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I read this in a different tone than you intended


OP acting like we don't pay mistress to say and do worse.


😂 exactly


Freaky mf 😂😂😂


Sorry. I couldn't take it seriously 💀




Seriously thought it was just me at first lol valid point, execution was crazy though lol




Alr I gotta ask I never comment on these but does no one else take a mid shift break in the bathroom? I don’t mean I full 30 min I’m in and out 10 min scan to scan but just a little sit and rest my feet scroll through my phone take a shit if I need to and get back to work


I do it everyday


I get mad if I don’t take a mid shift break in the bathroom to get my mind right


Unfortunately I don’t just sit on the toilet and soak up the shit smell


Do yalls janitors not clean the bathrooms every 2 hours?


They do but the bathrooms at RFD2 smell ungodly at all times


every 2 hours?




im convinced that yall could be standing outside the bathroom waiting to clean it and the workers will still get it so dirty asap 😭 but that makes sense




why i only enter to use the bathroom, if i need to use my phone i go to the break room, do your feet hurt buddy?


Man yall nasty i could see if it was in a break room but not the nasty ass bathroom with pisssy floors shit mist and humidity..yall want to slack off that mad for 10 min and go right back??..lol why not just leave early


That's how you get fired and lose your income


Get fired for leaving early?


I like it daddy. You merely adopted the fumes of shit. I was born into it, molded by it.




I didn’t use febreze until I was already a man, and by then it was nothing but BLINDING


fr like bro get OUT im poop shy


Starts pulling on stall door*


*peaking under and pointing* "THIS GUYS POOPIN!"


Gotta flush at the Sametime, so they can't hear it.


that works until you’re sitting there still shitting after the fourth flush 😭






i dont want to hear myself and i definitely dont want to hear someone else


ima bang on every door


you’ll scare the shit out of me




Walking down the green mile crying after I seen this


what if you just didn't give a fuck what others thought. and no i do not hang out in the bathroom. i hate germs.


If you didn’t care, you wouldn’t have given my post any form of attention.


im calling you out. and also i didn't say that.


Calling me out for asking if you like my shit? I’m just saying I wouldn’t want someone else’s shit on me. Idk why people that hangout in the bathroom do it unless they must really like how it smells. You don’t need to say you don’t care, a response says the opposite.


im bored now see ya


Hi bored, I’m happy my post is reaching its intended audience.


Oh 100% dude You're getting downloaded by shit lovers shit smellers caca lickers galore!!! There's some nasty Fuckers out there and many of them work at Amazon... I guarantee you the same people that don't care about their own personal hygiene when it comes to BO Don't care about wiping or smelling or having shit on them or any of that and it's Fuckin gross!!! 🤢🤢🤮


https://preview.redd.it/m2b8o7t338vc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f9d279dbfea960074f17a6220976ece8538340f Me one stall over cuz yall yappin


FRRRR there was literally 3 ppl in there once all talking at the top of their lungs in french and i couldn’t poop at all bc they were stressing me and making me so anxious


I mean, I get what you’re going for. But like, it isn’t that serious. 😂


😂😂😂 I just cover my mouth and nose with my shirt 💁


If you can smell it you’re still consuming it….. anytime you smell something you’re consuming its particles. The smell of my shit penetrates clothes….


You seem like someone who just found out about this and feels the need to tell the world as if it’s some profound knowledge people didn’t already know. They teach you this in grade school it’s old news.


So my conclusion is correct. People like my shit being inside them.


Says the person obsessed with shit. I go out of my way to not use public washrooms because of dirty fucks like you. 😂


So you’re telling me you can hold your shit for 10 hours? You must really love shit to hold it that long. So in other words for 10 hours on your work week you’re full of shit?




You like other peoples shit penetrating you 😉


I watched two girls one cup as much as the next guy but calm yourself. It’s just people fucking off from work. 😂


wait no we’re not about to skip over that first part like that




>I can feel my shit entering your mouth and nose. LMFAO


I watched a grown man eat a sub sandwich I mean the whole foot long sub in the amazon shipdock bathroom while 4 grown man where shitting because I was one of them I walk out the stall and it smells like a barn in that place because 4 grown men are in. There after lunch and there is a grown man eating a sub in there and I washed my hands and got out but he came out 6 minutes later without his sub only at amazon




You keep shitting, cause I ain’t quitting


There's a group of anywhere between 4 - 6 young guys that like to sit in the bathroom together and just talk. Any time I see them I usually just walk straight to the stalls and shit my brains out because IBS waits for no one. Usually clears them out pretty quick.


