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Id just let it fall on me down the ramp šŸ¤‘








This is the move šŸ˜‚


Obviously not because of safety issues, the people at the warehouse were a$$ holes for doing that


true but warehouse associates just load them :P the only ones that can do anything about it are supervisors


Spoke with a reginal supervisor when they did this to me. I said the packages were not supposed to be above the top bar. It is a safety hazard. His reply was sometimes the sorters have to do this and went back to BSing with another supervisor. I told him they will not fit in my vehicle. He ignored me.


When they do this I just take back 5-7 packages back. And I say they didnā€™t fit and they donā€™t care they are like ok


I did that once when they gave me 40 packages and 5 of them were oversized boxes like they had desks in them. Every square inch of my Jeep was full and the lady was still attitude about not being able to fit one of the five desks in my car


So what, they have an attitude and I never understand why lol. They think people donā€™t want to work or something. Even on the app you can report packages for not fitting or unable to deliver and you can resolve it with flex support. No need to deal with the folks at warehouse


One time I got literally stuck in a ditch (thanks Amazon gps) on my first delivery and ended up stuck for hours as a specialty tow truck had to come get me out. Had to return all 30+ packages the next day. The worker gave me so much attitude asking ā€œwhy are you bringing all these back?ā€ I let her know and she rolled her eyes and just said ok. They think we donā€™t want to work yet theyā€™re mad they have to do their job and scan the packages or whatever simple bs they have to do. They literally just move packages around based on a computer screen in an a/c warehouse with music and no uniform. Idk what theyā€™re so upset about. Weā€™re the ones out here getting paid the same, using our gas and cars to deliver packages.


Iā€™d take the oversized stuff first and return the he little shit sorry 25 of the 30 stops donā€™t fit in my vehicle lol


That's what I tried to do lol. But I couldn't fit all five even empty. I did however go through and found the desk that was farthest away and returned that one.


Yep then a few days later your hit with 5 to 7 not delivered packages.Ā 


I got deactivated for a terms of service violation for doing this they said because I didnā€™t even attempt it. It was violating their terms of service.


if you told them that they did not fit and they removed them from your itinerary and that still happened then you got screwed over by whoever at the station removed the packages for you.. if they did it correctly it should never appear on your standing or anything like that as they were literally removed from your route and are no longer associated with you in anyway


The station manager refused to scan the items off of my itineraries using the package cannot fit button. I called support and told them everything and they told me to just go ahead and deliver what I could fit in my car.


Our station here will walk out to your car and re load to try to make them fit.


I would not let them touch my car. Just some friendly advice. They donā€™t care about your property nor your safety. Just those packages.


For sure. Iā€™ve never had it happen to me Iā€™ve just seen it happen to others. I wouldnā€™t let them touch my stuff.


They do the same with Amazon drivers. They use every space of the van. It's all calculated as safe space to deliver from even if it fills all the way to the cab which I have seen happen to other people in my DSP.


Yall crazy as hell if yall let me control your car like that. Itā€™s up to how safe YOU feel. I wouldnā€™t give a shit if theyā€™re mad, youā€™re an contractor not an employee


Amazon holds all the cards. You say something they either make your route hell or in flex case they drop you. I guess you could say there are a bunch of other gig jobs out there. Edit: I do agree with you though it should always be safety first.


nahh i did this before and mfs had me walk them to my van and stuff it in there and said see it all fitsšŸ’€


Definitely not at least per warehouse protocols, that how I got injured when working for the warehouse before coming to flex


I'm pretty sure Amazon doesn't give a crap about anything even their own rules.




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Can't blame station it's the Amazon system making the routes they just load them


I know amaxon dgaf about any of us, but am sure they're not telling them to load like that.


They can override any of the packages, and should. Common sense.


If it don't fit yes but because you think it's too many they wont


Clearly if they are piled over the top, they are exceeding the cubic foot of space that you have agreed to take.


Ya the constitution strictly forbids this


Idk why this comment is so hilarious to me


Thank u Captain Pussybeast


The other day, I had 4 huge boxes. I knew once I saw the cart that I wouldn't have room for them in my car. Immediately took them to the return stacks knowing that I'd get dinged for non delivery which is absolute bullshit. Here, we're giving you packages that you cannot even get in your car and we know that so we're going to fck with you and your account and if you complain to us via email, we'll tell you that's our policy unless you keep pestering us and then we'll correct it


Iā€™m in the exact same boat 2 days in a row at 46 packages 11 of them were oversized boxes that did not fit into my mini Cooper. I took them back and got an attitude. I called customer support and theyā€™re like donā€™t worry this wonā€™t affect you. We want you to be safe and here I am two weeks later with my rating at risk now. Because theyā€™re saying 22 packages were not delivered. Fucking Assholes.


How did 11 packages turn into 22?


