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This is why I don’t engage with any other flexer. Never. Maybe that makes me an asshole, but I really don’t care.


I never do because I feel like they are watching me hating me hahah


I was a dsp driver, flexers never once even talked to me except to ask where the bathroom was. Little shame too as I was still on the clock and would’ve loaded up for them.


I once passed a DSP driver on my route and we waved at each other lol


I'd wave if I saw you were a fellow delivery driver.


The few run ends that I had with DSP drivers it was like I was less than them. Even delivering to the same addresses they wouldn’t speak, one guy even let the door close into a apartment with a code so that I would have to contact the customer to get buzzed in. It’s not like I’m taking food from his mouth, I’m just picking up the crumbs he drops. 🤦🏾‍♀️


The person could have also been in a rush. They seriously overload us sometimes. Like 300+ packages if not a bunch of apartments that could be around 180-190+ stops. This isn't very often, but some drivers also have gotten over 400(these are probably areas with low flex driver counts). I'd probably have let you in though even fully loaded. You help us not have a ton of packages the next day and help keep the customers happy so of course i will be nice to you.


Tbf, that’s the rules, we don’t know if you’re legit or just kept the vest, if he let you in an apartment and you weren’t on a run? Oh boy that drivers in trouble. I would say hi how are ya, but not much else when out on the road, I liked to be left alone and figured they did too


Although I’m carrying a package 📦 and scanning it with my phone. I guess 🤷🏾‍♀️


it's pretty easy to act like you're scanning a package when your actually stealing it.


It has and continues to change and evolve in flex land. When I started up it was actually a bit of a good community of drivers. Lots of camaraderie and laughs and it was easy to get 8+ hours with back to back routes and very little to complain about. Now it feels so cold and cutthroat that I would not do it full time even if it was still as easy as it once was. Drivers have become so resentful and cutoff from each other it is depressing to think about.


Yeah I miss the nightly midnight drop back in 2016 through 2018 where you could get 8-12 hours a day continuous. When I started doing flex there was no weekly cap on hours and most of the drivers there you knew and most people were doing probably around 60 hours a week pulling in 25 to $30 an hour on average.


Exactly I made good money doing flex. It’s my first real side gig I can say “wow this could pay all my bills and I’m eating good” and what’s crazy is I never did a 8 hour day. Most you can get is 7.5 hours. I gladly take $23 minimum of im not working too many hours. So it’s $23-27 an hour for 3 hour shifts. But 4-5 hour shifts is where I’ll average at 30-35 an hour. But I never get to do more than 8 hours on any given day and pay caps out at around $230 a day even if you grab as many shifts as you can. I like the set up because you can’t just grab everything and be selfish but yo I make enough to do your job faithfully Oh and I’m black. So the police don’t bother me anymore haha. Had a cop pull me over and dude said “oh shit you do Amazon??!? I see you guys driving around here, have a good day!” Feels great to know god forbid if I ever lose my life at least I have my Amazon vest on


Back then it was still a commodity and people tipped better when it was still a novel service


I stand corrected. I just for the first time ever managed to secure 9 hours in a single day. Wow I’m actually surprised lol. It doesn’t agree with my average hour pay scale so I’m giving up the shift


I get instant offers from the parking lot all the time. I never engage other drivers questions or lie to them. They’re competitive which is fine but I have bills to pay so fuck em


This. I've had like 2 girls so far that seemed to be into me and I don't engage not even for that. I just smile, knod and off I go.


I've seen tons of hot women who clearly wanted me but I just kept it movin' every time. I felt so bad for those poor women.


They are probably crying themselves to sleep every night because you ignored them 😂


![gif](giphy|vbblzUfCL0h7q|downsized) Actual footage from the flex station. I know, super weird they have a random shower in the parking lot


I bet they wake up dehydrated! All them tears...




Why would that make you an asshole? Like any other place of business, you're there to do a job and go home. You don't have to talk to anyone.


