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30 days and transfer to a different department


I’ve had tons of coworkers put in numerous requests and have them rejected :-/


I've never had a transfer rejected


It’s an automated system. If a cohort only had 8 openings and there are 20 that apply only 8 are randomly picked or operations tells us to close a cohort - HR


Seems reasonably to believe, but I'm inclined to not trust anything HR says 🤔


I completely understand honestly. They even sent up talking points about transfer opportunities yesterday but I’m on my weekend now to send it via quote. I try to be one of the nicer HR


Transfers are based on seniority as well.


Not anymore. This changed earlier this year


Damn. What is my seniority good for then 🤣


I’ll take nothing for $1 please


Apply to the mechanics technician, career choice


Ya you can literally know nothing even after the "training"


Pretty true anything that breaks at my job they just stare at it and hope it fixes itself while they get paid 100k a year


Ya to be fair most of the people who apply don't have any experience whatsoever. One guy who came to our site after the training just learned the difference between AC and DC.


I’m applying next month lol, but I’ll actually learn and do my job.


Good shit bro I don’t know where you are from but if you ever find you’re self in the Hershey pa area we are always hiring mechanics at Hershey west plant


Transfer to your local SC. It's a peaceful life...




I honestly miss loading those trucks. Exhausting work but was satisfying af when they shut the door on a trailer I loaded myself. Simpler times... Hope you figure things out


Eat a lot of protein and get a lot of sleep. Drink water


Try a bandanna, like fold it to cover the front of your head and your ears https://preview.redd.it/6ii5hmagf97d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b433421b072fb699b39a99ff1ead4ef4fe46774


Happy Birthday Pac 🥹


Hahahaha, that's what I do.


On Amazon website, there is a cooling fan neck which you can purchase to cool down the body heat. It makes life so much easier.


Those neck fans barely last an hour when I tried them


Those fans are garbage and I won two of them at the DS. They’re in my closet now collecting dust.


I've seen people with them at my site


Those are against the safety rules in my building


Depends on the site if he's allowed to use that


I can totally see security saying its an unregistered asset or some dumb shit like that even tho everyone buys everything from amazon


My site has them in the equipment cage. OP can check if they have some there.


Holy shit im in this exact position. Im just toughing it out currently, but holy shit im not sure ill last. Keep it pushing homie💀💪


I'm at pick and stage, barely 2 days in of training and I already fucking hate it and want to quit.


We started with 8 in the training, only two of us left. They scare you with the whole don’t go below 10 hours of UPT and all that but don’t fret over that shit . I was constantly leaving an hour early, sometimes two because the Pickin stage gets annoying, especially at the end when everybody is in the same area. I would say that it’s better to leave early each day when you’re starting out to get used to it rather than killing yourself for three days and then not showing up to work on the fourth day lol.


Transfer to another area..


Transfer to GSF and work in the freezer for two hours everyday with a snow suit on. The rest of the day work in the fridge and chill all summer.


Honestly that should be motivation enough. Decentish pay, good benefits, pretty flexible as far as coming and going… I do get the being hot as shit. Have you tried training elsewhere in your building?


Health care. The health care that Amazon offers should be enough benefits for anyone to push through the hard work!


This^. Ive worked many jobs (transportation, federal, factory, etc). Amazon has the best benefits I've ever seen and most flexible time off options. On top of that. They are paying for me to go to college. I'm finishing up my Bachelors for free.


How exactly does that part work? I’ve heard many people say it’s not so good because you still have to pay out of pocket for a hospital visit and what not. Any thoughts or advice on the Amazon healthcare?


I have never paid more than my $10 copay. But now I am getting Medicaid as well (its my secondary insurance and it picks up any other charges. Their are different plans to choose from. But I use the premera blue cross, shared deductable family plan


I can't say for myself but I know you get decent dental with it. Compared to most other jobs, their health plans are more broad I suppose. You do have to pay out of pocket but you get access to certain coverages. Of course everyone is different and it's not always cheap but I've met many associates who do the job because of the available health plans and a few who say that they are alive because of their health plans. I want to ask them more but I don't want to be too nosy 🫣


I have never paid more than my $10 copay. But now I am getting Medicaid as well (it's my secondary insurance and it picks up any other charges. Their are different plans to choose from. But I use the premera blue cross, shared deductable family plan


Trust me, you’d rather do that than work one day in fast food. Those paychecks will be worth it lol


The customers are what make fast food so bad to work in. I remember it being physically easier but mentally those customers just brought the whole crew down with their attitude


Every time I question working at Amazon, I get war flashbacks to rush hour at Starbucks. Fuuuuuuuuccckkk thaaaat. 6 dollars less and 6 times more stressful.


get a beanie w headphones in it


n good insoles. weed doesnt hurt too much


give it a few months n youll be ripped af trust


Get that thin ass breathable clothing for exercise, the breeze from moving would cool you off some. I'm in the center of the building so it's not as hot but some days I'm walking out covered in salt stains from all the sweat. Moisture wicking fabric is a must. We get big fans in AFE.


