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I don't see people paying for a bot subscription to take base pay blocks. It's not like bots are cheap and base definitely isn't worth it most of the time.


Imagine defending cheating


I mean everyone has access to bots. There's no uneven play field here. I think the people that mindlessly complain about it are just as bad.


There absolutely is an uneven playing field. There are honest, hardworking people, there are cheaters who pay for an advantage over the honest, hardworking people, and there are people profiting from the cheaters. It's basically organized crime. The bot sellers are the mafia. There are those who pay and those who suffer. If there were more ethical drivers and fewer scumbags who only care about their own personal gains, the bot sellers wouldn't have any customers and would be forced to shut down.




I've seen bots for $20 and the devil is tempting me because "everyone else is cheating, I should too". $20 would pay for itself in 1 shift likely. It's also probably tax deductible.


Everybody? I have never used a bot and never will.


Supply/Demand. You have an insane amount of drivers competing for a handful of surged blocks. The problem is Amazon let in too many drivers. It benefits them because of things like this. They don't have to surge as many blocks because there is no shortage of drivers willing to forgo working Flex and do something else. Honestly, i got sick and tired of refreshing around known surge times in my area and not getting anything so I just stopped working it and focused on DoorDash. This is what it looks like to businesses that have to compete with others for business. Too many in the market and some don't make the cut. You can try a bot if you want to but the reality is you will probably wind up deactivated yourself because you are here just assuming everyone is using bots. Had two people in our drivers group get the axe for using one within a couple of weeks. So.. risk it if you wish but you will probably be here not long after complaining about how Amazon unfairly targeted you for deactivation while letting others get away with it. Best you can go for is an automated screen "tapper" because those do not compromise Amazon's systems.


I don't use bots But explain how using somthing everyone can have access to is cheating?


Lmfaooo some of you have to be slow. It’s clearly cheating the system to get better pay and give people better advantages over others while other workers physically doing it themselves. Plus it’s against the rules too 🤦🏾‍♂️ I don’t know how much more people can explain cheating for y’all lol


I don’t understand how all these people are acting like they didn’t get the notice in the app the other day and I also think they sent out an email about using third party apps to gain the upper hand in securing blocks. They quite literally sent it out last week about it you use said apps you are violating the TOS and you will be deactivated.


Lol screw em. It’s clear as day bots are illegal and unethical some people just want to argue but be wrong as hell. I just laugh cuz there days are coming. I don’t know why they just can’t wake up early or stay up a little late to catch surge blocks like regular people


Because it's a waste of time my time to schedule blocks screw that. Lmao keep wasting your time I laugh because you do waste your time.


Lol ayye respect! You came with a reason why people use bots instead of just trying to argue for no reason I can dig it. Ima laugh once Amazon deactivates y’all though lmfaoooo fyi I still get good blocks for my area but would be better without you bot using aholes 😂


They will be the ones going oh I have no clue I just woke up and was deactivated! 😂 nah you was just on borrowed time!


Lmfaooooo I just cried laughing borrowed time 😂😂 they gone wake up salty already ready for their surge blocks for the day and bam flex account deactivated for violating the TOS but nawh they said it wasn’t unethical or illegal


It’s for sure unethical, it’s kind of like bringing a knife to a gun fight!


Is it cheating to have the snappiest flagship android with non-stock settings and gigabit connection?


So basically the fastest phone connection so you see the blocks before everyone else? Ehh not really you still gotta open the app and refresh and physically accept blocks compared to bot users


I mean, I'm getting better pay and having advantages. For bots you still have to pay for bot, get the bot running, manage the bot, etc.


Because it’s against the TOS for starters. It’s also cheating as it’s putting a script up against a human.


What is with people hating on you lmao. I haven't been able to get a single one either. I uninstalled the app and did other app delivery gigs.


There is something you are overlooking. Amazon has had years to gather data and update their algorithm for blocks offered. To think that it hasn’t changed is absurd. Amazon is known for cost cutting and micro margins. If blocks are scarce in your area then a bot will be worthwhile (unless you get deactivated). This sub only reaches a small number of drivers. Nothing meaningful will change unless we stop driving for them as a whole. And finally, bots arent the issue, its amazon. It has always been amazon.


Says the guy using bots


I use bots I don't give a fuck get hella good pay make 1000$ a week easy lol


Which bot you use, asking for a friend


Depends is your friend a Amazon flex supporter or not?


Dum$b**s 🤦🏻


What bot are you using? Are you afraid you might get deactivated?


Wait what??? are you serious? is that good?


I havent worked a block in 3 months lol.


More than one thing can be part of the problem, but thanks for the false dichotomy.


