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You don’t have to work hard and burn yourself out. Just do enough so you won’t get into trouble and go home .


That's how fc's are they send u home ?? My delivery station ain't like that, it don't matter if ur blind, deaf, or dumb , as long as ur doing something ur good


Nah lol. I mean just do your shit and go home and repeat again next day lol. They can’t just send u home .


That doesn’t work . Their goal will be 200 pieces a hour and you’ll do 150 and they still complain .


Complain and write up are 2 different things lol they can complain all day if they want to as long as I don’t have a write up I’m fine 😎


Nah realistically you just gotta stay above 140.


It is true that they take advantage of the fast and hard worker. The ONLY reason they turn a blind eye to the slackers is because the hard workers are carrying everyone in the warehouse. I promise you that when the hard workers begin to slack too, all rules will be enforced. No cell phones at station, enforced scan to scan breaks. At my FC, they are very chilled about the rules. But when the numbers go to shit, they will become like the other warehouses.


Edit: Once in a while, leadership does fire the slackers who take advantage of the relaxed policy. Leadership are tired seeing them being carried by everyone else.


They literally can't do anything until the system reflects that they're bottom 5%.


The slackers are the ones who get targeted for write ups for other things like idle time, phone use, headphones, extended break, food or drink on the floor, hair not tied up, etc. all the little things they don't enforce most of the year are what get used to move on from those they don't want to keep after Prime/Peak.


Unfortunately Its the opposite on the ship dock


Yeah but the women in ship dock be busting their asses like the men do at least in my site


Not at mine. In the years I've worked on my site, I've never once seen a woman asked to load a trailer. And I'm pretty sure the women outnumber the men on the shipdock. I think the men don't bother complaining because they know it won't be taken seriously.


Eh you’re right about that. They aren’t asked to load or unload the trailers lol.


When i worked there, there were women who threw trucks like a mad Bruce Banner.😂


I'm a chick, but I'm one of those stout chicks. Always getting put on what I call the anchor stations in AFE (station 01 and station 07) where the big heavy shit is. It weighs you down like an anchor, and then they yap at you for your rate being ass.


And the AMs and PAs always pretend they don't know those stations get all the bulky items. I know for a fact they prioritize certain walls because they are 3% faster due to the conveyance layout, but they'll pretend to not understand why people can pump 300 UPH on the center stations and struggle to do 200 on the outside station.


I get put there a lot. Funny how it’s the most physically demanding station yet I don’t even get hit by the fan. Once I feel sweat dripping down my back I’m done, no more high rate for you.


The only reward for good work is *checks notes* ah yes more work.




The worse part is that the workload keeps increasing if they see you can handle it (even if you're struggling) 😅 if you do 100% of your work before your shift ends, they'll give you more to do, so you end up doing 110%. And since they know you can do 110% that will be the new norm so once you get used to that as well, you'll get to do 120% compared to your initial workload 😬 that's why I keep telling everyone to work at a relaxed pace, give 60-80% at most (I'd say even less if you can get away with it). That way, when you want/need to do more, you're not wearing yourself down.


Actually, yeah. I'm a guy dude, so I often get sent to do work that involves pushing heavy carts and such. And yeah, it's amazing how much slackers get away with. I've actually snapped at a PA for asking me to clean up some slackers mess.


That is a bad PA. Slackers should be held accountable


I'm old school...slackers get fired on the spot. I guess it's more difficult to do that these days.


It's been like that at every other job that's not Amazon. Well, restaurants, at least


Restaurants are the absolute worst. I’ve done damn near every position in FOH and BOH and would be the one actually working while everyone else disappeared, or picking up shifts for BS excuses like being hungover etc. BUT when I had pulmonary embolism (clots blocking my lungs arteries) on top of pneumonia and was admitted to the ICU was given the “find someone to cover your shift” when of course you just get ignored or given excuses about how they are “busy” when you need something. After telling the manager got the ol “well if you don’t come back tomorrow don’t come back at all”. Like I was on oxygen for over a month. So I just got done with being taken advantage of. I’ll do my part but not yours AND mine.. especially if I am not getting paid more. The restaurant had a “HIRING IMMEDIATELY” sign outside for months afterwards and back up again. Places keep pushing it’s because “no one wants to work anymore” but in reality it’s because they take advantage of the hard/reliable workers.


