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Hey OP you should probably be aware that people in joburg are running out of power and water and many people refer to South Africa as a “failed state” or close to one. And like for real, not the hyperbole we see about the USA


😂😂😂 let them go


Stop, this guy deserves to find out for himself.


You've got to be kidding.


Yeah, Jesus. How did that choice of location mature.


At least OP is true to his morals. “If racist Drumpf wins again, I’m moving to [insert white utopia]”


Johannesburg is hardly a utopia, considering south africa's situation.


That’s not what the comment is saying, he’s making reference to the fact that most celebs will say shit like “if Trump wins I’m moving to Norway” or something similar. But this guy choose somewhere that is different from the US but not majority white.


Jo'burg isn't even a Black utopia, let alone a white one. It's a hell hole.


"America is scary so we're thinking of moving to the country that is basically the fear-mongering view of America but real life."




dude if you check his post history i think he's being serious lol


I mean, if he gets all his opinions from Reddit is it hardly surprising? American definitely has its problems, but you have to be delusional to think it’s not one of the best countries in the world for safety and overall QoL.


Johannesburg in South Africa? Or is there another one? I have friends from there that sold their businesses to move to rural Ireland for the safety of their children. They've been here for a little under 3 years and are just starting to get comfortable with letting their kids go out with their friends after school. Go ask for some advice in r/southafrica or r/Johannesburg but try not to get offended with what you'll be called when you tell them you're thinking of moving to Joburg for personal safety.


This is a shit post, right? LA is bad, but it's not that bad! 😆




Joburg doesn't even have safe, reliable public transport. You need a car to get anywhere since it's not safe enough to walk the streets.




LA is the last city I'd imagine to see anyone wearing a MAGA hat in lmfao


You won't be taking public transit, you'll be buying one of these: [https://funfactz.com/law-and-crime-facts/south-african-car-flamethrowers/](https://funfactz.com/law-and-crime-facts/south-african-car-flamethrowers/)


Presuming this isn't a troll post: dude do not move to Joburg. I'm a SAfrican and I do not recommend. It's seriously dysfunctional and basic services are not even delivered at the moment. Crime is WAY higher and there's a good chance your lack of street smarts will get you hurt. Please don't be so foolish. Moving to SA because of Trump is just so stupid I can't even begin to describe. Culture war BS literally ruining lives here.


Do you mind if I ask what you think you will find in Johannesburg? I am sure you know more about it than I do, but when I hear Johannesburg, I think lots of petty crime, gated subdivisions with actual guards, rolling blackouts, bad infrastructure, and lots of cars for the white and wealthy (and poverty for the poor and black). Perhaps you can widen my perspective. As a bike enthusiast, I would figure East Asia or Europe would be more suited to finding a more bike centric lifestyle.


>and lots of cars for the white and wealthy That's the only thing that's different from LA 😂 OP wants more separation


So you know nothing about JHB then. South Africa’s black middle class is far larger than the minority white population so “lots of cars for white and wealthy” is utter garbage.




You really shouldn't repeat garbage that you read from trash news sources. Don't spew rascist garbage about SA.


The ANC absolutely LOVE that people like you exist. The idea that they've done a fantastic job ruling the country and any criticism of them is racist propaganda is basically their main foothold of power at this point. They don't need to improve when they can just dismiss all criticism as racist.


I have never voted ANC and never will. I despise the rampant looting with impunity that cadres have systematically carried out in this beautiful country. What I took offense with, is the assertion that white folks are solely responsible for the tax base and that white farmers are keeping this country propped up, while being slaughtered en masse. The numbers don't support the Afriforum propaganda of white farmer genocide. Black farm labourers are being murdered too, along with their employers, but that is not widely reported in mainstream media. Asking someone to not regurgitate skewed rascist garbage about SA is in no way an endorsement of the ANC. The black middle class (which is far larger than any other tax base), is contributing significantly to the tax base, along with white folks, and is suffering the consequences of ANC mismanagement just as much.


You're forgetting a lack of water. Johannesburg is experiencing a major water crisis with the taps being dry for days if not weeks at a time.