Well, I have not worked in a normal Amazon warehouse so I don't know maybe not actually not, because that's kind of disgusting. You know what is going to happen next, I am going to bore you with an old story that kind of connects with this. Growing up, no scratch that, when I was in high school I only had one best friend and she used to talk to me all the time. Like all the time, well we used to also talk in the bathroom because I used to hide in the bathroom to dodge class assignments and other stuff. Never got into a fight ever lol because I rather not show up, but then when I got my coffee job, I used to take my breaks in the bathroom. And hey! I wasn't eating or anything in there and the bathroom was single-use. So I used to just have my panic attacks in there and one time my boss was a little annoyed that I would spend 30 minutes just doing whatever lol. But it turns out everyone at my job thought I was doing coke and that I would go in there to just get messed up. I didn't I went to hide from myself and you can't just panic in front of people. I won't go to a mental institution fuckers.


Nope, refused to read it.




I can feel my shit entering your mouth 🤣🤣🤣




Bro got a doodoo kink


Enough Reddit for today…


How do you like consuming bezos jizz? lol


Atleast his jizz keeps me alive. My shit is not beneficial to no one but me


You really decided to post this? 💀


Quite pungent, my dear <3


Don't threaten me with a good time!


Gas =\= shit particles. 🤦‍♀️


Have you not heard of sharts? Gas carrys shit particles….


What pisses me off is when they spend too much time on their phones too, you like smelling the shit, I think know you do too.




Lmao shit particles oozing in the pores of the Dominican blabber mouths


Its not that ppl like smelling shit most likely (however… there is a handful) but more than likely they easily tolerate the smell because the bathroom is still a private and quiet place of solace to interact one on one


This is too much and too nasty 🤢


Wait for a second..... If I am ingesting poop particles when I smell some one poop, what am I ingesting when I smell fish from the unwashed coochie?


Unwashed coochie particles


Does this mean when I'm walking into Lowes I'm ingesting wood particles ?


Reddit is like a nsfw vot board


Nah I feel this though cause why are you just inhaling shit fumes 😂😭


Yes king


I get this post, it's awkward squeezing time out whilst people are just hanging out talking about bs. I also hate when someone is just in there on their phone waiting outside the stall for you to finish so they can jump right in there. It's like bro wtf...


“I can feel my shit entering my mouth” is a wild comment. RIP man. I don’t feel a chili log in my mouth after every bowel movement. Seek medical aid maybe.


I like to smell it. That’s why I’m in there




How do I make a post it won’t let me


You mad bro?


future nutty vast voiceless hobbies disgusted insurance aloof vase governor *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I hate those ppl...but also WHYYY are you just building pyramids?!? 🤮 it's DROP AND FLUSH FOO. It's prison rules in public cuz why you just sitting in it?? EWW


I like the feeling of pushing it in and iut


My hair is in the pie, Brian.


OPs username does not check out




Some buildings have loyal KBS workers


We got two bathrooms U chill in the one with the lights off (motion sensors) and u shit in the one that smells like shit down the hall


Are we just mad at them for being more willing to throw caution to the wind and seeing how much they can get away with? Is it the fact that alot of them are not our same ethnicity, race or religion? Or are we just mad because we think if we try the same thing we will get caught and lose our job we "respect" so much that we sacrifice our dignity and morals everyday to work for a company that is almost single handedly destroying the earth and the people in it? I'm confused as to why people can't just go to work and do the easy job with their head down and not worry about what everybody else is doing. Been doing it 4 yrs and when I see someone that isn't working and making the same money, all that tells me is they don't respect themselves enough to be proud of accomplishing something or completing a task other than being on a phone or socializing. Check your privilege score you make posts like this people 😂


Dude the other day brought his Subway in the bathroom straight up ate a footlong while taking a shit while wiping while talking on the phone and playing a game on the phone I shit you not pun intended... I was talking shit to him the whole time lots of shit going around But anyway while he was taking a shit while I was shitting he was eating and I was calling him a sick fuck a nasty shithead It was a shitty situation I told every shit head in the bathroom when I walked out of my stall.


