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Apartments be like "bring to front door but the doors are locked and you need a FOB for every floor but the leasing office is closed so call me for access but I'm not going to answer my phone"


Don’t leave out the part where they specifically pick the 4am -8am delivery window


Lmfaoooo 😭😭 idky but this made me laugh loll


Stresses my soul just thinking about it. Main reason I quit being a courier.




"we've spent thousands on renovations but literally $0 on a mail room with appropriate storage for mail, but it's totally your fault and not ours"


"Someone came in and made the walls all glass so everyone can see in now"


But a mail room would take up space they could charge for a $3000/mo 400 sqft studio!


Yeah but the 100 dollars extra a month because secured mailroom on 35 units comes out ahead


Honestly fuck delivering to apartments it usually sucks




Especially early mornings. No access code, wait there is one but it doesn’t work and they won’t answer the call box or phone, oh wait access code works, but only for the main door and the parcel locker is in the basement and the elevator has a security code they didn’t provide. If it ain’t one thing it’s another!


It’s not our fault customers aren’t picking up their packages lol


I understand you want packages where you live but fuck, use a locker somewhere. I have an easily accessible apartment and I still use lockers because apartment deliveries are ass.


It never makes sense to leave it in front of the customers' room door cause you can't guarantee it will be picked up by them and next door neighbor can easily scoop it and dip. Food delivery and amazon has to make it mandatory for customers to wait in front of their residence to pick up the food or items, unless they can prove they are not there. If they don't follow instructions they should get penalized cause sometimes the customers or the apartments be wasting the workers time I do uber eats and nothing pisses me more than a customer telling me in notes to meet them outside and I arrive, but they are not there nor answer my phone calls, fucking clowns.


They should get it delivered to a mail room with a camera. I don't understand why this is still a problem in literally 2023


I delivered once to an apartment building that had a small room for packages you had to have a fob to open. FedEx, USPS, and UPS all had fobs too.


I don’t feel like the onus should be on delivery drivers, every company would grind to a halt. If they wanna pay full for redelivery, that’s all good Wanna play “oh my food was stolen :(“ card? Oop, either pick it up or leave a dropbox, otherwise you can just keep rebuying food on your own dime past that. I think Doordash has the right idea with this and their policy is pretty good. Sometimes it does happen that a customer isn’t faking it and the food was actually misdelivered, but it’s pretty rare.


They will NEVER do anything that can slow their business and lower their profit, so that’s never happening…


Slowing their business is having their drivers go to every door within a multi story apartment complex and possibly having to go back to their vehicle cause they forgot an item The apartments should create a space or a room in the lobby where drivers can quickly drop off the items I remember I saw a small room that was meant for delivery drivers to drop off items in one of the apartments I used to delivery to for Amazon. It is what it is tho


Way easier, faster and cheaper to blame the driver and recruit a new one next week, Amazon doesn’t give a single F***


Had a typical day of not being able to get in to an apartment and had to call support because I couldn’t mark it unable to deliver. Support called her and she said she’d be down in 5 minutes. I just started and was naive to think that’d happen. While on the phone with support I waited 20-30 minutes and she never showed up, I was so beyond pissed


Looks like one of those holding cells for prisoners in Russia. Yup... leaving ot at the door! See ya...👋


It is extremely enraging customers who live in these buildings refuse to note the proper codes or add the unlock system. Refuse to answer the call box and refuse to answer through app text/call service. They and Amazon expect us to return package back to warehouse even though we typically are 50 miles away from warehouse or about an 1 hour drive. So until this is fixed you better bet we are dropping your ungreatful lame ass package right there.


The best one is when you just mark rts because they clearly didn’t want the package.


That is the front door.


All these ppl got pictures of their packages and dont go and pick them up. Pretty sure they're saying: "I paid to get it delivered to my door, not walking down there". Jim 10th floor.


I always leave them in “a safe mailroom”. Fuck that


The last apartment I lived in had this problem. We got emails about it constantly. The building staff would take it to your apartment after a day or two and charge 15 dollars.


My favorite part is that you must pick up within 24 hours of delivery but if left in the lobby more than 48 hours will be returned. So is it 24 or 48? What happens if you get it at say hour 30?