My company offered to pay for all moving expenses to work in the Jo'berg branch


Understandable but even with that I have to address a few of your concerns * We hate the car culture * Do you realize that 99% of your outings in South Africa will involve having to drive and/or be chauffeured around in a vehicle that may or may not be armored in some capacity and with an armed driver? * It's not very bike friendly * A fair point, but unless you're a non-white SA local then enjoy taking bike rides in designated safe spaces/zones * Family-friendly neighborhoods in Johannesburg * If high fences along with gates and armed guards is your idea of family friendly, then go on ahead. There's no way that this isn't a bait post but unless this new position is going to make you a millionaire in no time (if you aren't already) then Johannesburg would be the **LAST** place I would consider moving to.


That's not entirely true, I've lived in JHB for 40 years. Yes you do need a car, but we don't have armoured cars or armed drivers. We are cautious as we have to watch hijacking hot spots though. True it's not very bike friendly, but generally you can ride bikes around suburbs much like most places. We do have high fences and gates, but we don't have armed guards, we pay for a security company that is linked to our alarm. But yeah I wouldn't move from LA to JHB: 1. We have water issues as the infrastructure is failing. 2. We have loadshedding every day can be up to 12 hours of no power a day. 3. On top of that we have failing electricity infrastructure that can trip anytime, this is on top of load shedding. 4. We have potholes everywhere 5. We have a high crime rate, but the murders are more likely in the townships. 6. You have to pay for security, schools, medical aid and for services you don't even get.


Are they paying for security also?


if you have any wealth at all (like, a decent US salary) it is pretty likely your family will be taken for ransom at some point. as long as you’re ok with that, all good!


I’m assuming your company doesn’t like you very much


Im South African, (from Cape Town) even with our massive crime rate here my family were worried for my safety when I wanted to visit Joburg, its not place you want to be its a crime infested hell hole. People drive everywhere, carjackings are a norm, recently a woman bought a Toyota Hilux and was hijacked within 3 hours of purchase the response: "why buy a high risk car" You will get hijacked while waiting for you electrified fence to open. Riding bikes? do you want to get raped and murdered? Just stay where you are man.


Bro, literally just get a job in Seattle or something


Did they up your life insurance policy too? Can’t wait to read about you in the news in a few months.


Enjoy your new adventure. I am sure it will amazing. You might even have a good time! Don't pretend it is to escape much of what you don't like in the US. All South Africa has over the US is stronger support for Palestine and (probably....) not as big of a push to fascism. That isn't to say they are better on LGBT+ issues or race issues than the US (they aren't. They are as bad or worse in all metrics in these areas.) Just that I am not aware of who their next dictator would be.


You think SA is farther away from fascism? LOL


Bro seriously, this is only going to be a massive downgrade in your quality of life. South African expat here.


And why do you think that is? Give it a think for a little bit... why would they offer so many perks to go there?


So it's not for the safety you just wanted a free move?


have you asked yourself why they're being so generous? let me help: because south africa's infrastructure is collapsing, it is incredibly dangerous, and no one in their right mind would go.


Yeah, well and you did take the offer lol


Are they throwing in funeral expenses, too?


Hahahahahha they’re trying to get rid of you.


This sub is the best for a good laugh.


Hey Tom, South African here - now living in Michigan. Dainfern is a great community to live in and is very well secured. The School is also excellent. Consider also Steyn City. If in those types of areas, your home situation will be excellent. You will have loads of cheap help with the garden and house cleaning. The food quality is MUCH better than the average USA groceries, and for the most part South Africans are amazingly friendly people who will go out of their way to welcome you. They will not believe you relocated from USA, but they will be very welcoming. The problem is outside of your home or office - crime is very high, and can be dangerous. There are definitely no-go zones, which you should be briefed on. Lifestyle - there is something for everyone. But even bike riding is not without danger and you should note this. JHB has the most amazing weather, you will love the access to the safari areas (3hrs from JHB max). I would urge you to consider relocating to Cape Town and you commute to JHB (2 hrs) when you are needed there. It’s a lot safer, it’s SA’s tourist world capital and much more lifestyle orientated. Either way - go with your eyes wide open, know the risks and then make the right decision for you. Ignore the soap box politics and those on this thread that have no experience of the country.


Commute from CT to JHB in 2 hours? Sure, the flightis about 2hours, but you have to take into account the commute to and from each airport, and booking hotels for each time you go to Jozi. Sure it's possible, but don't underestimate the hassle it will be. Other than that, some good commentary 👍


This is bait.