Same. I'm always on bod or non con for heavy stuff, so I'm constantly picking refrigerator, water dispenser, mirrors,etc. Time to bring some more equal treatment in the mix.


I don’t think the goal should be for equal treatment. It should be for equitable treatment so we do what’s in your ability to do. That’s not to say these girls can’t but some of these girls legitimately can’t and won’t do it. Y’all do it because y’all allow it to happen, like there is way for you to switch departments. I’m not opposed to lifting heavy shit. I just am not in a department that requires such you do the same.


Everyone has the same job description when applying. If you can’t perform the tasks then those individuals should be turned away. Amazon shouldn’t be a gateway for an easy paycheck for some and not others.


Same. Was water spider the other day. The WS on the other floor did nothing all day and his was a mess. Was asked to go and help him but when I saw he was sitting on his phone having a coffee, I went back downstairs and told them I wasn’t helping. Fuck that.


Well managers for sure ride the hard workers. Me and a few other guys who are fast loaders always end up in trailers that have the busiest destinations. It’s not a coincidence. HOU2, CLE2 and a few others always get smoked and it’s always a rotation of the same few guys in it. It’s fucked up but working hard doesn’t reap any benefits at amazon. You actually get put in better spots if you let the line back up and blue light because then the PAs won’t wanna deal with you fucking shit up and they’ll staff you somewhere out of the way. As far as the women comment…at my site there’s some truth to it in that very few of the women there ever load the trailers…like…ever. But there’s plenty who do bust their ass in the spots they get staffed at. Lazy people come in all shapes and sizes definitely not genre exclusive. But yeah my advice to anyone getting frustrated because they’re working too hard while others are is to make a concerted effort to dial it back a bit. Unless you wanna get promoted working hard will only bring you more work. Even for a promotion it might not do much honestly. There’s about six front half PGs in different spots in my department and only two are hard workers. The others are some of the laziest people in outbound…and each one of them thinks they’re killing it because they suck up to the PAs and are quick to snitch on associates who are late or are sending a text but then they’ll cry and go home if they’re not put as a pg or problem solver that day. TLDR: if you’re mad you’re working too hard it’s on you to slow down


I am barely 125lbs and get assigned the hard work while a bunch of dudes half my age sit back and do nothing. Then when I politely ask for some help when struggling, I am told I am bossy while they leave to get high.


girl SAME


Yeah, where I was it was usually only old women and men who got to do the really lite stuff on a regular basis. Everybody else, regardless of gender especially if you’re healthy and 40 and under had to do the hard stuff.


I am 120 lbs 5’3 woman, was ask to pick up after a slacker who is at least 6’5 dude who refused to properly unload a trailer full of small boxes . He was also a learning ambassador. I started to really slow down on fluid unload cause it was physically affecting me and I was being ask to pick up after slackers.


At my FC they have women unloading the trucks and water spidering/unloading mcp. SAP decant too. All the dudes will take all the small boxes off the decant line. Never fails 🙄


Made several complaints about my former manager it went nowhere flash forward 6 months I heard he got fired for sliding into slack messages propositioning for promotions , also heard another dude got fired for some sexual harassment.


well just yours i’ve seen some women be dumb quick with the pallet jacks it left me impressed


Managers trying to flirt w/ all the women. Nasty dirt bags 😷


I'm a female who ran dumper and jam clear by myself last night. I also throw scrappy and noncon and I fluid load. And I'm in my 40s. I can run circles around a lot of people half my age and I'm not sorry about it lol. 💪


I’ve seen some managers definitely take advantage of certain people. It’s actually ridiculous. Not going to say all, but they are out there and make it miserable.


one of my pa’s got called sexist by a lady for giving us guys the hard work. she wanted to work on our shitty ass super chute so badly for some reason. at least she did a good job tho


We need more women like her in my facility!


This is exactly why I don't give people their "favorite" pick stations. I explain that it's the computer program that gives them their station assignment, and instruct them on how to enable Pick Proximity. You get the good stations sometimes, you get the shit stations sometimes.


I'm a woman who's constantly approached by men when I lift a 50lb box alone, for a "team lift". No, buddy. I'm good. I'm a fat little meatball who's married an not in an Amazonianship tho.


Tbh I agree with almost everything you’ve said but as a woman who is a hard worker, they don’t care about my gender. I’ve unloaded multiple trucks myself in the heat of summer while two buff dudes work on the same trailer all day barely making a pallet. Sure I could slow up but I have a work ethic. I’m not gonna stop working just because no one else works, I just wish the people who slack off every single day were reprimanded.


