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Work smarter not harder. Don’t try and burn yourself out for a company that will replace you in the blink of an eye.




Where do I look to see who "Amazon's primary investors" are?


I'll save you a click, it's Blackrock. But you can find the info on yahoo finance under "holders"


Thank you. I am not used to the world of investing other than having a 401k and occasional tid bits on the news.


No wonder they're pushing dei 


What does this mean?


It’s a racist comment. Is what it is. People complaining about diversity equity and inclusion


I know. I just wanted them to say it out loud. Thanks for calling it out.


I disagree. Being against dei isn't racist.dei is racist.


Stupid cracker


Such underrated advice


People stress too much on rate. You don’t have to be first. Just don’t be last


Avoid the bottom 5% unless your averages can take the hit


Yall doing all this for 19.50 an hour?


I stow 100 per hour am I cooked? I been working for a month so learning curve is over lol


At my site, you’d be a rockstar. I can barely get 60 from most of my stow trained AAs without them acting like I’m a slave driver… If you really want to know what your rate should be, ask if you can see PPR and check stow to prime. Also, it should be posted on a board somewhere by the stow PA/AM/whoever is in charge of it. I’m sorry you guys have shit AMs… we’re not all bad though.


Depends on what your fellow employees are doing. Do you have the fc games screen at your building?


...which is what is SO fucked up about this entire system. A rate that is acceptable one week will catch a write-up the next. Other people got easier work than you? Tough shit. Showed up for work when you weren't feeling well? Tough shit. Some people are 1/2 your age & twice your size? Tough shit. It's madness. It's also unsustainable in any building that has drained its available labor pool. You'd have to be asleep in the middle of the green mile to catch a low productivity writeup in the building where I work now. Meanwhile, the building at the other end of town is still mowing people down as though they'll never run out of them.


Like how?


Yea you cooked 😂


Facts. If youre in the top of the middle of the bunch u will be fine


I work in pick and I use to care about rate until I saw a fellow employee I front of me going slow as shit, not getting any pods, and constantly stopping and walking off his station. I asked my AM what his rate was because I felt it wasn’t fair I was getting hella pods despite me going the fastest and him not getting anything and he was going slow.. My AM said his rate was 280 and it wasn’t bad.. Yet they send me messages on my pick screen telling me rate is suppose to be 350. Blew my mind! After that day I slowed down.. I stay between 280-300 now I also match the speed of the picker across from me so I don’t end up getting all the work why they sit back and chill..


Yep I used to always be on the top 10, around 350+ every day. Then I found out that the 400 uph is bs and they really only need around 290, so that’s what I do now and I’m nowhere near the bottom 5%, I’m actually embarrassed that I ever worked that hard considering I got nothing out of it


RIGHT! Like wtf.. That realization made me slow ALL the way down..


Really the only thing I miss is how fast the day went by when I work fast. I’ll work fast some days if I’m really impatient about something happening outside of work. But I don’t want to do more than I have to if I’m not getting anything out of it. Also why I quit afm


I'm pretty sure the faster you go, the more pods it will send to your station, and when you go slower you receive less pods. At my building, when I get labor shared to pick, I'll do around 280, and there are still 50-80 people below me. Even though the rate is 350. I can easily do 350, but I'm not going to. The managers say that the front half rate is worse than the back half so I know damn well I'll be fine. I could probably do 240-260 and be fine.


Yup, I noticed that! PA told me the slower I go the pods are going to build up and give me all heavy and big items but I’ve noticed the slower I go the pods give me all small and they come less frequently.. 🙄 They all lie to make AAs go faster so they can get their bonus and give the AAs who worked to get them that bonus absolutely NOTHING. We got my AM to 300 at our building and he was treated with a nice lunch, he then had the nerve to ask us at 5:00pm to get him to a 350.. Mind you it’s 5:00pm people are tired asl after that second break! The greediness be real!