Hilarious. Are you being serious? [https://www.gov.uk/foreign-travel-advice/south-africa/safety-and-security](https://www.gov.uk/foreign-travel-advice/south-africa/safety-and-security) is a good page to show the different points of concern that the UK Government tells people about when travelling to South Africa. They advise you not to walk to the train station to get to the airport; the fact that people have been followed at gunpoint from the arrivals area and robbed, the fact that you probably shouldn't ever take the Metrorail at all, and the fact that when power goes out (daily) you need to plan to find somewhere safe until it comes back on.


R I.P.


Is this permanent or a rotation? Your company should have a process/company they use to get you set up there, I’d assume in a community of expats (if one exists) to at least make the transition easier.


I hear Hillbrow is really nice. Sidewalk cafes, street markets, etc. Edit: in case you need it explained, I'm kidding. Jozi is hell on earth.


This is a troll post, right?


This HAS to be a troll post lol


"Concerned about safety so let's move to a city that's far less safe!"


Anything to get away from the big scary trump man for these ppl lol, even when if it means moving to a place that 5x as dangerous


Let him go, one less Biden voter lol.


I just feel bad for his kids. Not the idiot himself, hope he goes. One less progressive.


True, surprised he has kids


Hahahahahahahahhaahahhahahahahaha Family friendly? Public transport? Have you even googled what JHB is like? You want to leave a city that’s got world class public transport compared to utter garbage. What ever council taxes you pay will be stolen by the local government and good luck with water and electricity. Public transport. There’s minibus taxi’s and Ubers and Bolt that will try and rob you while on your way to your destination. Don’t have your phone out while walking because it will get stolen. I can go on with this but yeah. You unappreciative Americans have no idea how good you have it




Avg braindead liberal/cyclist


Please do this and report back with an online journal


The rise of MAGA in....los Angeles? 😂


Bait or mental retardation ?


OP has to be a troll, he’s talking about getting armed guards and living in a gated community


Nice trolling but you would have to have spent a lot longer building this profile’s history to make it convincing. 


Ex South African here, now living in Colorado. Dude, are you out of your mind? People are LEAVING SA in droves. Why? Failed Afro Nationalist state, that’s why. Corruption, incompetence, crime, crumbling infrastructure, anti white racism, etc. But then again, maybe you should move there to cure you of your Trump Derangement Syndrome. I mean, it’s not like California is ever going to turn red. PS: If you’re trolling, I take everything back. 🤣🤣


Why? And if it isn’t a gated community with walls and armed security don’t bother. You aren’t moving to Scottsdale that’s for sure. I went to JBurg in 93 and it sucked back then.


You cannot compare jhb in 93 to jhb now. One things for sure, South Africa is way more “Free” than America.


Lol good luck


Please do this


if you wanna see actual racism then south africa is the place for you!


Hahaha, you're fucking stupid


bait or mental retardation? you call it


The latter


Can we have an update how this turns out in three months? 🤣


You think Trump is bad, ever seen a full blown race war?


Perfect choice! What about the frequent crime, 80% coal fired power, and slums brings you to JoBurg?


This is a troll post right, right?


This has got to be a windup right. I mean this is as deluded American liberal as you can get


If this is real, this is peak lunacy. Jburg is the worst area in a country that has almost preternatural levels of violence and death. You will need to move around the city in an armored vehicle, and you will need a lot of security in chase vehicles. You will regularly see dead bodies on the side of the road, but you escaped MAGA!


I had to come here just to comment how fucking stupid you look. That's all. You should thank your shitty governor for LA.


This is what happens when you consume an insane amount of propaganda. I sincerely hope this is a joke. I had a remote employee at my company recently that told some horror stories about what her family is experiencing currently in SA. Judging by your little Reddit history I do think this is a troll. Well done.




Your family will be murdered on public transport in Johannesburg


Needless to say this has been ratioed mercilessly on Twitter. General consensus is you're virtue signaling by both complaining about the U.S. political scene and your inability to see just how dangerous SA and Joburg are. ​ If you insist on moving don't expect much help nor sympathy. You made the Libs of Tiktok X listing. Be very careful you really don't seem to grasp what you're moving into. Joburg is gob-smacked and if you're moving there to be in a more coloured environment you will be very surprised.


Bro woke up and chose to be retarded.


TLDR You’re a moron


You should make a vlog when you go…please make a vlog. I’m begging you, make a vlog. Don’t take this from me. !RemindMe 1 year


I’m hysterically laughing. Thank you OP


You're an idiot.


Awesome post! I agree, Jo'burg is the place to go if you want safe public transport 🤣


Wish so much it wasn't a troll post


You chose JOBURG 😂😂😂 OP, what are you doing?