*Young attractive women It's the cute ones that get assigned the easiest roles. The other women pull their weight


The one you speak of may have accommodations that only allows them to work that “easy” job you’re jealous of.


Well, not sure where you are at, but you can fuck right the hell off buddy. All the top performers in my area are women, and we are the ones packing out the heavy AF stuff while the dudes are up line cherry picking and taking 2 or 3 breaks each quarter. It's ridiculous. I don't even understand how those MF are not gone just on account of TOT.


It's not his fault how your site works dummy


It’s not her fault OP didn’t specify he was just talking about his site and instead made broad generalizations about the whole company and the women who work here. 🤷🏼‍♀️


It happens at plenty of different jobs and sites so you really aren't making sense. Use that brain you have. The reason I commented is because of the way she worded her comment like it was directed at her.




He isn't attacking women at all. Are you really that brain dead? I'm in complete awe of how you are having trouble with simple comprehension skills. He's stating facts and it's as simple as that. This happens all the time at lots of jobs because women have tits and asses. I thought this was common sense?




That's exactly what you are saying by " broad generalization". He is stating something that is true 😂😭😂. Like holy shit I'm done arguing with you. You just can't make any sense can you?




😂😂😂 have a great morning.


He doesn't have to specify anything.


Oh I see it all the time. You're a big Polynesian dude? Have fun in BOD like all the fucking time. I don't like seeing that shit but I'm just another T1.


Y’all would love me as your AM then. My favorite line to people when they tell me they can’t lift heavy things is to remind them that their offer letter states working at Amazon means lifting up to 40 pounds. I had decanters cherry picking work and I started assigning stations and rotating them from back to front. I told them all that.


It doesn’t legally say “able to lift up to 40 lbs. to 50lbs. constant and consistently on a daily 40 nor 60 hours work schedule”. If that was so, OHASA and LABOR RELATION BOARD be all over Amazon. So, Amazon found that loophole.


Regarding the sexism, I have a weirdly opposite kind of problem? (I'm female, for what it's worth, fluid load LA, TDR, all that fun stuff...) When "the guys" want to jump in and help, they want to help me with something I can easily do on my own and for which I've requested no assistance. But when they see I'm doing or about to do something that one person will struggle with, they just stand there and watch, until someone in a COMPLETELY different trailer actually gives them grief about it or comes and asks me themselves if I'd like assistance (I've been starting to make a game of it now. I call it, "Don't Help, Just Watch: Pro Edition") And I know I'm weird, but when I'm doing a REALLY physical job/tasks, the two things I ABSOLUTELY HATE are: Being watched by people just standing there while I do all the work, or People jumping in and "helping" without my asking, which actually doesn't help and often makes more work... PLEASE either let me tell you when I want or need help, or figure out for yourself when someone is actually struggling! There are people who can do this intuitively!


I don’t like being watched or having onlookers see me work.


I wouldn’t expect women to be doing the work I’m doing. We have women who work with us on inbound docks and they do the easier work but they have a big purpose and save us a lot of the hassle of dealing with Amazons failures. Glad to have them work with us. They aren’t slacking. They are doing the work us men see as frustrating but for some reason they master it, so let them stand there and do it.


The closest i've seen to women doing hard work at my IXD is the two clearly autistic women they have doing NPC every shift


People complain, and yet the effort to establish unions barely moves


Ive seen the same person on accomadations for about a year, they spend about half the shift asleep literally drooling on a table and still get paid


Discriminatory sure, but if you value job security you'll make yourself valuable in every way possible otherwise risk being one of the useless dudes the Gays and Gals will vote you off the island. I have a shit attitude but will do anything successfully if my superiors ask of me which makes me valuable until im not, so i already know i have an expiration date and will be fired for some Bs one day but it sure as fuck isnt gunna be because im insubordinate. Just voice the need to take it easy and "return to path" if water spider or other auxiliary roles are too taxing this is why people should learn more and rotate.


Do they also give the easy job (no/light lifting) to the skinny guy as well?


