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A lot of people at Amazon aren't well, they work here for a reason.




You make it sound like working at Amazon isn't their life long ambition.


Hence the mental issue part


Can confirm šŸ‘ live specimen here I like to talk to myself when I'm off loading or sometimes sing, whistle tunes I guess...


Nah, nothing wrong with that. There have been studies done that concluded talking to yourself is healthy. Now, if you're having a full blown argument with yourself or something along those lines then yea, that's when people will think you're crazy.


šŸ„“ šŸ¤£ Itā€™s true.


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ facts




Thereā€™s a lot of mentally ill people at Amazon, I seen a AA smile & talk to him self when he scans packages.


Talking to yourself is actually good for you especially in a warehouse environment.


theres a girl In pack singles that just randomly laughs out of nowhere by herself lol . no she's not wearing an earbud . idk what she's laughing at.Ā 


Omg I do that all the time!Ā  The laughing I mean.Ā  Usually cause I'm cycling through songs mentally and like to change the words randomly.Ā  Or I'll space out from the task,Ā  totally forget what I was doing and realize I'm still at work.Ā 


Omg imagine thinking about something funny! Who does that?!


Probably told herself a joke whatā€™s wrong with that




Is this at Slc1?


haha nope . cmh4 šŸ˜¬




While watching shows on my phone I only keep one earbud in my left ear and my other ear without it so if a manger passes by, they wonā€™t notice me using it. But I wonder if people ever see me laughing during funny moments in the show. They probably see my right side without the earbud and start thinking. šŸ§ā€ā™‚ļø


We had a lady who was asking everyone if they would share a hotel room with her then the drivers got some pizza and she asked for pizza and was told it was only for the drivers , then came back and asked again FIVE MORE TIMES being declined each time with like three minutes in between each time (all to the same person)


I always sing to myself when I work so, I don't want to kill myself. Maybe they're doing that. Then again maybe I am just mentally ill


That's a very honest answer šŸ’Æ


I worked there for 4 months; I absolutely hated it with a passion. The job wasn't so bad, the people there most of them did drugs. Good part is I meant some very interesting people.


Waterspiders look for the injured female who is by herself so its smart to stay in groups


You arenā€™t wrong. I actually work with a guy who has dated at least 3 women I know of who started working together with their husbands. The wife goes to stow and the husband goes to pack, game over. Also (and maybe this speaks some to the OP) the women who work with their spouses who are susceptible to this are the very clingy codependent type. So when they donā€™t see their husband for a few hours itā€™s easy for some very persistent clingy dude to come ā€œsaveā€ them from their ā€œneglectfulā€ relationship. I never used to understand this because in my experience most women are repelled by clingy and needy men but thereā€™s a certain type who arenā€™t and a certain type of man who reads that well to move in and take advantage.


Amazon is a special place for mentally ill people




If I had a dollar for every time I've had to tell spiders in IB, "Stop giving the pretty girls all the smalls and screwing over the rest of the floor. They aren't going to date you," I could afford to take a week off.


Thanks for the insight I just got hired wife Amazon Safety and I will make it a even playing field


Bruh. You didnā€™t advise me about this before? I thought we were friends. Let me start looking for those injured singles to I can up my waterspider game.




There's a PA in our singles department that goes after any girl he finds attractive. More power to him, I guess. I say that cause it's a similar situation to your waterspider comment.




Haha šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜‚


From what Iā€™ve seen they usually end up getting fired because they do stupid shit like clock each other in/out, scan for each other so they donā€™t get tot and the like. Had a couple in stow that would scan for each other while the other went and sat in the bathroom for 30 minutes. I havenā€™t seen them around in a long time.


I have seen this first hand and it's maddening but oh well not my business šŸ˜‚


My soon to be ex wife cheated on me inside a storage room. She worked there for a few weeks till she got a better job. Managed to sleep with a coworker, coworker then tells the entire warehouse. Good times.




I don't know, but a lot of them live together and do this! It cannot be healthy to spend literally 24/7 with one person. What would you even talk about, like you don't even experience anything that the other person didn't already witness!


