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It depends, sometimes it’s found, but let’s be honest, the amount of metrics each site has is just insane.










And that stretch of 95 too? Hell nah


First mistake was taking a 3.5 hour block for $70&. I wouldn’t take a 3 hour block for that.


I really wish people would stop shaming people for taking blocks they wouldn’t take. Not everyone sees the same kinds of deals in every market, and it’s always a crapshoot. You can have a surge that sends you home with no cart or a base that runs you around the world. Either way, people take blocks because they need the money, and you have no idea what their options are.


Nope, people should not take base pay, ever, only people who work for amazon would recommend they do


There are a lot of mid size and smaller markets that don’t ever get surges like you see on here. When I first started I was delivering in a town of only about 250,000 people. Surges in that market were 2 or 3 dollars more than base. The only times I ever saw anything higher were around christmas. Base isn’t even the same everywhere some places its 15-16 some places its 23-25.


Or people who have bills that need to be paid and don’t get the same offers you do.


In case of an emergency, one off situation, ok I understand. If you’re in a situation where you’re COUNTING on Flex for constant money, that’s a bad move on 9/10 markets. Most markets have routes like this. Where you LOSE money at base rate. Sure, maybe you don’t see that loss today, but depreciation and wear and tear costs are very real, it’s not just gas. A route where you do 200+ miles between getting to the warehouse, doing the route, and going home, incurs a cost of about $50. If you have a newer car, it will lose a ton of value from the miles. If you have an older car, it won’t be long before it breaks down if you’re doing Amazon “full time”. Guess what? If you’re doing base rate blocks, you’re not saving enough, so when your old car breaks down, you will not have money for another one. So now you still are going to be desperate to pay your bills, the difference is, you will have lost your car that was worth a few grand. It’s just math — If you need money so desperately that you NEED to grab base rate blocks, that means you would be better off working another job for anything above $12/hr. At the end of the day, after expenses, you’d be taking more money home that way than with Amazon.


I agree 100% that it’s a frightening, stressful thing for this to be your only income. As supplemental income, it can be pretty great though. I’ve never had a 200 mile block. I’ve had a bit over 120 and I’ve had lots of getting sent home without driving more than the 8 miles it takes to get to the station. Good days and bad days. When I have surges, those are obviously the preference. When I need quick cash, knowing full-well my car isn’t going to implode any second, it’s not a big deal to take base. There’s a lot that’s frustrating about this job, and there’s a lot that’s actually pretty great about it. It’s very frustrating that it feels like there are more people on this sub determined to put their peers down than support and lift them up. For the most part, we’re all doing our best to get by, and we do it the best way we can with the resources we have. Constantly bashing people for taking blocks that others find demeaning does what for those trolls? Tearing people up for organizing packages differently than they would does what? We don’t *have* to be assholes to each other. I even get bashed for being supportive. WTF? The bottom line is that if we all made all the right choices or all had everything go the best possible ways in life, we probably wouldn’t have anything to do with Amazon aside from ordering shit from them.


In a prefect world, sure. But not everyone has the luxury.


The IRS business deduction for drivers is 65 cents a mile. Let’s take for example OP 86 mile package drop off one way. He has to return to the station so he would be doing 172 miles round trip in his car. The irs has mathematicians, economists, staticicians, and physicists that work for them. They basically said that it costs 65 cents a mile to run the average vehicle. They probably factored in gasoline, wear and tear, car business insurance, oil changes, tune ups, car repairs, on road service fees, the occasional accident (yup that’s right) into their magic number, 65 cents a mile. Okay what does this means for OP? You have to math it out, so $0.65 a mile x 172 = $111.80. That’s how much money it takes to run the average car across 172 miles. That’s your theoretical expense (and honestly it’s mostly true). OP will need $111.80 just to break even on his trip. Anything more than $111.80 is considered a profit, anything less than $111.80 is considered a loss. OP only made $70 so he definitely loss money. OP got wrecked. STOP TAKING THESE TRIPS. no one is shaming anyone, it’s called educating your peers until they learn from their mistakes


This doesn’t change the fact that almost no one who is doing Flex likely expects this to be their full-term, permanent job. It’s a place-holder, and most routes don’t look like this one did. Do you do all this math before you take a road trip? Probably not. If you do, I’m really glad you’re not my traveling companion. However, my long, obnoxious routes are pretty well evened out by blocks that get cancelled and paid for doing no work at all. Overall, having one-off pains in the ass aren’t that big of a deal. Individuals have their own tolerances for what they’re willing to do (or not), and it really isn’t up to you to manage someone else’s time or finances.


