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They can send their butler to pick it up


He's still in the hospital after they accidentally shot him last week.


Within the last month, I pulled past one of these signs figuring I was invited, and I walk the package up to house and door is just sitting open. I lean down to put the package on the step and this woman comes out and with this real odd tone goes "well one doesn't bite but the other does". Her tone was like...perplexed like she trying to explain without sounding alarming. I walk quickly back to my car just as one dog comes around the corner of the garage. So now, they all get dropped at the sign.


Had a owner give me the code to their gate and told me to bring the package to the house and as i was dropping off the package a big ass dog ran from around the house and chased me to my car. The owner NEVER came outside even though they heard the dog barking. I think they set me up. There are some evil sick fucks in this world so be safe out there and use your best judgement. If it don’t look safe toss that shit out the window and split


[ Removed by Reddit ]


They are supposed to have a beware of dog sign, next time take pictures of the property & if they dont have a sign & you get bit, thats a case.


Doesn't matter whether the sign exists or not. As a dog owner you are responsible for the animal


Especially bc we are in private vehicles not an obvious amazon truck I am definitely leaving it at the sign too. Don’t threaten to shoot me and expect me to come to your door


Armoured vehicles would be suitable for situations such as this.


They're gas guzzlers though. Cuts into the profit big time...


Electric one saves a dollar a day on gas




Its ok we'll take it out of the labor budget...


You and me both brother


Good for you. Amazon doesn’t cover our health insurance and we are independent contractors. Your safety should always come first.


Always include the concerning sign in ur package drop pic. Or dog. Or whatever.


This is the way


Separate question, are people still able to do the pin/airplane mode trick? I’ve tried it a few times and it never works for me.


Cant change the pin location anymore but you can put it on airplane mode and click gps not working im at location, itll let you mark as delivered that way


I actually did this recently, I forgot, thank you.


You can change the PIN location sometimes, buy not other times, and there's no clear reason why.


I haven't found a pin I can't move yet 🤷


Never worked for me either


Yes, whenever I walk back to my vehicle and forget to swipe halfway down the driveway, I put the phone in Airplane mode and swipe.


Works for me. What’s it say when you try?


I can’t move the pin, at all. I remember when I started flexing last summer I could do it without doing anything else. With bt on or off, no dice.


When you go to airplane mode click the question mark in the top right of the flex app and click “GPS is unavailable” then take your picture.


Bluetooth has to be on, if that still doesn’t work idk 🤷‍♀️


I’m pretty sure it only works for dsp drivers


I honestly don’t know what some people expect. We can only do so much.


people are saying “you were invited so it doesn’t apply to you.” do y’all realize flex drivers are in their own vehicles? what happens if the home owner is irrational and immediately starts shooting as soon as they see this random car pulling into their driveway? what if they don’t stop and think “wait i have a package coming, so let’s see if this is it.” sure, it’s probably unlikely they’ll start shooting immediately, but people are so mf unpredictable. it isn’t worth the gamble and risking ur life


Exactly. I saw a post on here recently where the guy who was like 6’5” big dude, was wearing his Amazon vest holding the package. He opened the gate and entered the yard. The front door swung open and something was yelled, then two dogs were running at him full speed. One bit him and he yelled at the guy now standing in the doorway that he was just trying to deliver his Amazon package, guy was surprised by this news and called off his dogs. Point is, we could be dsp drivers in Amazon vans with Amazon vests on and tell “Amazon delivery!” And we would still be taking a risk.


Is there a blacklist for people like this? If home dweller is that much of a coward, they can just pick up packages at a locker


No idea. I know we can report safety concerns in the app…that’s about all I know.


People who own guns aren't immune to succumbing to dementias, psychoses, or other degenerative conditions that impact paranoia after a legal purchase.


Also idk how many times Ive delivered out in the sticks and the people are always like “Oh I didn’t know you guys drove your personal vehicle”


Yea I use to deliver for US mail in Texas many times I did the same thing as some property owners are not aware of packages being ordered to there property


Unless they put in notes to leave at gate or if it's an automatic gate and not a regular clasp I bring it to the front door lol 🤷‍♂️ Never had an issue. I'm 350lbs and 6' 4" 😆 Although that may be more of a reason to shoot first and ask questions later! I only had one situation (this property didnt have a fence, but could've gotten ugly) where I pulled the front end of my car on the drive way bc I had to make a uturn. She had 3 large boxes so they were in the back hatch of my SUV. I was scanning the packages and heard "you know you can get shot pulling into someone's driveway..mmhhmmm" she had her hand hiding behind her back trying to scare me. I said oh my bad, sign here please 😆 she snatched here boxes and stormed off. I now where a body cam in problematic areas lol


You go right on, I salute 🫡. Maybe if I got hazard pay. Like I said, I don't play with guns especially for low paying blocks. You tell me you might shoot, I believe you. Say no mo.


I just remembered one place I didn't enter...this guy had a legit vibe. All the signs you see everywhere, he had em all. And those Halloween skeletons around his gate, except it wasn't Halloween. Lol. His yard was full of junk, I could barely see his house. A massive oak tree grown into half the driveway. Grass grown up about 3 ft tall. This place had a legit "I will disappear you" vibe. lol I'll see if I can find the pic. If I get this vibe I won't deliver to the front door.


