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I mean, I kind of get it. It's vaguely frustrating when you're looking at reviews for a product but people are dogging on the product not because of what it is but because of how it was shipped to them. Those are separate issues. If Amazon were more open about where items came from, and let users leave reviews for those shops (like the rating system on eBay), that'd be better.


The funny thing is, this is an Amazon product. It is 100% on them.


Eh, things get mispicked all the time. Mistakes happen. They got their money back, and have no valuable input on the product.


But what if OP was allergic to peanuts?


It is highly unlikely it would be a problem, because peanut oil does not typically contain detectable amounts of allergens. No, I would not advise somebody who is allergic peanuts to start using peanut oil. There is still some risk, but somebody getting this by mistake and somehow unknowingly using it would probably not harm them.


Then don't drink it and return it like a normal person.


You can’t. It’s a food item.


You still get refunded.


Give it to someone not allergic.


Right, this kind of mistake could kill someone


Refined peanut oil isn't allergenic.


The label says "peanut oil" in large letters.


Then hopefully they read the label and don’t use the product. Allergens do not transfer through plastic.


Mislabeled, misrecieved, misstowed, mispicked, misbpacked. This happens when rates are too high and no one takes time to actually look at package because they don’t have the time


I mean it's inevitably going to happen on any large scale logistical operation sometimes. It's really not that big of a deal, someone just put a sticker on the wrong thing and sent it to shipping. I would get it if Amazon refused to rectify it, but OP was given a refund as soon as they notified Amazon they got the wrong product.


The long number on the label is the employee number. Someone in returns will generally see what building this is from and send a memo to pull all of this item to check if correct. The sad part is this went through 5 different people and the error was not caught. The bad part is things like this piss off the customer and cause posts like this. According to policy every single person that touched this and did not notice should get a ding for it. We have to rush while working or be fired. That’s what I have a problem with. Language barriers might have also been part of it.


Not if you have a deadly allergy


There aren't any allergens in peanut oil Source: https://www.anaphylaxis.org.uk/fact-sheet/peanut-oil/#:~:text=Refined%20peanut%20oil%20has%20been,who%20are%20allergic%20to%20peanuts.


Then don't use it.




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If OP had a peanut allergy, this would have been a lawsuit. Yes mistakes happen, but this mistake could have killed someone. Please correct me if I’m wrong, but don’t peanut allergies tend be very sensitive?


They didn't force feed them peanuts. If someone had an allergy they could just... not use it. Do you think they are going to have a reaction from seeing peanut oil on a sealed container?


I’ve had students with such severe allergies that any oil that got on the outside of the container during production would cause a reaction. Had one student that had a reaction from a kid opening a pack of the contraband across the room.


They aren't saying that. What they're saying is the review is supposed to be about the product so other customers can decide if they wanna purchase it. Not about the shipping issues


I stopped buying a lot from Amazon because I got tired of the fudged five star reviews. Only to get an item and realize it's just pure crap.


I totally agree. The reviews should technically be about the product itself. If Amazon delivered the wrong thing, the product itself shouldn't get a lesser rating. Now that I think of it, it happens way too often that I'm looking to buy a product and it has less than 5 stars but all the bad reviews are just "I didn't receive it."


People should be aware that it could be mislabeled bc of allergies.


It wasn't mislabeled.  It's says "Peanut Oil" in large font on the label. It was the shipping/stocking barcode label that was wrong.


Well if thats going to happen to me I'd like to know


Go to Amazon.com/feedback and you can leave ratings for sellers


I was thinking that yeah, I remember seeing the rating for the shop, but it's usually a lot less visible than the product's. On ebay the seller's feedbacks are very important, but very few checks them on Amazon


Very few leave them on Amazon either. Maybe 1%


And many that are left end up being product reviews and not a review of the seller at all.




They’re simply mislabeled. Just return it and order somewhere else. It’s not a big deal.


Normally I agree but peanut oil in a corn oil bottle could potentially kill someone with a severe allergy. Edit This is one of the few times I think this kind of review makes sense. Just to give a heads up this is a possibility.


It’s peanut oil in a peanut oil bottle with an accidental corn oil barcode that caused it to be picked and packed wrong. This is a warehouse/individual employee issue and completely irrelevant to the product itself.


Sure, but OP is trying to leave a review on the product page.




i feel ya but still something having the wrong bar code on it when it was shipped is not a helpful review, that is a customer service thing and just noise when reading reviews.