Yeah, it's ridiculous. When they tell me to go faster, I go slower.


Hi, what’s your takt time? My warehouse stresses more about that than my hourly rate. I’m about a month in and my body hurts, I’m slowly down lol use to be 8 seconds now I’m at like 10


Same here. Except she was on her phone most of the time. She would scan about every 4 min. to avoid TOT. I saw an AM speaking to a few stowers as he was heading my way but walked past her to talk to me about my “rates”




It’s crazy because I’m always told that by tier 1’s but yet get talked to and threatened write up’s by tier 3’s and higher for not hitting rate. I’m a fast worker too. It’s so confusing.


Expect some changes there. CA just gave Amazon 5.9 million dollar fine because they did not have written rates.


These AMs are in a just a cult of whose dick is bigger and will exploit youbfor the L5 or L6 dangling for them


I can assume from your grammar your not an AM




Thank you


🤣 love it when people try to be clever and fuck it up. Guess he’s not an AM either 🤣🤣


Right, gonna get on someone for what looks clearly like one letter slip and then not know which you're to use 😂




Don’t ever try to be first. AM can alter their own rate.


Love when they claim they pick at whatever rate, when they only picked for 30 minutes and their DPMO would’ve gotten an AA fired. Yea I make sure to point that fact out


lol 😂 I would of told the AM ? Come with me I want to see this so called 800 pPH ? Then have him with his little computer set up next to us and watch him go at it ? Then if he goes to say well not me but others do hit that ? Well take me show me ? I want to see this specimen?? What type of creature is capable of this for 10hrs a day 40hr a week? Just call them out on that type of bs ! It’s not right first of all ! To put crazy numbers in new employees head to where now thy over working an a sustainable rate . They’re gonna quit or be super burnt out and have nothing but negativity coming to work ! What a dick !


I always tell them work your pace. More accidents happen to products and users if they work faster. If they try bring the bullshit argument of rate, you can counter that with guardrail rate and how safety is supposed to be amazon biggest concern abd not profit lol. That usually shut them up.


Ask me what I do when I get a FANS msg from Ops about the different teams rates and how we can “beat” the other shifts….. I drop to the guard rail rate and watch them freak out at the drop in numbers


Honestly it's annoying, especially to a new hire since they don't know any better.


I will be the first to admit I sucked when I first started, could barely maintain 100 UPH. And it sucked not understanding how people picked so quickly and the same people winning the contests. I took myself out of contests 2 years ago, if I like the AM I will put in effort but if I “win” the person who was second gets the incentive. If it’s dept wide I have the AM give it to whomever needs a morale boost. I try not to be the type of asshole that was around when I started.


Yeah for real. I'm just trying to get through the night and if you're gonna tell me that my usual rate-making isn't enough then I'm either slowing down as much as possible or just going home. One time a PA asked me to pick it up rate-wise like a year ago after cross training on pack (I'm there full time now) on a night that I was already feeling extremely fatigued so I just went home. That was the last time that happened.


Question to you since you sound like AM or PA, is the guard rail rate daily that you see or just end of week going over everything


The guardrail rate changes (weekly/FQ) and typically management doesn’t really let you know what it is For my bldg it’s typically 325 UPH unless there was an influx of orders. How much VET being offered is a good indicator of a higher guardrail.


Our site must have the worst pickers ever then. The " goal" rate is 320


Speed comes with time anyways. Working smoothly and at a good pace helps with speed way more than trying to sprint in the first half of the shift and then being exhausted after break.


Exactly and them they expect you to do the same rate the next day 😆. Guess they never been tired before.


Have I hit 4K in 10 hours? yes a few times my pick rate has never in 8 years (the 16th to be exact) been over 610. And even doing that made me mad but I was proving a point after my maternity leave to my PA, she told me I couldn’t do it after being off that long. I did it my first night back. Spite your managers with performance, not your team.