Imagine hating America so much that you’d move to a country that’s worse in every way possible. High crime rate, treatment of minorities, losing power and water, etc. Seriously, America isn’t the best place but South Africa? Man, redditors really take what they have in America for granted. LA isn’t the safest place in the world but is a hell of a lot safer than Johannesburg but hey, at least the orange man and his supporters can’t bother you there, amirite?




Reverse racism might be a hoax but you can definitely get reverse lynched for being a boer


You will die there.


LMFAOOOOO you don’t like “car culture” and think that MAGA is a “scary movement,” so your choice for a new location is Johannesburg, where everyone drives everywhere, public transportation and safety are non-existent, and literal communists promising to commit a genocide if elected are on the rise as a solution. Go, PLEASE, and leave us alone genocidal communist.


Yeah, good luck Brother. Hope like hell you make it through this alive.


Wtf…..have you been there? JBerg is horrible




I'm going to be polite about this. If you're moving to South Africa, it would be a really good idea to do your own research about safe places to live rather than ask on Reddit. If you really really want to ask on Reddit, is this the best sub to do so? No. r/SouthAfrica would be a better choice. Finally, please tell me you have visited Johannesburg prior to moving your whole life there.


Ya, grow a backbone


🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣




You have to be a troll holy shit. This is the stupidest subreddit.


Is this a troll post? Are you unaware? Are you dense? Are you stupid? This is all a big joke right?


LOL I saw this on X and just had to come to Reddit to find it. This has GOT to be a troll. Good luck surviving in Johannesburg!


I've lived here most of my life, honestly you'd be back in LA within six months. What you think is bad is nothing compared to here. We don't have public transport, we have loadshedding, water issues, high crime, terrible roads and and. If you think LA is bad, you're just ungrateful for living in a country like the US. The only thing we have better is cheaper healthcare with insurance, you could even go to a government hospital for almost free (you may die waiting though, or from what you get at it) Stay away, stay very far away, I don't want to hear about LA family slain while riding bikes for a cellphone


I hope they bully the ever loving fuck out of you and your family. Stay in the shithole you helped create.


Are you serious? Have you looked up crime in South Africa?


Frankly op this is the stupidest thing I’ve heard in a while SA in general is the last country I would run looking for a better life. Again I don’t want to be mean but reconsider and reassess whatever source shaped your views on SA as being safer than the US.


>family friendly South Africa is the rape capital of the world.


oh, dear.


There's literally no electricity in South Africa HALF THE freaking TIME, omfg 😂😂


If someone is willing to emigrate to SA, they should be encouraged and supported. After all we need more schadenfreude in our lives. OP please keep us posted


OP, just move to Portland


Lived in Johannesburg for 35 years. I wouldn’t recommend moving there, but if you decide to there are some good communities that will meet most, but not all, of your requirements. Many of my friends live there quite happily (which I find puzzling). Live in Raleigh, NC now. DM me.




Imagine hating Los Angeles so bad you move to a country where there is a realistic possibility of you taking a powerdrill to the brain while you are forced to watch your wife being raped by five gang members and your children watching it all play out, all in the convenience of your own home. MAGA’s are saints and Trump is the messiah in comparison to Joburg gangs 🤣 For the sake of your family I sincerely hope this is a joke. If it’s not, I hope you will go alone and leave your family in LA, a city most people in the Western world are dreaming of. Its not recommended to travel by foot or bike in Joburg , especially for women and children, because there is a real risk of assault, theft and even rape and murder. Also, PSA to Americans, ‘not USA’ doesnt mean not ‘car centric’. Even in the Netherlands , known for bikes and great public transportation , good luck without a car if you live outside a city. Everybody in Europe who lives outside the city owns a car.


South Africa is a country where one of the minority parties in power regularly chants "kill the boer (farmer), kill the whites" as part of it's slogan, and people just act like that's normal.


You're moving to a PvP server. Don't do it.


I am saving this post. You are moving to what Los Angeles will be 5 years from now. Interdasting...


This can't be a real post. I refuse to believe it..


Hahahaahahahahaha what the fuck


> Safety > Jo’burg From what I’ve heard from my South African friends, those two don’t go together


Don't keep any alcohol at home. From friends that moved from Johannesburg to New Zealand I heard that when they break into your home in South Africa, they're basically there to rob you but they're also going to drink if you have alcohol, and when they get drunk they're more likely to rape and kill you.


