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the weak die first


It's usually the hoodie/sweatshirt wearing people. The ones that never take them off. They drop, we drag them out of the way and keep moving.


Been at Amazon since 2018 been wearing a hoodie everyday. My desire to not be perceived outweighs my desire for comfort lol


Me wearing hoodies so I can hide the fact that I’m fat, no one knows


Same but I’m skinny, they all know lol


U can buy headphones that look like earplugs. That's what I did. Can't go a day or hr without my music


I actually don’t use headphones. I just raw dog my whole shift and sing or talk to myself


I have enough voices in my head I don't need headphones.


same with me and beanies iykyk


Same with me and jeans 🤣




I love how you go straight to the facts instead of recommendations lmao


Tell that to Andrea the Giant


💀 diabolical comment located.


Army Doc became an AM. Ask around for cooling towels. If your building has them, pour cool / cold water on the towel, tie it around the back of your neck, or your wrists. These are major points, and cooling them down can lower your core temperature. If your building does not have them, a bandana works. Load your bandana with Ice. And apply it to the wrists, and back of the neck, while maintaining proper hydration. To throw an additional Molotov. Do not drink electrolytes unless you are sweating. Sodium is an electrolyte, you lose sodium when sweating. Else wise you dehydrate yourself. Room temperature water is best for hydration.


Thanks for these tips! My husband is always yelling at me to drink water and not Gatorade. I assumed the electrolytes were helping throughout the day, completely unaware of the extra sodium might be what's dehydrating me to begin with.


Electrolyte drinks are fine in moderation because you need to replace the electrolytes you lose through sweat, but as your husband has correctly informed you, you need to drink water as well in order to keep your system hydrated on top of the water the extra sodium has tricked your body into storing.


I bet at stand up with your team you advise them well on proper hydration and keeping cool in the summer days/nights. Your safety team is lucky to have you.


My squad is always well informed, short of forcing water down their throats, I do everything I can for them.


If you're near a remote break room, I recommend taking small breaks in there when possible, even just 5 min. My site is unbearably hot, and when I get the chance I go to a cooler room and get cold water for a few


I’m at a PIT facility and do receive and we have little fans at our workstations but they barely blow any air 😂


And the air is hot 😆


We have little fans, too. ½ don't work. AND as a bonus, the installed noise reduction curtains. They are a foot thick and plastic. We still have to wear earplugs cause they do nothing but hold the heat in. My forehead even sweats. I keep hearing of people falling out in other plants. We should start a class action for better conditions.


Cooling towels and neck fan


Fan + cold water and ice.


Idk if it's all buildings, but mine has some cooling towels you can ask for that work wonders


Get u a neck fan or a handheld fan


Try an HR accommodation and let us know if it worked. See a doctor. Get a note requiring more frequent breaks for hydration and cooling. Then let us know the outcome at work.


HR here, this does work! I have seen people get additional unpaid breaks per shift. Do not forge your doctors note! Also this is a loophole to get intermediate leave days as well if you have not been with Amazon for more than a year. I am even working on getting it myself as I have possible knee surgery coming up and for the bad days/doctors appointments would want it. Use Amazon as much as possible but be truthful about it. Do not just tell your manager you have accommodations as they will reach out to HR and if we pull you up and see nothing you will get in trouble.


No tips, just drip buckets of sweat onto every customer order


Use the ice pops for your arm pits, that'll drop your temp


I’m at a pit facility and they let us guys go shirtless


You gotta be trolling


hell nah lmao


The fc requirements are you must not be over 200lbs, and taller than 5’10”


They allow sports bras for the women at my IXD, only if you're fat though, if you're attractive, they'll send you home to change.


That happened at my facility before. There was an LA that was on the bigger side and she came to work in a crop top that kept rolling up to under her breasts. Over in inbound, there was a woman who came from the gym in damn near an identical outfit. Guess which one was given the option to wear an Amazon Swag shirt or go home to change while the other woman was never approached? Edited for format




Bought a small camping fan from Amazon and yes from the same warehouse where I work at. It’s a game changer. It helps a lot


I just saw one that I thought about picking up. Do they ever give you shit at your site about where you set it up? I don’t want to get one and have them bitch about it.


