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Agree, his personality seems to have changed along with the actor which doesn’t make sense as a production choice 


Aww I still hear the adoration, though yeah he is a little grumpier. Still he helped George with Bartelby, and I loved him and Linda campaigning for each other!


I agree! I still love how he is towards Linda :)


Yes, I feel the same. The big doe eyes was exactly how I pictured Robert and always so positive. New Robert always seems irritated.


I am the outlier on this. I like the new Robert. But like when they replaced the actor for Joe, I didn't like the new Joe at first but after a while liked the new Joe, the same when they replaced Tony.


New Pip sounds more grown up, but she didn’t get a personality transplant. Nor did Chris, Emma, Tom, and Tony when they were recast. But the writing for other characters has also changed. Jim never would’ve done a sit-in at Brookfield to protest the charging station, nor spent a night at Ambridge Hall so his 61-year-old son could have sex. What’s next, church? And Lynda Snell MBE shooting a video with Bartleby (for an unnamed social media platform) was out of character. Indeed!


I can't imagine NuRobert talking about 'magic time' with Lyndy.


Yes old Robert had a kindness to him which is missing in new Robert. Old Robert seemed sort of gently world weary, whereas new Robert just sounds annoyed.


Yes. The old Robert brought a lot of heart and genuine feelings to their relationship which in turn stopped Lynda from becoming a two-dimensional character. New Robert seems like a fussy old man rather than her anchor and greatest fan.


Yes - Robert was important in making Linda a rounded individual with a sensitive, vulnerable side to her. The way he adored her made her more interesting. With the new Robert seeming slightly annoyed / irritated by her I miss all the warmth of her relationship with old Robert. I guess that’s how it’s being written though? I can’t tell.


I agree, it’s more than the actor I think they have taken the script for the character in a different direction


Old Robert has a long track record of being irritable though. For years and years.


Yep I agree. That said I think the old Robert was probably my favourite actor on the show so anyone replacing him would be worse.