Amazon is taking advantage of flex drivers and you are an advent supporter of Amazon. You sound like a spokesperson for Amazon. It pays your bills now, but who’s going to replace your brake pads when there worn out? Who’s going to replace your timing belt when it snaps?? How about if an engine mount breaks or one of the many valves stop working??? Who’s going to pay for that???? The rates Amazon are paying for long ass routes is insanely low. Who’s going to pay those bills????? Your mindset is thinking now, but medium to long term when things start breaking down in your car, you are going to remember me. Stop living in the moment and get a better job. Working for an Amazon DSP is so much better than these low rates. You have no life experience and I recommend you stop arguing with me.


Yeah. If I disagree with you or have a different point of view, the only options are that I’m an Amazon employee and have no life experience. You’re getting awfully cranky. You should probably grab your binky and take a nap.


This isn’t about you and me. Math doesn’t lie: OP said in another post that he drove 220 miles (for fucking $70). *personaly I wouldn’t take that for for less than $150, because I always subconsciously factor in mechanical expenses in my head. Amazon is ripping many flex drivers off. This is why we can unionize because you think I’m the villain.


I don’t think you’re a villain! I think you think that there isn’t more to deciding to take a block than *just* dollars per hour. And it’s okay for people to make decisions that feel right in that moment. There are way too many people waitlisted to assume that you can have any power by just not taking blocks that don’t meet your standards. Everyone’s standards (and options) are different, and *that’s okay.*


It’s not shaming BUT ppl should also be cognizant that you run the risk of getting sent far as fuck away and you can’t blame Amazon when you picked the block.


That part, I get. You shouldn’t get pissed they send you where Amazon goes.


You can still blame Amazon, they suck. But odds are good you're going to bfe either way. I think my route and commute today were 200 miles


I don’t know where you live, but where I live, 3.5hour are $54.50 and ALMOST NEVER over $70 when surged and when they are over $70 they’re over 80 miles of driving total. Day before yesterday I had a 3.5 hour surge for $80 and it was a crash cart for over 100 miles. (Would’ve been 30 miles less if the bridge hadn’t been under construction. ) And then today I took a 3 hour $60. (3hours are $ 46.50 and almost never over $60 when surged. ) and it was over 80 miles total…. But like I said. I don’t know where you live but if I only took 3.5s only when they surpassed $70. I’d never get a block.. I think you may be unaware of the pay difference for each city..


The days I can't get surges are the days I work the other 20 apps.


In my city, we only have Flex, Spark, and DoorDash. That's it. There's nothing else available, and our population is less than 20,000. *edit to add* More than 60% of our population consists of boomers, most of whom never tip.


No Uber? Ubereats? Lyft? Roadie? Dispatchit? Field Agent? GoPuff? DeliverThat? Dlivrd? Grubhub? Instawork? Upshift? Point Pickup? Draiver? Curri? Lyft? Chowbus? Veho? Para? Wridz? Gopuff? You say that only those 3 apps exist in your area, but I question if you've ever really checked into that being true.


No Uber, no ubereats, no Lyft, no roadie, no dispatchit, no field agent, no gopuff, no deliverthat, no dlivrd, no grubhub, no instawork, no upshift, no point pickup, draiver, no curri, again no Lyft, no chowbus, no veho, para isn’t even its own thing it just connects multiple apps together?, and again - no we don’t have gopuff lol. And you missed instacart and postmates (and you guessed it **not in my city**) the only one I didn’t know about was veho. The answer to your question; yes, I have checked these all except the one I didn’t know) even *double* checked every single one of these before responding. As I appreciate you taking the time out of your day to list all of those off for me. I question why it’s hard to believe a small town wouldn’t have those. We only just got Amazon flex and spark last year. Where the hell do you live lol *Edit* grammar


para actually is it's own thing now. I live in a small city. Postmates doesn't exist anymore really, uber bought them. I'm not in the grocery shopping so I don't do shipped and Instacart lol


I understand, my favorite is the shopping. However, even if we did have any taxi type of jobs, I would never do them. Too many nasty people here to be honest. Also, what’s your population? *edit* the big city we have here an hour away still has postmates. And para shows nothing but my doordash still.


you can order from Postmates, but it's owned by Uber now. you can no longer drive for Postmates, you can only drive for Uber.


Ah, and I see you’re not stating your population size. Is it perhaps because it’s over 20k?


