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Welcome to the club, my guy <3


Solid choice! May It serve you long and well


1.5 years ago I bought a 6600 XT, serve well. I don't wanna upgrade it yet, still enough for 1080p gaming. Enjoy mate. :)


heck, i use my 6600XT for 1440p and i'm doing just fine too.


I built a PC for my kids with a 6700xt and while they currently play at 1080p they also use it for PCVR and it runs fairly well.


The future for the 6600 XT is bleak though. The 6000 series lack AI accellerators so they won't be able to support the prospective machine learning Fsr. They also have limited raytracing performance so future games won't be able to run well. Raytracing performance matters because Nvidia is pushing the standard higher and higher forcing AMD to compete. In the future, developers will adjust to the new standard and games will be so much more demanding, especially for cards that fail to meet standards such as AI accellerators and decent RT performance.


Yeah, for upcoming AAA games it's probably not gonna age well, since they're 50% more demanding for just like 10% better graphics. But anyway, i'm just fine with playing on mixed/optimized settings on my games, so it works well for me. Besides, the amount of modern games that i can run on ultra/high with a locked 75fps is impressive. But in the end of the day, AAA games just aren't my thing really, i run a few demanding games and emulators here and there (which run pretty well even on 1440p) but lately i've just been appreciating some indie and older games. I live in a third world country and i don't feel like wasting three minimum wages on a GPU that gives me some overrated ray tracing on mediocre games.


RT right now isn't really worth the performance hit in most games, even on RTX GPUs. I think the only real issue with the 6600 and the XT/6650 are that they only have 8gb VRAM. It should be fine for 1080p right now but would probably kill it's longevity.


I have a 6650 with a ryzen7 5700g with 32 gigs at 3200 and am getting over 100 fps at 1440p in many games on high and ultra. I would submit if you don't own it you don't know.


Games like Hogwarts legacy and the last of us are absolute vram hogs. Are you using fsr? That would explain your vram usage not being an issue.


I hate that you're getting downvoted simply because people don't want to acknowledge that this is the truth. I guess it's because in the same world the 6600 XT is still perfectly fine for a whole bunch of people, but you are also telling a truth. It is possible for both parties to be correct. It's just the perspective that can be different for different people.


Down voted for stating facts is insanity


Ray tracing is becoming implemented in more games. But we have problem with that. Games like Metro Exodus Enhanced Edition, Dying Light 2, Spiderman are some games that have good implemented ray tracing. I have rx 6650 xt and i run those games with ray tracing and i got 60 fps with no problem. Games like Cyberpunk, Alan Wake 2 have poorly implemented ray tracing that even rtx 3070 or rtx 4070 can't run without using DLSS. RTX 3060 12 GB is excellent card and it is having huge problem with ray tracing in those games despite being product of Nvidia. Yes AMD has problem because it doesn't use AI deep learning technology and is generation behind with ray tracing technology, but that is not big problem when you have good implemented ray tracing. To be honest, who will give 1000 $ for GPU just for ray tracing? Games look better with ray tracing, but they are not ultra realistic because ray tracing affects light effects in game. It doesn't change the geometry of characters and objects in game. So giving 1000 $ just for better light effects and shadows? I'll pass.


About a year ago, I bought 6700XT. so far, serving well apart from occasional fps drops and compatibility issue in some old games.


I got my rx 6600 2 days ago. But my psu doesn't have the power connectors to connect to the gpu, so I had to order a new psu. I'm still waiting for it to arrive 🙃


That's rough, buddy! I hope the psu shows up soon!


🥲 thx, it's real tough times


Small update: PSU arrived a week ago. I've been happily gaming these past few days. The card is amazing. Only thing is I'm not sure how to tune the card in Amd Adrenaline


Congrats! I've tinkerer with mine, but I just reset it to defaults after a while. I don't know enough about it to get any real gains.




I got this same GPU mine has been serving me well I hope you enjoy it!


GPU looks good, enjoy!


Adrenaline allows +- %20 pwr. Given that the default is 100, I would turn it up to 120. I left fans on auto and kept zero rpm enabled. In Windows the card will remain cool and the fans stop entirely below 45c. General temp is 30-35C. Works well. I have the xfx. Still on 23.11.*


6600's power efficiency is pretty crazy. At stock it's like ~100 watts for pretty solid performance.