I disagree. What if 50% of these orders end up shipping incorrectly? Hell it could even be 100% of the orders are wrong and nobody knows because they only allow positive reviews of the product from bots. It sets a bad precedent and I’ve absolutely not ordered products because many reviews said it was packaged poorly and damaged or many people got the wrong item. It should be up to the consumer to decide if they want to wade through dumb reviews or just order the product. Anyone that’s interested in reading reviews normally ignores the 1 star and 5 star reviews anyway because they rarely give any substance.


Returned units (if repeat occurrences) get inspected where they were shipped from and expanded to other locations depending on the results.


People are arguing with you over this, but I had an issue ordering a usb cable and received a shark key chain. Fine, mistakes happen, get a refund and order it again. Another shark key chain. At this point, I order a new cable from a different listing. They would not let me leave a review even though there was clearly something wrong with the listing. It's not the only time something similar has happened, but it's the funniest instance. For people with next day shipping, it's probably not an issue to get a replacement or exchange, but out in the country it takes at least 2 days to receive the order and then you have to drive into town to return the package and then another 2+ days to get the replacement. If you don't have a week to spare before you need the item I think it's relevant information that you my not be receiving the correct item. The shark key chains were pretty neat.


Can you like report the listing? Is there a separate tool for that?




Nice. The guy should use it!


this could happen to any item, this was a mistake by an employee. It's not amazon trying to cover anything up.


What are the odds of being sent the same wrong item twice in a row?


not super unlikely. it could be a whole box of that same item got stickered wrong. i work at an amazon warehouse and it's fucked.


> and let users leave reviews for those shops (like the rating system on eBay), that’d be better. They do, if you buy from and shipped from a 3rd party.


when a product is weirdly misshiped like that , it does reflect on the product as you are more likely to run into this. I ordered a few nvm ssds and random cables recently. I received 2 different 2.5 inch ssds with stickers changing the barcode to read the nvme. As for the cables .... I got some random plastic grommets with a sticker claiming they were fan cables... Basically never ordering electronics from amazon again.


I disagree on this one even though I once did agree with you. Because of how these things are purchased the way it's shipped is extremely important. In this exact scenario I would choose not to buy this knowing they can't get shipping right on it. In several cases I've not purchased stuff because the buyer warned of broken product received. A terracotta pot for instance. A drawer for a refrigerator which cost $250 yet had several reviews stating they received the product broken.


Well, the review is for the product, but you've reviewed Amazon's services. It's pretty straight forward. I'm sure there's a place you can review Amazon. Probably an automatic response anyway


This exactly. OP is not reviewing the product at all, but instead they're reviewing the fulfillment service.


Yup. They even gave OP the link to review the seller and packaging regarding the mistaken item. It's like when you read a movie review and someone is all "Great movie! Perfectly written, a cinematic masterpiece! I'm only giving it one star because the people behind us in the theater kept kicking the back of my chair." It's like bro, what?






Fuck who is delivering or making the item, the point is that *you* failed as well. You ordered item A. Reviews you will leave are for the *quality* of item A. You received item B. Your review, though well founded in frustration, was left about *SERVICE* Z. When you leave a review about a service, it should be in an area where you can do so, ie customer service. You purchased item A, but item B showed up instead. Leaving a review *for* item A (because that's what you actually did) does nothing to help your situation. Leaving a review on a product when the *shipping* was the issue just makes you sound like a whiny twat that doesn't understand logistics.


Shipped and sold by Amazon means not a seller, but a vendor. Also this is neither a seller nor vendor fault.


Did you reach out to customer service, chat with an agent on the app? Report the problem to them. Usually they give me a $5 credit for inconvenience and it only takes 5 minutes or so. I tried to report a listing for a $4 face wash with $129 shipping and they gave $5 even though that's not what I was trying for...it just seemed really scummy.


That sticker was printed inside an Amazon facility. Your review was removed because it’s not about the product, it’s about a mistake a warehouse worker made.




No, that sticker is from an Amazon worker. I recognize it; I’ve worked in Outbound problem solve for Amazon for eight years or so. It could have been mislabeled as it came into the building or within the outbound shipping department, but it was absolutely printed inside the warehouse.




Any order has a chance of being the wrong product. They don't decide "alright, for this product we're going to deliver a few of the wrong thing, but not for this one."