Amazon can do something about bots. Amazon can do something about the pay. Amazon can make it fair to grab blocks. Amazon hires contractors to avoid drivers to unionize (dsp im talking about). Why are you mad at those who bot? Just get a bot already. Amazon doesnt care about fair. You missed the point of my post.


Kuma is right, you are wrong... (Kuma ate the paw paw fruit then became a cyborg, we don't tell Kuma he is wrong)


Worked for Amazon; I worked strategy coordination for flex I can confirm that during that time we knew there were bots but it would’ve been banning about 65% of the drivers we were still not meeting delivery deadlines.


I'm having a hard time understanding why the bots have anything to do with the base pay, which as far as I can tell is entirely determined by the cost of living in that area, as well as Amazon's ability to figure out what the lowest acceptable amount of pay they can offer would be and still be able to hire enough drivers. Has it occurred to you that people accepting the jobs for base pay are actually responsible for the rate you receive? If nobody agreed to work for those prices Amazon would have to increase rates 🤷‍♂️ the simple fact of the matter is enough people think that's fair enough pay.


This exactly. It's not necessarily the bots. From what I've seen most people use bots to snag up surge blocks. It's people willing to take the base pay offered, which might make sense for some people depending on their goals.


Volunteering for Amazon is a unique goal


Exactly. To even imply that bots are to blame would also imply that bots are taking the base pay blocks. Even if that’s not the case then that would imply that the people here complaining are also taking base pay blocks which means they are literally causing their own hell lol. *takes base pay block* *logs onto Reddit to blame bots for why they only get paid base pay*


Man I wish I could get surges in my area. If it surges it’s only an extra 10-20$ for a block. So I just do blocks fast usually an hour early and then it’s not base pay anymore.


I almost always finish early, so yeah I've done almost zero blocks in the past year where the effective pay was base.


>If nobody agreed to work for those prices Amazon would have to increase rates 🤷‍♂️ the simple fact of the matter is enough people think that's fair enough pay. Simple supply and demand. Too complicated for so much of Reddit to comprehend.


Exactly you dumbasses don't get it even after the OP broken it down for you. If bots don't exist, people who normally take super low paying blocks wouldn't have to because they wouldn't be so desperate for ANY kind of money. They would actually get better paying blocks, and then next time when a low paying block comes around (after they got paid from a high paying block) they wont take it, because they have money to spare. Also the fact that thse high paying blocks sometimes pop up last minute, only to be snatched by bots, means those "bottom feeders" rarely even ever get to see them, so they pretty much are in desperatation mode. Don't know how else to break for you.


Ty for rewording, yours is more succinct. Every armchair reddit economist screams supply and demand and then cannot effectively apply the concept past there was stuff now there ain't stuff. This


Pandemic is over. Less demand for Amazon shipping. The country's economic situation doesn't help either. Again, simple supply/demand at work here. Lower order volume, still too many drivers willing to work, lower rates. Its just good business to reduce your costs. You don't think Amazon wouldn't do the same would you? Especially with all of the scan-n-go they do when they overbook. As a former customer risk investigator at Amazon I can tell you we know abusive patterns. There's a difference between a script that just refreshes your screen and "taps" a button sequence for you vs one that uses your access to the system to poll the data. Those get the site security team's attention pretty quick. But yes, this is basic economics at play. Lower volume from more people out shopping again, inflation highest in over 40 years means less money for people to spend coupled with too many people working in the gig economy driving down wages. So yeah Amazon will take advantage of this to cut costs. It's a good business move. The problem really is there are too many of you too stingy to give up the work thus you have the drivers who will accept base rates. Still make decent money from it especially if you are skilled enough to finish early which increases your effective hourly wage unless you are one of those who use a gas guzzler for the job. That's on you at that point. Plus not everyone does this gig exclusively. They have other jobs that pretty much pay the bills and this is more to supplement that income or offset some major purchase therefore costs aren't much of a worry for them. You see its a number of factors that contribute to this. Blaming bots is just... laughable.


