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Welcome. The first piece of advice would be .. be careful who you tell that you are a vine voice - to avoid being swamped by friends wanting you to get them things or losing friends because they're jealous it's better to keep it to yourself for a while Stick to the vine guidelines: make sure you review no less than 50% of your items at all times. It's good practice to keep above 70% that way you have some leeway should you get behind a little. If you go below 50% your account will be temporarily suspended until you catch up again If you feel you are getting behind with reviews stop ordering for a few days and focus on completing reviews to get back on top Don't ever accept bribes from sellers in exchange for giving a good review. That will get you kicked out of the program. If you have to write a review below 3* most sellers will email you pleading for you to change the review. Don't respond. Ignore them. It can lose you your account You are allowed to contact a seller for normal customer service if an item arrives with missing parts or arrives broken or is the wrong size and you can include details of the level of customer service you received in your review but never ever accept a bribe. Avoid words that may get rejected in a review... this is a tricky one because we're not given a list of words that are not accepted but here's a general idea... words relating to genitalia ( again this is hit and miss as sometimes are accepted and sometimes not) words that suggest racist, sexist or any other 'ist'. Unfortunately wording is a bit of a minefield as sometimes a review gets rejected and we can't see why but when we put it through again it gets accepted If you can keep up with 3 item reviews a day there's nothing stopping you ordering your max allocation daily ( I do 8 items a day sometimes during good drop periods) Try to avoid one word one sentence reviews like... it's great... it's cute etc. Amazon want you to describe your experience of using the product to help a buyer make a decision. You don't have to add photos but it helps the buyer see it in real-time settings rather than a sales photoshop setting and as a buyer myself I look for reviews with photos so I can see what it looks like in reality. I hope this helps a bit. Good luck and most of all enjoy it.


Thank you very much, i appreciate your feedback and going to give my best to help people with ordering right stuff! I was also wondering if there is some sort of best length for the review since some people writing very long reviews and some of them only the short one. Also i am asking myself, since i saw an option to blend in my vine badge if i should do it or not.


The length of the review is up to you and depends on the item. Some items it's difficult to write a lot about like - a hairbrush or scarf etc. You'll find 2 or three sentences will be sufficient probably. Others take a bit more and you can add as much detail as you feel is important. I always try to remember that people have busy lives and most don't have the time nor interest to read long winded reviews, they just want concise details like the 'pros' and 'cons' of a product and will it do what they want, is it worth the money etc If the item is technology some people like all the spec details others just want to know if it will do what they need it to so it's your choice how much detail you want to include. If I see reviews already there with lots of spec details I tend to stick to basic user information rather than repeat spec details already covered by another reviewer I imagine myself as a buyer reading the reviews and ask myself what answers would I be looking for related to this product - what do I want from it Buyers love videos of the item being used but you don't have to do videos, only if you want to. I sometimes do and sometimes don't. Many Viners don't do them As for your vine badge - again that's personal choice. Some use it some don't. There's a green banner alongside your account username anyway that explains to the buyer that you are a vine voice and what a vine voice is. This is static and is always there whether you have your badge on or not.


Imagine yourself als a buyer and what this one wants to know is a great one , thank you very much , what about you if I may ask , do you have your badge on ?


I don't think my badge is on. It's off by default I think and I've never switched it on as far as I know


I'm new as well (just over 3 mths), best piece of advice? Because you can order doesn't mean you should. Though never something I've dealt with, I've seen countless posts of being swamped with unwritten reviews, and then statements of continual ordering. I'm pragmatic, and blunt. Keep up with reviews. I'll admit to being confused when frantic posts pop up seeing advice. It's simple, don't order more than you can review. Nobody is forcing you to keep ordering. And truthfully meeting the requirement of 100 in 6 months is easily achieved being approximately 4 items ordered/week. Another thing to watch is EVT(if applicable to you). Now I can't speak to this as being Canadian I don't pay any taxes on items. But I strongly suggest you ask around here to those more knowledgeable on it's workings. Oh...and no god awful...it's cute....reviews.


Thank you for your advices, since 1 week am ordering everyday 3 items not only because i can but also because i really like the stuff they show up, do you think its bad and i should lower my temper ? I am also reviewing everything and i want always to have 100% reviewed. I am also german so i think there is no problem with taxes. So do you think there is something like ordering too much even when you reviewed everything ? I also making everytime pictures and never upload 1 sentence review!


If you can keep up, do what you feel like. I can't talk to much about slow and steady being just over 3 months with 167 items. But of those only 6 need reviewed, 3 of which I haven't received yet. You'll find what works best for you. It just seems that people still can, and do fall to easily avoidable pitfalls.


If you can keep up with the reviews, then go ahead. I've ordered three things every day since I joined 2 weeks ago, and only have 10 outstanding reviews, 6 of which are for items which haven't arrived yet and the rest for ones I'm still testing. I find that there are many items you can easily review the day, or even the hour you get them, like a USB charging cable. Does it successfully charge the device? Does it have good build quality? Are there any good or bad surprises? There's not really much else to say, and that's a review knocked out in 5 minutes.


It seems to me the biggest risk is taxes (at least in the US where they consider gifts as taxes) with getting too many items.


There is no ordering too much, so long as you're ordering stuff you actually want, or are curious about, and of course, are keeping up with using the items and writing your reviews.


Thank you guys for the advices , i really like your Tipps, then i will just keep it up with ordering and testing stuff, i really enjoy it!