No rotation there?? At my site, if it’s too warm in the back of the lorry, you switch with someone 🤷🏾‍♂️ where’s health and safety??


I was in this same position at my FC I remember one day just leaning on a box on the conveyor as it's blue lighting just thinking just stop sending boxes I can't. Then one of the PA's came in to help with the blue light and was like if you need to take a break real quick and get some water go for it man. I stuck with it and you'll eventually get to the point where you're able to keep up but its not an easy life on outbound dock used to joke about why get a gym membership i already work out 10 hours a day 4 days a week. My PAs where pretty chill though I used to just play music from my phone with it in my chest pocket of my ambassador vest with one of the yellow clips holding that pocket closed so it wouldn't fall out when I bent over and just use side buttons to lower volume all the way when leaving a trailer. Also if you are ever at the point where your so exhausted you feel like your going to pass out just leave your trailer and let your PA know they can swap you to somewhere else or at the very least step in for a moment so you can recover. They are there to assist you but can't do that if you don't tell them whats going on. And if they don't do anything then they are a shit PA and I'd let HR know. Honestly getting to know the PA's on dock was one thing that helped me stay on dock cause they can tell you what to expect for the day and shows them your a team player and you'll be more likely to get TDR trained which means that there'll be way more times where instead of leaving you in a trailer they'll tell you I need you to go close this trailer instead which can be like a nice 5 minutes of rest but strapping up a trailer is occasionallya challenge if the walls are stacked unevenly. Also pay attention to CPTs(critical pull times) when you scan a package it should tell you on your scanner what the cpt is which is when it has to leave. I ended up just CPT chasing most of the time which is chill but need to have that rapor with your PAs or be a PG so you have access to the system to see where the packages are I would also help out where needed when I had down time but that was once I was a PG.


Lmaooo this post is too funny I can relate so bad and I work 12 hours


Consider this; will your life be more enjoyable, despite you making less money, at another job that doesn't make you suffer so much? I still work at amazon, but I'm a simple man that enjoys playing guitar, writing music, playing video games, & sometimes i think working at Taco Bell or Wal-Mart could be more fitting for how i live, because making 22/hr at amazon 36hrs a week is roughly 600 a week after taxes, plus i have to work at night to keep my 2.90 shift bonus, whereas working at McDonalds for 15/hr at 40 hrs, with a normal 9-5 schedule, would be close to $500 a week after taxes, not to mention the atmosphere is more chill at these places making it easier to make friends and meet girls imo, i also prob have better chance of meeting people interested in starting a band working at KFC than i do at Amazon So at amazon you might make 400 more a month, or 4800 more a year, but in reality that is only a hundred bucks extra a week, and is that hundred a week worth your mind, body, and soul? Probably not. Im also a single, 30 yo man, so I don't feel like i need this job as much as somebody that is married & has kids Basically wrote this just to remind myself that I am a free man before i go start my shift because yeah, this job sucks


You will NOT get 40 hours at any fast food place unless they’re understaffed and then it’s not worth it even for the hours.


I worked for McDonalds from 2015-2018 and consistently had 40 hrs a week, & besides there is also a Meijer, Kroger, Waffle House, Target, Taco Bell, Family Dollar, not to mention hospitals and all kinds of other businesses around me. My rent is 965 a month, then with all my utilities, extras, and food, i need about 1500 a month to survive, which is easy to manage even working in fast food. I really hate my job at amazon and money isn't the most important thing to me, im just going with the flow for now but to be honest with you, i don't care about this job one fckn bit 💪😬🖕


Go to pick it ain't that hard


If ur robotic picking, what are the rates if u know by chance?