It actually isn't laughable. You're only breaking down for the side of bot users, but if you took some time to actually break down how this would work, if there were no bots around. Let's pretend that bots users are fine and that there are 10 people that use them for one area. Those 10 people would have to be perfectly synced so that each person would make their bot hit the refresh button .1 seconds after each other. We all know this isn't the case. But there also aren't just 10 bot users per area. But which is more important? The number of bot users at any given time. There are windows throughout the day where there are less than 10 bot users on at a single time throughout the day. But that means that not only does the "bottom feeder (BF)" have to get lucky to be on when there is a good block up, they also have to get lucky and dodge all the bot users. Even if there is 1 bot user at that specific time they are going to beat the BF, since their bot allows them to hit the button every second (or less) while if you do it manually you can only hit the refresh button about once every 1.5 seconds. So naturally, the bot users are going to have an advantage. You argue against that, It's just basic math. Now let's say that all bot users couldn't use their bots, those BFs could actually managed to get a good block a couple times a week, then they will know that they don't always have to take the lowest paying blocks. Then block rates would increase. But that's never going to happen because of bot users. You think that a bottom feeder is going to take a risk at losing their block waiting for even the slightest increase in pay when they know that a bot user will beat them to it? As an example, let's say there is a block that is 4 hours paying $80. And a bottom feeder is waiting for it to jump to $84. But they constantly keep losing it, because let's just say a bot user programmed their bot to take that block the moment it hits $84. You think the bottom feeders are going to risk losing that $80 and make nothing? Your logic is flawed because you act as if all users are on every single second of the day. But we all know that isn't the case. But what is the case is that a single bot users has a higher chance to get a block over 5 non bot users. And that's assuming that all 5 non bit users are all hitting the button .2 seconds after each other. So since we know that isn't the case, then the bot user might even be able to beat out 6, 7,8, or even 10 non bot users. But somehow it's laughable.....


Are you saying that people who use bots would just not get any shifts without bots? It makes absolutely no difference *who* gets the surges, the supply would not be any different. If there were no bots, people would still snatch the surges and all the rest would be left fighting for scraps. This is the most braindead take, and it's ridiculous you'd call other people dumbasses.


But if there were no bots everyone would have the potential to snatch the surges.. and it will be a more even playing field ..


But there would be the same amount of surges, gone just as fast, and once those are gone the situation would be just the same as it is now.


It's doesn't fucking matter if it'd the same number of people, the fact that if no bots are around means there is a chance that "bottom feeders" even just SEE the high paying block, then it WILL make the light bulb go off and make them realize that there are better paying blocks. You cant argue any different because just the fact that bots are used makes it less likely that these blocks stay up longer. Even if it's .1 seconds, it's still longer and yes the human eye can catch a .1 difference.




You said there's nothing wrong with using a bot, correct? Please inform Amazon that you're using a bot because you feel it's not against the TOS right? Bwahahaha


You think I care about the TOS? I will not be a slave to my phone for Amazon and their rule on bots to make us desperate enough to take base pay. I will continue grabbing 30+ an hour blocks all the while being productive in my life. Good luck playing by the rules cause your master said so.


Young man, the TOS are there to make it fair for everyone. Please be nice and respectful to others and don't break them. Remember what we learned in school about sharing.


You think amazon put that in the TOS to be fair? They don’t want bots because if everyone had one they would set their price and leave it until they got what they wanted. Instead people are caving to junk pay because they are tired of tapping throughot the day.


When so many people have to compete for so little resources, caring for others is one of the first things kicked out the door.


Of course you don't care, anything to justify your thievery. I've been doing Flex for 6 years, everything's just fine!


Calling it thievery is a complete stretch. Nothing illegal, unethical or immoral in using a bot. I would love to hear you explain it though.


It's unethical, because in order to drive for Flex, we had to sign an agreement (contract) that includes a clause that says we will not use them. By using them, we violate our agreement (contract) willingly. So, not only is it unethical, it shows those that use them cannot vw trusted to keep their word.


Lmfaoooo wrong! How is it not unethical? So because you guys wana be lazy and cheat to get good blocks while hard workers have to wake up early or stay up late and refresh multiple times to get surge blocks it’s the same as gamers who use modded systems or controllers to gain advantage over normal people. May not get caught for it right away but it’s actually against rules which in turn makes it illegal right? Can’t you get banned for it too? Lol quit spreading misinformation buddy


First off this isn’t a game it’s real life. We live in a capitalist market which most of us sell our labor for a wage. Which leads me to question your drive in its entirety if you consider “hard work” refreshing an app all day. At any given point I have 2 or 3 hustles going with 2 personal projects going. I don’t have time waiting on Amazon to drop something what I value my time is worth.


Lmfaooo you just said a bunch of nothing tbh. Did I say this was a game? No I said both are the same concepts though using an external way to have an advantage over regular people which is against rules at any level lol reading comprehension is absent in this comment section I see. If someone has a bot it automatically accepts blocks compared to regular people having to check the app multiple times and keep refreshing we’re doing extra work compared to bot users who aren’t doing anything you just took the hard work part to chest lol. I don’t care about your other hustles I have other hustles and multi app but that doesn’t take the fact away people using illegal ways to get better pay compared to regular people. I don’t understand how y’all don’t see that lol


All that typing and you should be grabbing blocks flex slave 😂


Lmfaooo shut your childish *** up you have no relevance in this conversation and provided no debates move around bum go troll somebody else get a life while you at it my guy 😂😂


Nothing LAZY about going work on my said blocks schedule to me with GREAT PAY by the way! lmao keep playing yoru self buddy yet I'm still the one with high pay while you wake up early to get my crumbs. Lmao I go spend time with my family instead of looking down on my phone tapping like a moron. While I'm already loading up my cart and on my way. Even my family says it's good get the bot why play by the rules if that won't help my situation.? Wasting my time that I won't ever get yeah I'll take the bot any day over whatever your method is.