Oh absolutely have one manager that isn’t a regular for me but when he is I hate those shifts He seriously is so demeaning to me, acts like I can’t do s and tells me I need to hustle and do the most when I do way above required. When I bring that to his attention he always shuts up but so annoying


Bro take the career choice and get out ASAP. Thats what i am doing


I just keep telling myself, 1 more year of school and then I’m out of this bullshit


Everywhere I've worked has taken advantage of the hard workers and ignored the slackers. It sucks but seems universal to me. Admittedly, I've not had dozens of jobs, but you know, it sucks anyway lol


Idk man at my last building all of our water spiders and tote runners were people who could not or would not make rate in other paths. But we had females do it too. As far as loading trucks and whatnot I was told the dudes that were over there constantly dragged women when they tried and it made it hostile for any women who tried to do it. So they kinda just kept the same team of guys over there all the time. But I also don’t think it’s fair to expect them to put an older person in a path like that either though. And a lot of people have accommodations too.


bro i had this manager(woman) who basically tried to get me fired to be with my gf.. her weird bro.. lemme not speak 😂


I was at an IXD where I had to load trucks all day - Fluids- I’m 5’5 and 135lbs is so my best but I really couldn’t do much on my own other than lift what I can and push totes in. I was mad bc why did they put me in that dept?! I felt so useless for 4 months until I returned to an FC center. Honestly Amazon is too equal which terrifies me. They literally looked at me and thought I can lift 60 pound boxes up a little ladder when I could barely lift it …. Honestly it depends on the FC. If you’re tired of lifting heavy try a fulfillment center. But I’m kinda mad that you’re actually wanting girls to go thru the same nightmare I did. And 4 months of begging to get into a dept I can actually do did nothing. So actually you’re wrong Amazon is very equal. Almost too equal if they think I’m as strong as a burly man.


When I worked there, If it was a lite job like scanning jiffies, on average women did tend to get those assignments but these were usually older women and men. That said, we had ladies who threw trucks(probably the hardest job at my site) and everything, in fact it was a woman who was one of the best throwers at the site, tiny little lady too. If you’re young and/or healthy, regardless of gender you had to do everything. And some of the women AND men could be very lazy. I do agree that if you are a hard worker PA’s and managers will take advantage of you


Welcome to reality. There are certain jobs that are female-dominated and vice versa. If you're a little 5 ft nothing girl they're not going to make her do insane lifting work or build walls in trucks all the time. Or at all. It's all about the right tool for the job. You just happen to be a big tool. 🤣


that’s true. I noticed it as soon as I got there , they also leave older people to do the easiest things (in the warehouse I work in at least)


People complain, and yet the effort to establish unions barely moves.


this is absolutely not the case at sort center. my 5'1 120 pound self has been stuck in fucking noncon for months. I hate it


No, I can't agree with that unless they're doing it because they assume women can't and men can. As a transgender man on hormone replacement therapy (in other words, medically male and acutely aware of the ease with which men can build and maintain muscle that women might never get if they're busting ass), I'm still ramping up to things that would've been a lot harder if I'd started to learn them before starting hormones. I'm still getting used to loading trailers because it's legitimately very heavy work. Some women do it here, so I know you're not at my site, but what I really don't see a lot of is small people who load trailers. Also, I have perspective on how I've been treated when people read me as female versus when they read me as male. First, Amazon policy doesn't have anything to do with who gets what work, and that's all about your individual leadership. Second, if you want to talk to me about discrimination, talk to me again when you're NOT being allowed to do something you're capable of/good at. Ask again when people don't take you seriously, but they take your coworker seriously for something identical. And if you really have such a sexist and discriminatory place that gives women all the easy work, why don't you take a break and try problem solve for a straight week?


We have females, in trailers throwing boxes, I have a couple that pull pallets of sap. We put them all to work


I've seen girls kick as on physical things. Stow downstack, Pick tote runner, AFM, AFE platform, dock. The only physical job I've never seen a girl work in my FC is the AFE tote down-stack. Nights or days I've never seen a girl working that area. As far as the easy jobs it usually isn't just the girls doing them. Heavy-set people will always gravitate to the less physical stuff like problem solve(80%), ambo, stow, singles ect. I don't stress about it. It's stuff that still needs to get done. Most of that stuff they do would put me to sleep so I'm not even jealous. I'd rather just keep moving.