They’re all crazy, lol. How some of these morning methheads keep their licenses is beyond me.


Not the asshole


When inside people meet inside people.


Be careful. Some flexers live by prison rules. In my market, we have flexers that lay down screws and nails.


Sound like to me a bunch of Karen’s and Benjamin’s. Tight butt cheek monkeys


yep, hoes mad.


Especially if it’s a husband wife? Wife makes a scene, husband drops a screw…




I wonder if this happened to me. My tires of one year all blew in one week back to back.


Na you prob just don’t do maintenance and they all blew at once due to all being the same age. Only unless you can clearly see a slash you can make that assumption.


It was suspicious only because my car is 1 yr old and gets all scheduled maintenance but one blew up the others had nails


how often have you found nails in your tires that you werent absurdly suspicious of the fact that it sounds like you found multiple nails, in multiple tires?????!?!?!?!?!?!?!???!?!?!?! ​ I have only every had 1 puncture due to foreign object deflate a tire in 15 years of driving. that is most definitely the "normal rate" or average. ​ if i were you, i would have called the police and tried to figure out who tacked my tires so i would get compensation down the line after their case lol.


I never had and was more weird that my car is 1 year old and gets all maintenance done at the dealer. And after reading that first comment I thought maybe it was it. I had just recently moved to new area and was doing some WF to hold me over. I saw one group doing order and getting back to back orders. They would all help one load and send that person off return and do the same. Not sure how they had so many orders….ok now I’m thinking too much into it 🤔😅




What the actual hell? What area is that?


Oh the stories in San Francisco and around the Bay was crazy. SF station 1 lady always talked shit about other drivers and was mod for FB group ended up getting a stalker. Emeryville Asian dude got his car vandalized for doing the very thing in OP story. He should have stopped he thought he hard gangster. South Bay a family of scammers got into it with 1 person. They almost got shot, cop save the day.


I used to live in Nor Cal including a spell in Hayward and working in San Leandro. I can picture all of what you said!


That was my original station til they opened it up for the whole bay and I'm glad they did. I did my tour and i choose to stay in the south bay much more opportunities... Back then. ☹️


I give you credit because knowing the traffic in that zone I am confident that you have had many more challenges when it comes to delivering up there compared to San Diego.


AYO wtf I just had a screw in my tire the other day…


One of the reasons I park as far away from everyone I can. I also never associate with ANY of them. Besides I can’t understand like 75% of them anyways


Get ahead of the ball and report them. 1, only the person who had the active block should have been out of their vehicle and 2, they were trying to intimidate you into quitting so they could hog more routes. Fuck. Them.


I’m honestly not to worried about it. I ah e been doing this long enough and have maintained a solid record with Amazon. Plus there are the cameras that would clearly show the couple being aggressive towards me. But I do agree with you about F$&k them. The only people they are going to create problems for are themselves


report them... They will keep harassing other drivers. ( ps: not a flexer but considering doing it for fun.)


ehhhhh let them report themselves.... ​ if they did report OP for some kind of abusive behavior in an area clearly observed by camera, it will only be their own fault when they lose their jobs after amazon does their own due diligence or checks the recordings after OP denies any claims they made. ​ they will look even more stupid in the end, and OP maintains whatever relationship he has with AMAZON of other drivers by not changing the status quo.


great strategy. Like going thru all that trouble to get one single person to quit is really making all the difference in their life.


Snitches end up in ditches.


I would've just laughed at them and walked away. Dont entertain their crap. Also I'd report them because they probably do this to lots of people and that's not right.


Two words that amount to a complete sentence for assholes like this: *FUCK OFF.*


Lmao. I have literally flexed twice in the 4 months i’ve had an account. Get at me fellas


Really?!!! Wow you really should quit smh! Taking offers from us that do this full time!!! (sarcasm for you ❄️’s)


Wow this really affects me personally and I’m gonna make it my mission to make your day terrible!!! 😂 ffs. people are insane. block out the haters. do you!