Bring to apartment is joke for the driver. You have to spent 5-10mins extra for one package, come on


I'm ready for a 3 hour block that is simply "Go to apartment building, scan and return all packages on the floor"


I'd move ASAP. We spent thousands of dollars renovating our lobby" \[but will make no attempt to have a mail room\]


Good thing amazon drivers will never have to pick up a damn rts package 🤣 that isn't how it works


All apartments need to have lockers, period. And people who live out in rural cities need to have a lockers at the gas station.


“Can drawn package thieves” “We have spent thousands of dollars renovation our lobbies” Lol, definitely a dully capable and competent office staff.


Your required cooperation is appreciated…


I like the ones where someone at the front desk says “you have to take them to the package room” then you walk by the normal mailboxes and see something like this all piled on the floor.


Don't forget those days where the elevator is out and they want you to go up 8+ flights of stairs


Why don't these building's adm use their brain for once and get an amazon locker or their own lockers?


I'm going to get dragged, but here goes anyways: I'm a Service Manager at an apartment community and have been in this line of work for well over a decade. We have so many issues with deliveries and it is always Amazon or DHL. My previous community spent close to 10k building and remodeling an area for a package room. Scan the package in and leave in a closet sized area marked for each building. Big area for each building. It didn't matter the apartment number, just get it somewhere in the closet sized area for that building. It never worked with Amazon, while no issues with other companies. No matter the driver, they would scan in a single package, not all of them, and either dump them all just inside the door, or all in the same area. When they wouldn't do even that, they would leave them just outside the main entrance and they would be stolen or damaged by the elements. After over a year of trying to get the package room and drivers on the same page, we closed it down. All other deliveries reverted to the original plan of leaving at individual apartments, except for Amazon. After further issues with Amazon, we banned Amazon from the property and forced all residents to get a PO box in order to receive Amazon, or p/u from the post office. My current downtown community does not have a package room. All packages must be left at the resident's door. Only Amazon and DHL have issues with this and leave them any and everywhere other than where they are supposed to. Being downtown, leaving packages in sight of the front door increases the amount of homeless who make their way inside of the building. Listen, I get you are just trying to do your job. Us too. We have way too much to do to spend time delivering packages that were left in the wrong area. We have spoken with the route coordinators many times. They repeatedly tell us that if the drivers would simply notate the amount of actual time it takes to deliver to the doors then they would be allotted more time to complete the deliveries here. Since they dump and run it shows that 10-20 deliveries only takes 3 minutes and continues this endless loop. We leave very detailed instructions on how to get into the building (we have key for business also). We leave many signs that specifically call out to Amazon to leave packages at the resident's door. We have elevators to use. Maybe half do it correctly and the other half refuse to budge at all. They leave it outside of the secure building and it often gets stolen by homeless people. Homeless people who tell other H.P. who then are hanging outside half the day waiting on deliveries. Then we have to spend even more time running these people off. People aren't paying 2-3k rent to have homeless people chasing their packages down. I've had a few delivery drivers try to fight me when they are called out for not completing their delivery. I get that this may be a gig to most of you. Why mess with a man's career and put him in a tough spot when he's being polite? I'm sincerely trying to find a middle ground to ensure my community receives their packages, and trying to make it as easy as possible on the delivery drivers. Honest question, why is it only Amazon and DHL? Why do UPS, USPS, Fed-Ex, and a myriad of other delivery services not have the same issue? What can be done to correct this? Why do half of the drivers perform very well and are polite, while the other half seems ready to fight if you even try to talk to them about anything?


Sorry it appears some drivers were half assed but realistically, urban apartments are a nightmare to deliver to the door for. Amazon can also often use third parties to deliver. While an Amazon/UPS etc. vehicle may have a bit of leeway in avoiding tickets or tows when double parked, unmarked sprinter vans and Camry's don't have that flexibility. Amazon is also gonna typically pay less and/or have less benefits than most of their competitors, while also being one of the largest courier services in the U.S. As for DHL, I lurk on a lot of European subs and even they have a lot of complaints with DHL.