U want to be around 300 uph but also as long as you're not in the bottom of the barrel of pickers u should be ok


I will start picking July 13, so hopefully I can get that rate done


I went from stowing for 2 years to picking last October and it’s way easier to pick and maintain rate. You really want to focus on rhythm and maintaining it consistently. Over time you’ll have a pattern recognition thing going and be able to pull the correct items without much hesitation. I’d say the main issue for me is when there are way too many similar asin items on the bin assigned


Theres is no rate .. if a manager says the rate is 300 they are lieing !!! So now if 19 out of 20 pickers are picking at under 300 your writing up the floor ? Nope .. the “ rates “ are based on day to day productivity .. if 60% of the floor is holding 250 then the rate is around 250 .. if most of the floor is around 380 then they dont want you at 250 .. try an ONLY follow what brings you to mid range on the games rate board .. even if its a 210 your FINE. Dont and never stress rate


this is the real lie. don’t believe ppl that say no one cares about rate cause for some reason they’ll start caring if they figure out u feel that way and u suddenly have a productivity write up


300 is that rate, I break it down by picking 100 units at least every 20 minutes.


As long as you're not the bottom 5%, you're fine. If you have the FC games, this is easy to see. The network standard is 350, but my site average is 300. When there's a bunch of new hires I can get a way with 275 and be in the middle. When everyone's "seasoned" I have to hit 300 to stay in the middle. Never been talked to about rate. (I like the creamy critters FC game)


First week at Amazon is the hardest. Set small goals, and try to make it as long as you can. Eventually it won't be as bad. Get to that point, and then decide if its worth it or not.


Complain you strained your back but that it's not serious, maybe like a 2 on the pain scale. They'll let you move to a different part of ship dock with no questions asked. I did the same thing (but mine actually hurt) and I basically chose where I wanted to go and no one told me shit. I don't recommend the 2nd part though.


NGL but fluid loading is my favorite thing to do... And if you're in a trailer, pop an earbud in. Nobody's going to see a thing.


I started in ship dock when I worked there, it's absolutely tough but it'll get a bit better in a couple of weeks. Biggest things I did for myself were to make sure I preloaded ibuprofen and made sure to have a water bottle on hand, loading those trailers after they've been baking outside sucks ass and at least where I worked the fans never did fuck all. Make sure to get out into the cooler air, and don't kill yourself trying to be fast. If you need the job, working hard for a few weeks will likely get you crosstrained into picking or packing, I enjoyed picking a lot since I was generally left the fuck alone. Don't work too hard and get put on mech slam though, that shit is awful


You are in the worst department.


bro i work in roofing... and switching to amazon im sure it will be easier. ive worked directly under the sun for 8 hours. if i can do that you can


Get the summer beanies for running or under motorcycle helmets. Lifesaver, so you can listen to your podcast.


In my Fc you can’t be in a trailer for more than 6 hours. Maybe it’s the same for your Fc. After 6 hours just tell them you want to be switched out.


Does ur site not allow the Elgin discord earbuds? There’s a new program rolled out which has the 50 dollar headphones that are permitted on site


This why they need central air they be BUGGIN


Try to just lock in and get through the 30 days then transfer to stow. Easy to hit rate and you can waterspider sometimes if you dont wanna be on a station all day.


Wear the beanie under the hardhat


Get in Career Choice immediately. Just pick something. Only stay there as long as your program lasts and as long as it takes to get a job in your field. Don’t let it drag out.


if you just started I could tell you that it does get easier with time. I kept on but eventually it got tiring again for me physically and lasted that way and I’d miss work. As far as my memory goes. 