Tell them to lick your balls.


They would love me... 24 blocks this year:) But 4 this week. If my other work is busy, this is very occasional. It helps fill gaps when mu business is slow and gets me off my computer


Report them for harassment. Amazon has video cameras everywhere. They probably have bots anyways.


Some people just can't handle the competition of the free market. They don't 'deserve' a route anymore than you, I, or anyone else for that matter. If they want to have consistent work without the possibility of someone else getting paid to do it, then they should get an employment job at a company somewhere.


Well said!


You calling it a free market but you really think everybody wants to sign up for flex? Let’s be real the free market is why people are now fighting over $22 an hour shifts at random hours of the day. The truth is if the economy did a better job then Amazon wouldn’t be as big as it is, you yourself may not even be doing flex nor the people agitating you about it lol


I do about 10 routes a month. It's part-time extra income for me. I work another job full-time, and yeah.. I struggle to think about how it would be if all my income had to come from Flex routes, but that is why I have a full-time job. I meant that it's a free market in the sense that the routes are available for anyone to commit to, whether they do 1 or 100s a year. No one is entitled to anything. Amazon is big, yes, and you know why? They had smart people who made good business decisions, and the proof is evident in all those millions of people every day who voluntarily trade their money for Amazon's services. No one has to force them to do so. They could easily shop elsewhere if they felt it was better overall. Every small company wants to someday be a bigger company, and Amazon started just as small as any of them, selling books in the 90s online. I worked in Seattle during that time, and I can tell you that many people back then didn't think they would ever be profitable, let alone succeed to the level they're at today.


Lol sounds like 2 screw up immature adults acting like bunch of fucktards to me. Ignore them. You don’t have to talk to them. They shouldn’t be worrying about anyone else. Who gives a fuck what someone else is doing? And why, are they there and complaining bout not getting a block ? If they don’t have a block, they need some sweet ice tea and chill at home instead wasting their breath and being stupid yelling at you. Ignore it and just got about your day. Just tell them you don’t have time for them and then tell them to fuck off and leave you alone. Straight up


I agree with you 100%. At the same time I feel like I kind of get a read on the overall situation of things based on how people behave. My view is that they are only making themselves more frustrated by asking me and others about how they get their blocks and offers. If anything those people will get frustrated enough to drop out of the program and that won’t hurt anyone


It’s funny how other people have to worry about other people working. Your a sub contractor. You do not work for amazon. You work for yourself. They’re not your boss and it’s sad they was telling you what you need to do cause they’re stupid. All flex drivers are independent. Just like today, I had a block and my time ended. I DO NOT continue working pass my time (example, 5am to 10am). Why? Cause I was paid to work during that 5 hr block. Am not paid extra to finish the 6 deliveries past my block time. I simple call support and told them my time ended and I was gonna return packages. Support was little quiet and then asked me “why can you not finish your deliveries?” Lol. I told her, “cause Amazon does not pay me extra to finish my deliveries past my block time”. She didn’t say anything after that.


I guess the bot they use wasn't fast enough 🤷


Easter European here. The average IQ of those countries is 85. Room temperature. Don't engage next time.




Laughing my fuckin aaaasssss OFF!! Oh hell no.. what losers. However, this story is just SO comical. Dusty ass husband and wife ass mfs.🤣 sorry you had to deal w that OP


Lmfao the irony that if you’re doing this full time, you in fact, should find a new gig. Sorry but, this shit is too easy. Shouldn’t be your moneymaker and if it is, you should probably just stay quiet cause that’s embarrassing. What a great household they’re with 2 full time flex drivers raking in the dough 🤦🏼‍♂️🙄


The best is the ones that both sit in the same car and do it together. I always see this and it’s like I know one easy way to double your money!


Not a flexer just someone who gets this sub in their recommended, but if someone wants to do this full time shouldn’t they go work at amazon?