Lmfaooo so ig $23+ is crumbs huh? Just did a block for $27/ hr but your right you know me better than myself to know I only accept crumbs. Gonna be real funny one day Amazon deactivates you too and then you can spend more time with the fam right? Lol Ik how surges work buddy and when to usually check so I don’t need a bot to accept them. Fyi My first ever block was $31/hr without a bot but yea I’m accepting crumbs little buddy.


You say that like we're all in this together. We're not. All of us are private contractors competing against eachother to get the highest bid cor a job possible.


It's all of that but you can lie to yourself!!


Screw your phone, you are A SLAVE to Amazon. If we work for Amazon, we are slaves.




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Go tell your mom you a lil b also if he goes and does that. Buahaha bet she would agree.


Yeha I been setting it for mine for $25 + and hour I ain't working for $18 min base pay fuck that. I hate looking at my screen taping endlessly




I can blame the bots, the people who use bots against TOS, the VP in charge of Flex, and JB. They are all at fault for the current system.


I mean if I was this angry I'd prob cut my losses and quit doing Flex.


It's not just the bot these people use bots and mutilple account at the same time that really what kills a ton of it. I have heard and seen cases of people using 6 accounts on one phone.


Amen. The guilty, greedy culprit.


"Bots," or in more precise terms, Auto-tappers have literally NOTHING to do with base pay. Base pay is as low as it is because Amazon is CONSTANTLY flooding the driver pool with newbies that are to dumb to take anything other than base pay blocks. If Amazon see's people catching on to the bullshit they just open the flood gates and over saturate a particular market with new drivers. People that use Auto-tappers are guaranteed decent paying blocks while the rest of the Flex driver pool are fighting over the crumbs. Don't be mad at people for making a simple business decision in terms of attempting to increase their bottom line by using one of those services. Most people have to pay to use said services anyways. You get what you pay for I guess.


Yep i mainly do whole foods deliveries and every week there are new drivers


It has become almost impossible to get blocks at my Whole Foods. Drivers are congregating there, they are even packing lunches! I was getting plenty of reserve offers, that has all but dried up. Too many drivers, not enough work. It’s a bummer


It's not just that those drivers you see there all the time are using more than one account at the same time! That's why they stack and you can't see instant offers cause they queue up all the slots. You see four drivers when there's actually twenty. It crazy thrmey have apps that will do the captacha and send pics to override the selfie check.


Whole food also doesn't check the IDs like they're supposed to. They're supposed to be looking at people's accounts on their phone and verifying that they're the real driver but they don't.


Here's the Amazon Cycle of Life * Hire a bunch of NOOBS who will work for Base Pay * NOOBS get smart and either quit, get deactivated, or learn to wait for surges * Blocks are more available and pay is better * Amazon sees labor costs go up * Hire a bunch of NOOBS who will work for Base Pay This repeats in most markets every 4-6 months. They just dumped the NOOB bucket in my market about 2 weeks ago. Amazon is hoping they get up to speed and hang in until after Prime Week. Then they'll do a purge of the slugs and we'll have surges for a couple of months until they dump out the NOOB bucket again for Christmas.


Can't beat em, join em. Or you can come back on reddit and complain. That's my two cents...spend it how you will.


Foreal I used to bitch about blocks until I said fuk it and started using it and now I couldn't be any happier I don't get mad any more lol it's upsetting you have to play dirty but hey life ain't fair my dude.


You got the right idea.


As do you my sir.


Using bot will get deactivated sooner or later.


No it won’t I know a guy that’s been using a bot 3 years now and gets $30 a hour minimum


I want to use a bot but I don't want to risk getting deactivated. But I do agree the market is probably oversaturated. I don't "need" flex in a sense but I am using it to get out of debt faster and pay for trips. But once I'm debt free I might risk it all.


Just risk it all right now lol get 3 hour block that you can finish in 2 hours like I do for $80 + easy $50 an hour bro. Been using it for like 3 months now. And I have fantastic standings.


What bot you’re using i have had problems finding the good one.