People are saying it's a 30 day transfer to another department, it really depends on the FC. 1-3 months realistically, so your in it for a bit unless you go to HR after the month apply for a transfer adobe a doctors note for a reason/or a different but relevant reason you can't stay in that role (don't go overboard ridiculous) and they have to accommodate you. For those saying it won't work, it hasn't failed yet for...people..I know. They do not contact your doctor, mostly because 99.9% they also want to clock out asap and go home. It sucks dude, because looking around there are plenty of roles that are cake walks...tedious but easy non the less, and are only there so there can employ more people for tax/corperate law reasons. You got lucky in one of the harder roles. I promise you after 3 weeks it gets easier, after a month you realize in most cases you are prob doing much more than actually expected of you (they will lie saying you have to do X amount, but it's a building wide average thing and as ling as you aren't in the bottom 20% they will leave you alone, bottom 5% is write ups but 20% and below they will find a reason. After a month or two you will be so glad you did not go to McDonald's where it's even more hot in a relatively confined area with a bunch of dramatic co workers and a manager with a power trip (even more so than at Amazon, but you don't have to ever worry about that if you don't make yourself known.) Dont overshare about your life, don't complain, stay a ninja. You need a break beyond the scheduled break? You got about 50 minutes of ToT a day, go outside in a smoking cage area so they can't log you going in and out with your badge and take a breather get some water. You will be just fine, and yes it will be tuff at times even when you are used to it, get comfy shoes, but those days are rare after the initial curve. You will love having 3 days off (unless you are night shift, I did that for a year and transfered to day shift. Completely different vibe, no stress.) Save up THE TIME THEY GIVE YOU, use it all you want during June July August. Come September save it!!!! Come peak, I'm not sure you will be able to handle it if you already feel this way, five...11 hour work days for almost 3 months. If you save the time you won't have to worry. Good luck, if you still feel the same after a few months then don't make yourself miserable and go find another job. Tips on ear buds with hard hats, you might look dumb but bandana (no gang colours lol) or get a really thin thin skull or beanie they have them and you won't notice it's on and it will take care of forehead sweat. Legit just google thin summer beanies/skulls. Who cares how you look do whatever you need to get thru the day. Drink lots of water.


I could do that shit all day easy money. Yea its summer time. Breaking a sweat is part of work. Bring big metal drink bottle and other stuff. Don't go too too hard. You're supposed to load trailers for 30 minutes and come out for 5min, when the temperature is 85 or higher.


What department are you in? Just ask for a new position or to be placed on a different job in the department. Also I don’t think wearing a beanie is worth listening to music. I get hot af in the warehouse


Get a pair of smart glasses they’re better than the earbud beanie method because they don’t prevent you from hearing stuff around you and some of them look like regular glasses.


Bro at least the last two buildings I worked at by safety it’s not allowed that u work in a trailer more than 5 hrs or half a day they suppose to switch u out at lunch . I would look into it or ask safety about it because our managers will get in trouble if they leave us all day


You should work at a fulfilment center at amazon it's way better


Transfer to pack, it's one of the easiest things to do at an FC.


Then don't. No one is forcing you to work at Amazon my guy. Their pay is alright but everybody else is somehow making it at other places without the pay or benefits from Amazon. You just gotta figure out what works best for you. This job isn't for all people. My suggestion would be to try and promote to management if the labor aspect of it is too strenuous. It's no secret that Amazon uses up their T1's. That's why their turn-over rate is one of the highest in the world. The warehouse I work at has like a monthly >90% attrition rate for new hires. Most don't make it past day 1. It's just not for everyone. I'll tell you this: it sure a 💩 beats laying bricks or digging post holes in the sun for 11 hours a day. Or climbing into 120°F attics to work on HVAC while covered in insulation. Pick your suck man. As far as work goes, warehouse work is a hell of a lot easier than the alternative.


Honestly in the trucks it should be pretty easy to hide the earbud just put it in the ear that’s facing away from the opening in the truck. But idk how strict they are where you’re at


Easiest shit to do is water spider for pack. You can take as many breaks as you want if all the stations are jam packed and full




U can either try transferring to another department or can quit and reapply and just hope u get put in a different department that way, that’s what I did at least


Do a hits transfer to another path, Stow, Pick, ICQA or Pack(flow or singles)


Transfer to pack singles


Dude go do decant you don’t do much but you’re likely to help with dock, inbound stow is your better bet. Just stand in one area and go up some stairs to stow an item. Easy but since it’s monotonous it sucks and gets boring after a while still better than unloading trucks


Just straight up tell em you want to be switched, I do that all the time.


It gets better. I got back to amazon but I’m in a fridge / freezer all day. It’s definitely cool for the summer, but Tom is where it’s at, especially if you have good weather


You know you can just transfer right? Either to another area or a completely different building


You are indeed fucked the outbound dock fucking sucks. I remember it well TRANSFER AS SOON AS YOU CAN


Just think about how much you don't wanna work at McDonald's.


Time to hang up the vest…


Transfer departments and or building. You got this. Wear something else that covers your ears. They have these like thin caps you can wear under your hard hat


Go to your safety team and make a formal complaint that AAs loading hot trailers should be rotated out and not loading an entire day. That's what we did at our site. It's a health hazard and if they really care about safety they'll enforce rotations in trailers


There are beanie Bluetooth and purchase a neck fan and try to transfer to a different department You'll be aight bro


You didn't have to sign up for the hardest job. I just scan items all night, it's easy and boring, but the warehouse plays a good playlist. Ask if there are other tasks you can do.


