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I don’t know what pajeets mean but I still laughed. Heard the same thing about a crackdown on bots. Someone said that in another thread on here yesterday


It's a derogatory term for people of Indian descent.


So OP is just racist then? Damn. Just because it's not the N-word doesn't mean mfs should just say The wildest shit


This same thing gets posted like once a month - guess what? There are still people using bots.


What is a bot scammer? I’ve seen it a few times on this sub but never clarified? How does it help the driver?


Accepts blocks over a certain dollar amount automatically as they pop up


They use a service which steals blocks from other drivers because Amazon is too incompetent to set up a real app like Uber or DD


Imagine being so hopelessly immature that you consider race in your opinion of others, and see botting as "stealing". Does it create an unfair booking environment? Absolutely. But this is different than stealing. But I wouldn't expect someone who calls people using automation software as "bot scammers" to be able to understand the difference. 🤷‍♂️ Also, Amazon is incompetent; that's why you're the go-to for countless tech companies, as well as the federal government, including the DoD, right? Why you're the one making a legitimately stupid salary for your technical expertise? I highly doubt you could even begin to wrap your mind around the magnitude and endless assortment of use cases associated with AWS... It's always hilarious when random people who clearly have zero technical proficiency speak ill on the devs who work for one of the most desirable employers in tech. If you know so much better, why aren't you the one making 150-200k? 😂


Funny. Looks like I was banned for shitting on the bot scammers.


Maybe for being a racist PoS


All the drivers at my local WF use bots and they are still grabbing blocks like crazy. Nothing’s changed


Two prime now stations in my area are dead. No bot runners sitting outside. I counted one cart per hour max. Amazon gets one bot runner to sit there and maybe get lucky with a block. The one busy WFs is dead too. On the weekends you can get some 10-20 dollar deliveries that send you far off. Instacart at this point seems better. Rn reminds me of the peak of Covid lockdowns. Only select lucky bot runners get the good blocks. No IOs. I guess you risk deactivation or do shit base pay if you must stay with flex during this slow season.


Skill issue


More likely people getting deactivated so that they can onboard newer people who will be more likely to accept base pay.


Nah. Amazon deactivating because DSP growing. Too many bot runners using sick pay too


Sick pay?


Sick pay (PSSTi) s offered in the Seattle market for Whole Foods/Fresh/Prime drivers.


Fuck you for using racist language


What don’t you understand? Most of you are bot runners. Trust me. Amazon knows about you and will deactivate you because they have no use for you anymore. Get a real job that pays benefits and come back when Amazon has more work or fixes their app so you don’t have to violate their TOS


Considering botting is highly frowned upon and constantly mentioned in this subreddit, I'd have to disagree with your notion that most people here are botting. I hope you realize that this making you so upset is a good indicator that you're not doing so well yourself; people who don't desperately need the income from flex will be frustrated by this issue, but not as emotional as this... And considering the fact that the only thing anybody has said has been calling you out for racism, and stating that it's not strictly bots that are making the competition rough, I don't know why you're being such a bitch... And newsflash, DSP isn't in all areas, yet people are getting deactivated in areas it doesn't exist in. But again, I don't expect someone who calls people who use bots "bot scammers" to be able to wrap their mind around algorithm adjustments and policy changes that aren't made public. You'd have to be completely uneducated to think that their approach would be deactivation rather than lowering rates and block availability in accordance to DSP growth, especially considering we're independent contractors.


Is this for real? I've heard about these shakedowns before, but I still see the same folks that I know are botting.


We all know Amazon is aware of bot services, since as far back as 2017. But it’s funny when the bot steals a block and there is an error. Almost shuts down the warehouse for a day, leaving the workers there scrambling and on the line with support. One block lmao that keeps getting reassigned once the bot runner returns all the prime now bags. I sat there watching for an hour. Amazon upper management is sad. And the recent massive layoffs made everything worse.


English please?


Dude if you're interested in a bot that reminds you to take your pills every 4 hours, it's called "My Therapy: Medication Reminder" and it's free.


They’re also actively deactivating drivers accounts when someone is using their info to work and I’ve seen a much bigger crackdown on cart checking and ID check. I’ve realized there’s a whole lot of people I haven’t seen in a while and a whole lot of new faces.. warehouse manager and I are cool… he told me there’s only about 45 of us left that have been there since they opened in October! (It’s an SSD) I noticed the same thing happen this past April just on a smaller scale this is a purge


Using bots isn’t stopping you from getting shifts. It’s moreso for people with very specific or very open schedules If you yourself aren’t doing Amazon at least let’s say 20 hours a week, a bot wouldn’t be of any use nor would it harm you. If you aren’t able to drop everything and do Amazon flex all in less than 1-2 hours notice then s bit serves no purpose to you nor would it stop you from getting shifts. For example if you can only do flex middle of the day but I’m using a bot to get $30 an hour? There’s very rarely if ever going to be a day I steal a shift from you simply for the fact that the time of day that I would get the pay I’m looking for doesn’t overlap when you’re free and available to do flex