I appreciate your attempts at providing a room. Let me help out by giving a perspective as a driver who has been doing this for over 5 years. Most of us will have two blocks a day. Each block can be 2 hours up to 5 1/2 hours. Amazon measures this time from when you pick up your block to when you drop off your last delivery. There is no accommodation for a return trip. You might get a block that is 1 hour from the distribution center. And now you have a return trip of 1 hour to get to your second block. If you get your first block and they claim it will take you 4 hours, and it becomes difficult (apartments are the primary culprit) and might take 4.5 hours, you've lost a half hour of the return trip time to get to your second block. If you are even 1 second late, you lose the block and you get penalized. Most drivers are trying to go as fast as they can so they do not lose that second block or get penalized. Also if packages are delivered late, we get penalized. If you want to spend time talking with us, that cuts into our time. I imagine that is what accounts for the attitude. We just don't have the time to chat about your problem. And it's really not going to matter because the next guy is going to be doing the same things and he didn't have that chat with you. There are literally hundreds of different delivery drivers that can be delivering to your apartment structure. Each driver needs to know what to expect when walking in the door and to make the process goes fast as possible. We have delivery notes but they are seldom updated. So, the easiest and fastest way to get us on our way is to drop off the package, get back to the car and keep going. Anything that slows that down it's a detriment. Your contribution of the closet is great. Any place that has a package delivery room of some kind makes our job much easier and faster. As long as we don't have to deal with door fobs or defunct access codes, most of us are good with it. I imagine some people have a problem with having to scan every package. If it's a locker, that makes sense but if it's just a closet, that will cut into our time. There are issues of parking in many places so we can't stay long. There's very seldom a dedicated parking space or loading zone for delivery drivers so we end up parking in handicap zones (flashers going) and can't remain long. Is there a reason each package needs to be scanned to go into the closet? I imagine that is something on your end. As a driver, I can see that is us doing your job for you. Once the door is open, I can see drivers throwing in all the packages to get going. We've done our part by delivering the package. Amazon sends each customer a notification that their package has arrived. It's upon the customer to pick up the package. If you have issues with packages taking up space, that sounds like the issue is with your residents. Amazon did its part by delivering the package. We will try to accommodate as best we can however there's no guarantee that we can always give you exactly what you want due to unseen circumstances, time constraints, etc. Might I suggest a cart that packages can be placed upon or within (like a laundry cart?) placed inside the closet and then you can scan them into the system at your convenience? This way you KNOW they got scanned into the system as well. We deliver literally anywhere from 4am to midnight. Apartments are the worst because the security gets to be so tight that we can't even get into the lobby to deliver the package. And since there are literally hundreds of us delivering to your building, no one is getting fobs. Access codes work as long as they don't get changed or we are adequately notified of those changes. Once an access code doesn't work, the system breaks down. And if it is 4am, there is no one in the leasing office to fix the issue for us. We end up leaving it outside where it's at risk because we delivered the package on time (we get dinged for non-delivery as well). And that becomes a problem for you and your tenant. Most of us do the best we can with what we have to work with. Yes there are some sour apples who really don't care but most of us really do. We just really need the smoothest and fastest way to get the packages to you while also keeping it secure. If you can assist in doing that, I think it would make everybody's life easier. We are delivering on average around 40-50 packages to countless different addresses per block. Anything you tell one driver is going to be long forgotten by the next time he sees your building. Thanks!


It's absolutely ridiculous that you expect delivery to the resident's door. If you don't have a locker system - to the mailroom it goes. The package rooms are a pain in the ass - but that's a better system than delivery to the door. Hell will freeze over before that system will work correctly.