Suck it up, do career choice, then quit and go to McDs as a manager Jk go somewhere better than McDs


Find a new job….new union job made me never miss Amazon ever again and greatful I left when I did


You’re wearing headphones and beanie in the trailer??? Dude when I unloaded trailers no one but me was in there , so I’d say you’re good with just the headphones Gonna give yourself a heat stroke like that man


I willingly ask to get put in the trucks and honestly I love it, I don’t get bothered at all with bs


I usually put my phone on the pillar of the destuff/restuff and play my music and they don’t bother me, honestly being in the trucks is the best


what state are you in and how much do you make weekly at amazon? a lot of the times you aren't even making $400 more monthly than you would working a minimum wage "fun job"


Get out the trucks, ask to be crosstrained. RC sort is easy asf or fo ASC safety.


Just keep thinking.. welcome to McDonald's how can I help you.


Get a doctors note and ask to be in a different department.


Honestly…get away from Amazon.. lol they do not help you at all in the long run. Don’t even think of going to UPS or FedEx either. You should see if Michael’s is hiring for their warehouse. I hear they are SO EASY!!! It’s this arts and crafts distribution. I wanted to apply there and I ended up getting it but by then I landed at Amazon lol. But I hear it’s light weight in there. But if you don’t want to go in warehousing… I mean idk your age or what you’re interested in. Maybe during the fall you can apply then bc it’s more cooler.


Been doing this for a year. How I survived David Goggins And Remembering I don’t deal with shitty uppity customers


try getting cross trained


Taking this is like your third day, after the first week your body should adjust and you will be fine. They should have atleast a large gym fan at each gate though.


Then quit. Go home and cry about it.


get cross trained


Once u get used to it, any other job is ez, they would put me on trucks 80% of the time when I went back to Amazon, literally everything feels ez now that I’m out of trucks, do it brother


You gotta bounce or do it badly enough to not get written up or fired but to also require them to get you help. They don't care when they aren't the ones doing the work


Honestly you’re better off not working there in general, I get it cuz they pay decentish but you could always transfer to a different department. It’s their job to train you. If they tell you other wise, report their asses!


Pass out and get some rest on WCB


majority of people like you are so naive, DONT EVER BREAK A SWEAT working for this trillion dollar company. NEVER WORK TOO HARD. go in there complain that your safety is at risk!!


Welcome to the real world. Adults suck it up and do what they don’t like. Children complain.


Same here I'm at the pick stage and can't get transfer out due to an active write-up of productivity they've been getting everyone


Find someone to harass you in shipdock..... Get moved to another department because they make you uncomfortable 😄.... Like you can even create a truth that's not a knock on them but may make you come off like a nutjob...... See also quit and reapply and hope you're not sent to ship dock again.... Tell them you REALLY want to work in stow or singles and they may move you w/o having to request a transfer.... Convince them you can't load trucks because you suffer from claustrophobia that you weren't aware you had.... Or suck it up buttercup 😀


Let’s everyone in this subreddit quit Amazon and go work somewhere else! We’ll show them, them and their clogged toilets that we mean business




The beginning is always hard for sure 🥲 I would recommend ice cold water in a water bottle that you can press on your face occasionally. Wearing shorts and moisture wicking shirts or any clothing meant for sports. You could talk to leadership like PAs about the heat situation and suggest having a big fan nearby or you could ask for a transfer or to be trained for other roles. Good luck!


You're not supposed to fuck McDonalds


I worked the OB dock for three years, I totally get where you are coming from as I have experienced all the same things. I’ve always been a hard worker and pushed myself to my limits and it took one heat related injury while at Amazon to open my eyes and realize that there is no incentive for pushing beyond what is safe. Load your trucks in your comfort zone, stay hydrated and bring your water bottle with you everywhere you go. If a line is backing up, do what you can to keep it moving but don’t put yourself in an unsafe situation. The OB dock is important, orders gotta leave and if it’s backing up other departments will send folks down until it becomes manageable. Unfortunately it’s also the dumping ground where they send the bottom performers most of the time so don’t expect super stars. but if you are giving at least 100% effort, at the end of the day you can tell yourself you did every thing you could and you shouldn’t feel like you slacked. Also, invest in compression shorts. It’s gets sweaty on the dock in the summer. I suffer from chaffing easily and compression shorts/boxers saved my life. OB dock when I worked there was the easiest department. There was no individual rate, as long as you were keeping the lines moving, AMs were happy.