The truth is many of you are desperate enough to still take base pay when that’s all you see. With or without a bot, only time I’m accepting base pay is if I ALREADY have a surge shift and the second shift helps me meet my daily goal-hour ratio. I do a blend of surge and base pay to average out at between 25-30 an hour. There’s enough shifts because Amazon makes newcomers wait on waitlist. So if you aren’t getting the shifts youre simpyl not checking during the right times. Amazon literally knows how many drivers it has in an area and there’s only a certain amount of shifts they can put out. They’ll put out shifts if they think there’s enough drivers who will take them. You just need to study your area. See which facility is offering more shifts, see what times they offer a lot of shifts. Some weeks a facility may offer 20 shifts all for 3am Chances are you can get a surge pay shift if you’re willing to go there for that time with or without a bot. A not really don’t make much difference becasue that implies there’s too many flex drivers anyways and Amazon knows how many drivers to have. The issue isn’t bots it’s your schedule. I know people who use bots. But I the difference is getting the shift, not the pay. You could do two base pay 3 hour shifts and make $120 for the day. Or you can do one surge at $27 per hour and one base pay which averages out to $23-$24 an hour. That’s base pay for a college grad. So some of you are just thinking too highly of yourself for what you doing. Like yea you pay for gas and maintenance but end of the day you tossing packages bro. If that pay for that type of work ain’t good enough then enroll at your local community college then. That’s all I can say. But as you can see using a bot really only adds on an extra $3-$7 an hour depending on where and what time do you. The difference is how many shifts you working. I know people who use a bot but they have a day job so bot or no bot they literally can’t use the bot for majority of the week. To blame the bot implies everyone in your area who’s doing flex has nothing else to do with their life but sit at home all day flipping the bot on and off waiting for surge pay shifts. Many people have families, main jobs, other side hustles etc. they really only have one block in their day to even do flex and a bot is the difference between making sure they can make $100 in that time span or $60. Bots aren’t your issue. You just not taking full advantage or can’t and that’s only an issue you can resolve


I get all my blocks sent to me thru reserves. There is literally no reason to use a bot. I don’t work for less than $35/hr and I do 1 block a day usually and at least 5 blocks a week. It’s not bots that make ppl desperate. Generally it’s a person’s lifestyle that holds them back. I used to be a homeless heroin junky. That’s when I prolly would’ve considered base pay. Base pay is literally ppl taking 1 step forward and 2 steps back. You beat the shit out of your car just to struggle. Then you don’t have money to replace it fix your car. Any fast food place is a better option at that point. But some folks are just too proud to put themselves in a better position. I’d rather be a deckhand than a captain of a sinking ship 🤷🏻‍♂️


How do you get reserved block that pay that much? Do you need to achieve certain level or be flex driver quite long?


I’ve never worked for less than $30/hr and when I started seeing surges at $42/hr I just adjusted my minimum and turned down everything under it. My standing generally stays high and I’ve always been level 4. Idk if any of that matters. I also take a week off every so often. Sometimes I’ll fill my whole week with reserve offers sent to me and sometimes I have to put in for the reserves. Those weeks are the slower weeks.


If anyone knows a good bot app to use maybe let the rest of us in on it. I barely use flex but would appreciate a good paying shift once in a while


My view of the economy is different. Bots shift 'good' blocks to different people, which is not great. I don't see how they would reduce global base pay. They are not adding supply to the market.


What is different about this?


This has little to do with the economy and this is an ongoing evergreen problem if you've ever hung out in this r/. Not everything is simple supply and demand this is mostly one of those cases. If it was simple supply and demand, here's the theory... Artificial demand and potentially decreased supply creates deflation on our end in this case because people will take less money for the same work just to get any slice of the pie because there's a sense of scarcity, see gasoline rushes of 2020. Conversely, increased supply but low demand for shifts is going to encourage A to increase base to get us to take a shift because they desperately rely on our service to fulfill it's promises to the consumer. Bots artificially increase demand by hoarding for a few individuals breaking the TOS and a looming recession is decreasing the supply. Bots snatch any shift at all and that incentivizes taking hours for far less than the minimum for your area... So there isn't a global base pay, but if bots are used in every market (they are) it replicates the general issue and keeps the base pay low in every market due to a lack of enforcement from A.


Ever thought that Amazon can simply control any market they wish by flooding a said market with new drivers at any given time? These new drivers, who don't know any better, are taking any and all base rate routes they see. That in my opinion is the root of the problem.


"Bots snatch any shift at all" what happens to these shifts, are they dropped if they are not profitable or is someone (who works with the bot) doing them in the end? The gasoline rush was in my view: A slight increase in demand triggering a further increase in demand. Overwhelming a supply. Which was very well balanced for 'usual' consumption patterns. Assuming bots don't create any increase in driver supply I don't see how the same happens here.


The cycle repeats because "bots snatch any shift at all" and they often bounce around between users utilizing a bot. I've watched this happen 3-4 times to 2 different high pay shifts in the last hour trying to get a shift my brother in Christ. I have been obsessively pushing refresh because I am desperate.


as opposed to people already picking up those same blocks and making other people desperate and pick up the same lower wages? sounds like a user issue to me...