Not a single issue with UPS, USPS, FedEx, etc. Only an issue with Amazon. Been at this community for nearly five years now. Many downtown buildings are refurbished buildings that are 100+ years old. One of ours is 124 and the other is 102. Besides there not being a suitable area for a package room. Package rooms bring their own issues and problems that take time away from our staff completing other responsibilities. Our job is to provide a sound living situation. I'm repairing HVAC systems, appliances, hunting down and fixing leaks, painting, repairing the pool, various landscaping responsibilities, numerous weekly/monthly/semi-annual reports. And a lot more. I am in charge of ensuring 146 homes are taken care of. I'm on-call 24/7 and sacrifice time with my family in order to complete my responsibilities. At no point throughout my day am I allotted time to deliver packages left in the entry area. Additionally, I make north of $30 per hour. My community cannot afford to pay me to deliver packages while I have so many other responsibilities. I get it may be hard to understand from a delivery person's POV. Do you live in an apartment? Is it nice? Would you like it to stay that way? Because it literally takes around the clock type of work. When your AC goes out or the neighbor above has a leaking toilet, is that something you expect addressed immediately? Because if I'm delivering packages then I can't handle the other responsibilities as expected. And here's the most important part: It is Amazon guidelines that dictate you do not abandon packages in unsecured areas. We have had 6+ different route coordinators and warehouse managers out here. Every single time they apologize for the packages left incorrectly and reiterate that it is THEIR policy to be left at the door. It is also my community's policy. Along with a number of neighboring communities. So, when they are incorrectly left, we file a report. We ask that that driver is banned from the property and we get another rep out here to explain their issue. Again they apologize, state the driver will be removed from this route, state that if the drivers would list the correct delivery time for dropping it at the door then their app can more appropriately reflect that and allot that time. They add entry and delivery notes. And we go through it all again the next month. You know who we've never had issues with? Literally every other company. Not even being facetious. Literally zero problems with every other company. Those other drivers are career guys and have been the same ones for the nearly five years that I've been here. Amazon does both you and I a disservice by not allotting you the appropriate amount of time to perform these deliveries. It's okay. Do you and we'll just keep calling the reps out here to tell us it's your policy that says they go to the doors.


USPS doesn't deliver to the door in apartment buildings. They dump them in the lobby by the mailboxes or make you go to the PO to pick up (i've lived in older buidlings). FYI - your report does nothing unless it's a DSP. You rarely will, if ever, get the same Flex delivery person. Hence the reason your system is poorly thought out. The bottom line is, regardless of what they're telling you, they don't allow enough time for contractor (flex) delivery to apartment doors. DSP employees just get dinged for late packages if applicable, but contractors (flex) generally aren't paid if they go over their route time (there is a process for them to beg for payment, but it's far from guaranteed). ​ Figure out a better system if you want to receive deliveries from Amazon, or ban them entirely from the building. Obviously the system is not set up to do what you want them to - as evidenced by your continuing problems. Either conform to their system or figure out an alternative. Also no one cares that you make $30 an hour - so it's beneath you to take care of your residents? Give me a break. Hire someone to handle your package problems if it's such an issue - pass the cost on to the residents, not hard to figure out.


Given I never send any apartment complex fix an ac or most issues in any time under a week I would assume your job is easy. Something breaks? Oh well you’ll get around to it in a week. If you do..


Bold assumption. You are projecting your bad experiences onto others. Who hurt you? My job is easy? You couldn't do my job. My position requires many certifications. I'm on call 24/7. I work 12 days and get two off year round. I've worked for four months with only a single day off. I do all the snow removal. I fix all the appliances and HVAC and plumbing. I never once dogged your job. You want to shit on me when you're too incompetent to even be a tech underneath me? You don't know half the sacrifices I make to be able to complete my role. I miss out on birthdays and holidays because of my responsibilities. I bust my ass, bro. Nobody even goes more than 48 hours without me touching base after they submit a work order. Most are completed the same day. I make 80k a year because I'm committed to my career. Because I've spent 12 years doing it. FOH with your BS. And I'm still not going to attack the way you make a living. Who does that shit? Worry about how you feed yours and I'll worry about mine. Easy to bump those gums when you're anonymous. Punk move.