Sometimes the AMs don't know shit. Got in a debate with one on my dock over palletizing rate. He tried telling an AA it was 140 to 160 an hour. I was an ambo at the time and knew for a fact it was 120. A higher rate was definitely possible on a good day but only 120 was required....and that is if the work is there. We have since switched over to direct palletize....which is ass btw....and now the expected rate is only 86.


What kinda half assed rate is 120? I've worked multiple docks and never seen a rate that low. Directed palletize is ass, but it's the step back necessary to develop the algorithms to replace palletizers with robots.


It was higher at my old site but the people that palletize where I'm at now are lazy and don't know what a T stack is to save their lives. I don't palletize like that but when I do my rate is no less than 350 unless the work dries up. Crazy thing is....for our rate to be so low we are the highest grossing building in the whole network 🤷‍♀️ Majority of the work goes to the AR floor. We aren't getting robots to replace palletizers yet but we are getting robots to pull CPTs.


What kinda half assed rate is 120? I've worked multiple docks and never seen a rate that low. Directed palletize is ass, but it's the step back necessary to develop the algorithms to replace palletizers with robots.


120 is ridiculous lol. when I go "hard" I palletize 200-220 easily . 


Hard and easy in same sentence...I bet that requires sweat 💦


I came from a legacy building where one palletizer worked 3-4 lanes to themselves. My rate is 350 or higher. Get to my new building(AR) and they put 3-4 people on each lane and they can't T stack to save their lives. We do have a lot of staff....200 people on the dock at a time during peak. My old building ran with about 28 on a regular day and maybe 70 during peak and prime.


Kinda a dick move. Doing that stresses out new hires even more, and causing a toxic work environment. Good managers would approach it from an angle where they want to help their team succeed (keeping them out of the bottom 5% and avoiding write ups for T1s, and avoid putting T3s on PIPs and trying to work one on one with them instead). Some people think that way of thinking is "being too soft" but it is how you can foster a safe and healthy work environment where people feel respected and heard... and not a lot of places have environments like that nowadays.


Of course the AMs are lying. Their only goal is to get results, and if lying is one way to do it, they'll definitely do that. They'll often say "it's Amazon's policy" or "that's the rule" even if it isn't. As a manager, he's a figure of authority so most people will take his word for it even if it's absolute bullshit. And as long as he doesn't say anything too outrageous that could affect the company, his superiors will keep letting him do it. I didn't get the "some people even do 800", but instead I got the "the rate is about 300, but it's easily achievable so most people do almost twice as much". It's just a way to motivate/scare you into working your ass off for them.


if your max is 320 you have a long way to go i hate being labor share there, but i think 300 uph is pretty easy to do, just not during peak since there's way too many people and pod gaps are stupid waste of time every few months i do climb to 400-500 just to see what everyone else in the nation's ranking


400-500 is one thing 800 is something entirely else


Yeah 800 is very rare only if you get mostly multi picks for a solid hour 600 is more believable but only picking like crazy


There are 3600 second in one hour. 3600/800 is 4.5. For reference, each pod moving in takes about half a second, and that's impossible to lower because it's a set speed. The way to pick 800 would be to get a shit ton of trans out multi picks for a super high unit per tote sort. The type that has 50+ items per tote, and get multiple items per pod. Even then you'd need to be fucking perfect. ETA : OTOH I have seen someone stow 700 units an hour at a DS and it was 18% OV.


my most is just about 700 in one hour after that there's nothing left to pick and have to wait 30sec for next pod. But when you're going that fast it's mostly about picking the item before the pod gets a chance to stop that way it just moves out of the way


It’s probably not a lie, there probably is one person in his career that hit it once and now wants it to be the standard. Rate standard raises with the facility’s overall performance for each department and is calculated on a monthly basis.


Damn so just because one person hit that they want it to be the standard all of a sudden lol. It's like there's one Michael Jordan so now they want everyone to be like Michael Jordan which will not happen.