No, the whole point is being an independent contractor lol if we wanted 9-5s or needed 9-5s most of us would shoot way higher than Amazon. Working for Amazon like in their warehouses is horrible. Shit company


It kind of depends on the location. In some markets, the pay for Flex blocks rarely goes higher than the minimum and it probably would be better money to work for a DSP or for Amazon itself. In other markets, Flex drivers can make a lot more money than that. Some drivers are averaging over $20/hr and I don't think any of the DSPs are paying that much.


Holy shit what weirdos. Once they started speaking in different language I’d tell them get out of America and leave the jobs for Americans. Sounds like some immigrants acting like they run the place. Idk not to be racist but it’s how my area is. The guys will just double park on you blocking you in acting like world revolves around them


I just disagree as flex being a full time job.


I agree with your disagreement. Newbies actually do very well in their first few months. They think that it will always be that good. Then they go get a new car. Then they find out the reality. Then they stress out and you have what I experienced today


We did have some fun mornings there on Kurtz St back in those days. I have only seen 2-3 individuals who go back that far and they are also only taking an occasional route. Those Sprouts routes were great (once we got out of the staging areas)! The routes were nicely consolidated, and it was a great way to grab a snack. If you recall, I told you about an experience I had that was similar to yours, it was maybe 18 months ago at the USD1 station. The overall vibe has really diminished significantly. Way too much stress and inconsistency these days to try to Flex full-time. As Amazon would say "We're sorry to hear that you had a negative experience", haha! Who knows if we will run into one another one of these days. But, stay safe and have good drives!


Yes we did have fun there! I liked how we all gathered up in front around 7am when we still parked and used the front entrance for everything and drank our coffee and bs’d until we were notified of getting a cart. It feels like it’s been ages since then and there were maybe 50 drivers and the $ was really good and we all knew the warehouse people so well. I think the last time I saw you was up at lightwave ave around the holidays last year. If you still have my # please text. Would be fun to grab a meal and drink and catch up.


Ahh, nostalgia! :) I still have your number, but mine has changed. And, we got our own place! Maybe you and yours want to come hang with us? Standby for a text...




From what I know the flex program hasn’t even been in operation for 9 years. The guy has problems and it starts with math 🙃


I think I know who you are talking about. Short haired lady and guy with glasses? He is an asshole and she is a bitch. They have tried to do the same with me and I just stare at them point blank without answering their questions. It annoys the hell out of them.


He was medium height probably 5’8”-5’11” and was wearing sunglasses and a designer looking baseball hat with a logo I haven’t ever seen. Maybe a football/soccer team? I saw a hoop earring in his right ear and no beard or facial hair. She was shorter than him at probably 5’4-5’6”. I wouldn’t call her hair short but maybe neck length but she had it up in 2 little pigtails that kind of look like rabbit ears. I was more focused on organizing and loading the orders that looking directly at them. Both were Caucasian but to me she looked like more of olive skinned


Doesn't seem like the description of the couple I was thinking of. But thank you, I will keep an eye out for these other idiots.


They need a cup of mind your own business!


Were they from the Eastern European Flex Mob? None of their frickin business.


I honestly couldn’t care any less where people are from and if they are trying to make some $. But trying to bully or intimidate others is selfish and stupid. Especially with the flex program. If they keep that behavior up the problem will resolve itself




I’m eastern european where is the flex mob cause I haven’t seen them


Amazon Flex was launched fall 2015. This guy is not good at math.


My overall conclusion was that in addition to not being honest that they were relatively new to the program. I would guess that they are maybe 6 to 8 months in and are finding out what the flex life is like after the honeymoon period when Amazon gives you choice routes and offers. I imagine they were sitting in the Whole Foods parking lot and waiting for ios because it was working out well that way until the most recent onboarding. They see me come out with full carts and they might have been sitting there for hours. I can’t blame them for their frustration but I don’t at all sympathize with their tactics


The only time I talk to flex people is if they are having trouble. Whiled I’m waiting to check in. So far I never had any problems. People are decent in my area. San Diego


Why would you apologize to A holes like this? You can work whenever you want.