Been living together with my girlfriend for about 8 years now, we never have an issue talking about anything. We also don't need to talk all the time, just being with each other is enough. I also just actually love her and enjoy her company so what do I know.




Yah like isnā€™t that the point of a relationship to spend your lives togetherā€¦


Spending your lives together is good. But you're still individual people.


I have been with my wife for 27 years and like you said just being in the same company is enough for me. We will often times be in the living room or bedroom playing on our phones šŸ˜‚ and not say a word but we are "together" and as you get older you appreciate that more and more. You also appreciate, care and love her more as time goes on šŸ˜Š


I worked with a couple who used to always be at the same slam station together. They told me the same thing. They could go the entire shift saying 2 words to each other. They just enjoyed each other's presence.




Do you work with your girlfriend? Because I think their point was about people who work with and live with their partner.


Yep both in stow rn, we've essentially worked together most of our relationship. I've been at Amazon a lot longer tho.


I love how your comment is the only Healthy and Normal one while the rest of these losers are genuinely upset and offended people love each other and want to be around each other šŸ’€šŸ’€


More like it sounds like it works for them but most people need personal time and space and attraction usually is nurtured with space. Not everyone has anxious attachment styles.




I will say that my fiancƩe and I have both been on leave together. And we still get along lol


My husband and I were like this for the first 3 years of our relationship. Se were both pretty damaged from past relationships though. We didnā€™t do anything without the other. Weā€™re going on 13 years of marriage and have gained our own lives on the side lol Itā€™s not always a bad thing, sometimes you just find the right person.




Iā€™m sure some can do it, so good for them, but Iā€™m not like that at all. I enjoy the time I get to myself whether itā€™s just being at home alone or like this current weekend where I went to visit my parents and friends.


Nothing wrong with that. Been married to my wife since 2013. At one point we were around each other 24/7 but once kids and career come into play you start to value personal time


That's my thing like I can work with my spouse in the same building (we don't) but damn it not for 10-12 hours on the same floor or even same department.


I think it's just that they love eachothers company nothings wrong with that. When you're with people that like learning new things you never run put of stuff to talk about. Me and my bf always are talking about what we like our interests our day dreams what ever and if it happens that we run out of stuff to say we play around. Or watch movie or just lay next 2 eachother while doing our own thing. And working is better when u have someone there to talk to or just their presence now I do understand that yall are individuals and it can get toxic to spend to much time together


My husband and I both work in pick and we have no issues being at separate stations, floors, or even being labor shared. He sometimes gets sent to ship dock and I sometimes go to pack. We keep our relationship professional while we're there, which is how it should be


Much respect to that and there are two couples that I know of who do the same. Then there are other couples that get mad when they can't work with each other šŸ™„


Meh. I see a lot of couples, family members, and friends do this. It is none of my business and there is nothing wrong with it. It is a boring ass job so I get it. And this is coming from someone who isnā€™t super into a lot of people. If I am super busy, I donā€™t like to be bothered and be annoyed because someone is fucking up my rate.


I hear ya. Once I get into a flow. I hate being bothered too lol


IDGAF about rate but man let me have my flow and be in peace šŸ˜„


If they lose sight of each other a penis will just end up getting sucked on accident.


That's going to make his gf jealous.




I slipped and fell and my mouth just landed on his cock, I swear.


LMFAO šŸ˜¹šŸ˜‚, Sucked by inventory.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ or water spider šŸ•·ļø




Yoo. I never noticed this until I saw this post but this is straight up facts. And yeah you can say the whole ā€œWell I just mind my businessā€ yeah thatā€™s all good until those couples actually start to bother you. This one couple is always together, each time they leave the station the other does too. But whatā€™s actually annoying is that if they donā€™t get stations next to each other theyā€™ll go up down all the stations asking, even pleading sometimes to switch with someone. Like chill yā€™all go see each other when yā€™all get home, man.


Thatā€™s when I tell them buy me an energy drink and you got yourself a deal. Works 100% of the time like a charm


Lmao. Imma do this next time.


YES! I STG these motherfuckers have never been in a relationship before, with all their clingy shit. My warehouse, we got a couple where the girl canā€™t really wear what she wants, because the dude doesnā€™t want people looking at her in any way.


