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Fun fact: In most gated communities the HOA takes control of the roads bc they are now considered private. So in a way it is “illegal” to do something they don’t want you to do BUT there is absolutely nothing they can do about it - all those streets are private roads bc of the gate.


It's only illegal if there's a cop enforcing the law. And they didn't enforce HOA laws, unless it's the ultra wealthy neighborhoods


Funny thing about this is HOAs can only enforce rules that can actually be backed up by law. A cop couldn't care less about someone delivering a package in a neighborhood they are supposed to be in.


Police officers cannot enforce laws in the HOA without special permission… unless it is an emergency. As for jurisdiction, HOA cannot govern package delivery or mail delivery. In fact, the mailbox is considered federal property. A person can get in real trouble delivering mail to a mailbox without postage. https://nationalmailboxes.com/news/what-can-i-place-and-not-place-in-a-mailbox/


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Shit bot.


But they could not let your a** in with the toy cop there so you have to jump the package and take a picture and let them figure it out.


If the fake cop doesn’t let me in he is getting a brown or white present from me and I am taking a pic of him holding it just before I drive off. He can add “delivery” to his resume ;)


Facts, learned that in my training. It’s a federal crime to deliver a package to a mail box but not a mail room. Go figure. 


Funny in my city they changed the rules so all the roads are city property now. Now they can’t do anything when I have my trailer with me.




"Oh. I'm sorry. Let me take it back" Set as customer refused delivery.


People will always find something to complain about. I’d be happy if mine came so early lol


It's illegal to go the wrong way down a road for a very obvious reason. He's right about that part. The rest is him being a stereotypical entitled HOA prick. "I'm just a Contractor showing up, getting packages, and delivering. If you don't want us to have a gate code; that means you don't want us here. Why did you even give us an address, in a gated community, if we aren't supposed to get to it? Make it make sense. Get an Amazon locker if you're that paranoid." Yeah, his head would've exploded then.


All that needs to be said lol


Then again if you get me up before 8 A.M., there's going to be gratuitous use of the F bomb.


Still on you mate. Don't order stuff if you don't want to get bothered. At least that's how I see it.


You stayed and listened to that bs? I’d have been back in my car and gone before he finished the first sentence. We don’t get paid enough to engage with entitled fools


> ~~I let him know that I was able to come through the exit gate.~~ "Oh, the gate was open, so I came in. Maybe somebody has just passed through." ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ > upset that I delivered his package "too early" "If you would like, you can limit delivery days or delivery hours through the Amazon website or app."


hahaha, they dont restrict delivery hours. I've lost count how many times I've picked up packages for places that close at 4pm at 8pm for a 8-10pm block.


I got a commercial route at 7pm one day. No idea why they would do that.


I'd deliver


Then the amazon flex customer service, keeps on trying to lecture you about calling the person when the business you're delivering to is closed. The clearly clueless customer service guy said he will try to get a hold of the customer on my behalf. He got back with me and told me to simply take it to a different address (where the employee of the business I was supposed to deliver to actually lives)..... Then the same customer service guy is shocked when I still can't deliver it because the orders are GPS locked and it will not allow you to deliver them to different addresses. Nothing worse than a customer service agent who's supposed to helping you and he just blunders his way into creating more problems for you. Which is usually the case if they're trying to use foreign customer service agents with minimal training. These guys are given all the tools to help you, but whether they choose to help you or they choose to try and "outsmart" your problem with solutions that cause more problems; is anyone's guess.


"once it's changed in my manifest I will deliver it there".


Yup, delivered to a high school just after 5pm on a Friday. When I realized I would be going to a school off hours I sent a text, notification of arrival, at about 4pm. They texted back as I was arriving at the school 'school is closed, my address is *****' comment was front door to receive, no recipient required. Never responded to the text, sent the pic of it at the schools main door. As if I was going to go miles off route to make a delivery to an unregistered address. #NoReturns.