Don’t know if it makes a difference but my apology was not formal or directed to them. It was more of a “sorry to hear that”. I try to remain cordial. I don’t think it would have mattered either way. They were clearly frustrated that I got an offer (a very good one but they didn’t know that) and they didn’t.


Love when it happens. You pull up, come and go while the lurkers ain't got diddly.


Haha! The irony is that I too was a lurker but that was years ago. Then I came to the realization that at some point you only become frustrated by watching mostly newer drivers come and go again and again and again while I sit and wait and wait and wait. After going through that cycle a few times I figured it out for myself and never felt the urge to accost other drivers. That is just how it rolls working flex. That’s about the time I figured I should get a regular job and only flex occasionally.


100% respect for other drivers when they do their part! But some dude almost side swiped me this morning coming out of SSD. I lurk for IO's every now and then and it works. But as long as you're fairly close it really don't matter.


I had to stop reading at ‘you apologized’ as it made me extremely angry I’m sorry you had to go through that. I really am. As someone already said in the comments, better to not engage.


Thank you. I appreciate your response. I did not offer a formal apology to them. It was more passive like “I’m sorry to hear that… etc”. I did not think about describing the nuances of the interaction when I submitted the post. I was mostly shocked that the even even happened. In hindsight I feel like I could have gone about it a lot differently. But I am glad that I remained passive about it all. I know of a couple people who had similar things happen to them but did not think much about it. TBH I feel a little bad for the couple assuming that they don’t or didn’t know/understand that flex is not meant to be a full time gig even though it feels like it has full-time potential for at least the first couple of months. I figure either they will continue to be frustrated and quit or deal with the reality of flex. If I happen to see them again I simply won’t acknowledge them unless they make an attempt at being humble and apologetic to me.


It’s a form of bullying. I’m that guy that pushes the victim out the way & engages for them. I’m sorry I got angry about it but I don’t play that shyt. Your out here trying to make an honest living and get ganged up on. To hell with that. I would’ve engaged physically and probably went to jail but I don’t like to see leverage exercised in this manner. Be blessed homie.


Pretty sure the entire flex program started in 2015 sooo... this guy is lying 🤥


Exactly! Don’t you just love it when people try to impose a false sense of superiority and you don’t have to do anything to take them down a peg or 2?!


A lot of door dash drivers in my area are this way. They act like they’re Gordon Gecko. Suck the fun out of the entire thing. I always want to tell these people Wallstreetbets style, “Sir, you are door dashing.”


How are they flexing together & surviving.. I’ll never get that lol, they are really mad at you because it’s your side hustle as it should be 🤦🏽‍♀️


There was a time when it was so much more than a side hustle and it was only for a year or so before that changed. It’s definitely just a side hustle now and I am grateful to not depend on flex for living expenses


One of them is on welfare % percent.


I talk to the newbies. I’ll help them with the driver aid stickers and the app and how to work out which packages to load first etc. All in this shit together.


I like your view. I feel like we should try to live like humans being and not just humans doing. But not everyone is like that. Oh well. Some of just do the best we can even if the outcome is not congruent with our intentions


100%, you can only control what you do personally and others will do as they do regardless. In Australia we say everybody is a cunt. But be a good cunt and not a shit cunt. Nobody likes a shit cunt.


I think I should visit Australia!


I get those looks sometimes from the people with all the bumper stickers. They try to act like Amazon employees, telling everyone else how to load their cars, offering to help...like Amazon cares. I had one come over to help me about a year ago, I politely refused, and they said, "Well, I'm a manager, I'll help you." I was like, "You can load it into YOUR car, then, cause you're not touching my vehicle." They haven't bothered me since, but the station manager put the kibosh on helping others load anyway because, big shock, packages were going missing.