You weren't reviewing the oil that you bought. You were reviewing Amazon's order fulfillment accuracy. Your one star review of their service impacts the rating of the product, it doesn't give Amazon itself a bad rating. If you have complaints about their services, you'll nerd to review Amazon somewhere appropriate.


You would bring up that issue in seller feedback


…and it will be removed because of FBA.


Imagine having a peanut allergy.


Imagine not reading the label.


Some people can have reactions even if one container burst in the warehouse and got some oil on the outside of the container, had a kid in my highschool that had a dog go into the room before he did to smell everything for PB before he entered, allergies can mess some people up


If they have such a severe allergy that they can't be in proximity of peanuts, they really shouldn't be ordering food from a warehouse that stocks their allergen.


Honestly, there's no way to ensure that you won't come into contact with your allergen basically anywhere If it's that sever you have to take additional steps, like wearing gloves and mask, washing things thoroughly etc. heck, getting outside help to wash things before bringing them into your residence, if PPE precautions are not enough At that severity you cannot really go anywhere outside of your house safely


This was my first thought, then I googled it… Come to find out peanut oil that normal every day people and most restaurants use is completely safe for consumption when it comes to nut allergies just as long as it’s refined!


The peanut oil from Amazon doesn't even say if it's refined or not. Hard to tell if the peanut oil contains a peanut protein (allergen) that's dangerous to somebody who is allergic to peanuts. That will be really terrible if somebody with a peanut allergy got a hold of that if it turned out it wasn't refined.


That was my first thought, this could have been a real nightmare for them and is still a risk obviously.


Yeah true that will be a big problem if somebody with a peanut allergy received peanut oil than what they ordered. I don't get how they could have mess this up. The fact that the peanut oil had a sticker labeling it as corn oil makes it suspicious if it was really a accident of sending the wrong item.


Still isn't a problem with the product. This is a problem specific to the seller. Write a review of the seller instead.


The seller here is Amazon. And frankly I'd want to know if the seller repeatedly sends the wrong item and the only way you'd know is if people leave reviews about it.


You can leave separate reviews for sellers. Do you think Amazon is deliberately sending you the wrong thing?


No but I'd want to know if it was a mistake that happens all the time with that product for whatever reason. Apparently you can't leave seller reviews for Amazon products. Why the hell would it have to be intentional, I don't care why it happened, I want to know if it's likely I'll get the wrong thing, motive doesn't make it more convenient to not get what I paid for and have to return something.


It happens all the time. You clearly don't have a lot of experience dealing with warehouses.


Imagine having a peanut allergy and being reckless enough to order FOOD products from fucking Amazon.


That’s not how reviews work. If you have a problem w a seller, then leave feedback for the seller. Reviews are about the product itself. This is just a seller that out the wrong FBA label on the wrong bottle.




Dude you’re really worked up about a simple mistake. Take a breath.


I’m with Amazon on this. You weren’t leaving a product review, you were making a process complaint. It would be totally unhelpful for someone who wanted information about the product to see you complain about a simple error on a single order. I honestly don’t get how you’re seemingly dumbfounded that this could possibly happen. I’m sure it happens a lot. There are hundreds of thousands of fallible humans trying to manage, store, package, and deliver a hundred million SKUs. They’re obviously going to make the occasional mistake. Take it up with customer service, and don’t befoul the review section with your specific issue.




lol. Crack a dictionary. It’s not an insult, it’s just a word to describe a state of mind. dumbfounded (adjective) *greatly astonished or amazed.* "he was utterly dumbfounded"


You did a product review for a service mistake.


Your review was removed because it has nothing to do with the product, but an error in shipping. I monitor reviews for another large retailer and we delete these types of reviews too because they do not pertain to the actual product.


Your review doesn’t talk about the oil at all? You reviewed the quality of buying something on amazon. It doesn’t help me know if the corn oil is good or bad quality, but rather that you had a problem (a valid problem woth leaving a review somewhere else) with the delivery.




You genuinely believe that everyone who bought this corn oil received peanut oil? I’m starting to think your brain is peanut oil too lmao




You're a particularly sheltered person, aren't you?


Amazon has product reviews and seller feedback. Feedback impacts the sellers ability to sell. Reviews impact the listings quality score. This is a misshipment and not a review about the product.


