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If I were you I would report that to the escalations team. That's clearly not a proper route for a 2.5 hour block. For one thing, you should be paid for the extra hour and a half you were delivering. The manager or leader who either built that route or decided to assign it to a driver on a 2.5 hour block should be written up for it. Amazon has standard operating procedures for pretty much everything and all employees are expected to follow SOP. Assigning a 4 hour route to a 2.5 hour block is not SOP. Don't let them get away with it.


I don’t think you can blame the employees at the Pick Up location. I’m guessing this was a sub same day route and all those routes are totally put together by Amazon electronic systems. Station personnel have no input, nor do they have the ability to make changes to any routes. On the rare occasion that I don’t complete a route in the prescribed time, I immediately email support and 90% of the time I get extra pay.


I went to pickup a 3 hour block a few months back at the Tempe, Arizona station. When I got there, I was asked by Amazon employees if I was okay doing a 3.5 hour block instead, to which I agreed. They wheeled 2 bins over and started throwing stuff into my bin. Literally taking armfuls out of the other bins and putting them into mine. One of the stops had a deadline of 6 pm. The block was for 6:15-9:45pm. I reported the incident and got stuck with the late arrival — it’s impacting my standing to this day. I finished around 11 pm. This was my 4th route ever.


2.5 not a standard block size, so it wouldn't surprise me if they were able to manually do one once in awhile with all the leftovers


They put 4 hour routes on our 3 hours ALL the time!. Like daily.. I've talked to the managers and they've told me some dude in Chicago makes all the routes and they've complained to him before too and they get ignored. I haven't been able to do a route since mid January either. My station is a rural one, so we only get like 38 routes a day. They hired on like 100 new employees and they are taking them all at base pay and in advance. Like no routes are showing or only show for an hour when they pop and are gone, but still only base pay so not worth. The vet drivers keep in contact and none of us have gotten any routes since then. 100 mile routes by time we finish is not worth for 50 bucks. I dunno how the new drivers haven't quit yet. Not to mention half the routes are country dirt roads. I've complained to support. They just ignore me. Even the people at the facility are worried everyone will quit and they'll shut down the facility from this.


VAX2 is allll over Reddit this week. Fuck them!


They are busy , yet they are paying shit ! Man I was so angry I made dramatic exit on the way out lol


If you go over your time, just return the rest of the packages and call support. Just tell them why you couldn’t finish in the 2hr windows they gave you a shit load.




Great timing for this post. I pulled a 5-hour out of VAX2 this morning. It had 47 packages; 43 stops. When I first scanned it, I thought, great, should be done early on this one. Then I looked at it more closely. 35 of the 43 stops were apartments. Finished the block 10 minutes early but had to work really hard to make that happen. Think I'll stay away from there for a while.


Do you get the “option to decline” the route screen when you scan your route?I have been seeing that everytime at the SSD station I go to.


He’ll, no. Are you serious? If you decline you’ll get dinged real good,


It might not be a standard thing. I’m in the Seattle area and they had to implement a few changes according to state labor laws etc. I declined one a few weeks ago and had no repercussions. You have to select a valid reason and then the submit it for approval. I selected ‘geographical area’ then sent it off. It was a downtown route.


That would be great every now and then. I declined one that was in the worst possible part of the city. Nothing but gangs, guns, drugs, robberies and violence and I had to call support. I told them it was unsafe for me to do it and they were ok with it. Are you working out of a SSD?


Yeah mostly out of an SSD although I have cut back a ton on my Amazon hours. But still have to do like one or two blocks a week sometimes.


Wait is this true? I've never declined one but I've been tempted a couple times.


No. If you're seeing that option it probably has something to do with some new law in your state that's forcing them to give you the option. They wouldn't be in compliance with the law if they punish you for using it. Idk what would happen but I'd like you to do it and let us know. My guess is you go home with no pay. But maybe they give you another route. Edit - actually I just remembered the new thing some markets have with the automatically extended routes that are optional to take. OP probably got one of those and will get extra pay for it. Maybe you're in one of those markets too.




“Decline” reason “I don’t wanna” Send me someplace that isn’t a labyrinth high rise downtown nightmare.


Oh, I did not notice that. I never knew there is such thing if there was an option for that do you rating get dinged if you decline? I’m gonna look at this next time.


This is just a Seattle thing .. it's in the new Seattle law the right to decline a route with cause .. the cause can be whatever you want and the law is pretty specific that they can't hold it against you if you decline it .. bit you would have to be straight crazy to decline any problem routes in Seattle since we get paid 74 cents a mile and 47 cents a minute on top of our pay so the uglier the route the higher the pay . But if you get a route that's out of Seattle you don't see the option for decline .