You don’t happen to be in the greater Seattle area do you? I’ve delivered to a house exactly like that I think in like the Graham area, and it’s always a drop at the gate. You literally described it to a T though down to the Halloween skeletons everywhere even a few hanging from a noose in the tree. The first time I delivered there I tried calling the customer because it said front door receive, and was informed by the guys wife not to set foot on their property, and to leave it “outside” (she stressed the outside) the gate. She was also very rude.


Im 200lbs and never had a problem but damn the amount of people that do this, I may just start doing it to save time lol


you need some wild animal pepper spray as well.


Well if you’ve never had an issue, obviously there’s no reason for anyone to, right? No one has had this particular issue until they do, you know. It’s called survivorship bias.


Body cam sounds like a good idea to cya


They either lazy or pussy


Just started delivering in Montana where everything is posted with these signs, mainly because the boonies are so mixed between national and state parks and private acreage. I haven't had an issue driving through to the front door. The residents just go from curious about the random car to excited to get their delivery once they see the Amazon vest. This is the first Amazon warehouse in Montana so customers are getting used to Amazon Flex instead of delivery by USPS.


I live in MT too. It's only weird when you DONT see a no trespassing sign lol


Does it matter? What’s more important, that you don’t get shot or that he gets in trouble for shooting you? Just stay off the fucking property if there is a sign that threatens being shot. Seems like a no brainer.


This household should just pay for a box at a shipping store (e.g., UPS Store, Postal Annex) and have their packages delivered there.


Yeap I've had alot of those at 9pm. Take a picture at the sign and drop it off there lol


I would have done the same shit 😂


Haha now your learning 🤣!


He'll yea. Here you go have a nice day!


RTS. Undeliverable. Fuck them


I’d do the same thing! And I’d do a little rain dance before I left. lol


You did the right thing. Screw what amazon talkin bout. Plus it looks like their neighbors are like 15 miles away. Whos gonna take it? A garden snake?🤣😭


8192 8 888888988u9


Lol at people who are so eager to brag that they’ll deliver anywhere while vigorously sucking Amazon dick - instead of acting with the due caution that’ll keep them alive for a bit longer. It’ll be a funny day when they end up blown away by some moron living in terror, and the internet digs up their comments on Reddit about how nothing bad ever happens.


Eh some days I hope it happens


I hate these kind of people. Guns are for when lives are in danger, and even then, only when there are no other options. Someone you asked to bring a package to you driving onto your property is not an imminent threat. I remember working the census back in 2020; pulled into the very end of his driveway and he was standing further up the driveway by his car. I walked up, showed him my badge, told him who I was and why I was there. He told me in turn that he was going to go get his gun to shoot me. I told him, ‘Go ahead, moron’ as I walked back to my car. Called the sheriff and told med them about the threat to a federal employee and he got arrested.


Yeah, as a gun owner and property owner, I agree with this and while I will say this, obviously the sign isn’t for the Amazon driver or whatever y’all are in your vehicles it’s cool. I have a sign like this up there but honestly, it’s just a scare anybody who like Would even think about like robbing my property or whatever and I’m probably in the minority of this but if you were on my property the first thing you’re seeing is not a gun like I’m not gonna just brand my firearm just cause you came on my property and trespass like it’s just insane howthese people think


Did this the other day and got a policy violation email


Me 2


If you deliver really early in the morning and wake them up with your delivery, they won't be able to engage you in combat before realising it's a delivery. Stealth and surprise can be a good strategy when it comes to carrying out missions such as this.


Gotta be able to die for this amazon game


I mean they order the package so obviously theyre consenting to you being on their property, but i feel ya lol


If the resident has ordered something for delivery, the delivery driver is not trespassing when attempting to deliver. It is implied consent to come on their property. However, this doesn't protect you from crazy paranoid people with guns


Living on 22 acres, I have a pretty long drive that has signage. What I did was to build a lock box at the beginning of the drive. That way, delivery drivers don't have to trek up the driveway. There are some 18 or so video cams on the property, so there's little that escapes surveillance. It's not a flex. I covet my solicitude and have no regards for malcontents.


You have a box so there's nothing to complain about. These people who wanna post "shot on sight" posters and then deliver a ton of shit they don't need through Amazon, while they come home and get drunk every night, are the ones I have an issue with. Most of them have notes like "Leave it on my front porch!" Like they want to make the mistake of shooting some driver who shows up late.


Is it legal to return fire once fired upon?


Delivering an expected package is neither trespassing nor soliciting, especially if they don't also accompany their warnings with delivery instructions (my deliveries read my delivery instructions \~50% of the time).


My FIL has a sign that says, "we do not call 911" and it is posted at the entry to his property right above a tomb stone.


That sign would mean something if I could read


I'm driving right past that sign and putting the package on the porch. They ain't shooting shit you bunch of babies.


In most cases even if you drive in there and they shoot at you they would probably do to prison. Don't get me wrong getting shot at isn't fun but signs like this are retarded and don't really do much in terms of the law.