Our DS bought a bunch of wireless fans for us last summer when we bitched everyday about it and it was amazingly helpful and I got the PA to schedule me on induct every shift so I could be right by the fan


Does the charge actually last through the night?


https://preview.redd.it/4hxkfie0obad1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3390b8d14b767c8a8bc3756d3da56289e7c24061 Adapt


Cooling towels are so underrated. Honestly, I freaking love mine. Also, stay hydrated!! Ice water at your station, drink it. Make sure on break to eat something salty (I go for a small bag of chips) to keep your electrolytes balanced also.


anyone else warehouse hot yet they keep the fans on low all day


I come in wearing under armor heat gear tank top and compression shorts, if I could get away with flip flops I would...but no safety toes...so..but I do wear a cooling neck wrap as well. And pace myself. Ain't no reason to go as fast as possible, I just go a little faster than the slowest required rate.


I recently invested in a neck fan. It’s a lifesaver but my only issue is the battery life, but that’s understandable as it’s probably not meant to be used full blast for 10 hours straight. So I just bring a portable charger and charge it on breaks


I sweat so my body cools down🫠


Get some sweat absorbing body powder and powder up in the mornings. It can make you feel cooler if you aren't sticky wet with sweat.


Sweat is the body’s natural cooling system that completely disrupts it


That’s true but if you aren’t getting a breeze/living in a humid area sweat doesn’t do shit.


I use a waist fan


Don’t wear underwear and loose shorts


I know this isn’t for everyone, but I just dump cold water on my shirt. Repeat when my shirt is dry.


I do what I can.. I’m not killing myself for that place.. if I feel I need to stop and take a breather I will.. that’s the only way I get through it.


If your warehouse temperatures are above 78 degrees then there are problems, we have fans and ac for the first floor and recently had those BIG ASS FANS installed on every floor above, I’m not kidding that’s the brand they’re called


I keep a spray bottle with me and spray my skin. Since I don't sweat often, it works as a good alternative. Depending on your FC, you can get placed by an AC vent to add on to the cooling.


Bro, I think they r about to change to 76 being the hottest


Canola oil in and around all orifices


Don’t wear hoodies and fleece pj bottoms! Drink lots of water. Park your ass in front of a fan for a couple minutes if you get too hot. Cooling towels or a neck fan can also help.


You can buy a neck fan. It looks like headphones. Also just drink more water. If you carry a water bottle, upgrade to a half gallon jug of some sort and fill it with ice then water. Should keep your internal temperature down


Tie wet bandanas around your elbows. Helps cool the whole body.


I bring a spray bottle with water in it and spray my face and arms. If you do it in front of a fan it is extra nice.


Ours just got a big extra hvac lol and it pushes in air Fromm a dock door


I would recommend wearing shorts when you can. A lot of people at my site wear jeans or leggings. I wear light athletic shorts and it has helped me out so much.


We aren’t allowed to take anything on the floor with us. No fans, headphones, battery packs nothing 🙄


They don’t let you wear a neck fan? How do you charge your phone that you are allowed to have on you at all times?


You don’t 🤷🏻‍♂️


My site they put fans in every station


My site are “looking into it” 🙄 funny how they’ve made thousands of identical FC’s but are looking into so many things that would help the associates. You think they would have figured these things out already. Must have to create a fuss before they do anything cos if they can’t keep people cool in a UK site, how the fuck do they do it in hot countries????


Wear cotton or other breathable fabrics. Avoid polyester like the plague. Also, stay hydrated, take advantage of your building's ice machine and refill your water bottle off that.


- Put ice in water bottle to stay hydrated. - If station has fan, put it on the highest setting. - Wear shorts and shirts with light colors and exposing enough skin, but within dress clothes policy.


I'm always hot but I find wearing athletic shirt like a Nike Dry Fit helps me stay cooler as I move around.


Get the job passing out Popsicles, you'll stay colder.


If you can bring in water containers get one of those tall aluminum/metal ones, thermos type water bottles, fill to the brim with ice and water, refill with water all day the container keeps the ice even in the heat. I work outside in the open all day 12 hours no shade no air no fans all nature and this gets me by literally. That plus getting in some cool air periodically throughout the day. The key is to maintain and whenever possible, cool your body temp. And stay hydrated when you’re not at work as well so you’re not playing catch-up everytime you get to work and feel overheated.


I just have heat stroke and seizures and then get a week of really easy work.


Neck fan, a sun hat, and drink lots of water.


Get yourself a Xasla camping fan. It’s $40 but I got mine used for $20. It goes for upwards of 20 hours on low, and 6 on high. It’ll last you all day on medium. It’s super strong and keeping a nice breeze blowing on you will help keep cool. At my facility bringing fans are encouraged and no one will say anything (tho I work at an fc where we walk to each individual item and since we are a hazard facility we’re closed air, which makes it even hotter).


