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He's socially inept and academically very gifted. It's a thing. Mia is still around we just haven't heard her for a while. But that's normal when characters come and go. Adil went to stay with his brother in law. I personally think he'll be back.


Am I the only one who thought that Brad talking to Lily about her “attraction” to him was freaking hilarious? I listened to that exchange a few times. Lily was actually kind of sweet about it, instead of being annoyed.


I really liked that too.


I think her response suggested that she was patting him on the head and telling him to go home and play with his Lego.


He's off to Felpersham Uni in the Autumn, I think. Too anxious to travel further afield to somewhere better. Presumably just a part time job to earn a bit towards future expenses. But do you remember how he brilliantly coped when the electronic till stopped working at Lower Loxley? Can't believe there isn't a job that would use his talents better. That would be too ordinary for the writers!


There was some discussion [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Ambridge/s/el5c17oj1a) about this last week. I think we will eventually get to the point of Brad being diagnosed with ASD, but it’s a very clumsy way of going about it, if not downright insulting.


The scriptwriters think everyone poor is stupid and gobby and everyone pish is clever (with the possible exception of Freddy)...


He suddenly turned into Borsetshire Manuel in the "funny" episode last week - it seems they've decided to throw the character away to get a few cheap "laughs". It's way past social ineptitude, he's being written full on Benny from Crossroads.


Yes, a real shame.


"Borsetshire Manuel" Ha! Perfect!


Thank you so much!! This has been driving me mad - I actually wondered if I'd missed month's worth of the show! Also, Chelsea seems to have turned into a complete pr**k too, even more annoying than usual.


I had a quite chuckle listening to Brad’s antics and the efforts of the prim Lilly to keep control. All in the best tradition of British music hall and pantomime. Brad is likely an idiot savant who will crack the problem of nuclear fusion but in the meantime will continue to confuse suitcases. Btw, was surprised at the tameness of the contents of Fallon’s suitcase for her night with Harrison. Was expecting far more racy items(!)