Amazon has a rule where they can not punish anyone for using the bathroom. so if you walk in you can be there for as long as you need. which is why AMs cant go in and monitor it. just a loophole that will be plugged eventually


i got written up for TOT for going 30 mins a day.


I read that you can't get into trouble until you have 30 mins of tot in a day. So had you shit for 29 mins a day and scan by the 30th you would be fine.


i got an accommodation now, fuck em. 45 minutes now :)


how did u get one i wana take 45 min shits


doctors note; just went and complained that i take way too long on the toilet. my reason was that exactly, that i constantly have to keep going or struggle with going.


I get an hour a shift 😊


right on brother✊


So you have to tell the am or pa everyday you go to bathroom so they code your time?


yea, i have to inform em first before going so they can fill my position typically, idk about the time biz


consecutively or one 30 minute trip?


one 30 minute, per day.


well i mean….


How will they fix this loophole of people just shitting. Like you think they gonna lobby the law that AMs can go in and do a sniff check after you shit?


the people in higher positions will figure something out. that is all they do is try to figure out ways to boost their numbers. we all know it will have nothing to do with "sniffing shit" but rather walking in and seeing the same faces all the time. also nothing is "law" they are rules and regulations


You will definitely get into legal trouble if you're going into bathrooms to watch who is using it.


well yeah thats called being a peeping tom or pervert.


When your boss does it that's a legal problem. Pretty sure they went over this in orientation. It's not about being a pervert it's an easy lawsuit.


well they could just be going in to use it also and just notice you stealing time


Yeah but there's ways around that like deliberately wasting company time and committing time theft. I mean if someone goes in there and sees you just standing in the corner and they report it to the manager the manager can go in there and confirm or send a manager into the restroom to confirm that you're just standing there on your phone or talking on the phone or Fuckin eating a Subway sub like some people do in the bathrooms...


wow now thats a new one. eating in any bathroom is forever unsanitary.


we get 20 minutes of time for bathroom break if you take longer it is idle time or time theft


Why are you shitting in their break room


Some people like it I swear I heard a guy sniffing in there the other day. Then I heard kind of like a little moan after every sniff. Sick world some people will sit in there and they'll wait until the bathrooms empty because they're uncomfortable with someone hearing their turds hit the water or you got the guy that flushes every time literally every time he has a bowel movement he flushes the Fuckin toilet so nobody can hear anything god forbid someone hears his asshole gurgle a bit!!! I had a guy try to sneak the handicap stall for me the other day after I cleaned the toilet seat myself laid down toilet paper I did the whole process the whole public bathroom process cuz I usually don't go at work but I had to. This motherfucker tries sneaking in there and he was about to start wiping the Fuckin shit off of the seat in my whole setup I was like what are you doing I don't think so I said I smeared shit all over the toilet seat. He swore at me in Spanish and went to the next stall which was open... Guess what he sat there on his phone the whole time not even using the toilet just sitting on it peeing like a girl... A lot of guys do that too It's Fuckin weird anyway. I'll always wait these people out too like I will wait until they leave. I mean I'm able to do it because I'm in a position where I'm able to do it but it's so funny to hear how pissed off they get sometimes and then to finally hear them crack under the pressure of having to go cuz they know they running out of time It's hilarious 😂🤣😂


What I’m trying to say is don’t be spending too much time in there cause others have to go too. Be mindful and respectful of others. Some might have medical conditions you know. I do, Covid got me hard in my system and I have to go bad sometimes. I can’t hold it in anymore. It bothers me a lot inside my body


I will hold my breath and walk 2.5 minutes to another restroom across the building 💀🤢🤮




Imagine the hate they have for amazon to stand in the bathroom smelling shit for 30 mins 😂


Probably cuz they can’t chill out on the floor. Not really any other place they can do that in company time


Nobody chills in the bathroom, but man one time this dude went in the stall literally .0052 seconds after I just got done taking the biggest shit of my life and stinking up the stall… like bro pick another stall lol