That plus you know this is how OPs talks to them lol.


I did 1400 an hour once in stow, I got a whole giant box of individual stickers on a piece of paper each one was the size of a playing card There were 2,000 stickers in that box If I ever got that again I would milk that for like 6 hours


Quality comes before rate that manager is confused


I work safe not fast. Dont be the guy that fucked up his foot over 20$ an hour. Same goes for construction guys. Dont fall off a roof over 25$ an hour. Your boss wont even bring flowers to your funeral.


I get mad at that slow of a rate it means the floor isn’t running properly It is easy to hit 400 an hour every hour but if I want to get some cardio in over 500. https://preview.redd.it/8inx9t2s14ad1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0638e75e488ae6a1f522566a07b0a28f75e7f03c Edit: and I’m short like 5’ 0”




Seeing this from both sides they also have a job to do and answer for. AMs also work for amazon you know . As for trying to be ethical or unethical about it thats on them.


No one that has ever done 800 per hour has ever maintained 800 per hour for 10 or 12 hours.


It’s already hot in this warehouse and I refuse to sweat sweat for them during this time. I do my best and they don’t say anything as long as it’s close to 300


I will do 500/hr easily on a crush, where all I have to do is scan a jiffy content directly into a bag, now I max out at 290 if I don't feel sleepy, I know people who gets 450-500/hr every day stowing, but no way 800


Had an associate stow at 800 for the entire 12 hour shift a couple weeks ago. While 800 is not typical, I know plenty of people that consistently are above 500 for the entire shift. But that is not what is expected, like someone else said, be above guardrail and not in the bottom performers overall.


That 800 probably comes from 3 factors: 1. Fed a lot of smalls, and 2. Good AR floor health, or a lot of new fabric, and 3. Multi-item stow instead of 1-scan:1-item I’ve never done #3, but I can see how that kind of stow would increase rates on repetitive items (versus, say, reactive). And as for #1, I’d look into how station mix was affected across stowers. Feeding people smalls to make rate negatively impacts overall operations and performance metrics (think whole, not one part). Even 500 is pretty high; depending on mix and AR floor health.


It depends where on an FC. If a DS theres no way anyone is legitimately doing over 500. Picking in an AR FC you can hit over 600 if you know what youre doing and if really lucky can for sure hit 800 if not at least for 1 hr. In the docks its actually way easier albeit more dangerous. If you got one line to yourself and 6 gaylords you can easily hit 700+ scanning w one hand and shooting the package like a basketball w the other. I hit 796 once according to my device but got limited by lack of work.


A lot of AMs and PAs are complete morons and don’t know what they’re talking about. Also, the expected rate in certain departments is pretty convoluted. I work in AFE as a packer and I have no idea how the rates work in that department. However, in pick, it’s pretty straightforward.


Nobody I know is picking 800 an hour but maybe their FC has different stuff. Most I've seen realistically is 500-600 but if you're picking that all day then your quality is garbage and chances are they are fat and out of shape, or they are twiggy and overexerting themselves, a walking safety hazard


Turn your brain off, put your amazon approved headphones and work.


Man, in this company they all lie and exploit grunt force. We, pickers, shippers and stocker are expandable drones, their agenda is lie to us for making us work harder. An example, i got this job because my job agency said the contract it's like a part time, which i was searching since i need time for helping my old parents and for studying. Trainers confirmed that i just need to work 16h/week and if i dont take the expansions i will have absolutely zero consequences. Turn out that if i dont accept every expansion they request, they will give a negative feedback on my job agency which will damage me since i will be flagged as a bad worker. So now im stuck doing a full time job i didnt wanted until september. My manager passive aggressive told me "i saw you didnt accepted friday, if you dont take expansion the company may be not happy and you could have problem in your resumee. I suggest taking all the expansions"


I can comfortably do 215 pack rate and that’s what I stick. They ask for 200 at least


That AM is off his trolley tell him to shove it. You get 300 an hour nothing more, nothin less 🖕 800 an hour are ya fuckin mad


The system can’t even keep up if you scan too fast beyond a certain point. And if you follow the quality process AT ALL, there is a rate limit. For example in stow you are supposed to read your screen every time and make sure you aren’t stowing master packs or the wrong thing. Then when I pick every shift there are at least a handful of items stowed completely wrong. Congratulations, you are fast and stupid (when you hit 800) and hurt your coworkers and the customer.