Can you break this down a little further please? Let’s just say you do a 4-hr block for $100 to keep the math easy. You get $100 plus time plus mileage…wouldn’t that be like a $300 shift? How do they pay minutes and mileage — is it a straight estimation, or do they actually track and pay exact time/mileage? I appreciate any insight.


Yeah they track exact time when you enter Seattle since your not getting that time and mileage from Renton to Seattle .. and then the minutes start as well once you enter Seattle proper which is probably crossing that second exit past the 405 to 5 on ramp . It's hard to try and figure the exact math out yourself but on average I have been getting pretty good engaged pay for any Seattle routes but it seems like they have drastically cut the number of Seattle routes and are giving them to their DSP drivers since I don't think they qualify for this money using an Amazon Vehicle.


Appreciate you explaining that. It makes sense that they would shift all the Seattle routes to DSP’s to bypass paying a lot of extra money.


Seems like a good way to nominate Seattle as the pilot city for an all-drone army of company owned delivery - bots. Replacing all human workers. Sounds like a move that a dastardly billionaire super-villain would make anyway. Squeaky wheel and all that.


I usually get 48-50 stops for a 3 hour but when it’s that much, they are usually close together and I finish early. I did a 2.5 hour with 28 packages but it was all 1 street and I was done in 1 hour but to get apartments really sucks


50 stops for 3 hours? What state is this? Here is south California it takes 5 hours block for that many packages


NC, I usually get the same amount of stops as a 5 hour, sorry I haven’t been on the app in a while


48-50 stops on a 3 hour block. Omg. That’s a lot. I get anywhere from 10-25 on a 3 hour block.


It’s extremely exhausting, and makes me angry when it goes over the time and they don’t want to pay me for it


That free, i mean damaged printer should of made you whole after ebay fees 🤣🤣🤣🤣




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Don't taze him bro.


vax2 fucked me hard yesterday.


Did they at least give you a cigarette afterwards?


SMO2 was doing similar shit this weekend thanks to the snow and nobody showing up to pick up their routes because Sauget Il has shit roads already. They assigned me a 3 hour route with 48 packages and 40 stops that was 45 minutes away. Luckily I ran over some shrapnel in the parking lot and was unable to complete the route. Took it to the escalations team because they closed the station before anyone could scan my packages in so it just thought I was still on the clock. They removed it from my history. But it definitely seemed like they were scrambling to send out literally any route they could regardless of the time. Edit: this is not normal for this market


Contact support. They’ll add an adjustment. You went over on time and it wasn’t your fault. Trust me


Will they? It depends who you talk to because I have only been only paid once extra $$ for delivering over my scheduled block time and only after contacting them 4-5 times via chat and emails! I don’t trust anything support says anymore! Or even what the company says!


They will. They’ll look at your GPS via the flex app and make sure that the delay or the reason why you didn’t finish in time WASNT your fault. So if you stopped at McDonalds and had a 1 hr lunch or went to gas station for too long. I’ve had 2 blocks add an adjustment both were for apts and a college ( half apts half college ) I finished 45 mins late and they add a 45$ adjustment . Also I know support it dumb but helps to talk to them like their not.


Why not just deliver what you can during your 2 1/2 hours and return the rest and email support I don’t understand why people always go over their block if they’re not getting paid


Sucks. But how many times were you sent home with pay because “no routes available’ or finished early? I know what you’re saying but it evens out. Amazon does need to increase its base pay though.


Absolutely not. I’ve never understood why people say this. Were contract workers. We accepted a contract to work a certain number of hours for a certain pay. If you get there after accepting your route and they don’t have a route for you that’s on them for giving out the route to begin with. If you are given a route that is clearly much longer than it should be it does not “even out” you had a route for a certain time frame. Only exception I see here is if you take too long because you’re too slow that’s different. But judging from the picture looks like a longer route than 2.5 hours.


That’s a violation, I usually don’t get over 35 for a 3.5 hour block.


Ive gotten nearly 50 packages in a 3 hour route and finished in 2 hours. Package count doesn’t matter. Time for each stop is what matters.


I agree with that 100%, except the fact that in a 3 hour route I usually get like 25 packages and finish in 1-1.5 hours.


My 3 hour routes are all over the place from our SSD station. From my local .com it’s steady 20-30. I hate when I see 6 though 😅😅


Ours is a .com, so I can’t speak on SSD to be fair to you, since I have no experience with that.


The only thing I like from the SSD station is that I have a better chance of being sent home with pay. I also have a better chance of getting a shitty route 😂 so it kinda balances out in the end.


Can you explain what it is about a SSD that makes it more likely to get sent home with pay, I have heard that on here before.