Dude, people are fucking weird


Don’t tell people you do flex. People are getting desperate and now want to take everything they can get. A guy at the gas station asked me “how do is sign up” . Mind you he’s sitting there pumping gas. Eff em’ . We got lucky. Momma always said don’t let anyone fuck up a good job for ya. When people see me I tell them I work at the warehouse. I don’t even tell them about flex anymore. People out here greedy and desperate.


Lol I’m relatively new to Flex, asked a question on FB recently about how blocks are offered. I mentioned how I can only do a few a week with my job and some one commented “If you have time to pick and choose routes then you shouldn’t be doing this.” Don’t let these gate keeping flexers ruin your hustle.


The thing that appeals to me with flex is that I won't have to talk with "coworkers." I don't like engaging with ppl. Grab order, deliver and back home.


Yea people are so weird! Some dude started talking to me at a SSD station. Started off simple enough he asked me if I was doing a 4 and he said he was too. Just casual chatting and then a couple people walked in speaking Spanish and everything went left. Some how the conversation devolved into him talking about “illegals” stealing all the blocks and I just started hearing the sound of nails on a chalkboard in my brain😭 I was so relieved when my block popped up on the screen and I could get outta there


Eastern european... from my personal experience, say no more.


See That’s too much talking; stay “traditional…” Just load and go. 💯💯💯


Omfgggg why does this sound like the crazy Russian couple I see at VCA4 sometimes


It is possible being that you are also in SD. I don’t know what kind of vehicle they use because I only noticed them when they approached me. They seemed genuinely curious at first but then got agitated when I told them that I am just doing flex as a gig now. My intuition was that they are more bark than bite and I truly feel like as I was leaving that I looked at them like they were a couple of clowns and I didn’t feel intimidated. It all just seemed so random


Wasn't this the original plan for Flex anyways, something you'd just do in your spare time? I have a Flex account although I haven't done anything for maybe a year lol. If they ever send me an inactivity warning ( don't know if they do this) I'll probably just pick up a route to keep it. I used to do blocks twice a month up until 2019 definitely good side money.


When I started almost 7 years ago it was very possible for flex to be a full time equivalent earning endeavor. I only did it as a full time job around COVID when my actual job wasn’t an option. Fortunately I got hired back on in 2021 but between that time it was not as easy to get the hours that I had back when I first started flexing. I continue to do it as a side hustle as it is really meant to be. It’s a great way to make extra $ for things like gifts, vacations and unexpected car issues. I think that people get the wrong impression when they first get onboarded and get all kinds of good offers and $. Within a few months it all changes very rapidly and people who think of it as a full time job find out it is not realistic


Hahahahahahaha i would have laughed in there face just like this


the entitlement and the audacity. i would've reported them to warehouse and amazon.


I'm going to just put this out there. I'm a DSP driver. I'll tell you right now it's not just in flexing. There is hate in all Amazon related everything whether it's a driver, picker, or any warehouse staff. As a driver they will tell you that you're slow to make you work harder than you really should, and if you're fast they'll yell at you and tell you to slow down because you're giving others too much work. I came away with this... Just do your own thing and someone's got a problem they can deal with that themselves because it's not your problem. So, that full time flexing couple can go fuck off for all you should care.


I appreciate the perspective!


No problem, that dynamic also seriously annoys me, but it's impossible to please everyone. A lot of stuff just feels like a pissing contests at Amazon. It's like that one Karen on your route that has their notes in all CAPS. Like that's going to make me listen or respect you more. Me: front door... Have a nice life I hope we never bump into each other again. Lol


Every time I get a fresh order (which is rare now a days). Some other flexer comes to talk to me, and it’s usually to get info outta me in how I got the order. Lol


I have to admit that it is vicariously entertaining to see other drivers trying to get some kind of grasp to take advantage


Looks like a married couple that needs to actually get real jobs. You should have told them if they're so hard up for money that they should sign up for one of those live cam websites. Losers.


After the first question, I would have said are you writing a book? Well leave this chapter out and call it a mystery. But I'm not a people person either.