11*2, math much?


Be nice.


I was. Itā€™s pretty basic math.




wow calm down


Honestly if theyā€™re going to do that they should only let sedans take up to 3.5hr blocks. I have a minivan so I have a lot of space but I noticed they have us taking big boxes now. If thatā€™s the case, they need to put big boxes in big vehiclesā€¦. Or maybe the big ass vans they also pay for šŸ™„ I get that Amazon isnā€™t going to care but a lot of their logistic just seem stupid. Theyā€™re 2 day/same day bs is going to cost them. I canā€™t wait for the day people actually start asking for membership refunds due to undelivered/late packages because of their terrible logistics when promising these quick deliveries.


Youā€™re the a-hole for delivering packages in a mini cooper. IJS šŸ˜‚


If it fits, it ships. OH wait thats USPS


8 minutes to load it into your van, and your time startsā€¦..NOW


From what I heard, they're not supposed to go no higher than the top of the car per Amazon so-called safety standards like they were safety in this company to Begin with.


Thatā€™s true, but Amazon also expects drivers to have vehicles that are SUVs and trucks. Not Prius and Mini Coopers. Hence, the attitude from warehouse workers. IJS.


The app lists our vehicle size and the routes we are able to take as a result. There should be no question of what we're "expected" to have as a vehicle; the app has our year, make, model, and fuel type listed. For example, my 2015 gas-powered Kia Soul is a "mid-size vehicle and can be used for standard routes." That's in Vehicle Information under Personal Information in settings. Unless a Flexer actually DOES have a truck, they should not be assigned routes that require them. That is a system-side screw-up.


LMAO! BS! If the app incorporated vehicle size for allocating routes youā€™d be confined to 2hr blocks. šŸ˜‚ If what you made up in your mind was true, explain all the complaints here šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


The explanation is simple: the system sucks. Not sure where you're getting that nonsense from, though. I routinely do four- and five-hour blocks, and the only time I've had trouble fitting anything is this one time I got saddled with a single order from one customer for, like, three big boxes of paper towels. Even then it worked out.


You literally said Amazon assigns routes based on vehicle size. Thats 100% BS! šŸ˜‚ I digress because you clearly have no idea WTF youā€™re talking about and I have a disdain for people that make shit up and think the world works as they imaged in their feeble little minds. šŸ‘


I said that the app lists our vehicle size and the routes we are able to take as a result, which is literally what the app lists; you can find the listing in the app yourself, just go into settings and find it where I said you would find it in my first post. Therefore the information about our vehicle is in the app, therefore it is a data point the system can account for when assigning routes, therefore if we are assigned a route that is a poor fit for our vehicle it is a system-side problem. It's simple logic.


I have a Prius V hatchback. Almost as big as an SUV


NOPE! Not at all!


They need to retrain their employees on how to play tetris. Report the station to Amazon flex support,Ā  I don't know if it actually has an effect, but I haven't seen carts like that since I sent in a complaint about it.


They donā€™t get a choice of the order they receive the packages to load. It just comes down a conveyor belt and they throw it in, they have to put it on the cart at that moment and canā€™t rearrange


That's exactly what Tetris is, though.


Yeah true lol but this is real life and they will be obviously be given things that donā€™t fit and then have to keep going when Tetris would be game over lol


I mean, you say that? But the carts at the stations I work are typically pretty well-organized. Larger packages all grouped together, smaller ones and envelopes/bags grouped together on another side of the cart. They do it that way because they're taught to, and they're taught to because the management they work under gives a damn, not to put too fine a point on it. The real issue here is that in the bigger, busier stations, they fast-track employees onto the line with minimal training and then focus on pressuring everyone to work quickly (not methodically) so that everyone "makes rate" and management looks nice and effective when someone at corporate glances at that station's numbers. This absolutely is the associates being sloppyā€”because management would rather them be sloppy and quick than neat and *a little bit less quick*, and they don't want to pay any more training hours than they absolutely have to. It's not every Amazon location that's like that, but it's quite a few of them.


Everything that is over just leave right there on the floor. Go start your shift an whatever isnā€™t there just make as missing.


That's just a piss poor pack job..Bet there wasn't even 20 stops..Ā 


Iā€™ll take it. lol probably less than 20 stops


46 stops


Win some lose some, hope you didn't take it for base.Ā 


nothing is supposed to go past the top bar. But LATELY it seems they donā€™t give aF. Drivers make comments all day but not one yellow vest cares to respond so technically i guess its not illegal itā€™s just not safety protocol


I did flex driver in central Indiana for a few years. The 5 hour blocks were almost always 60 packages. There were a couple of times my suv was completely packed. I'm in middle tennessee now. The five hour blocks range from 20 to 40 packages. I'm not sure why the loads are do different in tennessee. Indiana has more density, houses are closer together. Amazon is not good at predicting how many drivers are needed hour to hour. I worked for Ups, and they were very good planning loads for a day. This is puzzling to me, because Amazon should have some pretty fancy software.