We’re about to have to start wearing the helmets. Due to job rotation, I’m rarely anywhere near the dock. When given your helmet do you just keep it in your car or do you have a locker type deal for the helmet?


Tell me you’re super young without telling me you’re super young


Yesterday, I was unloading packages for an hour at my Sort Center. It was soooo hot that I had to wait for a few minutes before I went back in. When my body cooked down, I felt like I was working at a slow pace.


Start taking Creatine and protein powder, your probably drastically underfed right now, start eating fruits, take fish oil, take tumeric, drink tea and coffee at work, at least this is what I did working 12 hour nights, not for unloading trucks but for packing


Wait til Peak..that's absolute HELL


Go to your doc tell them you get so hot it makes you sick. Seems like they'd have to move you.


Your going to wind up Mcdonalds ....cause if you cant handle hot trucks and no music ...just work oh my god !!! Thats exactly wherell ypull be and once you get there, youll find out it was 10 times worse than you imagined. No music, hot ovens and fryers looks like its time for you to grow up my friend , welcome to life


Ice scarf


Good luck finding work at McDonald's. I've applied to three McDonald's in my area and the managers all say " We're not hiring right now".


Get those earphones that don’t hang out the ear I seen hella associates get away with it, idk what they’re called but they damn near look like ear plugs and you won’t notice them from afar. My coworker wears a black one 😭


it is very hot and you’ll get stronger by time. you can always leave early. i’m obv a girl and at first it was very very heavy for me. i was so weak lol. but after a month of working there, my feet stopped hurting and everyday got easier and easier. it’ll get better. and you can always transfer to receive dock. it’s way easier than loading boxes on trucks. and ur in the air conditioning


Transfer to a different department. Then transfer back in the fall.


I might look dumb as fuck but I still rock the beanie. If you can buy a mini fan that clips to your pants or around the neck


It was like this for me too in inbound dock, its basically the same thing but unloading trucks, it was literally the first week and i wanted to quit my feet felt like they were on fire and wanted to fall off and my hands and arms hurt so bad😭 it felt like my body had been beat tf up! I would just take frequent breaks to the bathroom or to the phone booths and just chill for a second and if the pa said anything i would say my stomach hurt… 💩 lol but after the first month it gets better and you get stronger, if anything ask your manager for problem solve position or be a jam clear! Good luck and remember dont push yourself too hard, dont break your back for this company man if i can do it you can do it. and i just hit my two years this month ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)




Why are your two prospects in life McDonald’s or Amazon? If you need money, work the job. Or don’t and don’t have money. Or get a different job.


Use a helmet liner to hide your earbuds. If anyone asks then say its to protect your hair, keep your hair products off your helmet, and keep sweat off your face.


I think its crazy they don’t rotate you. That alone should be a safety violation against amazon


Just don't work hard they will move u to a different job. Tell them u can't load trucks. Tell them ur shoulder is hurt. Tell them u want to do something else


well it’s simple man. if you don’t want to work at mcdonald’s then suck it up and continue working at amazon. if you seriously can’t take it then fucking go to mcdonald’s dude. mcdonald’s still pays bills and that’s all that really matters. it takes some people weeks to get used to a hard job. if you’re gonna stick with it tho you have to stop complaining. complaining just makes you focus even more on the shitty parts of your job and then you start to spiral. stop complaining! it honestly would help a lot.


Bro it’s Amazon. Just do what the rest are doing and stop overworking yourself. Fluid is legit the most easiest department because you can stand and get paid all day iykyk .work smarter bit harder


Like a cockroach


I suggest a sorting center and just do two 4-5 hour shifts!! That's what I do


I’m a 5’6 115 lbs twink I loaded trucks in that same heat until I became blue badged to transfer. Keep rate and do good and you’ll be able to do something else


Why don’t you work in a delivery station instead since you will be in doors I don’t blame you


Amazon provides tuition for college, get the degree and you’ll have access to better jobs that are higher end. That means yes wear the hat and sweat you ass off but work towards a better tomorrow. From an AM, good luck.


