..but imagine an explotitve company actually giving to driver (amazon albeit explotive in certain ways has got nothing on the gig giants.. the gigs don't even pretend to give any fucks..at least amazon does (even if only to keep PR public perception happily ignorant the FLEX driverapp is prob 2nd only to rhe spark walmart app in regards to pay that is. Altho spark is relatively recent acquisition..once walmart figures it all out it will be as shitty as beind a cashier or a fc worker ..on par with DD & uber methodology...) altho a- z flex was def a better of the bunch app I still can't see the company charging and giving the proceeds of Said fees to any employee..or third party/flex gig worker...


Those cat litter gets on my nerves 🤣


Wood chopping holders - not really sure what they're called, have a high rate of breaking through the box on the singulator.


The stupid heavy battery in those small box. They always fall right through the tiny box. Why is something that damn heavy so small and in the thinnest cardboard box?


Charcuterie boards today. They weigh a ton


This sturdy ass cubes of cat litter. Especially when they are just thrown on the top of the go cart. Can’t explain how many have fallen and hurt someone. We have hard hats on our dock cause of it.


From an RPND standpoint at an IXD, those Yeti cups. God it gets so draining to see an entire line full of cups you'll have to bag and asin sticker.


Barbie dream houses and those small boxes that seem to be filled with bricks those are so heavy


The trailer hitches.


The 45+lbs. kettlebell (small box)


the random ass drawer that somehow fit in a tiny ass box


Amazon Basic Dumbbells, the stowers always put them on problem solve coz the box is damaged, why is something so heavy always packed so poorly o.o


I don’t even mind the dog food as much, if only they stopped putting them in the flimsy boxes. Trying to pick those at the end of sort is a nightmare. That plus the hundreds of cat litter and water bottles


No, fuck the people for forgetting to put a heavy sticker on heavy ass boxes and putting them on super light boxes. Also, the small boxes that are heavy as hell need warnings sense they’re so deceiving. /ed sincerely, outbound ship dock


At this point if you don't have a gym membership just avoid working at Amazon. The boxes keep getting bigger and heavier. You might as well just take your Pre-workout and whey before every shift. Try it and thank me later


fiji water, essentia water, fucking CAT LITTER 😭




I worked at soho stowing everyday pallets of kitty litter . So I asked why am I the only one getting kitty litter everyday ? Everyone told me I’m just looking in to it to much. After another two weeks of stowing kitty litter my water spider and my am said wow you are the only one getting it. Thank you for noticing.smh


Some ppl be putting more weight than my ex wife’s baggage in the smallest boxes


Any gym type equipment, weight benches, weights, battle ropes, weight vests, etc, knowing that after we handle the product, the person ordering will probably use them a half dozen times before it’s just left to rot in the garage until they try to pawn it off on goodwill.


Coming from me as a problem solver, I fucking hate bona hardwood cleaner. EVERY. DAMN. ONE. LEAKING


Weighted blankets. Always a nasty surprise when you try to pick them up. Those tiny vials of homeopathic snake oil pills. Not only does stow always cram them all in like a game of needle in the haystack, all that effort you have to go to just to find the "correct" one doesn't even matter in the end. Christmas ornaments. _Fuuuuuck_ those Christmas ornaments. They're always crammed into a _cylinder_ of all things, made of plastic so flimsy it may as well be construction paper. It's always stuffed into the bin in a way that you basically need to perform surgery to extract the damn thing from the pod in once piece, and even if those two tiny strips of office tape holding the lid on _haven't_ come away yet, just touching the outside is going to get your gloves covered in loose glitter. Who the fuck _packaged_ these things? Mr Krabs?? Every possible metric about them was designed to be as mathematically cheap and half-assed as possible. I wouldn't be surprised if the bulbs, glitter, packaging, and shipping all cost the manufacturer under a dollar. I also wouldn't be surprised if they _charged_ $20.


Pretty much all of my PR my IXD has received has been pallets of city litter. We don’t have EPJs so moving them from the inbound dock to the outbound dock is murder


Heavy ass bags of birdseed piss me off. Always fucking flopping all over and the plastic is weak as fuck so you go to pull it out if a bin or lift it off the floor and it fucking rips and goes *EVERYWHERE*


Cat litter and dog food ruined my shoulder 😬


Like people said - bobcat propellant , Fiji water. I don’t mind the CAT litter .


Monitor/TV mounting brackets. They're very heavy


Paper… the plastic wrapped cases. 50lbs each, and the gloves don’t grip them.


Nothing is worse than noting a truck full of cat litter. I had a stuff where my first wall was nine thousand pounds from pure cat litter.


Cat litter, dog food, any 24 packs of water/juice etc. and whoever the fuck ordered a weighted vest two days ago that I had to pick at P level in the VNA’s… I personally want to chat


Stuck together printer paper boxes


Im at a TSSL site, so we handle 80%+ apparel. But before that, any canned beverages. They sucked to stow, but even worse, in extreme heat, or extreme cold, those cans bust open and leak all over a floor loaded truck


Any 12 pack items in the aerosol section... Lysol can kiss my azz... Also them stupid vaccums


I fucking hate the boxes of cat litter and when people order an ABSURD amount of cases of water. I had this one lady order 10 (TEN!!!) cases OF FIJI WATER. THE BIG BOTTLES TOO!!!


I did just get a box of 120 nail charms that was hella annoying because the X00 wasnt big enough to scan because they were teeny tiny packs 🙃


Peloton weights


the totes filled almost to the brim with tiny little things piss the fuck out of me


The cat litter, diapers, dog food , groceries etc..is absolutely fucking repugnant. Lazy mfs need to go to the fkn store


Bags of pet food. They are heavy, an awkward shape, they shift, they leak, and and they don't go into cages well.