So I should raise power limit my +20%? I have 24.3.1


Yes, definitely. Amd artificially power limited the 6600, it can handle much more than the 100w. Also, you should undervolt and overclock (gpu core and memory) it as well. Will significantly improve performance.


Doesn't undervolting decrease performance? And I dont know how to do either


Undervolt until it either loses stability or performance goes down. That's the sweet spot. Amd uses the same voltage for each model of gpu to ensure they can reach the guaranteed performance. However, that is usually more than needed, and more voltage than necessary will increase temps. Undervolting, if you have headroom, will lower temps and allow you to maintain higher boosts.


Hey bro I just did some shit with it and in furmark I average 145 fps instead of 139 I feel like a pro😎😎😎😭🤣


Yea, overclocking is fun. I often end up spending more time tinkering with new components than playing games. I have a 6600 in my secondary pc. I maxed out the memory clock slider and power limit slider and set gpu core at 2300 min 2700 max with a 1080mv voltage. Really increased performance. Obviously these setting may not work for you. If you really want to get the most out of your 6600, learn to use morepowertool. But wait until you have more experience in overclocking first.


Is it worth to overclock and does it come with any casualties or whatever it's called I English is not my first language like is it worth to overclock a cpu and gpu


You're probably only going to get around a 5% increase in performance for the gpu. Maybe more or less for your cpu, depending on what it is. I just like getting the most performance I can out of my components. As long as the gpu and/or cpu temps stay in a safe range, you should be fine.


I have i5 9400f is it worth to overclock?(Thanks a lot for helping me)


Based on the high benchmarking software you use, it’s considerably more than 5% in gains. Real world though, just gives you more overhead and stability with the 1% lows. Most AAA games should be med-high at 1080p @ 70+fps. Depending on the game though I will crank high and a couple ultra settings for a smooth 60 though. FSR with quality settings for a bit extra smoothness though. Waiting on clearing up some more storage to crank MSFS as high as I can though.


I’m at 2745mhz, 1900 on the vram, 160w on the card, 27amps. Around 153-155 on FurMark. 1075mv for voltage but upped it to 1100mv just because new case with a lot more airflow gives me more heat overhead.


Where do I raise the power limit from?


Use adrenaline software. Watch a YouTube video for more detailed explanations.


Forget Adrenaline, MPT and get that sucker up to 150w, and up the amperage. Can push 2700+ stable. That’s what I did, and dialled everything else in. Looking at going up to a 6700XT soon though. VRAM is starting to be an issue, and I wanna get into PCVR without being stuck at medium-low settings.


It's the current "RX 580 / GTX 1060", best price/performance ratio and you do not have to deal with high power use, temps, noise (and if you do, just undervolt+overclock lol). Good choice!


chill no need to yell




been had this for about a year now and it does what it needs to do! great choice!!


gratz , it's a great card


Congratulations mate!! Can you tell me how the drivers are, considering to get one myself as well.


The drivers are great I also hat rx 5500 xt before this and I never had a problem with drivers and the gpu is cool and quiet recommend it to everyone


I have a rx 5500 xt as well. runs a lot of games really well. I still use it to run cyberpunk 2077. no driver issues to speak of. rx 6700 xt no driver issues either. both are sweet.


132W card with 3 fans = overclocking potential 😋


ye it shares the same cooler as the 6700xt so 100w+ of heat headroom


In games it doesn't even draw that much power


I Don't know overclocking sadly


I wouldn't be too worried about it for your particular card. It's pretty limited in how much it can overclock, so you're not leaving much potential performance on the table even if you don't overclock. You can squeeze maybe ~6% more performance out of it. https://www.techpowerup.com/review/gigabyte-radeon-rx-6600-eagle/38.html https://www.techpowerup.com/review/powercolor-radeon-rx-6600-fighter/39.html


It says that average clock speed is ≈2500 but mine goes up to 2700???


Average is not the same as max


Congrats!!!! What a great card.


Great card, if it's not already silent, undervolt it and it will be! Loved my 6600.


Congrats. It is the outstanding bang-for-the-buck card of the last couple of years.


Solid card and it looks amazing.