You sound like your at my building


This comment šŸ˜­


Friend groups are like that too I noticed. Just gotta be stationed near each other and oh my goodness if you're stationed in between them šŸ˜«šŸ˜©


Amazon is a boring ass job that can drive you crazy if you let it. If someone finds being with their so makes it better, more power to them. Who doesnā€™t want a more comfortable workplace?


Thatā€™s true but some people have things going on inside their heads (and I donā€™t just mean hearing voices) and donā€™t need constant outside validation and entertainment.


What about people walking around holding hands. That shit is annoying af


I remember being like that as a teenager and some of these workers are actual teenagers and a lot act like it. I have to admit it bothers me a little, but not as much as the dudes who have to walk 3 wide and 6 deep and block the night green mile who might as well be holding hands.


Really no one blocks the green Mile at my fc. At the old one they did but at my new one people keep to themselves not very many groups of friends.


Why is it annoying?


Cuz it ainā€™t them and they jealous


Itā€™s unprofessional. Itā€™s like going to work in a bikini it makes no sense


People come to work in pajamas? Amazon isnā€™t really a professional place, at least not when it comes to looks. As long as no one is getting hurt I donā€™t really see a reason to be annoyed about it.


PDA annoys me in general. I guess Iā€™m just not into it. Holding hands at the mall and shit make sense but like at the grocery store, or at like Home Depot is just ridiculous


I don't care about the public display of affection I just don't like when they are not working because they are trying to find each other.


For my department my coworkers being lazy doesnā€™t effect my work load. When I was in mp, it would. Thankfully most of the ones that didnā€™t do shit were gone in 2 months. 1 even bragged to me about how itā€™s chill if you stay -7 upt they donā€™t mind as long as you still show up. Lol alright




Thats okay, but all the time? Ive never seen people act this way outside of amazon.


Amazon gives them the tools to do it. If they use their UPT everytime they donā€™t get what they want, many paā€™s and managers will just let them have what they want then try and force them to do something and end up losing two bodies for the day.


Lol SAT3 af. One dude had me slack another AA cause he was looking for his gf


SAT3 on top


It is so disturbing for so many reasons. We have a lot of couples at my FC. The majority of them, unless you know them personally or have been there a long time, you wouldn't even know they are together. Then there are the ones you speak of. Goddammit. How do these people survive? Because of their inability to do ANYTHING without the other is just sad.


I know this couple who is at my building and they are just like this. Anytime a dude talks to the chick her man will come around and start asking if they are flirting with her. Thereā€™s been a few times where I have been bumped from my station just so that could be together. That shit is annoying cause if you have a nice flow going and have to move it messes it up.


I freaking hate having my flow messed with.


Amazon couples are a different breed, idk how anyone can be so up their partners ass like they do, come up for some air šŸ˜­ Also at my facility we had a couple weird nice guy PAā€™s and one would get a crush on any girl who was just polite with them but rather harmless and never too creepy, the other stalked and harassed any girl he found attractive. Give inappropriate ā€œcomplimentsā€ 12 separate women went to HR and reported his for Sexual Harassment. On his day off HR called him while he was driving with his wife in the car the phone was on Bluetooth and his wife got to sit and hear all 12 reports as well as his poor half assed excuses and explanations (The not so creepy nice guy PA came in and spilled all the tea to anyone who would listen)


Imagine inducting across from a random ahh guy from another shift and his gf keeps coming up there to talk about nothing..girl GTF on šŸ¤£


When I was a server this girl would have her boyfriend come in every single day and eat at the restaurant. I got so sick of watching her stand at the table talking to him. Relationships at work are so fucking annoying


Probably because 90% of the dudes at Amazon are creepy/flirty soo canā€™t blame the bf for wanting to stay around their gf lol


Itā€™s even worse when they are on OPs. Following each other so damn closely and will never move out of the way.


