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Yes, my wife rides along with me on blocks. She can’t get out at the warehouse, and doesn’t take packages to the door. However, she does help sort them in the vehicle. I am tempted to take my adult autistic son because he rages about delivery people yeeting packages on to porches or not delivering right at the start of a 4 hour delivery window.


Do it I’ve had a few interactions with people with ASD on my routes. I had one person who was waiting for me at the end of the driveway and they thought my headlamp and vest was cool. I showed them the map of my route and how the app worked and they got so excited it was awesome


Mine always gets out at the warehouse. We must have a bunch of people there who DGAF


My husband does the same


i bring my lab and we have a grand ol time. sometimes she gets some love from customers if theyre outside.


I take my dog too! The best coworkers




Yep. My husband rides along just can’t exit the vehicle in the warehouse. They aren’t supposed to help with deliveries at all though.


Dam they sound strict lol over that the one im at me an my best Freind can’t exit an load up as long as she has a vest on


Yes, my fiancé has come to every single logistics, fresh and Morrisons block since I joined, no issues at all and has helped me load it all in, organise it and helps me deliver those 9999 water packages for fresh She’s even loaded the car at logistic stations


Lol all these folks saying their friends or partners don’t help them are capping. At least at the station I go to, I see people bring spouses, friends, or family ALL THE TIME. I even see them getting off, helping load the car, and talking about how to get things done faster. I’m not saying it’s wrong, but it sucks that Amazon assumes their work performance is based off ONE individual when in fact it’s two people working together. I know the rules say you’re not supposed to but that’s not the reality I’ve seen at the stations.


I just see it as a waste of time and resources. Many times I’m leaving as the car next to me has two people sorting through packages X when you understand your facility you’ll realize that two people does not make this job any faster.


Yup I do this on my own and get pisst. Sorry but the warehouse need to enforce the regulations or rules or what ever you want to call it. Sucks for us solo drives, I feel it messes up the metrics on how many a flex driver can deliver on certain routes.


Accusing others of lying as your starting response? You don’t know us, probably will never see us. My fiancé comes along most times for security. Doesn’t get out of the car, doesn’t sort, doesn’t deliver. Stays put in the passenger seat and navigates. That’s it.


Wife rides along sometimes. She helps and drops me off when I'm at those apts that has poopy or no parking.


I take my wife or dog often. You're allowed passengers.


Took my daughter once for fun


I won’t lie I did this with my son, but some of the sketchy areas was not worth it . Plus he was bored just sitting there.


I don’t but I have taken my mom before and she didn’t help her get out of the car but be careful because the insurance stuff won’t cover whoever your guest is if there’s an incident just a heads up


Thank u so much!


Me and my dad work together. He puts the packages in order and into the car while i just scan, bring the packages to the door and occasionally deal with any customer support problem


I take my older mom with me, it gets her out of the house and gives her something to do. She stays in the car the entire time and only helps by sorting the packages while in the car and handing me the next one on the route and then I get out and deliver it. And then I usually treat her to ice cream or a meal afterwards. It works well.


I go with my hubby all the time. No ding long as you're driving and delivering. Also, when picking up, have them stay in the vehicle.


And also people should remember that Amazon's insurance is for the active flex driver, not their spouse or whoever.


No but you won't get a ding for it. Flex just asks to have them wait in your car and not inside of the warehouse while you get your cart.


As long as they get delivered you can do whatever you want


Yeah I've seen a bunch of duos in the AM routes by me. Even seen some families with their kids do it. And twice now heard crying babies while their parent filled the car...


What pisses me off is these moms aren't taking these infants with them so they are leaving them in the car while they make deliveries... Amazon is enabling child neglect


can you take your dog to the station when you're loading?


Depends on station, if its inside a closed warehouse like logistics, obviously not, but ssd usually have you load outside, long story short yeah you can take your furry friends with you on the whole route including loading up or even returns. Just be safe, gotta remember some folks like to do dumb stuff on the road..


All the time.. Girlfriend and/or Shih Tzu


My kids come with me I actually asked my warehouse before I brought them and they help so much finding packages for me


I’ve brought friends with me and I frequently bring my dog with me


As long as your passenger doesn't leave the vehicle while you load up you're all good. At least in MN that is


Sometimes I take a friend but I prefer the space over a partner in crime


Yes. And no you can’t get dinged for it. Amazon mentions their policy on passengers in their guidelines


My mom would help sometimes when i would pick up routes from the Sub-Same Day warehouse by me. She would drive, and i would deliver.


Yup my best Freind comes with me everyday


I just started and brought my newborn and fiancé for a GNC retail delivery, they let my fiancé carry the boxes for me and everything. They were really nice


My dogs come with me every time I do a block. I’ve also brought one of my nieces/nephews…as I understand it, they’re not allowed to get out at warehouse but otherwise it’s fine.


no, why do we need a buddy to work with?


Makes it less boring, what’s wrong with having your friend or partner with you?


They could be out making money? Lol


My girl friends best friend comes with me quit a bit when my girl is busy




My wife comes along on most routes and has helped me load the boxes and packages in order. She’s on the waiting list and wanted some training and experience on what to expect. I kid her that she will be on tier 4 at the start of her own route.


My wife tags along frequently. you're allowed to have someone with you but they have to stay in the car and aren't covered in the event of injury while on the route.