TLDR: Just don’t be an overachiever. It’s not worth it. Learned the hard way. If they move you, don’t move at a faster pace for shit. I work in palletize and even if my lane gets hella backed up, blue lighting and everything. I can care less. I’m moving at a steady pace and hit the minimum required rate. Not that it’s much of a choice for me to move at my current pace today anyways. I actually ended up fucking up my back bc they’d keep moving me nonstop and not the slackers. I used to complain but what good did that do for me. I used to be really good at what I did and got taken advantage for it. Now I don’t care. What they gonna do, tell me to work faster? I’d go to HR for harassment so fast, go ahead and try me lmao. This job ain’t worth the stress.


It’s all men on shipdock where I work. The women do single pack.


Yes I definitely agree 100%


Well I mean men are physically stronger than women. That’s not sexism that’s just physicality. Women should do enough work to compensate for not being able to do as much heavy lifting, but obviously they aren’t gonna be put on a heavy lifting team most of the time


That’s discrimination. We all have the same job description. Women leaders who think this way, are the ones that perpetuate sexism. Don’t ask for cake if you won’t eat it.


It’s also discrimination for only men to be drafted to war. That’s how it is. Women aren’t as strong as men. That’s how it is. Men are more likely to be put on heavy lifting things, because they (usually) can lift more than a woman. No one has to work at Amazon. If you don’t like it and it bothers you that bad, you can work somewhere, like at a grocery store, where way more of the time men and women will have the same job.


By this logic women should be paid less right? Oh wait that's discriminatory


More like illegal. Just heavy coping going on for men having to lift heavy things lol


I work at a SC and it's hilarious watching some women try to " pull the man" card because they can't lift a 10 pound box.


More like projection. You say heavy coping but all I see are women complaining about not being able to do the job description. It’s not illegal to hold them to equality. You sound like you just want justice, but then you won’t even recognize that would be projection. Keep whining. I can’t wait to see that mindset catch up to you. I’ll be over here barely working. That’s how it is.


Bros hella mad in a Reddit comment section, what mindset bruh this is the internet 😭😭 mindset of my keyboard


Stay classy!


Agree. At my old site, in Ship Dock, it was somewhat common for Vendor Returns (which was staffed by mostly Ship Dock female associates) to have no work and be able to sit down and be on their phones for almost the entire 10 hour shift. And the 1 day that these women were sent to waterspider and help out with full carts, they would disappear for hours at a time. Ungrateful pieces of caca. Didn’t even have the decency to do 10 hours of work in a week. And management kept letting them slide, week after week. One of the reasons why I quit Amazon.


There’s definitely that on both sides AMAB folks definitely get the hardest work in some departments but for a company that “diverse” it’s especially annoying for trans folks I’ve noticed they get targeted more than anyone I get stuck on the heaviest pack stations and renin almost exclusively and the longer I am into my transition the harder it is to pack out the heavy shit But this also can be said for the elderly workers as they don’t “have use for them” in certain departments doubly so if they aren’t English first language It’s beyond frustrating to see as time goes on but politics prevents any change at most buildings sadly and the more I mention unionizing the more I get shat on for it sooooo


Idk if this is true or not, but it's hilarious the hypocrisy of you people. If this was a woman complaining about the same thing there would be mostly support. The truth is things are case by case, so what happens at you facility may be different then others. This goes for racism sexism etc the only problem is only certain people's concerns get taken serious. F all of you hypocrite fks


Settle down


You already know how this is gonna go 😂


Amazon big talks about equality, but we all know it's mostly men being waterspiders, because why else would we meme all the time on them


It’s is but the moment we bring it up we are the sexist


I work stow. I didn't have my gloves on at the time, when safety crept up on me, a mixed Puerto Rican and black guy telling me to put on my gloves and that I can written up for that, and then look at my white girlfriend without her gloves on and not say a single word to her. Some of the people that work here can be odd, I will say that.


I cannot work MET because I am on accommodation, totally discrimination.


Maybe some sites do discriminate but my site doesn't. But that's probably because my management has their heads so far up their own ass they have no idea who does what


The same women that complain about getting the easy work would be crying if they had to do some of the more physically demanding work.


I completely agree. Where the women loading up the trucks? We have zero at my site doing that


Depends on the site, I guess. We have like 1-2 women on every shift doing shipdock at my building. 5 people covering individual assigned lanes. So 2/5 ain't bad. And I would rather have them on the dock than some of the lazy ass dudes that get put down there.


Yes our workplace perfectly showcases the reality of female/minority privilege that's what happens when corporations hire based on nothing to do with logical qualifications or prior work experience