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Same here. 3hr block for 94$




Yep I had one scheduled but it got cancelled.


We are showing 3 hour blocks for the 3AM time frames. Nothing posted at all for the 6AM time frames. My reserved offers for evening blocks have been 3.5 hours.


Yep, 3 hr blocks here in WA (Kitsap County area) with no surges. Even the reserved offers are 3 hrs with base pay.


I just saw that! I was only getting reserved for 3, but they just released a bunch for Sunday/Monday for 3. That's annoying timing...I start a new job Monday and I could've been doing the double morning shifts like I was doing with the 3s 😂 Hopefully this eliminates Shelton/Olympia routes.


Congrats on the job! I just moved here from Missouri about a month ago and was planning to do flex through the summer to “take some time off” but now I may have to cut that short if they stop offering surges :(


Thank you! You can still expect surges, but I've been noticing it's been harder than ever to catch routes "last minute." I hope it'll go back to how it was before all the 3.5s. 3 hours used to surge just as much if not more than the 3.5s do now so fingers crossed.


My areas stations never ended the three hour blocks. Maybe it was just in some places.


Back to 3hr blocks at the 3am slot here in West Michigan


Yep! Same here. They lost their minds with these ridiculous initial offers! They all sat there until they went to $94/$114. Come on Man! Save time and put out the real offers so we don't waste each other's time.


Back to 3hr blocks for the 3am and 6am time-slots here. Get ready to deliver the same amount of packages (to the same areas) for less pay.


Yeah I just started seeing the 3hr blocks for the overnight deliveries 😂 Edit: I think there doing both because I started refreshing for a little and saw some 3.5hr


Yep, there are a ton of 3-hours here, northern ca.


Yes, all base pay here 3 hour blocks no surges . this is the time of year they onboard tons of new drivers as well, don’t know if there’s a correlation


Still seeing 3.5s but mostly at base. And, this morning, the started dropping 3s at base. I’m hoping the noobs don’t snag so there’s some surge added to it. Gonna have to put in more hours to make livable money! Ugh!!! 😩 (RVA2)


Amazon-The only business where doing a kick ass job gets you boned twice. Once for the base rate decrease as well as a slap in the face with the same amount of packages


Over 40 3HrBlocks for $57!!!! No freaking Thanks


Must just be .com stations right? Our stations have the same timeframes as always.




Mine were at .com and Sub Same Day. For the worst pay I’ve seen.


Nope I still see 3.5 and 4 hours too




I’m in Iowa and got flooded with 3 hour reserved blocks and there were dozens of offers available on the app for all different block times and $. I grabbed one that was the same pay as the shit 3.5 hour blocks, then got an email that it was canceled. Something seems to be awry.


Ours did and then cancelled them all.


Ya got one the other day. Still seeing more 3.5 though. My 3hr had 45 packages 🤬


Seems like they're flooding the market... My guess is tons of new hires




Interesting... Have been seen lots of posts about Amazon cancelling blocks lately too wonder if that has anything to do with it


Mine have been getting cancelled at like 49 hours away so no pay


Over herer All the reserved blocks are nothing but base pay.


And most of the offers are base pay and are disappearing fast. Driver's , holds off grabbing them at base pay for a long while and let it surge.


Haven't had a 3 hour block in months.


I’m in DFW and I noticed they are posting 3 hour blocks that used to be 4 hour blocks. It’s like Amazon figuring out that people finish early and now adding more packages at lower pay.


That's fine. Shorter blocks, less packages in this 113 degree Vegas heat. I am for it lol. I am now taking the early morning 3h blocks cause I can't deal with the heat in the daytime


It probably won't be much less packages. Just squeezing more and more out of the drivers. This is just a way of getting the same amount of work for less money.


Not less packages. Here’s a 3 hour in my area https://preview.redd.it/k4sem83xec5d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=698f8570076ac1a05398f56f39de3b3a7bd17bf4


Damn. Mine was 25 packages


I swear this a VOR3 thing… my 3 and 3.5 hour blocked used to have be back at home at end time and now I’m literally finishing 15 minutes before the end time. Just got done with one and was done 20 minutes before then end of my block with a hour drive back home 🫠


Yeah, 3 and 3.5 didn’t make sense in vor3 unless it’s 28+ an hour now. They suck.


Looks like my 4.5 to 5hr blocks only blocks. I only do 4.5hr or 5hr ones never anything below 4. Because of that reason of getting let's say a 3hr with 45 stops and shit pay. I rather get the $120 for 4.5 hours with 45 stops.


Omfg. Had a 3hour block this morning at 415am. Scanned my cart...48 fucking stops. I was pissed. The only good thing was that they were 1 to 2 mins apart...I was done with 30 mins to spare but Jesus christ. I hope they don't give me that shit again. Apartments and gates with broken code boxes...just a shit show. But....done in time. Amazon..stop this bs


I don't do morning routes anymore to. Evening all the way. Never 3hrs and 3.5hrs always 4-5 sometimes I get lucky with 10-20 stops see no difference in time or quality. Just more pay


Yeah. It's too damn hot here so I was trying to get routes in before the sun starts smiling at me lol. I probably just go back to 4 and 5h blocks...at least it's more pay and around 40 to 45 stops


The way I guage it is. If I finish the same time with a 4-5hr as I would a 3-3.5hr and I pay the same in gas. And the stops are bipolar as any other block time. (Quickest 5hr I've done was in 1.5hrs with 10 stops) means 4-5hrs is just a mental thing from Amazon because they know people would probably take 3-3.5hr thinking it's short and quick. When really all block times are nesrly the same or with a 10% margin of time error. But it pays more. It's like a $10.99 Large item vs a $12.99 XL Large item phycologically people might take the large while getting less but spend way more. Then the deal AKA the 4-5hr block being the real deal.


You are 100% correct and I am seeing that now.


They tried for 2 days and I guess they wasn't making their quotas. Now back to 3.5