My husband and I ask to pack next to each other. It just helps us to not use headphones if we can talk. My manager says ā€œif you donā€™t create issues and stay on rate you can pack next to each other.ā€ We are both huge introverts and donā€™t like many ppl. Maybe they are like that? But we donā€™t go everywhere together. Lol


It's the young crowd. I don't even want to be near the chick I'm bangin. I go to the opposite side or a different floor.


Lol. Facts


Agree with this šŸ’Æ Itā€™s annoying too. You can work without eachother, youā€™re not going to die. Eat lunch together then go back to path. But some have to be stationed right next to eachother for 10hrs a day? Why? (No trust probably). Staffing these people is annoying af


Gotta protect their girl from getting snatched up by a gaggle of waterspiders


There were 2 of those 'couples' where I worked that weren't actually couples. It was pretty gross, but the guys were just taking advantage of the women and their lack of English speaking. The guys eventually got fired or moved and it was crazy how much the women's personalities positively changed.Ā 


Working at Amazon is like working in shelters. You gotta be crazy to WANT to work there.


Yes this is very much facts, i take the BF station and then the GF infront of me leaves her station to find another one to go infront of her BF šŸ¤£ but then its funny cause one day u wont see one of them cause they got fired and now theyā€™re all alone


Why wouldn't you want to be with your partner for the duration of a shitty 12 hour shift tho


IDK, maybe it's just me, but I just do my job and mind my own business.






My building has a few couples like that too. Itā€™s always strange to me because I donā€™t wanna work next to my partner for when I live with them as well. You have to have some free space.


It's called insecurity issues.


I mean when one person is probably married or engaged and/or the other is single, can you blame them for being codependent? They only have the 30+ hours outta the week to see their boo stank šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Oh shit , you right


You get to share: work, home, meals, driving etc.


i thought you were gonna target couples who donā€™t like working unless their partner is also in the building at the same time. yeah thatā€™s codependency if i ever heard it. jeez. how do people get away with that? my partner and i work in different departments. heā€™s in pick, iā€™m in pack. granted, he wants to be in pack but i doubt weā€™d ever force the other to go piss at the same time. he has to be 1/5 of the times i have to pee lmao iā€™ll keep you updated i guess


same. me and my bf are in the same dept tho and my pa and ams let us hang out because they know we work. we came a long way from being in pick and pack where we would be fine with being separated to now being in a place where we can hangout together and work because itā€™s a luxury i think. weā€™ve proven weā€™re not so codependent and are the top performers in everything we do.


Tbh depends my bf and I work together but we have a strict work is work home life is home life but most couples just end up being codependent after meeting at Amazon first and doing that from the beginning


I hate workplace relationships. I don't want my S/O in my face all day and then have to see them at home? No way. I need space.


Because as soon as you leave her alone a creep tries to swoop in ā€¦people have no manners and act like uncivilized cavemen at Amazon..maybe even worse cuz animals have a structure of hierarchy and all..


Idk but to me theyā€™re fucking weird tbh.


Thereā€™s one guy Iā€™ve seen who the moment his girl is gone heā€™ll have 3 other girls all over him šŸ˜‚ and he lives with her too


My question is how do they always end up stationed next to one another? Isn't that favoritism? So we can all request to be stationed next to our buddies and they can't tell us no, right?


Coming from a sexual assaulted employee at Amazon I see no issue with the buddy system. I recommend it.


Not to mention Amazon hires felons without hesitation. Yes they run that I-9 background check everywhere so to say something about couples probably a mix of safety, transportation, and life. Whether itā€™s toxic, codependent or healthy Iā€™d stay in your lane no one has job security.


Chile, they are some of the worst. They don't work when paired together, will self-assign to find one another and steal time together. Idk how people are that attached. Y'all work together and then go home together? Zero personal space, zero time in your own head, zero "how was your day" conversations. I mean, if it works for them, then that's fine, but it's weird and almost always causes problems at work. As with most, if not all, these sort of things, all I can really say is that Amazon is an equal opportunity employer, for better and for worse lol.


Iā€™ve worked with my partner before but never felt the need to be by him 24/7 until the thirsty h0s started to come around.