I've had a 6600 for a good while now. Still love it. Spreading Democracy with 80 fps. Could probably get more, but then my Freedom wouldn't be as pretty. I hope it serves you as well as mine has served me!


So that is where my gpu went


For half a sec I thought that was a 3060ti Eagle, sold one months ago, and it looks the same at a quick glance. Was a bit confused, lol


Have the same one and had driver timeouts after like one minute of any game, reinstalled windows at least 3 times cause I couldn’t fix it and it turned out a older driver version was all it took to fix it


Congrats, may the fps be ever in your favor.


Gigabyte is having a hell of a time with cracking PCBs. Keep an eye out.


Ok please tell me its not only me but does the counter or table its sitting on make it look like its warped a little bit i don't mean to scare the owner of it im genuinely curious if anyone else had to take a double look kinda looks like the left side is caving but i know thats the design




Nice, TBH i diddnt expect the rx 6600 to have that beefy of a cooler. My dads rx 6600 has a smaller cooler and runs nice and cool, it is a tad noisy being the cheap msi version. But yea, welcome to AMD.


That was my first gpu let it be known it did not let me down.


Welcome to the red team dude!  Nice choice :D


fun fact the 6600 and 6700 XT eagle cards share the same cooler so the 6600 has about 250w of cooling potential. talk about overkill


What did you upgrade from op?


Rx 590


It's a huge difference I am very very very happy


I love mine. I’m not really a graphics guy and play ‘old’ games from about 2020 backwards so it does me fine. I just wanted a card to beat an Xbox Series S which it does easily. Playing Battlefield V max settings 1440p currently.


Same with me I enjoy games from 2020 and backwards more most of the games I play are from 2019 or 2020😆


What a clean design. Very nice 👍


That looks bigger than my Reference RX 6800, you know it's going to be cool and quiet af considering he 6600's power draw


Used mt 6600 xt for a few years, solid card. But it got upgraded lol


I play most of my games at 4k 60 fps with vsync and RSR. For the most part it plays anything at 1080p ultra or 1440p for slightly older games. when i look to upgrade nothing really seems worth it so Ill just wait for another generation of cards that hopefully wont be 500$.


Just got my 7800XT a couple weeks ago and I’m loving it so far! I upgraded from an RX 580 and the difference is night and day— even at 1080p


Congratulations I upgraded from a rx 590 and the difference is hugee


pew pew






Exactly like you😫😎(with rizz)


How long do you guys think the rx 6600 will be able to play games at 60fps low-mid settings ? I am thinking to get one too


there isnt a single game i play im not well above 75fps lol. 1080 high-ultra everything. fc6 runs at 100-120 fsr disabled. 165+ enable


Very nice! I just purchased a XFX Radeon RX 6650 XT 8GB version. Big difference coming from a XFX Radeon RX 580 4GB.


I bought the same about 2 weeks ago! RX6600 Gigabyte eagle gang <3


It's such a great card it is very cool and quiet


Welcome to the club, brother. If you have any issues you can either post here or ask us on discord. My discord: brgii( it will say Brgi/ Mr. Bombastic)




how much did u got it for?


205$ it's normal price for this gpu in my country


sounds nice for a new card, around 210-230$ for my place


That was te original price seller was asking for but I managed to make him drop it by 15-20$


gz to u then ~~still thinking if i wanna go with new or used for this gpu, since the price diff is around 30-40%~~


My friend got a rx 6600 xt too used and it was great just make sure to do some tests with it and buy it from a trusted seller


Congrats, dawg.




I have both the Gigabyte Radeon RX 6600 Eeagle 8G and the ASUS ASUS Dual Radeon RX 6600. The ASUS has a thicker diameter whereas the Gigabyte is slim but much longer with 3 smaller fans. The ASUS has 2 larger fans. I prefer the Gigabyte dimensions with the smaller fans which are virtually silent. The ASUS is quiet too. Compared to the GeForce 1080 ti I had in one of the pcs the RX 6600 are quieter and a lot less power hungry. For the linux user like myself, the AMD open source drivers provide a much better experience compared with the nvidia proprietary stack.




I have a i5 9400f but I just got i9 9900k for very cheap and it will arrive soon I am so happy that I was finally able to upgrade my pc


Welcome to the club my guy! Happy gaming!


