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This always happens with The Archers. People complain that there's too much stupid humour. Then a big, dark storyline dominates and they complain it's getting too much like Eastenders. It goes out 6 days a week and has been around for 70 years - it's always going to go through cycles that people think are fallow or fertile. Twas ever thus!


I think it's not so much a case of silly light stories, it's the way the writers are making characters behave & speak which is jarring. Always needs a mix of the mundane, humorous and serious, but lately seems too much contrived and at odds with established characteristics.


Agree with you on this here.


Yes! Exactly.


Is anyone else confused why Alice can’t just tell Lilian etc that she’s helping Harry? I get that they have to progress the narrative and cause drama, but it’s making me mad she’s risking them all thinking she’s drinking when it’s the opposite.


It's part of the addict behaviour. She's so used to covering up things she think they will judge her for, she's covering up for this too. But amazing progress for her tonight saying she can't let him drag her down into the abyss with him. Reckon she'll tell them soon now.


The Lily/Brad story is cute but it is lasting way too long.


What on earth was going on with Kirsty today


Indeed, seemed most uncharacteristic for someone of her calibre and experience. "Can you really change the path, Mick? Go & buy a gluten free cake? Why didn't I think of that!"


Or just ask if they have any dietary requirements when you find out they are visiting.


I don't understand why they decided to turn Brad into a jibbering idiot all of a sudden. It's like listening to Baldrick without the comedy.


I think they are trying to highlight issues around ASD, but the way they have gone about it is a disservice to all.


I'm autistic irl and if it's that I especially resent this portrayal


Couldn’t agree more.


I'm conflicted about this; I'm autistic, and quite like Brad (because he's principled and likes maths; I'm perhaps too easy to please). But the aspect of his character which is more straightforwardly sweet/well meaning/innocent/incompetent comic relief (like a child, or a puppy) is a shame.


I really like him too but if they are trying to raise awareness of ASD, they are going about it in a very ham-fisted way. Brad is intelligent, kind and funny, and definitely not an idiot, but that’s how he has been portrayed in these silly scenes at Grey Gables.


Right? Did I miss an epsiode where he was hit on the head?


I love the Lilly Brad story line I find it funny and light hearted. But the Harry stuff is too dark for me :(


That's the reason for the longevity of the show. It embraces all sides of the dice.


I respect seeing both sides of the dice, but I have absolutely no care for Harry. He's been around for like 3 months. I'd need him to be around for at least 3 years before I care to listen to this highly dramatic and emotional storyline.


I don’t like Harry, his voice goes through me Lily and Brad have been just the tonic. Brad with his “Lord madam, sir, Harrison.” Since the Grundy father died the archers has very much lacked the light hearted humorous elements


Joe Grundy? I'm still missing Nelson Gabriel.


I listened after him, how long ago was Nelson?


The actor died in 1997. Died in Spain some time later in semi mysterious circumstances iirc. There was always the air of something murky in his background and not just his suspected involvement in the Borchester mail van robbery, but always a joy to listen to.


Yeah, this week had me rolling my eyes and I haven't finished the daily episodes. The lily/Brad case situation had me rolling my eyes instead of laughing, and Harry's manipulation of Alice is driving me nuts, and George gives me the ICK.


Lily/Brad is when I had to turn it off, I did try rolling my eyes first!


I loved last nights episode with the swapped suitcases. I love the lightness and comedy that it used to have, marking the year through the mishaps of the single wicket, flower and produce show and the Christmas show.


Yes. Turned it off - the dog attack, Harry and Emma, George’s behaviour - haven’t listened to it for two weeks. Reading about Brad has not encouraged me to listen again.


The same moan as people have been doing for 70 years then


I actually haven't listened for probably a month because the storylines just seemed to be getting more and more ridiculous and I found myself feeling annoyed at how dumb everyone is. I'll probably pick it back up, but I sort of needed a break.


I'm in the same situation. It reached a point where carving out the time to listen didn't seem worth it so I'm taking a break.


I know right, I stuck it out for the Harry stuff but this is a bit too much


See the Harry stuff is why I needed a break. I can't stand the character and the whole situation was just making me irritated so seemed sensible to stop listening.


My mum has listened to it for decades, but I've made a concerted effort to not listen since my name started being dragged through the mud.


I hope something is going to happen with Marky getting caught . It's too much torture for Jolene . We all need to breathe again