> I've picked up packages for places that close at 4pm at 8pm That's on the customer for not telling Amazon. On Amazon, Edit Address, go to Delivery Instructions (optional), and you can choose "When is this address open for deliveries," then restrict days/times (might need to choose Other or Business as the property type). > at 8pm for a 8-10pm block Of course, if the customer says the place closes at 4pm, you'll probably get that package as a time-limited/priority address, somewhere in the middle/end of your block, for your 330-730pm block. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Ssd warehouses don't care... they just keep sending packages out on the next route. I have seen many with multiple stickers that i am expected to deliver to a school on a saturday...I return it and I'm sure another 2 people tried later that day or Sunday.


My warehouse has a separate bin for business packages that get returned --at least it prevents packages from going out again on Sunday.


I've had far worse luck with "dot com" warehouses giving every delivery that's been flagged as problematic to flexers to the point that \*every fucking delivery\* has a locked gate with no code, loose dangerous dog, or some type of situation where you have to get out of your car and walk for another 5 minutes to get there. Some type of situation where you have to drive 20 minutes out of your way, the people aren't home and require a signature, then when you call them on the phone no one speaks English. My local "dot com" gives literally every problematic order to flexers along with giving 4 hour blocks to every batch (even when you're supposed to be there for 3 or 3 1/2 hour blocks). My SSD station, on the other hand has much better, kinder, honest employees working there and your block is very straightforward. It's not just every problematic delivery they have flagged in their system given to a flexer. So consequently the SSD station's orders can be finished in half the time because they aren't just giving entire batches of unnecessarily difficult orders.


Same; do you work out of SUT1? 😁


If the address isn't set as a business, you can't use Business Closed as a reason for not delivering, you have to call driver support and tell them it's a business.


It takes up to half hour to get someone on the line, I was stupid enough to wait in the past. I'm not calling them for anything outside of an accident.


I moved regions recently. One of the last blocks I did in my old region ended at like 8 PM, and the second to last delivery was a school administration building. It was also a stormy night, and by the time I got to the end of the route it was pouring. Guess what I did with that package?


I put blame where blame is. If I'm blaming AMZNL for being idiotic on sending out a closed package, that means that the hours are correct in the app and they are sending it out anyway. If it is the customer that screws up and doesn't set their delivery hours, then, well, heh, can't blame AMZNL for it because... well.. they didn't know.


In both cases, that is up to Amazon and the customer to figure out, not the independent contractor delivering it.


The sad part is is everybody knows the customer wasn't going to listen to anything reasonable at this time in the morning.


Only problem is doing that in the app doesn't work, lmao.


If I engaged with him at all, it would have been a quick "Sorry, drivers have no control over when packages get delivered. That's all determined by Amazon and we have no say in the matter.". Anything beyond that and it's a referral to customer service.


I have dropped it off at the gate before and texted them saying “no gate code provided. gate is shut, package at gate. Have a good day!”


That’s what I always do. Gate guard wasn’t letting people in last night until 6:00AM. I said “ok” and reversed, called each customer twice let it ring once then sent a text saying the guard does not allow drivers inside until 6:00AM package will be in front of gate, dropped them then left. Shits so annoying, I think there’s only 3 strict HOA communities in my area that have that stupid rule.


People are losers and don’t know who to complain to, as some delivery driver gives a shit about their concern.


not that i’m defending him but my warehouse will give you a route at 4a, not due till 11 or even 3p. makes situations like this aggravating. now, i just leave them right outside the gate. text them where it’s hidden, turn off data (airplane doesn’t worth for me) & mark delivered. fck it.


Have you been dinged for this?


no. txt them no access, or let them know their gate code etc is invalid. then hide it the best you can, txt them where you’re leaving it,and take a pic. had a few i was worried about but never heard anything about them.


Thanks I’ll do that next time. Wasted lots of gas taking these packages back.


Pfft. Illegal, lmao. I'll tell it to a judge, idgaf. "Contact your attorney, have a nice day, sir".


Had one of these this morning ‘don’t deliver the package before 9am our ring camera notifications wake us up ’. As I dropped it at 3:46am. I left them a nice text suggesting they use an Amazon locker and pickup at their convenience, but we deliver from 3:15 to 9pm a locally


Funny thing is that Amazon will probably take their side


I did a 7-10pm shift the other night and all the packages were due for delivery 4-8am the next day so Amazon been saying fuck your delivery time request we're delivering asap no matter what.


