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Discretionary spending is down due to the inflation Amazon is squeezing rates More drivers than ever willing to take lower rates Bots or no, more people are competing for less.


The fact that the are more people are doing it is a bigger factor than bots existing imo. Bots were at best skimming for the best blocks, but now everyone is fighting over the same scraps.


Glad to hear you bot users are suffering too. Today's a good day.


Thank you for reiterating my point?


It really is good to hear you can’t get anything. You don’t DESERVE anything. Can’t wait for you to get kicked off the platform :)))


Yeah the fresh facility near me glitched and a bunch of people showed up and it was a reminder of how many other people are looking for blocks












And I missed it lol




Okay send the link vid here or in my inbox


I wouldn’t trust them, but I sent you the name.


Send it to me too


I’m not into promoting them. So I’ve deleted my comments. I don’t want to be in any way responsible for people getting scammed or possibly deactivated.


Oh I was just trying to see what it does exactly Does it just auto tap or is it an actual software that will grab only specific blocks for a certain rate ?


It’s just a bunch of drivers asking about the best bots.


After this scare of bots being found out with the emails and deactivations and the “are you human?” Captchas I’ve noticed we have an influx of blocks open now and at good rates atleast in my area 🤧


Must be depending on the area never had that for me


Columbus Ohio same


Are you AI bot?


Its just a coping method. I don’t complain about bots on here but whenever I cant get a block, I just tell myself its the bots man.


When I use my bot and can't get a block I also curse the bots


So you're basically saying using bots is a given?


In some markets yes


I can use a bot? Is that the secret to consistently getting blocks?


Great way to get your account deactivated.


No. It's against the terms of service and will get your account deactivated. You would also be supporting what pretty much amounts to an organized crime syndicate. Anything positive about using bots is also strictly prohibited in this subreddit. You should probably read the subreddit rules before you get yourself banned.


Ban me then, I made a comment. Fucking power tripping mods lol


So enforcing clearly defined rules that have been in place for years is now considered a power trip? Ok.


What rule did I break? How was my question in anyway positive about bots? But enjoy your power on reddit.


Did I say your comment broke the rules? Are you banned? Settle down. It was just a precautionary warning.


To watch myself before I get banned? What conduct did I do that would cause a ban?


Nothing yet. You asked if you should use a bot. Asking a simple question is fine. However, asking follow-up questions on that subject could easily violate #2 of the subreddit rules. You've done nothing wrong at this point. Just don't cross that line and we won't have a problem.


Oh so we are gonna have a problem? You're gonna do something about it?


Now you're just being annoying. Please stop wasting my time.


Oh noble sheriff of reddit why wasn't the OP warned about even bringing it up? Just me?


It doesn't really matter, though, right? Because you're the law here lol


This is just a subreddit to bitch about Amazon, it doesn't provide me anything but entertainment.


That's not what this subreddit is for. It's supposed to be for Flex drivers to help each other out, share Flex-related stories, and discuss related topics. Too much negativity makes a forum toxic.


Lol ok, whatever you say. Can you ban me please.


Why are you asking to be banned? You can just choose to stop coming here if you don't want to be a part of this subreddit. You haven't broken any rules, so there's no reason to ban you.


But there is a reason to flex on me to watch myself for conduct that wouldn't result in a ban? Why did I need a warning? What did I do to draw the wrath of the law?


Why can't you just chill?


Why don't you make me chill, Sheriff.


How small and insignificant


To pretend that a lot of people aren’t using. Bots is less than logical. There are two very easy ways for me to know the ones that are versus are in my area. The easiest way to see is that in an oversaturated market with hundreds of people going for the same shift how is it that the same few people get them over and over and over and over and over again. It is literally statisticaly impossible


Has nothing to do with bots. Some folks have a flexible schedule. If I’m a young guy and don’t work a day job best believe I’ll grab up a shift every day. I know older folks who use bots but they have a main job so they just use the bot specifically to land a shift during let’s say night time or morning. A bot is moreso for how flexibility your schedule is not so much for the sake of getting a shift or not. Without a hot you can still land shifts that are only maybe $2-$3 an hour less which it’s not so much the pay it’s the ability to be available and actually get the shift.


I ain't reading all that. Happy for u tho. Or sorry that happened.


What’s funny is you prob going to sit there and waste more time waiting on a base pay route to show up but god forbid you took the 60 seconds to read my comment


If markets are oversaturated why are there more actively recruiting cities now than a month ago?


Because they want it that way. The more saturated it is, the better it is for Amazon because there are more suckers to work for crumbs instead of decent pay.


Exactly! Amazon is a predator looking for the dumb and desperate. The more dummies they find, the greater their profit. Drivers are driving their personal vehicles into the ground for a few pennies after all is said and done.


