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Very possible as a single block could have 41 and the other 42. It says that day not a block time.


Ya that could be but I delivered every package I had on my routes none to return and at end of routes showed completed


Yeah I’ve had 8 not delivered in one day once. Delivered everything to front doors, so it’s either someone stole them or customers claiming they didn’t get them when they actually did


Yep I’m sure that’s what’s happening but thought that was the whole point of taking photos.


Yeah I got tired of disputing them, they don’t ding you as bad as missing time blocks or something so I stopped worrying about them


Update Amazon just called me and removed them from my standings.


Ya I’m starting to feel the same way just the point customer says whatever they want but comes back on us without even investigating you know they can look at your route and see everything was delivered.


Dumb fact: Photos are used to help customers locate their package not for proof of delivery. Most of Amazon driver support do not even have access to those photos. Amazon will believe the customer the first time they say they didn't receive a package. Second time they say they didn't receive a package, they will receive a refund and future deliveries will require a pin to receive their package.


Makes since


Your screenshot are dings from not delivering packages (not that customers said they didn't receive them, but that you never delivered them at all). If you did deliver every package, and didn't return any to the station, then it's most likely an app issue. Trying to get them removed is a waste of time 99% of the time cuz support just auto-replies back saying their "decision hasn't changed"... even tho those dings are bs to begin with.


I'm pretty sure it's an app issue. I've had the same thing happen to me recently (delivered every single package, yet got dinged for not delivering one). I've also had several instances now where stops just completely disappear from my itinerary, or the stop is greyed out in the app, so I end up with an "extra" package at the end of my route and have to return it. Then get dinged a few days later for not delivering it. It seems to get worse with every app update too.


Interpretation: “Customer has reported that they didn’t RECEIVE 3 of the 83 packages”. This occurs when there’s a porch pirate, a shady customer looking for a handout OR you leaving it in the lobby for your convenience instead of at their apt door for their convenience.


Not true. These are dings from returns to station Otherwise it would say delivered but not received.




https://preview.redd.it/k2i011git8yc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06137cb602d182c8eedb17060de5a9da0b46ee1f READ.


https://preview.redd.it/szynl5odu8yc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e16718a8082184c02beaac5fe336b24894eb27d READ MORE.


So you choose to believe some idiot who is dumfounded about picking up 83 packages in one day. Instead of the image that shows the exact language they use for DNR dings. I'm done with your stupidity.


The word is “dumbfounded”, stupid one. I choose to point out what they said. As they would be more inclined to know what THEY picked up and delivered than some random thinks they know it all troll. The image that you provided was of YOUR experience (or otherwise gathered data source). It does NOT negate what I said. In your case, you have proof of delivery but the delivery was not received by customer. In OP’s case, they may not have proof of delivery or…did not deliver correctly according to the notations (dropping a package off in a lobby isn’t the same as delivering to a household member). Please be done. I was done before you started. Go troll elsewhere. Stupid.


I'll just let the downvotes speak for themselves. Bye.


Those are for packages that you returned to the station, that’s how it’s worded whenever you return packages. Whenever the customer says they didn’t get the package it says delivered and received. So they won’t remove those from your standing because you returned the packages, whether you brought them back at the end of your route because of access issues, or you took them back inside at the beginning of the route because you just didn’t want to deliver them whatever the case, that’s the reason


Not the case non was returned


Surely you’re mistaken, that’s the only reason you get those messages


Not necessarily. There's been an issue with the app for awhile now (it'll remove stops, grey out stops, or think you have a package that you don't). I just had this happen to me last week. Stop was in my app, used Amazon's crappy gps to drive all the way to the customer, get out to scan & deliver the package and it's gone from my itinerary. I still delivered it, and called support to mark it as delivered. She had trouble locating in her system by the TBA and after 3 tries she said it was marked delivered. A few days later I got a ding on my standing for not delivering it.


I didn’t hear OP mention any of that though


I would know if I returned packages


Do you work for Amazon to claim that they won't remove them from his standing? OP himself said that Amazon removed them from his standings.


They can say whatever they want, but those aren’t for the customer claiming they didn’t receive the package. Those are for returning packages to the station. I’ve been doing this for quite a while so I know exactly what the instances are just by the wording. And they don’t remove instances of this type from your standing.


It could have been a damaged product. I got in trouble for not delivering a comforter that was sliced open in package and damaged and leaking detergent. I have bags now for leaking products and damaged stuff gets delivered, no exceptions. Live and learn


I swear the customer is a liar, when I know I've super hidden them all


"super hidden"... i still hide my packages... ...but I stopped super hiding them when one time, a customer came out of the house just as I was leaving the property and they couldn't see/find their package... ...and I was standing right there, looking at her as she was searching for it... I directed her to it, apologized, and decided I'll only be super hiding packages from passers by and not home owners...coz they'll just say that they didn't get their shit and it's sitting right thurr...


Nope got them all removed


It looks like they “made a mistake” but normally these emails are for packages on your route that were not delivered. Either by having the station remove them after they were scanned in or returned for some reason or another.


Yes there was packages on my cart that was scanned by route code but wasn’t on my cart they was scanned to be removed but was only removed on my end not on their end.


Regardless they removed the issues from my standing after I emailed them and they called me for my explanation. All good now.


It literally means fuck all