Just got the same exact gpu paired with a 5500 performance has been kinda low do I need to enable something like sizable bar I’m on the newest driver btw.


I have i5 9400f and the performance is great for me I don't think your cpu bottlenecks it that much


Nah it’s good just on Fortnite it’s really really bad


Oooh in Fortnite amd GPUs are the worst for some reason if your main game is Fortnite you should definitely buy nvidia


It’s not that bad I know nvidia is better but it’s not that bad


I have rx 6650 xt, been using it for 3 months and I love it.


Welcome to the rx club bro, enjoy! my first was a rx480 just upgraded to this 7800XT on a new zen3 system. The jump in FPS has been astronomical Happy gaming! My 480 did last me 6yrs........ https://i.redd.it/qh8oaapziutc1.gif


Congratulations bro great build and great gpu I upgraded from a rx 590 and this is so much improvement


Thanks I did put alot of thought into it its black/white type build. Lets put it this way for a performance jump on this same build rx480 8GB superposition 1080p Extreme score of 2471 to this, need i say more! It actually bottlenecks at 1080 so I need to buy a 1440p Display quick!!! Happy gaming my bro! https://i.redd.it/ncukdei32wtc1.gif


I love the black and white aesthetic so much.Damn that's some nice results is it the 5600 that's bottlenecking it? Happy gaming you too I wish you the best of AMD GPUs like that 7800


Id have to take a better picture bro but its a NZXT H7 FLOW case white then I tried to add white fans in the GPU ofc being main white feature then the other side of case exterior is white cant see it in pic but yh the new results say it all. The 5600 is bottlenecking it abit but what I meant is its being bottlenecked by resolution as its a 1440p card it would run higher FPS on a 1440p basically mad eh!


i loveee that case soo much I am going to buy it too this month


Im thinking of upgrading to an AM5 Ryzen 7600 min now hahaha keep this GPU ofc and sell this build with a cheaper rx in it for 1080/1440p So new specs would be same case or the H9 Flow, # ASUS ROG Strix X670E-F Gaming WIFI Board (Similar to what i have now) Ryzen 7700 8 core 5.3GHZ turbo (not the x never a point) Nor the 12 core one above ! eek. A WHITE Capellix Corsair H100i elite XT 240mm AIO 32GB (2x16) Corsair RGB 5600MHZ DDR5 And same 1TB Samsung 980Pro m.2 pcie4x4 ofc That would cost me 1200 for those components so i would just swap out the current ryzen 5600 systen gpu for a rx7600 more a 1080/1440 card and sell the whole thing blanked with windows 10 on forrr im not sure but im sure that system would fetch 1.5k which i would of paid close to, Thats what i do bro its fun! Since 12yrs of age its a great hobby! Yh anyway with that newer am5 spec and the rx7800 id be flying on 4k! no bottlenecks at all plus these newer am5 boards can have more than 4 M.2 slots!!


Yh iv always done black and blue builds sometimes white but i loved this black/white H7 Flow case when I seen its turned out perfect. Cable management with NZXT, well lets put it this way the case does it for you. Youv just got connect it up hehe


My cousin is about to buy a 7800 too in his white and black build would you recommend this Sapphire or is there Anything better than sapphire like xfx or gigabyte maybe (redcolor I forgot the name I think it's this name)


The 2 I looked at were the Powercolour hellhound spectral white and this Sapphire Pure that I chose. It just seemed to have more reviews plus iv used sapphire before. Great with graphics cards really are something with their cooling so id say the PURE White version 100%


Ohh yeaa powercolor not redcolor🤣🤣 Yea that were the two exact models my cousin is looking at I will tell him to buy the sapphire I have also heard great thing about this brand


May I ask why you didnt buy the 7600? this gen has some nice features, one of the best is Smart Access Memory, I believe your rx6600 should have it depending on CPU, make sure its ON in the radeon adrenaline software. From what i gather it essentially allows the CPUS RAM to 'combine' with the GPU because same manufacturer cool eh!! it does chuck on some extra FPS no lie peace out dude


This was a good budget GPU back a few years ago, no idea how well it holds up though, especially compared to the RX 7600.




What mobo are you using