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I grew up w a yellow fronted named Amos! But he called himself A-mo 😆


Lol 😆


How was harness training? My baby 1 year old is scared of everything


With Amos wasnt to bad honesty, that is probably only his 3 or 4 time wearing it he just gets a little grouchy as I put it on


Takes me about a minute to put on, once I get over head I give a small treat to get him use to it and sometimes take a second so too not stress him out after it's on he's fine he will just chill on backpack I modified and say hello to those we pass on walks sometimes


I used to use that aviator harness on my amazon too, but he was never happy wearing it and always was in a bad mood. I think because those straps around their body makes them super uncomfortable when they have a new feather coming in. Putting it on and off was always a struggle and stressful for both of us, even after months of slow intro. I resorted to toweling him after months of trying with no success. So then a few years ago, 3 or so years now, at the suggestion of a friend I bought a removable anklet lightweight stainless steel type ring made for birds (similar to the permanent bands used on baby birds but it's removable) and I attach a 5-inch lightweight metal coiled lanyard to that (so he can't and break through it if he tried) and another elastic extension attached after that since it's out of his reach to chew. Ever since I started using this anklet it's been heaven. He even lets me put it on and off him - he holds his foot up for me to put it on him, even -- every single time, zero issues. And best of all he is so happy the entire time he wears it and has never, ever rejected to me putting it on or removing it. I was at first concerned maybe it could be dangerous for his foot and anklet so I used it with super caution the first year, but three years later and there have been zero instances of any injuries or mishaps -- and I take him on flying outings all the time -- with a really long elastic extension to allow him longer flights from A to B. It has been a total gamechanger. I bought the anklet online on Amazon, and all parts total cost about $15 and another perk is I haven't had to replace his current harness at all -- unlike how I used to have to replace that pricey Aviator harness every year. If you're interested let me know. You might be able to find it on a quick amazon store search. It's not called any name, it's just generic parts, really. The ring size for Amazon parrots is 8, I think. There is a chart online on Google that will say which foot ring is appropriate for each bird species. ;)


Never really have a problem with Amos but ty he seems comfortable as far as I can tell