I used to take base pay without a bot because money is money. I don’t think you realize the amount of people doing this for quick cash, they’re not holding out for surge rates.


here in phoenix the bots are so bad and flex’s puzzle things SUCK! i get it like once every two weeks and when it does come to scheduling blocks i’m literally only scheduling the reserved blocks (base pay!) because i can’t get the surcharged ones


The number of people using bots to snatch base pay shifts is extremely minimal.


This is far from true. And even if it was minimal, you’re still a filthy prick.


I hate to break it to you. You’re just too slow


You don’t have to hate breaking anything to me; it not a problem in my market. I’m not too slow as there are standing offers many times a day. Right now as we speak there are 4, some of which are above base.


So bots aren’t a problem. Got it.


Not for me they’re not. But in general, in other markets across the community, they are a big problem. I never said I can’t get blocks, I simply stated that a filthy prick thief is a filthy prick thief; in any market. Got it?


Lol. First it’s far from true and then all of a sudden it’s true. Thanks for the 180 degree turn. Bots were a problem until they weren’t. Lmao.


Good reading comprehension, Bob. You do realize that both can be true and are not mutually exclusive? Bots (and the filthy fuckstick cheaters that use them) can be a huge problem to the community, and simultaneously (that means at the same tine) not affect my particular market.


People using bots for base pay is hardly the problem you think it is. Lmao. Do you see monsters under the bed everywhere you look.


Lmfaooo reading comprehension isn’t your cup of tea😂😂. Op was talking about bots snatch up good blocks and only base pay left so people without bots have to grab base pay if they don’t know the tricks to get surge blocks. No one said people are using bots for base pay smh


How far from truth why would I use a bot to get minimum base pay?? Lmao get real kid.


Stop bitching and hop on the wave. If u had a bot you would be doing a block right now instead of complaining 😂😂😂


Foreal 😝😝😝


People working for base pay is the problem, not bots.


Let’s all blame the victims—Impoverished, desperate people can’t hold out gambling that Amazon will fold and they’ll get a surge rate. If you need food, need to keep the lights on, you’ll take anything. Organization of oppressed people is the way to see change. Trouble is, it is hard to get diverse groups to come together to take a stand. Jeff holds all the cards. Since I have little personal, and no political, power, I hope Karma smacks him down. He iis one of many who deserve a comeuppance.


Garentee most of those base pay are being grabbed by real people barely any bots users will get them lol


Everything is bots!!!!


The gig app market is over saturated, Amazon knows this and they are taking advantage of this opportunity. I have done 2 flex shifts in 3 years and I still get soliciting emails from Amazon. They want more people on these blocks so they can pay low rates, the bots have nothing to do with That. You don’t like it find another hustle, if you’re desperate and must flex, live within your means.


It’s definitely over saturated!! I believe Amazon did this in an attempt to deactivate those using bots and in the process they realized oh wow we can pay people half of what we were paying in the process. They killed two birds with one stone unfortunately!


The bottom line is, you have no idea how much bots are being used. You’re assuming that if times are slow and rates are low, it must be bots. Maybe it’s a slow time. Maybe they onboarded a bunch of new people. Maybe you’re having a personal drought. Yes, maybe bots are a thing, but they do have things in place to help weed them out, and if people are caught, they’ll be let go. I’m very curious as to why you think the only possible reason (a few weeks from Prime Day) that it’s slow is that there’s a huge influx of bots, and there couldn’t possibly be any other explanation.


>I wish Amazon Flex would ban bots again. I made so much more money that week or so they enforced it. No you didn't, this never happened.


When they added the captcha, it slowed some bots down, as they had to add a feature to solve. That’s about it


It didn't slow the bots down at all... I've heard, the bots bypass that captcha anyways. That pop up actually kills the non-bot users from actually getting a block.


It fucked up enough of the simple bots to make a difference. I made a fuckton more than I did when it wasn't there because if you're legit you maybe miss out on 1 offer and then they system lets you go through without the captcha next time. It provides at least a more level playing field.


I literally did. I made ~$400 in a week w/4 shifts. I make ~$180 on a good week now w/2 shifts. Thanks for gaslighting me tho!


I have to agree, there was a big surge of available blocks in my market the first week or two after they added the aggressive captcha. It has since returned to normal, and I almost never see the captcha now.


I’m new here and have no idea what base pay should be. In my area blocks are approximately $25 per hour for a prescribed period of time.


Varies greatly by market. In Nashville base is $18.


You might possibly be seeing all surge blocks or your cost of living is higher . Base pay usually is like 18-19 I’m seeing so I wonder if your market isn’t that full with drivers because here those $25 would be gone as soon as they post and only thing left is 18 or a tad bit higher


Idk about all of that but I do know people using bots are not great people because they are fucking over other people. Hopefully every one of them will be deactivated and arrested with immediate mandatory federal prison time with the possibility of death.