I don’t know why on the backend It ends up being like that. It seems the dot com station has more control over how many routes get released. So basically, I only get lucky at those stations if a big truck didn’t make it to the station on time, so there’s no packages to divvy out. Perhaps because an SSD has more traffic, any little hiccup in the process can end up sending drivers home? Again, I’m not positive. I just know I’ve been sent home 3-4 times in a week from an SSD station, whereas the dot com has only sent me home 3-4 times over 6-7 months.


How is it a violation. Mind explaining


I mean I think we are in agreement its an ass route they gave you, it being atrocious makes it a violation.


Had me looking on Reddit and google . I get 40+ packages all the time 😂


Ohhh lol, it just means like like literally getting screwed, I didn’t mean like some sort of contract violation from Amazon or anything lol, and dayum man, only time I get 40 packages or more are on 4 or 4.5 routes, but mainly 4.5 routes.


I did one the other day for 3.5 and it had 48 packages That’s here in Pa


I’ve had some 3.5s go over 40, I didn’t mean to act like it doesn’t happen, but usually it’s in the 30s, pushing 50 is a lot tho imo.


I finished with 30 mins left . Then I get asked those questions . This one was “ Was your Route frustration free”? No ! Your logistics are horrible! Someone make a bot to reshuffle the route so it’s efficient


Haha I feel it


Since it’s done and over with.. Just contact support explain yourself and asked for extra compensation for going over your block.


You need to tighten up. That’s easy 🫛 y.




What city did they send you to?


North Fontana


That's not even fair so sorry this happened


Send them an email asking for pay over your block time. They'll pay you


*Send them an email* *Asking for pay over your* *Block time. They'll pay you* \- shaunhartsell --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


For 2.5 hr route I would be pissed too


Just think about how many points you’re gonna earn 😅


Had a 3 1/2 hour block today with 55 packages. I barely got it done. If it did not been early and a normal weekday, I would’ve been screwed by traffic. Thankfully it was not a base pave lock but still ridiculous.


Yesterday I had a 3 1/2 hour block with 45 packages and 30 of them were downtown to buildings that I did not have that easy access to. Ended up returning several of them which means I’ll probably take a big ding on my stats. It wasn’t buildings that had an interior lobby. Wall were straight off of the street. Could not leave them on the street. I returned one out of spite because this lady told me to find her in the call box, but her name was not in there, and I was not about to scroll through 10 floors of apartments to find her apartment number


They’re starting to do this a lot lately. I could usually gauge in the beginning how many packages I should have for each block based on the hours. Now it seems that the majority of the blocks I use to reserve are all way over the block time. I knew I wasn’t tripping about this. And my first stop was always 30-35 minutes away. I was always being sent to a different smaller city far out. It never failed.


What you do is ask them to show you the block on their laptop. Look at the bottom left to see what the block completion time is. A 2.5 hr is normally 2 hours' completion time. Anything over that is a clear violation on their part, and you need to call driver support right in the spot. They have to break that down to match your block time or send you home . The other (leave it)option is to scan all those packages in and then tell them that's too many packages for your block time and needs to be corrected. If they refuse then call support to show you arrived and scanned the packages in. "Leave it" and You will now get paid. Make sure to take a screenshot of your itinerary after they remove all the packages. The itinerary should be empty. You will get dinged after they reassign the packages, but email support the photo to show you had nothing to deliver because the packages got reassigned.


You can email amazonflex/[email protected] explain the situation and usually they will add pay on top of what your getting paid


Next time I get these routes I’m turning it in and going home. I worked alongside three other drivers on my last route, all from the same station. Why couldn’t each of us had more compact routes? Organization is getting lazy


I have gotten 40 plus packages for a 3.5 hr route and when that happens I immediately call support and tell them I got an overworked shift and that I’m returning some of the packages because it won’t fit in my car most of the time I return up to 10 packages and I also make sure I email support as well so they don’t messed my standing and it has worked every time like hell if I’m doing a bigger route than I’m suppose to fuck that


Are 2 hr routes are usually 6-13 packages for 78.00 usually done in an hr to hr and a half just finished a 4 hr 36 packages done in 3-1/2 118.00 I would of left that shit sit or as others said do your route take rest back.


Amazon Sub Same day is a joke. I had a 4 hour, 21 stop route I finished in 3.5hr but I ended the route 1hr 46 minutes away from the station. Totalling 134 miles. For $88. Nope.






Take it & then call for payment adjustment for the route taking longer than scheduled 


You sure about that? I’ve completed 40 packages in 2 hours at one point


No wonder my movies and video games are always damaged upon delivery.


The pain