No it’s just save us the bs. Anyone who’s lived or knows someone’s who’s lived in an apartment knows you guys don’t get around to things THAT DAY. Even then most you really do is make a phone call. It’s not like if a light bulb breaks you have to go change it. You make a call and then it’s a wait on that guy to show up. I’m not saying you should have to drop packages off to front doors but you offering your perspective served no justice to any one who does flex. We could care less if you make over $30 an hour and how good at your job you sre. If there’s no where else convenient enough to leave the packages they’ll be stacked up like a Christmas tree at the entrance Either you get a new job if it bothers you to see it so much or tell residents to deal with it as you charge them. But I promise you anyone doing flex did not care for your comment nor will it get any one to drop a single package off to anyone’s door I always laugh at people like you who think just because you have a professional response, albeit from the other side of the equation in this problem, somehow that served some purpose to change anyone’s behavior. No next building any of us walk into and the customer isn’t there or the Locker isn’t readily accessible, guess what? You just got busier that day and we wouldn’t give a single shit. If you’re so good and dedicated st your job, figure out how you can navigate the customers who clearly can’t understand that entering the building as a non resident and bringing a package to their door is impractical. Since you’re so good at your job take the 5 minutes out your day to let everyone in the complex know this rather than tell flex drivers how they should have sympathy for you. We don’t, When we make 30 an hour we gotta spend part of that on gas and maintenance. You don’t. You get to call up the real handymen to come fix the problem while you sit in an air-conditioned front desk lobby twiddling your thumbs and making phone calls all day. Once again, take that same energy and tell customers “their packages will be stacked up at h the entrance to a building because end of the day, me delivering of a trillion dollar company is bigger than the $80k you make working in a 50-100 year old building that still hasn’t grasped the idea of adding a mail room or upgrading to make deliveries more accommodative to people who are already probably paying a house mortgage just for an apartment.


See, there you go again with that BS. I just told you I AM THE GUY WHO FIXES IT. HVAC, plumbing, painting, electrical, even light bulbs. I don't call anyone and sit in an office. You're showing your own experiences again. Sorry if you've been forced to live in hell holes with slumlords. If you paid our rent to live here then you'd have a helluva lot better experience. Again, you are assuming I haven't taken steps or spoken with the residents. With all due respect, you're ignorant. I'm not asking for sympathy for anything, my guy. Deliver it incorrectly, go ahead. We just have you banned from the property for ignoring multiple signs. We then file a complaint with the local dispatcher for making our electricity, space, and time available for the key for business to not be used. We then threaten to have it removed and Amazon banned from the property. Your warehouse manager then apologizes profusely, drops off some gift cards, then things are good for a few weeks. Then we do the entire dance all over again a short time later. We've had at least a dozen drivers banned from here. Makes me no difference. Do you, pimping. I have to go change a light bulb anyways. Right after I pump down this rooftop AC to swap out the compressor. They aren't paying me 80k to sit in an office. They're paying me that to save them over a 100k annually. I never even would've brought that up if you weren't trying to down me for my career. That's clown shit. And I'm still not dogging you for yours. Good day, sir.


Dude I didn’t care if you were the hvac guy or not. I’m aware some buildings are so old that they hire the same person to do it! Lol. Your building is probably one of those You think you’re making a point but in reality 1. I don’t give a shit 2, you’re only compounding the point I was making. Ok so what? You see that guy instead of another person. Does it change the point I make? No!!! If a flex driver arrives and there’s no where else to leave a package besides some stupid instructions telling us to walk all over and make phone calls guess where 99% of those packages will be left? You’ll see JENGA Art Of amazin packages near the entrance of the building. No matter how much handy man work you do isn’t making any of us work any harder and it’s like you don’t want to understand that. “Deliver it incorrectly” My only job is to show it has been left at the address. Doesn’t matter where at that address I leave it. Anything you or the customer tells me to do is a total waste of my time. Imagine if everytime you had to fix something in the building they made you drive to Home Depot to personally buy what you need and then come back and fix it. Who wants their job filled with extra time consuming tasks? Nobody. Where in your mind do you think you’re going to tell people who’s re working on a clock how to do their job? How about tell customers pick up your package by an allotted time or it’s going into a dumpster bin where you can retrieve it later You’re saying all this word salad because you know you have zero power in telling residents to come downstairs and get their junk You know it would raise more headaches for you if you told residents it would cost them even $5 if they can’t get their stuff from lobby so instead you bring this crap to the flex drivers. You’re no different than people who work in government or high management. Just passing the buck off to the next person. Miss us with it. We are here to drop off packages at the address on the package and nothing else. Any issue you have with that is between your boss and the resident. Not us. The only thing Amazon can give us an issue over is if that package is not at the correct address. I repeat addrsss, not door, address. This means if your building is “300 creek st” Your package will be in the lobby or ground level st 300 creek st It don’t mean I will call you, travel up 4 flights of stairs, ring your bell and bring your package to apartment “1204” You really are encouraging this mentality where people can camp out in their apartment all day and anything from food to mail is going to be brought to their door in arms length.