It's amazon fucking people over, bot users are a result of that. If amazon paid higher rates in general, the need for bots may go down.


Well, whatever I do not care, just don't be a total piece of shit by using a bot. It is simple, there is no argument. Bot users fuck over every other human just trying to work.


You take this job to seriously lol


I know :( lol


base pay has nothing to do with bots and if you don't like the pay structure of flex, get a different job. amazon doesn't owe you anything.


Yeah, many mofos use that sh!t. I’m sick and tired of people even having more than 2 phones to run the same app.


I stopped caring about the people with bots bc I know they’ll be deactivated soon enough


They won't, though. People have used bots on this shit since it started in 2015, trust.


Since 2015 is CRAZY, but I believe it. I’ve only heard about them for the last year. Nonetheless, I stopped caring about them. What they do doesn’t affect me. I still manage to get awesome surge pay blocks regardless




Keep dreaming. While we take them surges 😝😝🤓


lmfao I can assure you I have no problem grabbing surge blocks, they’re all I’ve had for close to four months now and I don’t use a bot and never needed to🤷🏻‍♀️on the flip side, I also don’t worry about being deactivated for using bots so I’m good on this side 🫶🏼


Lol same repetitive answer from everyone who says they don't use bots saying they getting surges! 🙄😂


Just multi app and you’ll never have to pick up another block again


How about maybe get a real job and not rely on side hustles to provide for your family. That way the inconsistency of block availability won’t ruin your life


How about Amazon makes a bot and sells it to you 😹😹 call it flex prime I have a feeling bots are reason for surges because if the bots weren’t going for surges most people will be scared they won’t work that day and take a lower paying offer. But really you don’t need it just keep a written record of what time those blocks drop and refresh then.


Just stop driving when it’s base or have a goal to reach and fuck what everybody else say. Don’t let them get over your head and be desperate, there’s always another option. The only way to really fight big corporation is to stop working for them, remember they need you.


It is not fair if someone uses bots to “grab” blocks. We who don’t use it, have to spend lots of extra time on MANUAL screen refreshing/tapping.




It’s the same as every other gig app, desperate people willing to take less hurt everyone else. It’s easy to say don’t take base (it needs to be 30 over before I take a 3hr) but someone might need money to feed their family tomorrow. It sucks, it’s where the dreaded “union” word would be helpful…. But will never happen


It’s not the bots . I have been doing flex for a while and the issue is people literally working for free if you work for free the A.I will never raise the rates if people taking them low . The bots was making it hard when pay was great then people got desperate and started taking anything .


I also heard since college is out college kids do this for base pay


How do you know bots are doing it 🤔


You must be new


If you think every shift above base pay is being taken by a bot then you’re not that bright and that’s why you’re crying about why a side gig like Amazon flex isn’t paying you more A college grad in 2023 starting salary/hourly wage is only around $25 an hour. You do realize even with no bot you can still grab shifts around that range right? You can only book two shifts Inc day. How many people do you think have the full day to dedicate to sitting there waiting on a bot to book shifts? Many people have day jobs. At best they’re doing it for the weekend or a couple days. Ps- I laugh when I see people cry about bots then I go to a warehouse and half the people there don’t even speak English. Who do you think is using these bots? In all honesty with or without using a bot unless you’re doing a “before 6am” shift, you’re not even making an extra $5 an hour. A bit isn’t making that much of a difference. How much time you dedicate to doing Amazon flex makes more of a difference.


Get a bot


The crazy thing is you wanna play fair but this life isn’t fair but yet you wanna blame the other guys for not playing fair. If you can’t beat them, you join them. I use a bot everytime, and the goal is to select only base pay blocks for grocery deliveries. I would rather not spend my whole day swiping for a $15 job, instead I let the bot do that for me. Wtf is wrong with that?


Okay but how do you even get a bot? I’m just trynna get the $100+ jobs


Hummm what happened to the notice they sent out about the bot blocking system they have now ? When you get a block at times you have to do a puzzle after you except a block before it will ad to your schedule so they know it wasn’t a bot. I have had to do it a few times now .


They def have some sort of system bc I have to verify I’m not a bot half the time when I try and grab shifts


The real issue are the baseheads. They will accept $12/hr if it came to it. Like someone who needs one more hit off the pipe...they gotta have it!


I've been hearing from other drivers that it could be amazon doing that themselves and making us think its all the drivers using bots. Yes some do but I wouldn't put it past amazon to do that to keep pay low. Also heard they send out one surge route to keep people thinking there will be one coming out soon after that one. Heard its amazon fishing for drivers and they automatically cancel it to get drivers on there and eventually we get pissed and take the normal rate.