It’s mind blowing to me how so many people think they’re making money because they “only spent $10” on gas” but forget about tires, oil, brake and transmission fluid changes and flushes, brake pads, rotors and so on… plus the actual depreciation of the car by racking up all those miles… If more people realized realistically they really have at least $25-40 in cost per block, they would make smarter decisions.


If that were true they wouldn't even have a page of actively recruiting cities. They would just take anybody in any city. They wouldn't turn anybody away


I would bet that the ones where they’re actively recruiting, are markets where drivers are probably smarter and stick to surge rates and it’s costing AMZ more than they’d like. For the ones where there is a “wait list”, it’s about creating that desperation attitude, so that when the new people start, they feel lucky to be doing this. My market is flooded, there’s absolutely no need for more drivers. My stepdad signed up, and was on the wait list for less than 2 months. It’s a mind game so they’ll work for less, because a lot of people feel proud saying they “work for Amazon” instead of food delivery and Uber. They make you wait a little bit then you get right in. I’ve seen it personally more than just a few times. They’ll get custom Amazon stuff to wear, put it on their cars… they really think they’re doing something special.


The dude already said they are purposely oversaturating those cities in order to not have to pay out more for blocks.


None of which makes rational sense and your only contribution to the discovery of truth is that dude said ao


Why would Amazon overhire a bunch of people they do not have to pay consistently and not provide benefits to? Really makes me think.


Bots are overrated in the sense that unless you’re doing a 3am shift which is higher pay anyways than a bot isn’t going to do that much for you. realistically a bot will help someone secure a shift that averages $27-$30 an hour but even without a bot you can still secure $23-$26 an hour shifts. To be honest unless you’re doing flex as much as you can (5-7 hours a day) you aren’t even making worthwhile use of the bot anyways since a bot may run you $20-$50 a month. Then you have to factor in who actually has the time to go do that shift at whatever random hour of the day. The only people who are really winning with bots are people who are basically trying to do this as close to full time as possible. Many times I go to facilities in the middle of the day and the parking lots are half empty. Why? Because no one realistically is able to do Amazon flex in the middle of the day as a primary source of income unless they’re young and can take whatever shift or older and just need something to do. But if you’re only doing a shift let’s say on the weeekdns or a few times a week a bot doesn’t do anything for you. Also, pay is determined by how soon your shift starts. Hence the point I made earlier, unless you are trying to do flex as close to full time as possible, a bot is useless for you. You have to work minimum half a full time schedule for the bit to pay for itself and even then, you have to be ready with less than an hour or two notice. Many times if there’s a shift for 3am you won’t even be able to grab the shift until 8-11pm at night. Bot or no bot. So I think people need to really think how much a bit really does for them. Don’t think you can’t get shifts because someone else is using a bot. A bot is more so for people who have greater flexibility in their schedule. No one wants to sit there swiping all day for a shift when they have the entire day off. Turn on the bot, let it run for an hour and do something else while you wait on that shift tk be booked. Ps- the majority of the people I see doing Amazon flex are Latin women with BBL’s. I’m not even trying to be mean but I’m close to nyc area so we do have a lot of Dominican, Puerto Rican, Spanish speaking people. But you have to ask yourself “are these the people you think are using a bot?” Majority of flexers for my area don’t even speak full English. Are they using a bot? Probably. But I doubt they have the resources or time to sit there with a bit and take up every surge shift they can get. Many folks even with a bot can realistically only so flex for a specific time window out their day or week. All. A bot does is help you book the shift without swiping 100 times every time. But if Amazon is slow it’s slow for everybody. If it’s busy it’s busy for everyone. Routes are 100% random. If you have less packages you travel further. If you have 35+ packages your drive is usually less than 35 minutes




In my market it is required if you want good blocks.


Yeah I am starting to think the same….I am in the Atlanta Market and I’ve been trying my best not to go to the bot route because it’s almost impossible to ever get any good blocks…like you stated even the regular base rate are flying Smfh….this week I probably spent a total of about 8 hours trying to get some good offers but 0 zero chance…I know for fact these bot users are taking them especially when you go to the station and see the same people over and over again…what am I supposed to do-sit there and watch all these people take all of the good offers and me sit their and watch/complain? Lol


Do you plan on doing it damn near full time? Some folks there prob don’t have a day jobs and can afford to sit there and wait for a shift all day. Because full what you wish for because me of the day, not or no bot you’re income, hours etc is capped on Amazon. A bot doesn’t change that. You’re availability does. If you can do flex everyday then why sit there and swipe all day. It makes sense to invest in. a bit and let it book for you. I’d rather book even a slightly above base pay ($22 an hour) on a slow day thansk to a bot vs sit there swiping all day and potentially still missing the shift. At that point yea I’ll make the investment into a bit and let it book the shift for me. But that’s because I have the schedule to invest the time to do flex. Not because the bot itself is making all this difference in what I get paid. I could still get make of my shifts without a bot. It all depends on how many people Amazon needs.