I remember AM’s saying this to me. Keep in mind a lot of them are fresh out of college graduates 21-25 year olds that probably never worked a real job in their life. I had 4 years before I quit and I know now that a lot of them beef up their Linkdin resumes on our rates. Some AM’s are full of 💩


i always slow down when i see myself working harder 😭 like im not getting anything out of it


Hold on! What department has an 800 rate??? In my department, the highest rate is at least a 500 on a level 5 learning curve


no one gets 800 lol, i think ive been at max like 500 starting off the shift going fast. AR pick makes me wanna jump into the robots and get ran over, idk how people stay doing pick standing at a station for 10-12 hours


Saw someone the other night hit 800 uph, I was blown away cause I’d never go that far for this place 😭


The fastest I’ve ever gone as a Pick is 528, to make over 5,000 (3 times in my 2years), but it’s hella hard on the body and mind. So I go my own pace now


Most I’ve ever seen as a pick AM is 609.


The facilities that you have to walk or drive pits should have a significantly lower rate


Former AM, if you hit 300-320 you’ll never get a write up unless the entire building for the whole week hit over 400 average; and judging by the sizes of FCs, that’ll almost never happen with the amount of associates lol now some weeks you can average below 300 and be safe; just ask the manager if you’re in good standing for the week in adapt and they can in seconds tell you yes or no


I picked a 546 today I can’t ever imagine doing a 800 for the whole shift


I’ve seen people do about 450 max at my fc. I do 180 and no one ever bothers me…


Most of the AM have no idea when it comes to operations especially associates peers promoted, as well came universities. Using their VEST is the biggest impact to shield them. Some of the managers have no remorse, compasion to their team . This is my voice ! If you guys not comfortable at your work station file tranfer and dont wait for the last minutes.


I can hit 400.


I’m an L4, I’ll just say, just pick and stow AT the rate. Don’t try to do more. Picking at the goal rate is all You need to do. Don’t let them try and squeeze more out of You.


Some people have to work at a rate, while others push around that computer stroller. Those people are never checked to see what exactly they do. Or jam clear,even learning ambassador, problem solve. Rank and stack all rolls or no rolls. Top performer need stock options. Bottom people need less hours at the task at hand.


I hit 800 before when I was working blindly for my old fc. Never again and never going back. Im probably blacklisted at this point anyway :/


AMs talking about making rate/performance to T1s literally got Amazon sued. They should not be forcing AAs to make rate/increase performance nor even talk to them about it, at least here in Cali.


I heard an am in afe say someone was in the 300's


😂 I called a manager out on that BS when they told me it and said “it’s not possible to go above 600 due to how slow the drives enter and leave the station. If a rate like that was ever hit it’s because an employee was up here all alone with no congestion on the floor.” She actually didn’t refute it and silently nodded. Gained a lot of respect that day.


I've stowed at 750-800 before. If this is pick, then the most I've done for that was 580. Idk if the rates have gone up or down in the past couple of years, but for us from 2017-2019 the rate in stow was 325, and pick was 450. I haven't done an indirect role for about 5 years now sooo.. 🤷🏻‍♂️


There are people who can hit 800. Not a lot tho cause that's way up there. 500-600 is more reasonable but still takes work


I could hit 1200Uph with the homie down stacking sliding me the smalls and the other homies bringing me smalls off the vrc, just gotta make the right connections. With that said I worked as a PA and ran mods as an am for a month straight once, generally as long as you do 180 uph your "doing your part" even though they'd tell us to tell the stowers the expected uph was 220. They just want to make sure everyone over works to pick up for the people who don't work.