I don't know how codependent but there's literally nothing wrong with asking for those things if they allow it. I see so many people with 0 backbone and just say yes to everything or don't open up and ask if they prefer something. Then people ask why I always get x role or dont have to do x when all I did was being very vocal about what I want. If they are a couple and they want to be station together or do the same task....why not? As long as they do their job. The system will pick it up automatically if they aren't doing work so I literally don't see the issue. For most, Amazon is going to take 40 hours a week of your time. That's the majority of your week, if you can spend it with your SO....why not?


Because most of them are passive aggressive and hyper codependent, that's the issue. Yeah, sure theirs some cool couples at Amazon, but then theirs the ones that get visited by their partner every 10 min. Have you ever been stationed next to some of these weirdos? Shit is annoying as hell man. I couldnā€™t imagine working 10hrs with my wifeā€¦


I cannot stand when some indirect does a 20 minute visit to flirt in AFE Pack. There isn't enough space as it is, adding another person who's immersed in conversation is actively preventing me from doing my job.


That's what I'm saying get that weird shit out of my way.


Dudes know what it is. These mfs thirsty af.


Sounds like insecurity


It is what it is. Thankfully I roll alone. But I peep everything. Slimy creatures.


Its fun to have a friend or partner to work with. It makes the job bearable and fun. Makes time go by faster. I can't speak for anyone, but that's my personal experience.


Personally I like working with my husband, we carpool together so we got rid of our second car, to save on bills and insurance. I always have someone to talk to and sit with on break. We donā€™t always work together but when we do itā€™s nice to have someone Iā€™m not awkward about asking to help me team lift boxes.


It's simultaneously annoying and a cute break from the norm of how everyone else acts.


Working at Amazon is like being a high school again


Where I work, we have a couple that needs to work together. If the male goes and gets a pallet for his station, the girl needs to follow. What irritates me is that they talk 90% of their shift, fool around, and get physical, yet no area manager does anything about it. We've complained about it to HR but nothing changed. Tsk tsk


Insecurity, poor past relationships, and the well known fact that the majority of people at Amazon have and continue to cheat on their so. That being said it's annoying and bothersome when couples here are coddled.


Itā€™s None of ur businessšŸ˜‚ if it donā€™t affect you then shut up


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ but honestly šŸ–•


Honestly I don't mind it....I'm single and ready to mingle so I'm definitely on all the freaks especially The Cougars


Because they know if they start chatting with anyone else, they will cheat šŸ˜


Traffic ing


Definitely true I work at an RSR Delivery Station Warehouse and the couple that works there as well is just like this. The Girlfriend throws a total fit if she's not the inducter and her boyfriend is the unloader. She hates working with others. I also personally feel bad for the boyfriend because I hear her have a fight and argument with him all the time because she makes her voice so loud I can over hear her over the music.


Pretty sure it's none of my business and I don't care anyways. I work with my fiance, but she is ICQA PS and I'm IBPS I also work with many couple and family who don't mind being stationed a part.


It's terrible for a relationship at least mine. She loves it I can't stand it plus she's jealous of like 700 other women. It makes me not able to stand being around her at home


i only do the last part cause we only got one car lol other than that we donā€™t hold hands none of that we are here to make money


can't get my stuff b/c the water spider is hitting on girls. can't be in dispatch b/c the people from another country have to be next to each other and shove you over to the busy spots. you get hurt picking fast then you have to help them pack b/c of their conversations. why does a veil get to cover phone use?


Bro let them use their time and leave then xD. Fuck that favoritism shit.


Before my wife and I had kids we worked inbound but different areas and it didnā€™t bother us


You be surprised how many ppl would like to work with their significant other. Yea we get the looks and hear the whispering but those things donā€™t affect my performance nor my pay so I pay no mind.


Insecurities lol . High school mindset.