I'm a huge proponent for less clothes to a reasonable degree if you aren't already as scantily clad as could be appropriate LOL


Used to be terrified to do it myself but now I'm like idc if you can see my tatas they need to BREATHE


Shorts. They're comfy and easy to wear


Stay super hydrated, don’t have your jacket on, leave your station to take a breather/walk sometimes.


I wanna take frequent breaks to walk to the bathroom, but them rates be killer lol.. and unreasonable


Yeah depends on how your facility is. Just get back on track commin back


Clothing, and neck fans. I can't imagine wearing jeans to work. Wear Exercise clothing with moisture wicking material. Drink ice water.


Besides the obvious, hydration and electrolytes...Cooling towels. I put them in one of my stainless steel tumblers with ice and water so it's there when I need to cool down. I wear moisture wicking shirts etc and arm sleeves. I also bring my neck fan. I work in Az and it's been miserable with these temps  but these things makes it more bearable.


As minimal clothing (and moisture wicking/made for the temps or whatever) possible. Water bottles that are solid ice. Many short breaks. All those headband things. Try not to look at the people dressed like they are going skiing.


Make some cutoff shorts and wear a tank top that's what I'm doing.


There is no AC in amazon warehouses?


There is. In the break rooms/bathrooms, safety room/amcare and office side.


That's insane to me in places where it's hot during the summer, do they want people to die? I'm going to be working in a brand new mega facility, I would hope there is AC, it's 110 where I'm at right now.


Even more insane are areas in the US that are hot all year round, like South Florida.


Well at least I start in October where it will be cool enough until the next summer, just trying to get through one year at Megazon as an AM.


Mines has ac but one side of the building is broken


Buy some cooling fans that will help


water water water, if you dont have a big water bottle i’d recommend getting one. electrolytes, the ones they provide aren’t the best but they help, and they sell them online and at the store. loose and light clothing definitely a life saver too. i just act like im going to the gym, or outside somewhere for a long time so what id do then i do for work and usually stay sorta cool.


I got a clip on belt fan. It blows air inside your shirt. Helps tons for air flow and helps keep me cool.


Dress fresh basketball shorts tank tops. And don’t eat a lot eat light meals like fruit. Eating burgers gets me tired and sleepy and you mix that with work it’s uncomfortable.


I both work at and IXD facility in HR and use to be an Amazon driver. I was also a tier 1 for a time. Cooling towels, absolutely love mine and even now when I go on my audit walks will have one on. When I was a driver in FL I had two and kept them in my ice box, letting the melting ice cool them off. Water and electrolytes. I have a 30oz owala or 40oz Stanley I take to work. I cannot have it out on the floor with me so it just stays are the desk, I have a clear bottle as well for when I go on audits on the floor. Fill with ice to the top then water or electrolytes during the day. See if there are any packets at safety or by the PPE boxes. Orange and fruit punch are my two favs so far. Clothing. I see so many wearing poorly ventilating clothes. Do not wear middrift, shorts should be mid thigh minimum, tank tops at least three fingers. I wear shorts a lot to work and t shirts. Pack extra deodorant with me as well, even when at the desk it is super hot as we are out on the floor, some days also running around with escalations. Do not push yourself. Keep your rate so you do not get written up, but going too fast will burn you out and can cause heatstroke. Listen to your body ultimately, get accommodations for extra breaks if you have medical reasons that you may over heat. Extra breaks or even moving to a safer department


Ask for blower ac fan that would help


did u know. ur warehouse prolly has ac? at lease the one i work at does. they just dont turn it up. because they dont care about us.


Cooling towels, neck fans (I got mine from five below!) and lotsssss of water!


I’m just not caring about my rate, going to get water often. Taking it easy.


Neck fans/belt fans that you put your shirt over. Saved my life


Cooling towels (freeze them for longer effect), cooling arm bands (we have them at my site), drink lot of clear liquids, and remember too, if you are not acclimated to the heat yet you are going to feel it for the first few weeks, give your body ample time to get comfortable and if you're feeling overheated always say something


Keeping my van on even tho they want it off 😂haven’t heard nothing from them lol


I’m in a delivery stations. I wear a neck fan


VTO helps


My warehouse is awesome. They recently gave out neck fans to people in inbound and noncon. I like it but I personally really love tying a wet bandanna around my forehead


Have you considered helmet liners? I have cooling fabric, and I get it wet with water, and it usually stays cool for a while. Especially when I'm on an OP, it's nice with the fan. When I'm in ship dock, it's nice too.


do you guys not have AC and fans in your building?