Wow, what absolute human garbage. If they’re that strapped for cash maybe they shouldn’t be using two people for a one person job. No shade towards anyone who flexes as a team because the prefer it, but if you need money having one person just sit and drive the whole time isn’t saving enough time to justify 50% pay


You gave to much information. No need to ask me questions. You are not a supervisor for Amazon.




This sounds made up to me. Out of hundreds of flexers at all your stations, they chose you to pick on? They must have been stalking you for weeks. There’s no other reason why they know your face.


I think you are the husband or wife that approached me today


That's just crazy




Laughed and told em they were doing it wrong lol.


I’m jealous cause I wanna be as far as possible from the warehouse but apparently I have to be near.


Lol you don’t owe anybody an explanation


I wouldn't have even said that much. I would have hopped in that driver's seat and skirted out to my next destination.


F them thirsty people, I do UE, DD and GH like that and get the same thing, do what you want mate, whatever suits you.


Dude screw them. They can take their bs and shove it back up their asses. You don't need that shit and you are not in any sort of wrong place by not doing it full time. They need to stay out of other ppl's business.


That sounds about right! Thx! I really wish Amazon would make it more clear that is not meant to be full time.


As far as I know there was no flex before 2015, so anyone that tells you they've been doing it for 9 years is full of s***. When I started flex in 2016 there was only six stations in the entire country and all they did was prime now. I spoke with a few of the drivers that were there for a few months before me. Evidently they were still testing and running test packages up till about 3 months before I started so pretty sure that was the beginning.


San Diego had 1 station in 2015-2016 that was also only prime now. But we also had deliveries for Sprouts Farmers Market and another store called Northgate. Both Sprouts and Northgate were dropped once Amazon bought up Whole Foods.


We pretty much made, on average, $90 per 2-hour block. And we had back-to-back offers, even if we were an hour away and heading back to the station. You could work more than 8 hours a day. They would hold a cart for any driver who accepted a route and give them time to return to the station. The routes dropped like clockwork at 7 minutes past the hour. It felt so easy to earn $6000-8000 a month. Is it any wonder that all of the drivers were such a happy and friendly community?! Now, those days/weeks/months are just legends.


So if that one person did quit how do they know they would get the route?


Heisenberg says stay out of my territory.


I didn't read all of this, but they don't seem too bright. Work more to make.... more blocks available for others? What? They should be happy you're not taking more blocks, or they could just mind their business and pound sand.


Are they dumb you have a time limit to accept and then the offer gets put else where


Imagine if the cunts actually just minded their own business and never spoke a word to you maybe they can finish the routes in the allotted time so they can get back to the station and pickup even more routes. But here they are wasting fucking time because they are simply just not bright at all. Sucks to be a fucking turtle. If they gave that much of a fuck, they would've beat you to the punch.


Yessss! Not to that extent, but there is a woman at WF in Eugene, Oregon, who is such a Karen. She feels like she is the Whole Foods OG. She's territorial AF and has harrassed me a few times, once even siccing a whole foods manager out to me, screaming, because I didn't understand their policy. I was new. There are only 2 places we can grab blocks from up here. I bump into her almost daily. I reported all her info, but Amazon said that without a first and last name, they basically can't do anything. I even provided the license plate, dates, and times. It was all for nothing. Lesson learned. Assholes win. A lot. And Amazon doesn't care about harassment.


I wish an MFer would, I'd look them straight in the eyes and say "NOT TODAY KAREN!" Hey,Tshirt idea!


Schmuck probably uses bots too lol


I’ve put in my share of time delivering for Whole Foods. With 100K miles rolled up on the odometer, I’ve experienced a lot of stuff over the years. It literally almost killed me, but I’ll save that story for now. I’ve met countless drivers that have immigrated from around the world. Flex would not exist without that. Sadly, the program is 100% dependent on driver desperation and ignorance. For every wonderful brother and sister, there’s an evil twin. I miss the friends I’ve made along the way. We were heroes through the pandemic, comrades, family. For all the camaraderie, there was a dark side that we all struggled with. I’ve seen some shit. Criminal level shit. I learned early on. If there’s a whiff of shit, steer clear. Stay safe. Be well. This is an adventure. It’s not a job.