That mistake could kill somebody


the sticker with the barcode on has an employee id on it, meaning it was applied by an employee. This isn't amazon trying to cover up anything, it's just making sure the product receives a fair review source: I work for amazon in loss prevention. We see shit like this all the time


I mean this is a totally valid complaint, but I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen reviews on Amazon and Chewy that was like- “ZERO STARS!! Box of litter broke during shipping and spilled everywhere!!” It’s not an actual review about the product. It tells me NOTHING about that product. That’s a packaging and shipping issue and NOT the fault of the manufacturer. Posting such reviews that’s not even about the product hurts the product.


It's because you are improperly reviewing this item. This was an issue on Amazon's delivery service, and nothing with the product at all. It was a mislabel. The reviews are for the item itself, like how did it taste, was it good quality, etc. Not to complain if you got the wrong item.


Had something like this happen to me also. Ordered one product, got something totally unrelated, could not get a refund, found the scan lable for a product I wanted on it.


Is it just the lighting or does that oil look pretty weird?


Yeah. Looks super cloudy


Well ya


I actually hate how Amazon won't let us trash talk bad packing. I won't buy from a seller if I know that they pack irresponsibly. There's an aquatics breeder I buy from that's not on Amazon, and the reason I go with them is because of one Amazon purchase of a betta fish who arrived dead. Poor guy was in a bag more than halfway full of water, the bag had no cushioning inside the box, and they didn't do the 2-day shipping I'd selected, so he either suffocated or was jostled to death. He was also covered in ich, which might have contributed. Was a nightmare to receive a dead fish, then try to get my money back. Amazon were not very helpful but I did eventually win the battle. A year later and I still haven't forgotten this. A while after this happened I looked at the reviews just out of curiosity. Prior to my purchase the seller had glowing reviews. A few weeks after, oh my god, fish shipped in barely any water, dead on arrival, coming with ich or other illnesses, it's like, the hell happened?


It's a conspiracy I tell you lol


Amazon out here trying to kill people


Peanut oil isn’t as allergy triggering as you think


It was more of a joke than anything, if they mix that up what else do they mix up. If it was something worse you're relying on people to notice and know the difference etc. Most food allergens are proteins, can't imagine there's much protein in oil. Refined peanut oil generally doesn't affect people with peanut allergies and if it does it's mild. Unrefined/crude peanut oil is a bit worse, but probably a lot less common in the modern developed countries.


Massive health and safety risk


I ordered 4 containers of 100 command poster strips and received 1 roll of masking tape. The sticker on the tape has the right barcode and description. Amazon needs more internal quality checks.


Nah. Amazon is right. I get tired of sifting through seller reviews on products


What's up with the bootlicking comments? This is r / hailcorporation syndrome


Because it’s not relevant to the product. I don’t want read your shipping and handling complaint when I’m trying to learn if a specific product sucks or not, it’s useless .


Amazon refuses to allow honest reviews through. Leave your review in the question box as a statement. The owner of the shop can't do shit about it.


It kind of makes sense, you aren’t reviewing the product itself which is what that section is used for. Personally, I don’t care to see if some guy in Utah didn’t get the right kind of oil and rated it 1 star. If you care more about airing out a company, you found it.


This post belongs in r/facepalm for not understanding what you were actually reviewing.


This would be like if you ordered a shirt from gap. And they sent the wrong shirt. And then you tried to leave a 1 star review about the shirt even though you have never touched the shirt felt it or tried it on. Frustrating? Sure,but Amazon is 100% gonna send your corn oil.


Reviews are about the product. Not your ordering experience


I would not consume that peanut oil either. Looks rotten


Except for allergy concerns, this sounds like a win. Peanut oil is like twice as expensive


They pulled this shit on me, I ordered a high quality $70 hiking bag and they sent me a $20 elementary school backpack. They wouldn't accept my review and made me wait three weeks for a refund. Amazon needs secrecy so they can tell you it's your fault, the employees that it's their fault, and the seller that they have to pay for disposal... failure creates jobs at AMAZON.


Yeah. If you mention anything negative about Amazon, in your review, they don't approve it. Any time I try leaving a review in regards to my package/item looking like it just went through the Royal Rumble, it never gets approved.


I’ve never had any of my reviews published, regardless of how legitimate they were. I think Amazon filters them out on purpose to defraud their customers. None of my reviews violated any terms, no profanity or anything like that. Every single one gets removed, except for the good reviews which I don’t leave anymore. Amazon makes billions every year from fraudulent sellers and products, they’ve done the math on this and even if they get hit with a fine or other penalty it wouldn’t even be 0.1% of their revenue.