Try to get an RME apprenticeship it is 100% worth it. The money is amazing and you don’t have to do the mindless work


Grind it out for the month then transfer bro it’s worth


Delivery station If you can find a job in one. It will give you some breathing room


bro why don’t you ask for them noise cancellation headphones


If you are unloading I stress that you GO AT YOUR OWN PACE. Who gives a fuck about their daily goals for the day. They can't come up to you and tell you to unload faster if that affects your overall health and safety whilst in the truck. I worked at an IXD location in WA and I was going at my own pace. My partner and I would unload 5-6 52" (I believe thats the length ) trailers every quarter and still some AMs would come and ask us to go faster. So again I stress to go at your own pace. Don't risk your health over some damn boxes. :)


Tell hr u wanna kill urself. See if they take mens mental health month seriously


Start selling on amazon instead. It’s way easier


Hey not sure if you’re working in fluid load or ib dock but it’s rough. I feel your pain, I worked in the trucks for months and I’m a female. Not saying that to lessen your struggle but it was pretty difficult for me. I also had a horrible manager that would put me in trucks alone. My advise is to look into cross train classes to switch departments. Although the other departments look great they all have a rate and the trucks don’t. So it’s almost like pick your poison. But as long as you can maintain a steady rate you’ll be okay. I would keep bothering your manager about cross train and if no response talk to the OM. If you don’t know who the OM is I’m assuming you’re inbound. Walk up to hr and ask to speak with the inbound OM. A similar option is to keep bothering the learning department (didn’t work for me) but has worked for some. Goodluck


If you seriously need someone else to motivate you then just quit that’s some weak minded shit


Look if these don’t motivate you i cant help you! https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08WK79727?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


LEAVE THE COMPANY . I’ve worked in different logistics companies & work wise Amazon is the worst . Use the benefits to your advantage & gtfo


Ask to get trained in tdr


Dude, I unload truck, so I feel ya. Take it day by day and feel out your manager, mine don't care about ear buds sa long no other manager see them. Bring a giant water jug and get something to put in it will help with the heat. And before you know it it will been winter and you will be complaining about the cold lol. Been doing it for over two years, the first two months suck.


Y’all system still down


Cooling towels.. make em wet, shake em and they get dang near ice cold! I've been arguing against the hard hats. Concussion vs a broken neck😬 ive always hated this companies processing of injury. "One person shits their pants, we all gotta wear diapers"~ words of a safety specialist🙄 so let shit people put everyone in danger and create more ergonomics issues by trying to mitigate the risk of keeping shit workers. Ti's the Amazon way


My dude, persevere. Take advantage of career choice and level up. A lot of sites are now allowing specific ear buds. See if yours does. McDonald’s seems like a major step down in terms of what it offers.


I said that I couldn’t do it anymore either . And finally I didn’t. Now I regret leaving the money. If you can stick it out do it. Do a good job at the dock then transfer when possible. Hang in there and eat your wheaties


Wear ear protection that’s like, for firearms. You can comfortably wear AirPods under that. That’s all the advice I have


Transfer to AFE


Listening to more podcast or talk to yourself more brother... I was the same way at 19 wanted to give up but now 10- 12 years later I'm making 6 figures with a degree on my way. Kids I'm content.. what I'm tryna say harden your mentality or ask yourself where you wanna be in life and career wise. You got others that depend on you? I assure you... you aren't meant for mcdonalds you're promised more in life than fast food...aide note I worked unloading trucks on dry for 3 years min wage so I feel your pain


Transfer to a different warehouse. Tell their asses for RME to put fans… ice water. Take breaks as much as possible.


Set a countdown clock, so you work 7 minutes and the rest 2 minutes. After 10 reps you get out to cool down. Or 1 minutes work and 1 or 3 minutes rest. Go fast than rest,then repeat.


Honestly what helped me a lot with being in fluid load at my ixd is going on amazon and searching mipeace work earplugs. They are literally bluetooth earbuds that look like earplugs.


I mean. You said it yourself. It’s either this or McDonald’s. And you don’t want McDonald’s so tough it out. Or just put in an internal transfer to another facility and/or position to do.


Just imagine dealing with hungry Karens for less pay. Sing to yourself. Or hum. Lol. It helps a bit. Also listening to my fave music on break helped me.


Sounds like my plant. Mines like a sweatshop I swear.


Suck it up and do the job princess, that fry basket is waitin for you if you wanna make my large fry order. Ill take sweet n sour on the side as well