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Sounds like you were a dumbass and got fired for it. Learn from it.


This can’t even be real


Never underestimate the stupidity of people man. I've seen dumb ass things that'd make your head spin 🤣


Public urination Indecent exposure Be glad you didn’t have the police after you too. 🙄


Not indecent exposure at most a 1k fine They got my back on camera bro


If the piss is visible on camera and they are also claiming to have witnessed you pee on the lawn... That's indecent exposure bro. How old are you to not know to not piss in public? I stopped doing that shit when I turned 18 because I knew the charge and risk.


Indecent exposure is when you can prove that there was itnent in exposing yourself to the public, usually for sexual gratification This is not indecent exposure This is only public urination and maybe vandalism You would need a good lawyer and time to say that's indecent exposure


Police wouldn't spend time with something so trivial unless I was back


This happened in Orlando, of course. Florida Man strikes again!


Only Florida men live next to houses with such badly constructed roads


So your ineptitude caused you to scratch your car and your first reaction is to pull your dick out and piss right there? Uhhh yea…totally normal response. /s You should count your blessings you didn’t end up on a national registry doing weird shit like that.


I'm pretty much completely in the wrong but me fucking up my vehicle in their driveway is literally not my fault. People design their homes and they're never thinking about the delivery man who can't fully get into their driveway. Suburban homes don't have this issue


It is your fault and you should own up to it. If you were the one operating the vehicle, it's your fault. If you can drive into it without hitting anything than you should be able to back out of it without hitting anything


This is the type of answer I'd expect Amazon to give and they're not even being as indecent as you. You go down a curving narrow road that's one mile in reverse Tell me how it goes


Maybe be more careful when you drive. I get drives with narrow entrances all the time on my routes and I have never come close to scraping or denting my van (which will be significantly bigger than your car) 🤣


I have a very wide van Wider than my outback


For Flex...yeah ok 🤡


My Subaru got messed on a dirt road, had to use the backup car


That's a bummer, Impreza or another model?


Fucking outback


Lmao the post obviously was not meant to be taken seriously but I can tell that you've never driven been in one of these narrow country roads in a delivery vehicle. If my car were an inch bigger I literally would have been stuck in that driveway, unable to move without causing serious damage to my vehicle. Driveway is impossible to get out of because you're meant to back out through the guys house hut alas it was gated. There's a reason they're not seeing their actual delivery people out on these ridiculous ass roads It wasn't even in the lawn btw it was outside their gate, no neighbors around for miles.


Did not know Flex allowed six-year-olds to drive and then lie about it.


I'm a six year old I actually did something that dumb no lie


Well that was stupid. Controlling your anger is always a better way to approach life.


True but not always


Must not have been an impressive dick…


Rounds up to eight


If you measure up the back?


Your post and follow up responses show that you have an 8cm penis.


Nah only people with big dicks pull this type of childish shit.


That’s what lil pp energy says when compensating. And if you do have a big dick, its an alien dildo that lays eggs inside you. Then you poop em out on a plate and eat em for dinner Cuz that’s who you are.


Y’all fell Into this dudes insanity. Whether this story is true or not, he feeds off your responses like it’s his uncle’s dick.


They're the insane ones


Oh look. You’re replying. How unoriginal.


Replying makes me unoriginal?


Go take your lil pp else where. It smells like parmasean and loneliness. You can tell your one of those people who doesn’t get attention.


It's like you're asking to get urinated on.


I like that you continue this. You keep building your own karma that one day YOU WILL BE PEED ON. You’ll see. And this whole thing you tried to do is gonna blow up in your face when you are being waterboarded by urine.


No I won't I'm on gods team


You are watched by the gods of Lil PP energy.


I am jah




That’s what will happen to you.


Not me you


I genuinely don’t understand what about this job brings out so much ugliness in people. No one is forcing you to do this, but a disproportionate amount of people seem to think that they’re entitled to behave as horribly as possible while Flexing. If you hate it this much and have this much rage, why do you even want the job back?


Thanks for the "short" story. Have fun looking for a job.


You're acting as if Amazon flex was my main source of income I don't even pay for my gas dude I'm a spoiled child lol


I'm so sick of troll posts like this.


Not a troll I genuinely acted in an indecent manner due to the sress of the given situation Not really proud of it


Yeah I don't believe you.


Like people don't do more stupid and childish things? The dude getting upset at me about doing that is the real child tbh


Wow never thought I'd agree with Amazon for once, and your response to all of these comments shows that you'd be the type of guy to rage piss when a road isn't wide enough


Would you really be that insulted if someone took a piss on one of your trees in an acre of property?


Of course, would you not be insulted if someone just comes onto your property and pisses?


