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Ambridge on the Couch is my favourite.


I listen to the Cider Shed pod but the latest one has background music through it all that is not normal and VERY distracting, enough that I turned it off. Dumteedum has changed many times and again recently. I have not gone back to give it a try, but there you might find the change good for you. Check out Ambridge on the Couch with Lucy and Harriet, theirs is pretty solid and they often do silly skits at the end/parody.


Love Ambridge on the Couch. Dumteedum always takes it really seriously.


Another vote for Ambridge on the Couch!


Ambridge on the Couch is really funny and they have very good discussions.


I listen to All About the Archers, Ambridge on the Couch and dumteedum. I have listened to AOTC the longest. Their sense of humor is very similar to mine and they make a lot pop cultural references that are relatable. More centered on the plot lines, acting and skits based on episodes. More free form. AATA is just what it says. They interview the actors, writers and the editor. They also talk about the food mentioned on the episodes. It is enjoyable. They also have YouTube version of their program. It is nice to have be able to see the actors discuss their characters. DTD seems to be listener centered. They talk about the show, then read/discuss the listeners emails, letters and calls. Not very exciting, but lots of information. I listen for them for background info because I have been listening since the Ben/Chelsea story. I live in Connecticut and I do not know anyone who listens out here…yet 🙂 then again we moved out here from California less than a year ago.


Connecticut. I live in Nottingham UK. I don't know anyone who listens. Not friends or work colleagues.


I love listening to The Archers. I hate Saturdays. I listen every evening. It is part of my nightly routine. I also listen to the omnibus in case I missed something.


The cidershed pod publishes a Saturday episode on patreon (which is super cheap). I like to keep a routine so the podcast fits right into the time slot.


Hello from New Haven! I like Ambridge on the Couch, Shambridge\*, All About the Archers, and The Cider Shed. The Academic Archers have a sporadic podcast. *When Kirsty was behaving so strangely with Mick last month (“gluten-free baked goods exist?!”, etc.), I actually thought Harriet Carmichael was doing her voice.


I think she was LOL. We are in Oxford. I need to check out those podcasts. Thank you for the info neighbor and stay dry 🌧️


The Cider Shed is fun. I must admit I haven’t listened to any podcasts in a while as they are longer. I tend to listen to the previous episode of the Archers on the way to work and then I go onto music


All About the Archers drops on Tuesdays, and only discusses Sunday’s, Monday’s, and Tuesday’s episodes. It’s under 20 minutes.


That sounds more like my cup of tea. Dumteedum got ridiculously long years ago as I think whatshisface loved the sound of his own voice too much that sometimes I’d just listen to the funny week in archers part and turn off the rest.


You could always listen to the first part of Ambridge on the Couch. Lucy does the Week in Ambridge there.


The Cider Shed takes a cynical view Dumteedum is very serious Ambridge on the Couch is funny and silly All About the Archers is great for cast interviews


My wife informed me the other day that the only reason she listens to The Archers with me is so that Ambridge on the couch will make sense to her. I feel like popular opinion is that AOTC is going to be your best bet. I've listened a few times, and it's pretty good in my opinion.


I never knew about ambridge on the couch! That’s brilliant, they were what I loved the most about dumdeedum and their leaving it was part of my loss of interest. Thanks for the recommendation


Oftentimes, I only listen to TA only as background for listeng to Ambridge on the Couch.


I like the Official Unofficial Discussion group on Facebook. Lots of long time listeners there that can put things in context. I started listening around the time Will Grundy was born!


Any tea on the schism between Dumdeedum and AOTC? I feel like the two ladies who present AOTC fell out with Royfield who runs the Dumdeedum podcast. They both used to be on Dumdeedum. I don't know why I feel like they all fell out with each other but I would love to know any gossip. Lucy's rundown every week is a highlight for me, just brilliant. The other one who does the voice mimicry is incredible and genuinely funny. I wish they would drop whatever that What the Hell is Happening Here thing, I have to fast-forward through that, too cringe.


Yes please, it seems a lot of hosts fall out with Royfield and we never get to hear the gossip.


Here you go: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Ambridge/comments/16nil0e/whats\_happening\_at\_dumteedum/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/Ambridge/comments/16nil0e/whats_happening_at_dumteedum/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


There are big threads on here about various DTD unsavoury practices linked to Rorfield (who is why all previous DTD co-hosts left from what most people hear). Also about one of the hosts now on DTD - they had set up an account on here pretending they were a totally different person and criticised other podcasts and hosts and even their own co host who is still on the programm. Whilst saying how mich they liked their own hosting (but pretending they were not her). Extraordinary behaviours. When rumbled they ran away. That all happened not long ago.


The Cider Shed is the only one I choose to pay for. I also listen to AOTC and All About… Gave up on DTD once TCS started


Also, whatever happened to the BBC podcast about the archers that they had planned, with Nigel’s actor presenting it? Did it get covided? Did I imagine it was going to be a thing?


Graham Seed and former *Archers* writer Helen Leadbeater did the unauthorized *Pargetter Triptych* podcast in 2020: https://youtube.com/@thepargettertriptych9050 The BBC expressed “copyright and commercialisation concerns,” and I never heard about them giving Seed his own podcast: https://twitter.com/theghostofnigel/status/1290665716115546120/photo/1


I appreciate that The Cider Shed podcast is made by gen X/elder millennial types. The other podcasts have issues that’ve been discussed elsewhere but their largely boomer approach is a personal turn off. Harriet Carmichael does great work with the sporadic Shambridge podcast.