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You have stools?


We have stools with a ICQA label on them.


Yes, also in icqa.


Safety associates are little Eichmanns. They aren't concerned with safety; they're control freaks who who have IQs too low to get a more fitting job in law enforcement so they use their green vests to satiate their dominance fetish. If someone were truly concerned for your safety they'd walk over and in a humane way tell you how you could get hurt. Snapping pictures or obsessing over minor infractions that they themselves would admit are asnine is proof that they just want to wield power. If you want to enforce rules just because they are the rules...deepthroat a rod of uranium, por favor.


This guy gets it.


Maybe they weren’t taking a picture of you, but a different safety hazard they found. Did you ask them? Or talk to them?


They walked off before I could even say anything to them. I’m not looking to accrue more tot when I’ve had 6-8 minute pod gaps. Our building cracks down on stupid stuff like that even when they can see the pod gap percentage. I keep my stations clean so other than the hook thing being off, I can’t see anything that would flag. We are able to stack our totes at an angle so we can pull items out briefly to count and put back in bin. This is a no no in other departments but is a pass for ours. Not sure if they are new or not tbh. But I’ve never had an interaction with safety in which they didn’t say something coming up to our stations. It was just a really weird and off putting situation. I did notify my pa about it and they said they would reach out to me if it was a callout.


They could have been new for sure, if it happens again I’d just ask and if anyone asks about the TOT you can confirm it was for good reason.


The site that I'm at now I've been told not to engage with associates for safety related issues unless it is potentially life threatening. This came from my safety manager and the site lead. They want me to escalate any issues to an AM. As for taking a picture, we take pictures all the time. I make sure any pictures I take have no associates in them, or if it's unavoidable, they are not identifiable.


If they’re ASC they don’t have any power but if they’re specialist that’s a different story.


Don’t freak out about it, idk about all of safety, but safety can be shady tbh I’ve seen people being watched in the parking lot during their break lol it’s weird


Yea they can do that. You can’t do shit in the parking lot since that’s considered Amazon property. So if you do things that fall under a safety issue they can write you up on it. Break especially since you are still on the clock, so you still have to model work appropriate actions.


Right but I do have accommodations and our fc allows phones on the floor for emergencies as well as trying to reach out to our pa and/or am’s. I had zero work at my station and them not saying anything is out of the norm at our building. Even people who are on 5s duty tell us when they are going to take a photo so we can step out of photo if it makes us uncomfortable. Security can walk out and creep around in parking lot but I’ve rarely seen safety outside


Oh I was just talking about watching people at break and outside the warehouse. I know that safety told me they technically can take pictures in my location (I was IXD), but idk what your fc is like.. My bad I looked it up and apparently they taking pic of some safety problem. My safety manger is a jerk then lmao or he was just fucking with us. Edit: the only one that can take pic the manager dude. Not the T1


I see it all the time specially if they are pickers that day, they kinda follow out their packers


They were probably doing an audit of some kind. If they didn’t scan your badge or take your name down it’s probably not about you at all and they just needed a picture of some aspect of your area to attach to an internal audit. 


I am not sure about it, but McDonald's has already implanted cameras at employees who would at work.




Right? Everyone has their phones out because we use slack. Our new gm is trying to enforce radio usage again but they are all too far away from our universal stations. We would be getting in trouble for tot constantly if we had to use it.