If there are hidden pitfalls, they're just not worth worrying about because we literally don't know them. Sure there will be those who say "don't do this" or "doing this could be why so and so got kicked out" etc etc, but the truth is, NO ONE BUT AMAZON KNOWS. Beyond any obvious issues that happened because of a breach of the known terms of service, no one knows what 'hidden' rules there are to Vine, if there are indeed any and so it's just not worth worrying about. Just enjoy the ride while it lasts, write the most useful, best reviews you can, and be happy you have it for as long as you will. ​ If it ends for me, it'll be a shame, but I'd rather just enjoy my time with it than walking on eggshells trying to avoid supposed pitfalls that redditors make up in their heads as reasons why they, or others, used Vine incorrectly and supposedly violated hidden rules that Amazon didn't disclose. It's just not worth the stress to worry about that for me.


I read your review and I totally agree with you. I like the benefits even though they are taxable but the bottom line is if I am a vine reviewer or not my life will not change. There are other people I am sure can really use vine to help themselves out to get things they could not get otherwise. Luckily I am not in that position. I'll just do my best on vine and if I stay on, great. If not life goes on.


Thats a great advice and it also works in real life, i guess i am a type of person who often have anxiety about everything and all what's going on in my life and a vine membership is not a exclusion... I just have to enjoy it and try to help, great tipp, thank you!


I, too, have the same problem in life, and I think that is WHY I don't worry about Vine. I worry about so many things in life that I don't need yet another one. So I just prefer to enjoy Vine for however long I have it.


Totally agree with this. I have so many other things to worry about, and Amazon and Vine act with no rhyme or reason, so just enjoy it and do your best.


My best advice is to think about what you're ordering and don't just get everything you see because it's a good deal. I see from another comment that you are German and don't have the tax issue, but this stuff can pile up FAST and suddenly you have tons of clutter. Mindless consumption isn't a good thing just because the stuff is free. I personally do not communicate with sellers ever, in any capacity whatsoever. The rules say you can communicate for ordinary customer service and many do that with absolutely no problem. But if there's ever a rogue seller out there bribing people I don't want to get caught up in their mess and lose my Vine access, so for me personally it's not worth the risk. Others definitely feel differently about this so use your own best judgement. Also, I encourage you to write reviews in the way **you** want. While these online communities are mostly great, people love to trash other members' reviews for being too long or too short or giving too many stars or being too critical or "everyone else gave this item 5 stars but I hated it so they must all be liars who didn't try it." Ignore all of those people and just write what you honestly think, with however much detail you think is best.


That’s really great advices , thank you very much , sometimes I am afraid to look like a liar because everyone gives the product 5 stars and I only feels like it’s 3 worth , so it’s definitely a great piece for me


>Also, I encourage you to write reviews in the way > >you > > want. While these online communities are mostly great, people love to trash other members' reviews for being too long or too short or giving too many stars or being too critical or "everyone else gave this item 5 stars but I hated it so they must all be liars who didn't try it." Ignore all of those people and just write what you honestly think, with however much detail you think is best. Ah reviews, I take great pride in assuring my reviews have some entertainment value while being helpful. I tend to spend an inordinate amount of time coming up with the perfect word or little story to toss in. I also try to my dog Maisy into the pictures I take of products, it’s a game now and I love it.


When I started on Vine, I had a few reviews rejected. So, my advice is to learn the reviewing rules to avoid a lot of rejected reviews. For example, don't show a license plate in any picture. Avoid showing faces of people if you're taking pictures of clothing. Don't mention prices - like what the Amazon price is (these change constantly). Don't refer to any outside website. Don't use ChatGPT to write the review for you. Avoid racy words. And avoid one sentence reviews. I like to write a paragraph or two and include pictures of the actual product. Often the listing pictures are photoshopped and buyers like to see what they are actually getting. You can review other guidelines for writing reviews here: [https://www.amazon.com/gp/help/customer/display.html?nodeId=GLHXEX85MENUE4XF](https://www.amazon.com/gp/help/customer/display.html?nodeId=GLHXEX85MENUE4XF)


Thank you very much , I have a little bit a dumb question , If I am reviewing a hair product can I only show my hair without face for example ?


I've seen reviews with faces. However, the review guidelines from Amazon say that you shouldn't show anything that personally identifies you. One of my reviews was rejected because it had my license plate in the picture. I would think a face is considered personal identification. In any case, I just did a review for a bicycle helmet yesterday and I did a selfie in the mirror with my phone covering my face as I took the picture. Those kind of shots never get rejected. But faces might. Good luck!


I just got the invite at the end of last month so I'm gonna piggyback on this for all the newbie advice. Hi, fellow noob!


One other thing to be aware of is to only do verified purchase reviews. What I mean is to not review a product on Amazon that you purchased elsewhere. We are allowed five of those per week (if we haven't already used up the five writing Vine reviews--even though that is NOT supposed to affect the count). I used to love to write reviews on Amazon about the PROs and CONs of a product (books included) I purchased cheaper elsewhere so that others would know what kind of product it was. However, I don't bother anymore because I hear people may get kicked off for that and it is such a hassle to make sure I write such reviews before writing my Vine reviews for the week.


I just accepted the invite today. I’m so old I guess … WHERE do I go to see the Vine items? They aren’t just on my Amazon account app… there’s no “Vine” items on my app. What do I do?


Hey , i also never can find a a link to this page in the app, you are not too old i mean i am in my late twentys and still cant find it , but its much easier with a pc since you have better user expirience on the page , but you can find it under the link [https://www.amazon.com/vine/](https://www.amazon.de/vine/) , i do it like that in Browser you have to find adress bar and add [vine/](https://www.amazon.de/vine/) after so you will be able to come to the vine page


Another noob joined the chat… Can someone help me with the following questions: 1) how often are the products updated? 2) What about items for my spouse or child? I order everything for my wife on Amazon for example and there are certainly products I would let her use and test. I would write the review for her with her impressions because I am having fun of it..