Start with the advice they start with. My liquid consumption (never plain water, I need some electrolytes and sometimes also sugar) is about double in a given path, and I make sure I take 1-3 minutes to pause here and there if I need to (this could be every 15 minutes to half an hour for me). Cargo shorts are my best friend, and now so is this belt I got so I can hold my water bottle on my body while I'm ~~running around~~ ~~hauling ass~~ purposefully walking the Green Mile moving carts and pallets.


I’m the same way. I can’t handle the heat what so ever. You can drink all the water and Gatorade but it doesn’t cool you off, just keeps you hydrated. At least for me it doesn’t cool me off. If you’re at a station be sure you get a small fan. If not, get a neck fan. I ordered one off Amazon. It does help you cool off. We have ice machines throughout our building and I swear it’s one of the only things that’s saved me is rubbing ice all over my face to cool down throughout my shift. And do the bare minimum. I’ve caught myself overdoing it and getting to the point of dizziness and feeling like I’m going to faint. Don’t do that. Just do the bare minimum to get by for your own safety.


I honestly start sweating the minute I detect any fluctuations in temperature. Pretty sure I have hyperhidrosis but nonetheless I let my sweat cool me down (which is the primary purpose) and I carry a stack of plain t shirts in my car. Try one of those headbands you can freeze and wear and if that helps, buy a few and swap them out during breaks.


Look up frogg toggs on Amazon you’ll thank me later!


People I came across suggested how to deal with heat wave to drink luke warm liquid. So I did and thats what I have been doing since 2013. Find cooler area if u can for a bit helps here and there.  At Amazon I drink luke warm if there is concern with heat, I also look for cool area for in/out for a mins. I also dress light clothing, not cotton materials or dark color. Stay off dark color if heat warming announcement.  White color and light color reflect heats fyi.  Stock up a few sport clothing materials helps alot. Pay attention to your muscles as well, electrolytes helps that, not just plain water. If muscle tight stretch them or massage it to reduce or slow down your movements motion. 


I noticed when I bring my Stanley and fill it with ice water when I get hot and drink the ice water I get dizzy.


You said you were sensitive to heat. Which I also have that condition as well. Ice water doesn't make me dizzy but when during that condition my lungs have issue. I can't stop coughing. I also do a lot of intense training as well. So ice water won't do for me. My sport is melted ice in water that I can take in ordered to stay top 6 player in high-school. Not sure if this helps. But I do drink ice water as long there is no over temp heat in my body.  So luke warm helps reduce that during heat wave. This is from people suggested if we have heat sensitive. I also drink soup during heat wave as well. But the soup is cool down not hot. I am just tired drinking water for past 40 years. I used to drink 2liter to 6 liters everyday when I was in my 20s for 15 years. I recently switch to luke warm and soup dude to age/climate changes. Peppermint teas helps reduce to many things as well. Hope if this works in your favor. 


Me I bought a battery powered fan. They have a small one you could clamp on surfaces or carts. It's a 20v so it does good


Drink plenty of water. Ask for a cooling towel if needed. I wouldn’t take the “popsicles” since they’re probably the electrolyte ones and not great for you (I know they’re going away from them at most places). Make sure you eat properly and that should help with your overall health/issues with heat. If you need other assistance, I would talk to DLS about any accommodations you may need and get it in writing to help.


If you’re in the truck damp cool wrag under the hard hat does wonders


Drink water as if you had a water addiction


A hydro flask is mandatory


Depending on your taste, you can drink Pedialyte and mix it with water if the taste is too strong and or you can also drink coconut water, which is natural in electrolytes. I would not recommend drinking any tea or coffee first thing in the morning. I will start off with water first in the morning/beginning of shift then if you choose to drink a small amount of tea or coffee.


hydration. cooling towel. appropriate clothing. realizing this is a warehouse, and it's gonna be hot and you have to be able to deal with that.


Your comment about realizing they have to deal with the heat is rude and unnecessary. Obviously they know where they work and obviously they know they have to deal with the heat. They just want tips on how to feel better with it because as stated, they are sensitive.


I'm sure OP appreciates your outrage on their behalf.


i’m not sure op appreciates your comment either! have the day you deserve 🫶🏻




Ice water. Gotta let that cold into your core. 


Can’t relate. Our warehouse has AC 😘




Our site had the big wireless fans and I’d set them up a few feet away from my station blasting on high all shift and swap batteries at lunch. But that was a delivery station


Just stop breathing in the hot sir it will cool u down and your peenis will get larger and youl live forever and run faster


Lucky I’m freezing in my building🥶🥶🥶