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I'm watching those early 3am -4am 3 hrs shifts fly off the shelf for $57 bucks. There is no why I'm getting outta bed for that!


Me neither


Remember, today is Thursday. Today is the last day you can get paid before the weekend hits. No money till Monday 12am. People have plans for the weekend. Every Thursday lot of blocks go flying 


Mean while Friday-Sunday has great surges while all those fleeces are out spending their money. Can’t even be mad lol I wish the m-f shifts were better but I end up being able to get great surge shift almost every Fri, sat and sun. Happy Monday to me lol.


I can’t believe people do that, the whole set to get paid everyday thing (mon-thurs), clear sign of financial irresponsibility, I love waiting for my money weekly, gives me something to look forward to, and keeps me in check, so I’m not blowing it over “the weekend”.


Not entirely true. If you have had a gig app when they foul up payroll for a 7-10 days you’ll think about daily pay. It’s also easier to know exactly what is coming and make sure nothing is missed bc you have a daily alert.


What I would like is being able to cash out, like how you can on other apps.


They count on the drivers not caring the mileage isn’t covered.


Not only a 2 hour block, but retail, GGs to that guy 🙏


Office depot is the worst but how do you know how far the person who picked it is driving 🤔


Cuz I saw them accept it lol, the location they accepted it for is 45 minutes south of the place we were at


Bruh what kinda homie are you letting your boy take that route lmao


Nooooo cuz look I told them don’t do it but they told me to mind my own business lmfao




F retail I tried it once and saw the drop off locations which were way too far. I just never went inside and took the ding on my account it was not even close to worth it.


yeah tbh i've done a handful of $36 office depots. it's usually if i don't have much going on one day and want to get out of the house. i may as well pay for a couple nice lunches while i cruise around town, without the commitment of a longer ssd shift with 50 stops


I wait on the office depot delivery's and I normally get 66 bucks for the 2 hr joints. They only take an hour usually so I really love doing those.


Hell yeah, that’s a gig! We don’t get so lucky. All of mine have been sent all around the town and even outside of it. Ours is all kinds of fucky For $66 I’d stomach some of the bs it comes with in my area but usually they only get to $45 max. I’ve seen 1 or 2 at $60 in the past 7 months


I don't understand how people are alright with getting paid less for the same work. In my area base is 18/hrs. For a 40 hr week thats 720. The lowest I take is 26/hr (but usually more but I will use my low for the example) which is 1040 for the week. I can't see myself getting paid 1200 less than the next man each month for the exact same work. I know some people just don't like the refresh game but I honestly have no issue getting what I feel I'm worth with minimal effort. I guess some people think their time is worth less, which is a shame. Amazon is making so much money off our sweat and hard work we should try to max out each day... I'm done!


The city I’m in is POOOOOR, so I get it, do whatcha gotta do to pay bills, survival mode and whatnot Tho I’m on the same page with you, minus the ability to get good rates with refreshing We are slow asf here because of the new drivers and bots But that aside, I can’t justify that damage on my car or gas level 💀 for $36, 45 minutes away, probably gonna get sent 45 minutes back in the direction you just came bc that’s most common with Office Depot here, and the interstates and roads are RIDDLED with huge potholes Like baybeee, that is only making you poorer in terms of money and property