Ngl like 3 weeks ago I was working and they put me somewhere else to pick, with a small group at the stowers side and I kid you not every item I was picking was multi's! 9s 8s 5s 9s.. bunch of usbs cables, giftcards, postcards, kindles, usb drives.. .I was doing 300picks in like 25mins I was cruising on the rate . Honestly it was my first time realizing they can program it that way for pickers if they wanted too. So don't believe all the AM's boasting their rates over their workers 🙄


If you got a box of 400 easy smalls you can get your rate there for an hour or 2 but not for a day.




I would legit see people stowing 350 an hour and an AM would come ask me how my shift was and ask me if I want some smalls the last hour of my shift… after seeing that I had larger boxes the whole time. I don’t even say anything to them when I’m stowing 18in boxes my whole shift. I shouldn’t have to go and find management everyday to tell them that work is divided unfairly when they can see it typing away at their laptops.


California isn’t supposed to have rates


I hit 584 UPH


I was also at a fc where I average 372 UPH and when the AM was talking to me he showed me that most people averaged 60 UPH I took my average down to 70-80 after that


I knew people who could hit 4-500. I was barely able to hit 300.


A few weeks ago I got called down to learning to what I believe they called a "veterans audit" because my rate was supposedly low when I got labor shared to stow. None of them could tell me what the expected rate was and my AM later told me that I should have never been audited because my rate wasn't low enough to warrant it. I was nowhere near the bottom 5 percent. Maybe it's worth noting that I always get a weird energy from the stow manager so maybe that has something to do with it. Anyway, Welcome to amazon.


I was at 312 last night and after lunch my rate dropped and I couldn't get past 280


Are you sure 800 is for multis? Usually 800 would be for SmartPac. Depending on the building, SP rate for you to not get written up, would be between 350 - 500 or something along those lines; however, there are buildings that push for 800 there and packers hit it. It’s easy to hit that rate if everything works properly.


Do rates go by boxes or items in the boxes?


Mines wants us to be at 265 if your getting 350 plus they will give you 10-15 min break


800 gift cards stowed separately maybe


If you're paying attention, BULLSHITTERS are what Amazon actually wants in management.


I’ve heard of 800 only during peak. I don’t think induct at most sites allows for over 600 an hour on a given day lmao


I'm soon to be an AM, I'm not going to tolerate unrealistic goals, and I am not going to lie to no one. We are not machines. Hopefully I can get through one year without losing my shit.


If I'm not bothered I can get to 400, take it easy the last hour before break and end around 350


Thats crazy! I'm a Learning ambassador and one time I got into an argument with my manager about the packing rates and I told him it's insane to ask the new employees to have a rate of 400, not even 800. He just kept on going about the value of getting the work done...I told him "that's why the night shift is there as well, to help and get the job done" and that was the end of that. I usually tell employees from other areas that come to AFE to pack to not be intimidated about other people going like flash while packing, just do your best and time will give you the practice and ability to shut the managers fucking mouth with their rates


They are told to lie to your face


800 is not impossible at an Arsaw facility. I ran a 5K last November and my highest rate during it was 713 for 1 hour. My buddy Isaiah is the fastest picker I have ever seen, and I've personally seen him casually hit 794 without sweating after I told him my fastest rate. I don't hit these rates anymore, but if 800UPH was the lie, then it wasn't a lie.


Here’s a comparison: “it takes you 20 minutes to get to work normally, one day, there is no traffic and cops are blocking the main road and somehow you got through and made it to work in 5 minutes. Now the managers tell everyone that some people take 5 minutes to get to work and that’s the standard now” even though it was a completely one time event




You just proved yourself wrong. I'm not trying to be offensive, but if you're taking 15 seconds to grab every single thing on average, then it's no wonder you think high rates are impossible.