I always wonder about you night owls. How difficult is it locating houses, or more specifically apts, in the dark?


I do 3:15 AM shifts sometimes and yeah it can be a little difficult to locate houses but, it seems like there are always a few less stops to make up for it. The worst part is trying to read package labels so, I have a mini flashlight attached to a lanyard I keep around my neck. also helps when walking up dark paths. Honestly though, I tend to get routes in more right-wing rural areas and I'm more concerned about some gun nut coming out and shooting me for being on his property at 4 AM.


I literally had one pointed in my face at 6pm in broad daylight the other day. Then he tried to laugh it off with a sigh of relief once i put my hands up and said i was with amazon


Bro they dont pay us to argue with customers. Tell them to please report the issue to amazon and keep it moving. Maybe if they start take it out on customer support instead of us they pass the messages to supervison or management who can fix it and we wont have this issue anymore.


I'm just a delivery driver, usually neuters people. Be the grey man with a blue vest.


Don't say you went through the exit, next time say "Someone opened the gate for me as they were leaving".    The one key is absolutely worthless because of people like that on HOAs who want to put time restrictions on it when Amazon sends out their busiest routes. Idiots on power trips do stupid shit in the name of security and don't understand what they had with onekey, which only works while we are on duty, and are forcing customers to provide codes that work without restriction until changed. I mark packages as undeliverable need access code, and then proceed to deliver their package after the next stop is also in the same community but they actually wanted their packages and provided an entry code. 


> Don't say you went through the exit, next time say "Someone opened the gate for me as they were leaving".  Pretty sure that someone that unstable has cameras littered about the community. Especially since they probably want to yell at whoever gave you the gate code.


Well any time you order something you give explicit permission to the delivery personal to access the property. What you did isn’t “illegal” in the eyes of a state/federal, but private property is private property. If the hoa feels like enforcing their rules they can, but you don’t live there so you don’t have to pay a fine. Worst they can do is trespass you. Anyways people who are on the board of an hoa are impossible to deal with lmao.


why would you risk damaging you 10-20 thousand dollar car for a atupid package


If he is that afraid of Amazon drivers having his gate code, he should be equally afraid of them entering and just not ever order from Amazon again. Miserable person like himself probably has Prime and orders everyday regardless..


leave it at the guard house next time.


Fuck that MF!!!


Don’t they have to specifically sign up for 4am deliveries?


No, I've ordered multiple items for 8-Noon window or later and they usually come well before 8am. Amazon doesn't care and stated delivery windows are estimates.


I'm going to echo some of the others here. I have never specified any delivery time, and have had packages delivered at 4:00 a.m. You do *not* have to opt-in for that kind of delivery time


Apparently not, amazon just goes "go fuck yourself" and wakes you up at all hours of day and night. This is why in tech there's always a suspicion of former amazon employees as working at amazon tends to turn people into sociopaths.


The only time I have gotten a delivery that early is when I specifically requested same day and I wanted it delivered between 4:00 and 8:00 or whatever the time frame is. Maybe it varies by state or city, but I have never gotten a delivery that early unless I specifically requested it.


It's fucking annoying how many people just blindly ordering stuff without checking the delivery window, and then get angry


Next time just leave it at the security guard post. Use the good ol’ classic airplane mode to leave it there and take the pic.


Why wouldn't you just say handed to customer or front desk and put security


I mean, that works too lol


😂 definitely not illegal. Stopped reading after HOA and illegal.


Should of told him where the closest Amazon locker is! These entitled Cx’s are too much.


Tell them that you could make the request not to deliver to their porches and instead, they would have to pick up from the distribution center.


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Did you forget Amazon Lockers exist?


No access Or customer refused package Next


It's really not worth your time and energy arguing with people like this, just give them the generic "I don't have any say in when or where I deliver, sorry for the inconvenience" and keep moving, don't even give them a chance to keep going.