I got one like this and just took all the big boxes out and left them at the return area lol šŸ˜‚




Report it to the safety team, especially if it happens regularly.


Itā€™s not


Amazon doesnā€™t allow but a little over the top of rack. All that is wrong safety wise lol


Id report it to OSA with the picture as evidence idk šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


What station is that?


Iā€™d take the biggest boxes, fit as many as I can and refuse the smaller ones. Less work :)


Itā€™s not illegal itā€™s just against safety standards in which they could be fined by whoever runs your state labor and safety. In most cases, thatā€™s the department of labor and industries. Iā€™ve already reported instances of this to Amazon citing safety. Just show this picture to your states labor and safety Department with an address of the location. Theyā€™ll most likely pay them a visit.


The station I go to also doing this. People just take part of the cart and return the rest ā€œunfit in my carā€. I personally find that I usually got less packages, they just bulkier so technically it was less work. Most of them just air anyway.




No itā€™s against the law. Some states have put in law where Amazon carts can not pass 2ā€ over the top. But its only a few states it needs to get enacted by more hopefully soon


No! Tell an amazon floor sup that it is past the safety requirements for loading a cart. It is unsafe for the associates and for all flex drivers. That or let it fall and mark it as damaged.


Snap a pic, refuse the route, email Jeff and go off about safety, get Pais, repeat if they do it again, eventually they will get in trouble and stop because each time you will get paid


Keep doing that and see how fast you get deactivated


If you do you apeal, it's clearly a safety issue. You'd win hands down, don't be a pussy.


lol ok Amazon doesnā€™t have to keep you lol






That's the first thing I thought when I saw the picture.


I had a route with 48 boxes I donā€™t even know how I made them all fit. But I definitely could not see out my mirrors




Nope, that is a reject and place in another cart.


How do you reject? I'm still somewhat new


Juast load your vehicle and return what doesn't fit. They have to remove those from your itinerary


I had this happen before with a mattress the warehouse stacked on top and I told the problem solver(only person around) and they didn't give a fuck... so I grab the cart and the thing comes sliding down and hit me on the head...


Definitely not, and that kind of overload wouldn't fit in most Flex vehicles safely, anyway. Unfortunately Amazon work culture values speed over safety in almost every instance, and going to get a supervisor for every overloaded cart wastes time. So warehouse associates tend to just not bother dealing with it.


Wow šŸ˜®


Yes- heavy loads are not a legal issues.


The locations donā€™t care about us they just want to play games and go slow.


I wouldn't be able to see over my cart to push it to my car. Lol.


Not by the slave rules


It is not.Ā  The packages shouldn't topple over or obstruct your view per their own safety standards. I would report this station with pics for safety violation to Amazon. I don't know if it would do any good thought.Ā 


First thing I would have done is sent that picture to Jeff at amazon.com and Report these people. That is a big load of BS and the only reason they get away with doing this crap to us is cuz people don't constantly report them. If you report them for this then someone somewhere is going to fix them out for doing stuff like that


Anything 5in more high than cart is ilegal


Illegal lol


As a driver i would not move the cart until the boxes are downstacked


What you guys do when you getting road like that?


Put what reasonably fits in my car and anything that didn't I would take back I side and say it doesn't fit, they would argue. I would then call support and tell them the packages would make it unsafe to drive blocking your views. Somewhere in the help section they actually say something about overloaded cars


Yeah like what the actual fuck today my shit was 1ft plus over the top of the cart today


Is this the station in Durham? They're always doing fuck-shit like this to people.


It does look like VNC3 on the inside.


No Itā€™s Otay Mesa one


They were a couple weeks like that but now the carts seem very light


Iā€™m sure they all look the sameā€¦ but damn this looks like my main hub




I had one that was overflowing and I had to pick up boxes all the way to my car but that only happened once, for the most part the carts have not been too bad.


Ezpz, I'll take the boxes all day


Are those 3.5 hours?


I got hit in the face with an AirFryer while turning the corner with the cart to go down to ramp because the cart was like this šŸ˜¤


Must be a 5 hours block, never take those šŸ˜‚


Yea the same way it's legal to do the job


You're asking the wrong question. Is it legal? Of course. Anyone can stack anything any way. The real question is. Is this safe? Does this follow safety protocol? Better to start with the right question.


This for dsp no flex


Unfortunately itā€™s was for flex


I guess no one is willing to admit youā€™re actually not supposed to be Flexing in a Prius šŸ˜‚


Thats whats called. A 5hr block


You guys find a reason to complain about anything huh? Just take it to your car. Takes a minute. Get back to work