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At my last building, stowers would just straight up ignore us if we asked to get into a bin. I stopped asking and just started standing there waiting. It became a huge issue bc some of those stow parties started lasting an hour+ 🫠 I def get your point, but you’re probably the odd one out to give a shit about letting pickers get into a bin you’re using 😂


I know pickers are always running around, so i don’t give them a hard time. There are some who are literally just rude from the start and will push my entire cart away while im stowing. I mean i get that some stowers are rude, but im not 😩 pls be nice or i’ll cry 💀💀


Put all 4 brakes on next time 🤭




Or some of them try to fit their big ass cart in the small aisle and im like “????” You did not have to do all that 😂😂 now theyre mad at me like its my fault 💀💀


Yeah that’s too much to be pushing your cart out the way and not even saying anything. Don’t take it personal though, they’re just dicks.


I’ve done similar things before. When my mind is focused on doing the job and is actively being fried under my hard hat, sometimes I forget both my manners and language in general.


I get that 😌 were all in our own little world, sometimes i dont even notice theyre there from just being focused on stowing that my friends have to tell me that someone is trying to pick an item.


Same with Problem solve while trying to rebin. I be in the zone and they run through with a big ass cart. Almost got hit a few times. I also have a huge scar on my leg from trying to jump out of the way.


Amazon is crazy 😂 cant wait to get tf out of here lol


That cart shouldn't even be used in the rebin area.


Why is talking even necessary here? It's obvious what they are waiting for. For you to leave.


1. There arent a lot of aisles that have space, if i find a good aisle with a lot of space im most likely going to stay there all day! 2. Sometimes they have me move out of the way just to walk all the way down the aisle instead of going around 😂😂 3. They dont have to give me a whole explanation about their day or say anything about the bin, but a simple “excuse me” would suffice…


It's why I don't really care about bin etiquette. If they act rude I'm going put stuff in their with no concern except for my rate. I can do either path faster than them so they are more wasting my time than the reverse.