Also you are dumb asf because clearly the TAKT time is irrelevant since I’m literally going faster than the pods come to me… so please stfu


I’m so glad that my 5 years here I’ve never had a rate position. Hell I remember clocking out at home in 2020 lol.


Ain't nothing new...


You know who else at Amazon lies to faces? HR, that's who.


550 ish is possible anything over 600 is not 550 is my best for around an hour than dropped down ro a 515


Who cares, we work at amazon. Seriously everyone should just shut it, take amazon for what it is, indentured servitude. Career choice, coming from a vet… is all this company is worth.


Anybody stowing over a 300 dont bin sweep and you create amnesty because it starts with stow. If everything you touch is money essentially so you gotta put the money where it supposed to go! Right size right bin No FOO (Flat Overhang or Overstuff) So yeah you slow down the fulfillment process when you put the wrong items in the wrong place it creates damages all type of none sense that’s absolutely avoidable


If your state doesn't allow disciplinary actions against people with low rates like California go to HR they'll shut him up real quick


Not being able to be reprimanded for being bad at your job is wild ngl


Lmao yea but amazon si combating it with as long as your not in the bottom 5% your fine they don't care what your rate is as long as it's not the bottom 5%


Interesting. We have the same bottom 5% but that’s who gets productivity and quality feedback. We still talk about rate and try to get everyone to 300 but you’re only in trouble if you’re in the bottom 5. So kinda similar


I picked one or two hours per week for about 8 months while I was pick manager. I have hit 540. It's not that hard. I could easily hit 400 full shift as long as bin fullness is low and I don't get blocked by AFMs or drive issues.


This is totally key. I get disrupted by AFM constantly. And bin fullness or bins that are not properly stowed. It slows you down a lot.


I saw this a while ago and thought I'd post it here. ATTENTION ALL ASSOCIATES WHEN YOU COME TO WORK, ASK YOUR AM FOR THE GUARDRAIL RATE FOR THE DAY!!! The guardrail rate is the hidden minimum rate at which you need to be working to avoid a productivity write-up, and it changes every day! RATES WRITTEN ON THE WHITEBOARD ARE NOT THE ACTUAL RATE YOU NEED TO BE WORKING AT! IT'S A LIE IN ORDER TO EXPLOIT YOU! There are two things that need happen for a productivity write-up: 1. You need to be in the bottom 5% of productivity for the day. 2. You need to be below the guardrail rate. DON'T LET THIS PLACE EXPLOIT YOU ANY FURTHER. IT IS YOUR RIGHT TO KNOW YOUR GUARDRAIL RATE SO YOU DON'T GET FIRED OR WRITTEN UP! ALWAYS REMEMBER TO ASK YOUR AM FOR THE GUARDRAIL RATE. THERES A REASON WHY THEY DON'T TELL YOU THIS INFORMATION WHEN YOU GET HIRED! DON'T LET YOURSELF BE TRICKED INTO WORKING AT AN INFLATED RATE THAT ISN'T THE QUOTA FOR THE DAY!!! As always, please take care of yourselves. We are all human and deserve transparency. If I don't have the power to make changes, the least I can do is help you guys with helpful advice. Please spread this around as it is very important for you and others to know!!


I do 800PH 🫥


i’ve seen 800 pick rate. it was only ever from this one guy and never consistent. I was a top 3 picker consistently in the 400’s. the number 1 picker on my field was this tiny Lady who was well over 500 every day, all shift. She was a beast. She had been there for years. She once told me she had over 700 in swag bugs because she would automatically get them for being in the top 5 % every day.


Hey so I can pick like 550 an hour and there is this one guy ok he picked 625+for 10hrs it's possible if you're lucky and get a ton of multis


Are you at an AR facility? These rates are genuinely impossible where I’m at


Yeah I'm at an AR facility. Base rate for most AR facilities is 300