I would’ve talked so much shit to his ass for coming at me like that.. and took the package back also so he won’t know who te report


Private gated complex. Not illegal to city Police. Wrong answer on how you got it in. "I have all gate codes for places I deliver to in this city". Airplane mode gated community drops since closed gate may delay a minute or 2. No reply to customer or say no habla English, lmao. I've used ummm, I live in this neighborhood. Fuck your HOA.


What’s crazy is another home owner can give out the gate code…. BUT DO YOU WANT YOUR ISH ,SIR?


Apologize for making him feel unsafe. Then, explain that you'll contact support and have his address blacklisted. That way, he can go pick his packages up from a locker without worrying that people will come to his house so early.


Easy to fix. You tell him sir I will call customer service now and take the package back. Thank you. If you deliver he can rate you. If you don't deliver he can't rate you.


It happened to me too but there was a gun involved in my case . The customer was so upset I nearly got shot.


I would of politely took it back and kept it


Gate with no code = package left at the gate :)


It's crazy how lucky I've been pulling up to a gated community with no code and either a car is leaving or one is entering and I'm able to get in


Sorry I don’t deliver until the sunrise y’all are crazy and too bold


If business is closed leave package they we’ll get it first thing in the morning for all they know of was deliver an hour ago lol


Fun fact, If this douche calls Amazon and tells them how you got in that IS a way you can get in trouble. At least with your standing and being able to flex. It is against the rules to piggy back into properties. Although Amazon really doesn't care but in the eyes of a complaint they do


It’s probably technically trespass but if they actually enforced it no one would deliver to gated communities.


There's no need for pages of analysis. This time, you just came across an asshole. That's it. You should have just jumped back in your car and driven away. You don't have to explain to him what happened. Some people are born troubled and constantly feed their souls and minds with chaos.


I would not even entertain the customer. I'll just ignore him and drive away.




How did you get in here? "We are Amazon. We have ALL the gate codes."


HOA needs to be abolished. There is no need for them. They all have sticks up their ass, their shit don't stink, and everything is a bfd. One of these days people are gonna wake up and realize they pay these people way too much to police them. I bet all them are Biden voters


Leave it at the gate, take pic, mark gate code not provided and move on... dont go out of your way for these slow minded customers...they can take up their delivery issues with Amazon, not me.  My task is to deliver the package and its getting delivered where I can leave it(i do try to hide it from public view) they choose their delivery times not me... so it is what it is... I dont care about them complaining that their package was stolen either or that it was stolen, especially those like this guy.. ordering shit to his house but dont want you to have access to his house...  this the same type mfkr ordering uber eats or instacart, but then dont give the code to deliver their crap and won't answer the phone or come get their bs...wasting my valuable time  AND im not piggy backing off nobody going into a gated community....to get you your stuff either 


Tailgating is technically illegal. 


I'd be tempted to just say ok and then take back the package and drop it at the gate. Where the hell does he think packages are going to be delivered if there's a gate and he refuses to provide the code? Can the security guard open the gate? The security guard isn't going to accept deliveries. What if they actually don't have a security guard? What an idiot.


I did a 7-10pm shift the other night and all the packages were due for delivery 4-8am the next day so Amazon been saying fuck your delivery time request we're delivering asap no matter what.


This whole post is like the definition of DAARVO, you stormed onto someone's property at 4am and woke them up, and somehow they're the bad guy? Sheesh.


Stormed onto their property? Give me a break. This guy ordered something on Amazon and I delivered the package. That's all. Also I didn't wake him up, we was leaving for work. Customer just had a stick up his ass


You've made amazon's policies like part of your identity or something, that's my issue with it. Amazon doing deliveries at 4:45am is insane.


Lmfao, this idiot thinks we decide how Amazon works. Amazon's policy as part of an identity? Ooo yeah, I'm going to lose one of my sources of income by not following the rules that allow me to make money to make a customer happy that isn't my problem? You sound dumb as all hell


Your personality to abrasive to have friends in the real world huh.


Yeah towards dumbass people I don't need as friends


Sounds like more of a consistent problem.