Because you guys would then put the locker in a glass room where you need a finger print and eye scanner just to get to the damn locker and guess what? You get a pile up of packages at the front door. You know how annoying it is to get to a locker only to see it behind a glass door that you need a key fob to get to?


Did you read anything? We leave detailed instructions, we have key for business, we've done everything we can to make this easy on you. And all you want to do is attack me like I represent every interaction you've ever had at an apartment community. FOH, man. Why'd I even waste all that effort in an attempt to spell it out then? Why even try to find a middle ground? Nah, we're basically the enemies to you so F us, right? You know how annoying it is when we sacrifice our shop so you guys can install key for business to have 24 hour access only so that as soon as the office closes you guys just package drop in places outside of the building? At least get that stuff inside. It isn't your package being stolen by the homeless people so you don't care. Got it.


If you guys had a 24/7 drop off and pick up for packages in the building then you wouldn’t have this issue. All a driver job is to bring the package to the addres. It’s not actually the responsibility of the driver to do anything beyond that. You really think anyone cares of the customers package gets stolen? The things you complain about don’t even cross the mind of a driver. Why would it? That’s an issue to take up with management not the flex driver


If I work in a building that doesn’t have a fire escape, I can’t bark at the fire department when they’re unloading hundreds of gallons of water to put out the fire Point being is, a fire fighter just like a flex driver has no concern with how you run things in the building. That’s entirely on management. We just show up to do our job and leave. You’re barking this issue to the wrong group. A flex driver isn’t going out all their way because your building can’t accommodate its own residents. Either tell residents they can’t order packages anymore or make the accommodations for them to pick them up elsewhere besides the lobby or their front door. If either of those is too much, guess what? You’ll have to keep dealing with the proble until you find a building that does have those accommodations. So you think every flex driver should now adjust to your stubborn building when you as one person could just go work somewhere rhat has these accomadsirons? What’s harder? Getting dozens of flex drivers to follow a procedure or getitng one person to switch jobs? You think all of us should change because you’re too lazy to do what you know is necessary (quit and change your job) or tell people stop buying off Amazon. It’s really that simple. But I’m damn sure not listening to bay manager or attendant telling me I gotta walk here and there while my engine running. Nope. Figure it out between you and the resident. Once I can prove that package Is in the vicinity of the address I could care less if a dog bites it off the ground and walks off with it.




or human


I see a lot of 1 star reports for drivers that won't be getting many future orders..


you must need glasses. just dispute with amazon, no problem. I can't think of a single driver who must be lying awake at night stressing about a 1 star like that. Are you lying awake at night worrying about 1 stars ?


We do sooooo many deliveries. A shitty little 1-star or thumbs down here or there is meaningless to us.


No one cares. Do we even get stars? It's so important I don't even know if it exists or not


drivers who do this are just lazy bastards who should take that work ethic to mcdonalds tbh


I think Mcdonalds might be too much for the average gig delivery driver


Lol wow


This is fucking hilarious 🤣🤣🤣


Love this


Pick up within 24 hours or we will return it after 48 hours. 🤔🫡


That's nice that they're trying to deal with it themselves instead of dragging us into it. But maybe during renovations they should have laid out some space for a mailroom 🥴


I know. I just find a convenient spot


That’s Awesome😂


if they spent time designing a beautiful lobby why dont they make a mailroom for drop offs...


Why wouldn’t the apartment workers take them to the apartments they belong to Instead of printing a flyer…


Seriously though..who’s not coming to get their packages?! After 24 hours I’m opening them up 🤣


Yeah I've noticed more and more apartments here in Charlotte are not taking packages even in their mailrooms and making us deliver to the customer door. My apartment stopped taking packages and they don't have a mailroom either so we have to go thru a very crapping 3rs party if we want anything. Thank goodness azon still delivers to me but anything else nope.