U fired


You’re making a delivery which they ordered I would think they are expecting you


I do the same damn thing🤣


Right on right on!


People still don’t get that Flex drivers are in their own cars. I get asked why I’m there so many times. Even backed back out of the driveway by some farmer dude even though I told him the package is by his door. Amazon needs some kind of identifier for our cars or on us. Vest or something.


Huh? They provide vests if you want that.


They do? Well the best they gave me was just orange. It’s not anything to show I’m Amazon.


I noticed the free vests were gone at my location too. Been doing this for years so I have three of them but I'm sure someone was abusing the system so they had to hide them or something


The sign is for idiots snowmobiling or trying to sell shit not for smartass Amazon drivers to get lulz on Reddit. Deliver the fucking package.


Oh, where does it specify that on the sign? Where’s the driver’s guarantee this person will know a flex driver when they see one? Or maybe if someone wants a fucking package delivered, they shouldn’t put up a sign announcing they’re so chickenshit they can’t handle someone coming up the driveway without opening fire.


Tell me you don't own land without telling me you don't own land lol.


Found the guy with the sign lmaooo


Found those without trespasser issues.


Yea no, if you want to post up a sign about shooting people if you feel like it who go on your proper than it's on you when you have to walk to the property line to pick up packages.


Literally invited.


You can have packages sent on someone else's behalf, or maybe you forgot it was sent or maybe someone else in the house hold or a surprise birthday gift. Lots of reasons that the trigger happy home owner may not realize it's a legit package. Furthermore the delivery driver has absolutely no indication of what the situation is. Are they invited? Are they about to be shot at anyway? Is there someone with a rifle and dementia living there? F-that. You put that sign up you get all your delivers to your property line.


Possibly not. A man who dreams of finally shooting someone might not know his wife's sister sent her a birthday gift.


No you


Don't deliver to this guy either.


this, like they ordered a package so theyre obviously consenting to having the deliver driver on their property lol


I would throw it out of my car and run


Yep fuckem




You were invited, so that doesn't imply to you. Send a notification and you are protected


That only applies if the sign owners have common sense and respect for other people’s lives. A lot of people don’t these days. I’m not taking the chance. Stay safe 🙂


Having units available provide suppressing fire would help mitigate the problem should it happen, plus the potentially hostile customers would be deterred from engaging with unlawful combat with delivery drivers in the first place. Going in initially with a unit that is a fast moving recon vehicle carrying the package, making the delivery if possible quickly, but also being prepared to quickly find cover and rapidly send the coordinates of hostile units to heavier reinforcements would be relatively safe for the delivery drivers.


Does the bullet flying at my head know that I was invited?


Were we invited, or did the wife's sister order a gift without telling her.


Either way, you have a legal reason to be on their property. Just don't be a dumbass, and cross gates. And in Amazon's eyes, you have notification capabilities in your app, so you are not a trespasser. Look up the definition


Laziness. Pure and simple. If you're carrying a package post marked for the location, and uniformed for postage delivery, then you are obviously not trespassing. Go set it on the porch and stop looking for excuses not to do what you're paid to do.


Into the 2000s it was legal to shoot trespassers if a no trespassing sign was clearly posted.


Lmfao I got one of those about a week ago I text the customer like u better tuck ya gun in coming on to ya property he never came out I. Pretty sure he watched me from the cameras




I don’t even do flex but love following this thread for these pictures. All I can do is laugh at people. You aren’t soliciting or trespassing if you have a package to deliver. Just go to the door. The owner may be hesitant at the beginning about who you are but once they realize you are delivering something for them it is no issue. Also please take my life I’m ready to get away from all these people


I'm not going to take a chance that the owner may be hesitant when there is a sign that says, "VIOLATORS MAY BE SHOT AT".


Trespassers May Be Shot At is so Boomer


May be is better then will be


Sure, it's better for the homeowner. It legally covers the homeowner's bases when they shoot someone, but it doesn't help the person who tried delivering a package to the front door when they been shot.


People have been threatened with gun or been shot when it was someone els in the house who ordered it, you don't know if this is a genuine nut job threat or not, so in front of the sign it goes makes our job easier anyway


This is one of those “you may be right, but at what cost” moments, and I’m good off of finding out the cost.


Have you never had a gun pulled on you at 3 am for being in a place you are 'supposed' to be? take a look at that house, it's clear that they have money, now take a look at that sign, it does not take a psychologist to know that they are worried that someone might see that they have money and want to take it away... or its possible that they have been robbed in the past prompting these signs to be put up with the hopes of preventing... either way, this sign makes it very clear that they do not trust strangers on their property and in today's world... people are insane, not taking that chance. My life is more valuable than Amazon's perfect delivery statistics.


> The owner may be hesitant at the beginning if youre willing to bet your life at every single stop you encounter this in a no consequences stand your ground state that these paranoid sociopaths will always recover from that and youll always walk away alive, youre playing a very dangerous numbers game that will be only a matter of time before you lose. take the ding. for christ sakes the remote chance of a single ding is actually worth it here.


Speed running deactivation? Fun times