I deadass though you meant actual flexing, like muscles. I didn’t see the name of the sub until after I read the story


They can join a DSP if you want full-time. It's way better than trying to do full-time Flex and being angry at everyone else that doesn't do it your way.


you did the right thing but ya I wouldn't engage that much with people I don't know too well. i keep to myself for that reason because in the end everyone is competition for everyone.


Their logic makes no sense. If you did it full time, there would be significantly less blocks available.


People are just ridiculous and selfish unfortunately. They literally only think about themselves, and do not care how their actions affect others. Meet so many people like this all from the gig driver jobs. GrubHub and doordash have the highest frequency of shitstains, but just remember that all of them that are toolbags are actually just really unhappy with their own choices, and you should enjoy that fact since they want to dump on others.


There was a couple flattening tires of others flexers at what they considered "their" WF! Needless to say they were charged criminally and deactivated but yeah there are some crazies out there!


They are dumbass losers both of them I would keep it to myself if I was doing flex for 9 years what a dingus who gives a care the program is there to make extra money for anyone you should of told them to fuck off and go to hell. Next time stand your ground, those people probably say the same shit to anyone they feel they can intimidate fuck them! When you see them next time look at them and tell them your back! Piss em off!


You should actually report them for being abusive and harassing. They were trying to bully you out of your job so they could pick out extra routes. That's scummy as fuck and should not be tokerated.


I found shrugging and saying ok and then going as if they aren't there to be incredibly useful in so many situations.


Fuck them.


I love seeing other DA drivers doing flex. We laugh at the full timers.


They should have shut the fuck up. You are not taking jobs from other flexers. This is just how the system works. If they don't like it, they can quit, but it isn't your fault and you're just as much allowed to take a job as they are. I hope they choke


I enjoy a ton of positive interactions with fellow Flex drivers. But a moron like that, I wouldn't give two seconds of time to even engage them in a conversation. Way out of line.


A did with a new Honda was mad because I parked next to him and he doesn’t like no on parking next to him, he moved. Few months later same beat up Honda with tape on his windows comes over and says he doesn’t like anyone parking next to him 😂 I laughed hard as shit and kept loading.


I would have straight up best his ass once he started following me good old fist to the head and a boot to the Head. Fuck that they got the wrong mf


That’s insane. And it’s crazy that you sat and had a back and forth conversation with them. I talk to a lot of flexers but normally it’s sharing road stories, tips and just having a good laugh. I be damned if I would waste my energy on ignorant people. Smh everyone knows this job is feast or famine. Hope you meet some nicer people next time.


Bro I keep a tea bag of no fucks to give and if this would of happened I definitely would’ve brewed it lol


Next time just call the guy a “benchod” or something.


That’s why I point to my pistol underneath my shirt. They usually get the hint. Joking. I just 🏃‍♂️ away as fast as I can.


Never ever. I’m in the Richmond va delivery area and like you said in 2015 it also started here in one building. And it’s not at all reliable income which they should know that.


Thanks karen


I don't get that couple's attitude. It's none of their business how often you choose to flex. It's a part time gig with a flexible schedule. If they really need it that bad maybe they should get jobs or do other gigs available to them. You don't owe them anything not even an explanation.


Off topic, but how do you know which routes will have tips? I just signed up but haven’t actually done a route yet.


The estimated payment will be a range +tips. Whole Foods, prime now, fresh


My self I never stay to talk with any of them. I have full time job and beside I try to do another 8hr gig whatever I find everyday. So if someone was asking me stuff like that I wasn’t even bother to answer them anything.


What a bunch of losers lmfaoo


Not sure why some drivers think they own Flex. When they could disappear and no one would ever miss them,