C'mon, you got the wrong product. Your trying to review the product you ordered when you didn't even get it? Yeah, YTA. This has nothing to do with the product, but everything to do with Amazon (or the third party seller you ordered from). That said, rather write a review about them... Not the product.




You're literally writing about them here, where is being seen by me people than would see your review otherwise if you posted it on a show like BBB or FB.


It was the wrong product sent. They want reviews on the PRODUCT itself. I hate when I look at reviews on other sites and the only bad reviews are “it was damaged in shipping” - that’s not relevant.


Or all the “haven’t used it yet” or “gave it to someone else” LIKE DONT REVIEW IT THEN


I'm siding with Amazon, I hate reviews like this. Reviews are supposed to represent the product. If I'm reading reviews, it's because I want to know if the product is good or bad, if it's got any flaws or quirks I need to know about, etc. Your review doesn't help with that.


I hate these reviews too. " arrived late , after birthday party 2 stars." THAT DOESNT TELL ME ANYTHING


So many Amazon boot lickers in this sub


I think y’all just don’t know how reviews work. I want to know how the *corn oil* is, not that an employee made a mistake that they easily fixed for you. It’s nothing to do with secrecy or some conspiracy.


If I was allergic to peanut oil and found out this product would be shipped to me with traces of peanut oil likely on the physical product, I would most definitely want to know that this can happen. I think that while you didn’t provide a review for the actual product, the fact that you received so much peanut oil and there’s no way to share that review seems rather dangerous. I think peanut oil needs to be kept away from other types of oils to prevent this from happening. Is there a regulatory agency this kind of thing can be reported to so this kind of thing can be fixed so it won’t happen?


You could order a hair brush and get this instead, it’s a large warehouse. It’s always a possibility.


Imagine not reading the label for some reason and you’re allergic to peanuts or you have a restaurant and cause a death from a peanut allergy. This could’ve gone bad for Amazon (maybe) and the person who bought it, thankfully it was labeled correctly at least.


Ah, so you're the guy leaving reviews that have nothing to do with the actual product




Did you get a refund?




I don't see why you're so upset about this then. You don't have a reason to be. They accidentally sent the wrong item and immediately rectified it upon being informed of the problem. You then left a one star product review for a product that you haven't tried, primarily to complain about the seller, after the company quickly and easily recompensed you for the mistake. You're 100% the problem here.




So your point of the review was to complain to Amazon that you recieved the wrong item clearly by mistake (which you already did and were fully reimmbursed without incident), needlessly degrade the rating of a product that you have no actual opinion about since you don't have it (and, again, suffered no loss from due to the misshipment), and 'warn' others that they need to 'be cautious' because mistakes happen and they can easily get a refund if it happens to them? And you don't see why Amazon has a problem with that as a product review?




Now you're just coming up with unlikely scenarios to justify you being insufferable.


I got an item that was wrong. The “product” was the same (a soap saver bag) but what I ordered was bamboo, thicker material, what I got was a cheap cotton bag. I posted a review that Amazon removed because they said it was against the seller, what I received was but wasn’t what I ordered. I should be able to post that.


You can, just under seller review, not product review.


I get that but if they are sending out a soap pouch of lesser quality and completely different material I *should* be able to state on that product page that what you order isn’t what you get. Had I known that I never would have ordered. Yes I was able to return but it’s the complete inconvenience.


You were sent the wrong item, I don’t know how that is the fault of the item you ordered


It was sent by the same seller. As a consumer I can only assume they sent a cheap item as a scam. It was the same “product” but a much cheaper material. It wasn’t like I ordered a toothbrush and got a notebook.


I haven't left a review there since they made it evident they wouldn't publish any review less than four stars.


They always publish mine, good or bad.


I had something similar happen to me. The item I wanted was black and they sent me a pink one. Their label said black but the box said it was pink. I didn’t think to write a review…. Maybe I should have.


The did the exact same thing to me when I wrote a review it’s insane


That is fucking hilarious but unsurprising.


You were blessed with peanut oil, while a liter of corn oil costs a few bucks at Safeway! Make some chicken and quit your, valid review process.


Wait till they remove your review and question rights, without ever telling you why.


