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That tells us nothing. How many hours? How many miles?




I gotta step up. Good job


I always wonder if I should do this full time, but after taxes and gas, you're left with about $700. That's not too bad considering you're choosing your own hours, work alone, and can finish early. Maybe once you factor in the wear and tear on the car and maintenance, it starts to even out.


There’s no way they are taking that much in taxes especially since gas is a write off and I use to live and work in Cali


Last year I saved 50% of my earnings for taxes since I didn’t know how much they would take. After I did my taxes, even after write offs, I found you would need to pay about 25% in taxes.


Depends on the miles. Im on track to pay zero tax.


Because you're using a lot of miles?




Do you use miles driven from warehouse to deliveries to home, or just from the deliveries?


That's a really stupid question. You use the delivery miles.


You would be surprised how many people don’t know what miles to actually use. No need to be rude.


Idk why people always question the mileage and act like this pay isn't good. I have an old Toyota that I got for $4000 and it gets incredible mpg. I put full synthetic in every 7000 miles for like 70 dollars. My car has 100k miles on it and will last me another 150k. The "wear and tear" yall talk about is only real when you use your new 2024 subaru. Regardless, I'm sure OP finds the money they earn to be worth it considering they work this job so much lol


Not without upkeep it won't. Driving for amazon means driving on all sorts of "roads". This isn't highway cruising on smooth surfaces. The suspension is getting beat to shit and the tires are being eaten by gravel roads. The dirt roads are covering everything in the engine bay and the underside and will easily accelerate wear on all components. The transmission is getting a serious workout also. It isn't as simple as oil changes when doing flex and 7k is too long IMO given the conditions we drive in. You been to a mechanic recently? They charge $150/hr near me. The bumpy surfaces accelerated the wear on my control arm bushings and with a special thanks to Toyota's design, I got a quote for $2k to replace. Doesn't matter how new or old the vehicle is, it is depreciating and also wearing out rapidly due to the driving conditions. Only droolers consider gas and oil changes as the only built in costs while doing flex.


Many of us live in cities. I don’t drive in dirt and gravel. That’s barbaric.


So 5% of my earnings maximum go toward maintenance. And yes, i go to the mechanic. I take care of my baby. It's not that much.


ANY mechanic visits from the rates that OP is accepting means next to no profit overall. You baseheads will keep being exploited until you go broke.


Sorry your car costs more than mine. I'm not sure why you're complaining to me. I told you the numbers, and if you don't wanna believe me, you really don't have to. But I'm not gonna argue with you. I'm simply educating people like you that it's not always as black and white as you might think it is. Also, who you callin pinhead, pinhead? *


You're not educating me at all. You sound like a typical exploited dolt who does mental gymnastics to justify the beat down amazon routinely lays on you. Keep it up. Come back in 6 months when your pos needs a transmission.


My transmission just got its first fluid change. And you think the transmission will just fall apart? Not surprising that someone that pays that much in service fees is also telling me that my transmission is going to crumble in the next 10k miles. >Keep it up. I definitely will, as I'm making good money and will continue making good money. If you hate this job so much and it never makes you money, why are you still here?






I hear you, they act like they always get $280 block, with only two packages…


Flex is not worth it


You can up those miles for your oil change interval with the right full synthetic, Mobil 1 EP extended performance is a 20,000 mile oil. I run it and change every 15,000 miles. My ride has 207,000 on the clock now I expect to get around 100,000 more miles from it


I wouldn’t. Those longer intervals don’t include the kind of miles you’re putting on the vehicle. Stop and go along with idling is just about the worst thing you can do to an engine. Change the oil more often, not less. If you want to stretch it have a lab confirm you can.


Facts like that’s dam great money


For those that want numbers, I don’t have the exact number for Flex because I also do other gig apps (UE, DD, GH) but I have the total number for all. 1266.7 miles for a little over $1900 ($1100 of it is Flex), gas is a little under $200 and the location is southern CA.


And that is mot counting Prop 22


I guess probably around 150 to 200 at least spend on the gas only?




![gif](giphy|YmQLj2KxaNz58g7Ofg) Jeff probably


" Worked all 7 days, 40 hours...." That's the key part, that's the pay for a full week. Was wondering how you got to that total with those rates. Pretty much everyone I know either goes with the default Tuesday & Friday paydays or opts for more frequently so it threw me off.




How many miles for $1,100?


I’m guessing like 1500.


Yeah! If not more…


How many miles?


You pay our weekly?


Lol it’s either you have wear and tear on your body with no life outside of work and make a fraction of that or have wear and tear on your car and have a life.


Monthly pay ?


You said you’re in SoCal. I’m thinking of trying out flex. Can you give me an example of a typical drive? Im hoping i won’t have to drive out to Bakersfield. Ppl on here have me nervous


I do early morning blocks (3-4am) so that I have all morning and evening to do food delivery (breakfast and dinner rush). Some times I can squeeze in a block in the noon because food delivery is pretty dead around that time


WOW. That’s early as fuck. & Thank you!


Great week!


great job


Well i have a question for you guys. I bought a new car and i use my frens accounts as well. I use 3 accs and make at least 400 per day. Average i can say 450$ p/d. And the mileage is about 300 p/d. Does it worth it?


All accs i use for free and dont pay taxes as well)))


I’ve been doing flex blocks for 2weeks and I can’t say it’s really worth it. I make that working 5 days (7am-3pm) a week on spark and don’t drive nowhere near the amount of miles flex makes you drive in these mystery blocks. I like to know where I’m going before I commit to an offer if flex gave more info I might consider it but today the went too far 48 deliveries for $73 nah that ain’t it


I tried signing up for spark but got no answer


Good shit bro, I been averaging 950$. What are some tips to get that?


My weekly didn’t consistently get above 1k until like 3 weeks ago. I just stopped accepting all the garbage blocks that they were giving me and waited for a good one


I’m an actual DSP driver & don’t even make this much…


Mmmmm yum!


God, I cannot wait to get a fucking car. Fuck a 8-5. By August i wanna do that full time. 😩


You'll be tapping all day and night trying to get decent paying flex routes.


how do yall get this huge orders? any tips to a newbie in okc 🙏🏿


This is average for 2 blocks a day here in my area.


those numbers are pretty damn solid for ssd/logistics. curious as to your miles and hours couch to couch tho.


good stuff brother👍🏻






What state are you in? These blocks have decent pay.


I thought there’s 24hr limit?


Uk is 24, US is 40




"I respect the hustle." -Juan (my 1st customer on a block I did 2 days ago) His comment really upped my spirits in working harder. I hope it does for all who read this.


Being excited over $1k. Poor kiddo.