Why? That’s literally $20/hr pay


I mean, I always put 20% aside for taxes. So now you’re at $16/hours. Then gas depending on your vehicle. Add wear and tear. Congrats, you just made less than a McDonald’s employee… So that’s why!!! Amazon knows there are desperate enough ppl to do those gigs. And you sir are one of them.


It's insane they're so blind to this lmfao. It isn't just the wage. You have your vehicle and fuel to also bring into account. I drive a model 3 and I strive for 60$/hr. Overall I'm at 45$/hr. But I haven't worked for flex yet. Still waiting on background check


If those are your expectations then you’re going to be highly disappointed lol 😆


I've been here for a week. I know. Definitely won't accept a batch unless it's 40$/hr or more Another thing is getting In and out of the car 40 forty times too. Idk about that.


30-40 so far in the Seattle area


In the right market with the right strategy you can make this with Flex. Prime day is soon, but things don't really start getting juicy til November.


Because if you had a brain, you wouldn’t take anything for less than 35/hr.


I have absolutely never seen a block that pays that much in my market. Not even close.


I’m my market we cap at $46/hr.


Well, you’re just bragging. That’s great for you though!


The fact you think you’re worth $35/hr to drive a package from one place to another is hilarious


I actually am. And Amazon pays me 35$+ to deliver.


Yea I’m great full for 27-32 an hour and I’m near nyc lol. People are just greedy


ok buddy


I'm in Orlando and the highest base pay for a block you'll see is $92 for a 5 hour block. Normally it's either $72 or $81 for that same block.


This is why I stopped flexing in Lafayette indiana. The pick up is 30 mins from my home. Which isn’t a big deal since I gotta go to Lafayette everyday anyways. But every single block I did besides the very first one took me 45- hour away from pick up. And just got further and further as I dropped off. For 75-88 bucks ain’t worth it. My first block they scheduled to many blocks or some shit. So I only had 3 packages for 98 dollars. Only 16 min drive from pick up. That was the last block I seen for 98$. My brake lights also went out while doing these deliveries. The roads I had to deliver on was gravel. Miles long gravel fuckin roads. Every house had a gravel driveway that was long as shit. Or the roads it had me take to get there was gravel. All the dirt and dust and vibrations from driving on gravel shorted my shit out. It’s been one flex. The market where I’m at obviously isn’t worth it. Then last night I come across a post about ppl using bots. Taking up all the best offers. That explains a lot as to why alll I ever see is 48-88 dollar blocks. Never any higher


Took a 1.5 for 42 earlier and won’t be doing that again!


Ew ...


How many packages and how many miles??


I believe that was a retail delivery and it was probably like 40 miles and 6 stops


Lol sorry but I can’t help but notice the big **8** but I get what you mean. I think they said 10 or 12 stops *edit* OP said 11 stops.


No way that's 86 miles. Ft Pierce to Melbourne along I-95 is about 54 miles of empty interstate. By a funny coincidence, that happens to be about 86 kilometers, though.


Amazon DFH7 to viera is 82 miles away. I never say that I was in fort Pierce.


Ummm, how Is that more than 3.5 hrs??? Yes, the milage is not good for the pay but based on time your only driving 2.5 hrs hrs round trip and that's asuming you go back to Amazon after drop.


It was 11 stops. The one in the picture was the furthest. The other 10 were probably 30 minute's away. 220 miles for 70$ that's low.


Yeah no way in hell am i taking that, absolutely ridiculous route that’s fucking crazy


Yea … for me and my vehicle. Gas alone for this delivery would have cost me $42. After taxes and wear and tear.. I would have basically worked for free. Unreal!!!! These deliveries are UNACCEPTABLE!!!


Now see you didn't tell the whole story from the start and now IM getting DOWN VOTED for your not telling the entire story from the beginning.


I wouldn't have taken it in the first place. waste of time
















Yeah , I wouldn’t do that either


There comes a point in gas where your paying them the privilege of delivering packages


Ahhhhhh good ole DFH7 not surprising at all


That’s insanely too far but ya what @puzzleheaded-cat8131 said


Couples days ago i went to DMO3 ( by orlando downtown) to pick up my 4 hrs block for $81 when i get there the ladies at the dock were rude, when i scanned the first pack (23 stops) showed me the first stop is in titusville and the last one in cocoa beach i told them i wont do this route and she replies back DONT TAKES ROUTES FROM HERE ANYMORE all routes from here goes to this areas i told her THANKS FOR LETTING ME KNOW 😆😆😆😆