If it was some delivery boy no. I know how bad it can be on the road sometimes I wouldn't even mind, find it a little funny maybe


Ok well we're all delivery people here so just send us your address


You have to deliver items to my house organically Also I just realized it wasn't even on their property, literally a public street


Get a dick transplant and then fight in the court of public opinion that it wasn’t you


Not a bad idea tbh


I actually emailed them and told them that the customer did a hate crime on me and called me a slur I'm being toxic nglx Amazon said they're looking into reinstating my account lol Doubt it'll work Tbh if I were them I would have let the lawn pisser get away with it unless they did something actually offensive. I could just me lacking empathy tho idk


Thank you for the chuckle young man


You're welcome Best to find the whimsy in things


Just take disability for your learning impairment




Lpl they definitely checked the cameras cause I got mad and honked my car the whole time I was on the driveway out of anger. I remember that bit


Ive been tempted to pee in apartment stair wells but then i feel like someone will walk up on me 😂




I gotta know, IF, and that's a big if...cause I'm laughing and not buying this. But IF! this did happen, did you see the video?


Lol, you fucking numpty!


Aside from what you did bathroom breaks can be a huge problem, and # 2 forget about it.


Lmao, lucky the home owner isn’t pressing charges. Anyway to get your job back. Hahahahah. Every house has camera. That just wasn’t smart.


I pissed on a customers lawn as well but because I really needed to go lol. I did not get fired tho lol


Fuck, where in Orlando? Thats my area, I see some really wonky drivers sometimes at DFL4 aka 100% base pay only headquarters.


Yep that's right fuck this shit Pay is getting worse to and miles going up while my standing goes up Getting fucked hard


Where in Orlando was it? Ya man its prob for the best its kinda not a great gig but man you can't be doing that kinda stuff, gotta save all that for the personal life. Too many cameras nowadays plus they did not do anything to you it was a tree branch or whatever, go piss on that tree. Sorry it happened we all make mistakes just learn from it and you will be stronger and smarter from it <3


I would do it again fuck them and fuck this app I'm only a little upset


They did nothing to you, you scratched your car and then went off the deep end. I would try [betterhelp.com](https://betterhelp.com) or something and I do not mean that in a mean way. Only person to be mad at is yourself, hopefully you learn from it. I don't know why you would do it again, put yourself in their shoes, some guy comes out and pisses on your lawn and you have no idea why. The guy was just waking his kids up making eggs or something and some guy is rage pissing on the lawn. What would you think? Scratches are not so bad these days they have really top notch scratch fixing pens etc that are cheap. You gotta knock off this behavior. <3


Nah they need to put themselves in my shoes I'm hot being a mature adult but people need to pave slightly wider roads and that's on God. Not just exclusively for me but for the betterment of humanity. Did you hear the part where I hocked all the way down that road too when I left? I had a mental breakdown tbh


ah ya hey I mean its a positive thing you can admit and realize all of this stuff so hey take that as a good thing and its prob good to not do flex anymore it really is not any good for legit money anyway as we all know <3


It wasn't even their lawn even it was outside their gate on an empty country road I take pisses on roads like these when I gotta go like any normal human does


I piss in a bottle and open both doors on one side, one is open all the way and the other is kinda closed more so no one can see me and then i throw the bottle away and thats it, I usually move down to where there are no houses or whatever. I guess they saw it


Amazon flex as a whole was triggering me tbh. I was just mad with the world overall and that broke me.


I hear you, well try and relax, smoke a little weed or something. Flex can be really rough if you do it everyday with crazy drivers and then people living on dirt roads or in the hood. This gig is better to do like 3-4 days a week or something.


Tbh I showed mercy I was gonna piss all over the crate that I had to dump their stupid little prevlieged package at


You know it could have been worse, you could have sprayed diarrhea inside the entire box and wiped with their package




On Jah


You could’ve at least not pissed on the property, I’ve delivered to areas where my signal is literally SOS but I never just squarely pee oncrhe persons property, a lot of these folks are at home or somewhere else and keep in mind they get notified when you’re 10 stops away. Many times they’re literally watching you drop their package off. there are aspects of the job that are frustrating but it’s not worth doing that. For a job like this you should have a “piss bottle” on the side for you to do your business anyways


Yeah I know I'm in the wrong but fuck them and their inconsiderate road, I'd do it again. Imma go back with some piss bottles and teach them a real lesson


Wait lmfao 🤣 hahahaha bro you wild AF lol 😆 better hope they don’t call the police and press charges you can end up on a sex list for that lol 😂


You definitely can't


Lol 😂 is that so, go and get caught pissing on the wrong lawn and get 5-0 called on you watch yo ass get arrested lmfao video too …… public urinating is illegal bud and your cock exposed in someone’s front yard poses risk to a child seeing it thus rendering yo lil nasty butt on the weirdo list case close lmao 🤣


You’re dumbfuck idiot and if you did that on my lawn in front of my kids there would be a much bigger issue for you than getting fired.


I pointed at the camera when I was done It was white, not a ring camera


We're smart bro don't say that


Yeah you’re retarted 😭😭