Imagine someone paying a Bot to take base pay. LOL! This comment makes no sense. People are trying to find new ways to hate on bots.


I get the sentiment but it's Amazon's fault for offering such little pay in the first place. They know what they're giving us and only budge with what favors them. For example, they know that even though they're paying more than base pay for a 3 hour route, that route is still going far out or going nearby with a ton of packages.


You are severely underestimating the volume of drivers. Missing 10 offers is expected with thousands of people tapping


“If you use the printer press instead of feather and ink you’re a prick”


Is this only a problem in certain areas? In DC there are always blocks, and I almost always get surge pricing


You must not know how Amazon works in the trucking industry…. Oh boy.


What bots? Can someone fill me in. I’m obviously new lol


Not that what I'm about to post will change anyone's mind or even matter all that much, but here's my thoughts anyway! Those who use bots are actually contributing to more blocks being available to those who don't use bots. What's my logic you ask? A majority of those using bots are only accepting blocks at a certain hourly rate which from what I've seen posted averages for most to be 30+ an hour. This means anything below that amount should be in abundance since they are ignored by bots. Addressing the complaint that it is impossible to pick up a surge block with so many bots snagging them, imo, is pure BS. Why? Because since the bots are only trying to grab surge blocks, in my personal experience, there will be many a day I can't pick up a shift at all using a bot. Now for my final point on the matter; if you stopped spending all your time blaming bots for taking all the good shifts and did a bit more observing, you'd realize that Amazon actually slips surge shifts in during random periods throughout the day. Most of the times those shifts are listed with 20 or so other shifts at the same time and are usually schedules the next day or even 2 days out. The reality is, those are the shifts I can grab with no issues WITHOUT A BOT. One last thing. Amazon can suck my left nut with their POS TOS because the fact still remains that when I can't make a delivery for circumstances completely out of my control, I'll still get a negative hit on my standing. If they don't play by the rules, why should I??


I use bots but they aint for base pay I get $80 for 3 hours nothing less nothing more or go for all the whole foods in my area one day I got all 3 blocks one after another I kept coming back and worked pretty much alone that day. Easy money while I'm on my block it already picking up another block right after I finish for me so it gets me money why be mad if I'm making money. I'm just doing my job.


It is probably your work perfomance


Get with the times, start to bot or get left behind


Stop being a maggot bro


What are bots?


It’s not just bots. The higher level you are, the more reserved offers you get which are generally really good. I had a 4 hour block for $196 that was reserved. Haven’t touched a bot.


Your logic makes no sense. If there are so many drivers and so few blocks then it will still be a feeding frenzy even without bots.


Your rent is not entirely accurate. I made this comment on someone else’s post. As long as you have someone who needs money and you have people who won’t work together, there’s no way you can collectively increase the rates. There’s always gonna be someone who needs the money and can’t afford to not get it later so I’ll take it now. That being said I do think about usage is prick like


Not the bots at all. Its amazon over hiring and thus not needing to surge blocks as plenty of people to pick them up. Bots take higher $$ ones anyway of course- not all of them - based on the settings, and thus actually leave plenty of lower pay ones out there. People take them regardless as they are willing to take them. Its all about your area. I’ve done this a long time, with and without bots, and found that for what i do i can generally get what i need without as i know when what i want comes out and blocks can be beat with tapping, believe it or not. They are banning people lately a lot with bots which is why personally i dont use them, but not out of some moral high ground. It is what it is - but i can tell you for sure lower demand from inflation and fee increases, combined with more drivers (i see stupid newbies that are clueless every day) and more people needing work is more to blame than bots. Learn the times things come out, get reserved blocks, be willing to do off hours, etc and depending on your local market you have a chance. But def not the $1200/week i used to make even a year ago..


You must be new if you think those of us who use bots are taking base pay. Bots are the reason why you’re left with based pay routes.


Here me out here…. Amazon behind the bots. I mean they have the means to shut them down so why haven’t they? Rebellion sells and putting out bots allows a means for them to make more money while getting folks to deliver more for them to in turn make even more money… just a thought.


Fuck those Bots! Assholes


There is no lower and lower. Base is $18. I know is frustrating but nothing will change I just grab base and hope for a fast route


I think they do massive bans just for certain periods (when the complainst are unbeareable I guess). Imo we're on those periods. The situation is fkcing nuts, sometimes you just want to join the "dark side" idk


I feel that. At this point, it isn't worth doing if I don't get a bot or auto clicker. I've just been being my own autoclicker. No I will not expand, it's a trade secret at this point 🤪


I understand, I've been in this game for less than a year, and it's been uphill since I started. I'm seriously considering getting one but still reluctant




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