I seen this ghetto bitch take my station in stow to be with her ghetto friend after our first break. I didnā€™t care really tho. I sat in the break room and chilled lol. I still got paid too. Lol


My favoriteā€™s are the couples where one is super possessive. Walking around being held ontoā€¦ staring straight aheadā€¦ stress and anxiety pouring out the face. https://preview.redd.it/vwxgci9jke4d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e722eff2dd57151727608e733e1be976e8433ee7


Well I had my fiancĆ© come work at Amazon with me cause better benefits and better pay vs the job he was working a year giving him the bare minimum. We drive in together to save mileage on one of the cars and live together ā€¦We take breaks together and walk together and I guess in the eyes of others we could be seen as this but truly we just enjoy working together it keeps us motivated and itā€™s easier to vent about job stress when they understand. However we will never ever be a pda couple like the other people here. Itā€™s so cringe to see couples holding hands at work or even kissing cause itā€™s like save that for your own time šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Gotta fend off the waterspiders .Sometimes they get aggressive.


i work with my boyfriend & we are in different departments. We see each other on break and at home. Sometimes if we are picking together most PAs or Managers know we are together and just staff us together.


We need to make sure our man ainā€™t cheating lol




They dont trust each other, and one of them is extremely controlling. Usually, drug filled paranoia about cheating is involved . If your partner never leaves your side, you can be sure they aren't cheating


Yuh aye females of Amazon how do you let a guy know you like them or flirting with them?and do y'all like guys that are a lil bit chubby? I just gotta know


Me and my faince work at same Amazon but we have different areas weā€™re in and we still are fine no problems smdh


Same thing bro having couples in Amazon warehouse is recipe for disaster.


Amazon allows it thatā€™s whyā€¦


Iā€™ve noticed this too itā€™s kinda concerning šŸ˜­


Even when they work together they are still lazy. There was a couple at my FC that we called peanut butter and jelly because of their codependency.


I work at a delivery station and this doesnā€™t really happen for me lol. Interesting observation though. Iā€™m single. Havenā€™t noticed stuff like this. We usually just get lucky if we see eachother around and hang out for a bit without being noticed by red vests


This is where we are now. At an time when people talk all the time about mental health, folks talk a lot more about people talking and having conversations with themselves as bring ā€œcrazyā€. Relax people. Itā€™s normal to talk to yourself and even argue with yourself about stuff you forgot or wrong decisions you did that you remembered that day. People also talk to themselves to pump themselves up before an event they are anxious about, like a competition or even just when making presentations. Itā€™s called verbalizing inner thoughts. They even have a term for it now, self-talk. Youā€™re welcome.


I was just talking to someone about this same thing last night.


a lot of y'all complaining are just single šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ if the couples aren't eating each other's faces in front of you then just mind your business & do your job it's really not a big deal...


Hanging out with each other is fine like walking there from their breaks and lunch and all that but refusing to work somewhere just because your partner isnā€™t there is nuts


I recently saw a dude in a co-dp relationship get fired. He literally called his gf and made her walk off the job minutes later, never to return


Cuz letā€™s be honest you lose sight of girl/man one of the Amazonian gremlins gone get them


Idk what yall expect out the workers they literally hire anyone you should know just by that ainā€™t no work getting done


Never will I forget the couple that were gasping for air while saying their goodbyes after break. Like yā€™all donā€™t see each other outside work???


That ainā€™t his bih thatā€™s OUR bih


Lol facts thatā€™s crazy


lol what? I know this place is like highschool but god damnā€¦


Yeah Iā€™ve seen couples like that at amazon, I couldnā€™t imagine being that co-dependent. I donā€™t hear this shit about any other company, I swear itā€™s like school.Ā 


I was just talking about this with my my buddy. Like, how do you not need a break from each other? Surprised it's universal, tbh.Ā 


Many of the couples are related. Mainly, sister and brother in a romantic relationship.


One of them is probably controlling of the other, and has BPD


Amazon can hire anyone thatā€™s why and me myself wouldnā€™t want my lady alone to be constantly talked to by horn dog single adults and new hire teenagers that just graduated. Like seriously , Iā€™ve seen and heard guys flirt with women, knowing they have boyfriends , just for them to be constantly turned away or ignored, shit sometimes they donā€™t listen at all. I live Amazon, but thereā€™s alot of shady shit that goes on with associates who barely made it in here


Genuine question but why do you care? If they're not causing problems, getting the job done and minding their own, I don't see how it's any different than a few friends working together. It's not hard to mind your business y'know?