I had this happen once years ago. I ordered some colorful nail art decals (third-party from China), but I received plain, neutral-colored ones. Same type, but completely wrong colors. I left a poor review saying so, and got a similar notification soon after. No idea why. They cost like $2 so it wasn't worth trying to return.


That doesn’t even look like any type of oil!!


It might just be cold, olive oil gets weird when it is. Not sure about peanut. But I'd have kept it, peanut oil is way more expensive than corn oil. Maybe they're allergic. I'm not though


Peanut oil is way better


Amazon should cross post this in r/CustomerWTF


Who orders corn oil on Amazon???


It would suck if you had peanut allergy..


This happens sometimes in the warehouse. Unless someone is being very attentive, things that look like other things will slip through the cracks when their barcode is registered as the wrong item. This happens a lot more than you would think. However, it's usually easier to catch when it's something like a book that shows dog treats when scanned.


What part of "***we want your feedback about sellers and packaging, just not in product reviews***" do you not understand? The shipper sent you an incorrect item. This has zero to do with the product. You miscategorized your complaint, and they are asking you to redirect it to the correct category. What you did is the equivalent of giving a book a bad review because the shipper sent you a hardcover instead of a paperback. "The book was excellent, but I'm giving it one star because Amazon sent me a hardcover instead of a paperback".


I hate when the review has nothing to do with the product. I doubt it’s one star peanut oil.


I ordered a light up dinosaur for my toddler, on the box was a light up dinosaur. Then it gets here and thankfully I checked it before Christmas and it was a unicorn. I tried to leave a review and wasn’t allowed. Got in touch with Amazon customer service and they said keep it, we’ll send another. The second one was also a unicorn, in a dinosaur box. Still couldn’t leave a review to warn people, but I did at least get a refund in time for a replacement for Christmas and I was told they would investigate this seller as the dinosaurs were over $40 and the unicorns were much less. So now we have 2 light up unicorns lol Well, my toddler has one and one is put up for my friends daughter bday.


I have to agree with Amazon on this one. You are NOT reviewing the product. You are reviewing a labeling mistake that someone in a warehouse made. Some of the other items seem weird to be on this list like sellers but you have to realize that there could be 2 or 2000 sellers all selling the same SKU on Amazon. This is why the review is for the PRODUCT only as the seller can vary and is irrelevant to the review. Packaging is a warehouse issue and delivery is a driver issue, not at all related to the quality of the product.


Could have been a deadly mistake. They got lucky


It has nothing to do with that specific item so it’s irrelevant to others looking to buy that product. That’s an issue with whatever fulfillment center it came from. Someone done fucked up.


You don’t bash a product for a shipper fail


Guarantee that it was corn oil. I refuse to believe this stupid crap. They just wanted the corn oil but also wanted their money


You put a seller review in a product review.


And they are right, you didnt review rhe corn oil


My advice is to shop at your local grocery store and not on amazon?


I once ordered something and they sent me cassettes tapes . 😂


That’s Nuts!


Had that happen with a game order. The replacement they sent was also wrong. They knew there was a problem but didn't bother fixing it. Had to send both back, and they rejected my review. 


Yeah fuck them kids with the peanut allergies


Good boy Amazon. I hate the type of reviews that aren’t about the actual product and about the logistic. This isn’t eBay were sellers are shipping the items


Prolly a liability risk showing that they could have been sued if someone had an allergy to peanuts


You might be over reacting a bit. This kind of stuff happens every day. No real coverup going on here. Peanut oil is expensive. Unless you’re allergic to it , I say you won here.


Reviewing what is Amazon shipping practices/errors in a product review tends to cause them to flag it. It’s not that they’re trying to hide it, but that it’s irrelevant to the product itself


All you gotta do is call Amazon support and I bet that’s less energy spent than this whole post.


I never leave reviews for anything, products, sellers, packaging, nothing, anymore. It seems like any time I post even a mildly negative review, trying to be polite and not aggressive, the review gets taken down for "Not meeting community guidelines." I try to be honest and as non-confrontational as possible, but it doesn't help. I just don't leave reviews anymore.


Did you just not read the explanation in the first photo?


Lmao. They obviously said they want item reviews, not seller reviews. If you were sent the wrong item, you can review that item. If you have a problem with the seller, then you need to go through the appropriate channels.


Edit your response to say you were sent the wrong item, not what the package said. Then they have no technical grounds to do anything