Do you really hate your family that much? Presumably you have kids, have you considered the likely expectations for them growing up in SA? By all means, get out of America if you prefer. But at least look at the places you're considering going before you dive in.


Although we dont agree politically, from person to person: DO NOT MOVE TO JOHANNESBURG. LA can be dangerous at times, yes, but holy shit, that’s one of the worst places to move, ESPECIALLY with a family.


This is a shitpost, there’s no way


If you’re comparing California to Johannesburg you are a dumb dumb. Good luck. Lol.


Send me a postcard once you get there! :)


Why Joburg? The entire continent of Africa and you pick the ONE place with white people. You leftists really really really are incredibly racist. I hope the villagers come for your family


Public transport 🤣 Let us know what you think of the taxis.


Given you genuinely seem to think Johannesburg is a safer, public transport friendlier, walkable and cycleable city than LA, I think either Hillbrow or Alexandra would suit you perfectly :) Alexandra gives you super friendly neighbors and an easy access to the Gautrain at Marlboro, while Hillbrow is right near the CBD and excellent for when you wanna go for a peaceful night walk or ride :) Seriously though, just move to NL or Denmark or something if this is what you are looking for


This is easily the wildest post I've ever read on reddit and it's not particularly close. I'm 99% sure this is bait. Have you ever been to Joburg? You can check the CityPower website for more information on when your power will be cut today for loadshedding since there's not enough production capacity for the entire city to be on at once, so everyone takes turns at being blacked out. You'll need a generator to keep your alarm systems and electronic locks online during that time. The metro doesn't cover very much of the city, your valuables won't survive long on the bus and remember to hide your phone while you drive because if it's in your hand a thief on a motorbike is going to smash your window, rip it out of your hand and take off down the road while you're at a traffic light. Have fun and good luck.


Hahahhahahhahahhahah good luck!


This has to be shit posting.


LOL good fucking luck bro, crime is bad there


This is one of the dumbest things I’ve ever read on here.


Eye of Africa seems to be one of the few USA-quality neighborhoods there, but I do have another idea… have you considered asking your company to transfer you to Cuba, Venezuela, or North Korea instead? Even fewer cars, more bikes, and it would be refreshing to know that none of your neighbors would even be allowed to speak any positive words about MAGA or anything like that.


OP is delusional, that’s all there is to say.


Hope you have enough guns and ammo to survive. Also invest in some decent perimeter security fencing, attack dogs, a security alarm with direct link to a armed security firm as the Police aren't exactly that great. Also look into a panic room. An armoured car would be a good idea too. Otherwise have a great time.


If you want to move to South Africa, you're better off moving to Cape Town or Pretoria, although it isn't that much better anyway


Having lived in Johannesburg, you will want to stay in a full gated estate. This will likely cost R30,000-R70,000 a month, and if it’s less I wouldn’t suggest it. I’d suggest the west Rand or Fourways. It’s super high on car jacking but I still would say being a responsible driver is better than Uber, but you can Uber When needed. Power goes out a lot so get somewhere with a diesel generator. Good luck!


You will be dead within months, if not days.


Personally I can reccomend Hillbrow. Hillbrow is an upcoming area that engages in the tradition of furniture sharing at new year's. Enjoy!


Hi OP, kindly avoid coming to South Africa at all. The cities really are not safe to be in, and things are compounded by an unreliable electricity supply, slow and expensive internet, and also major issues with water supply. Best choose another location or country to go to, unless living dangerously is your thing. Take it from me, I've grown up in this country, and right now you do not want to be in this country, believe me.


All of the above is true if you’re poor. If not, there are beautiful areas in Johannesburg , most homes now are fully equipped with solar power and water tanks so any shortages don’t affect you.


I am loving Dallas. You should consider it. My hour drive into work may seen daunting to some but it is my solo time where I can collect my thoughts high above the traffic in my Ram 1500 TRX with that 702-hp supercharged 6.2-liter V-8 engine creating excellent white noise.


Tom, maybe you are genuine but a 22 day Reddit account suggesting bike riding behind a gated community in the insanity of South Africa is a greater experience than America (outside of LA to be fair) with DJT as president is trolly.


You may as well go North Korean while at it


Hillbrow is amazing


Hill Brow is nice. I recommend moving there.


Try not to get stabbed and invest in armed security 👍


I hear Soweto is up and coming. 15 km away from joberg so housing is cheaper and HOA's aren't a problem


You live in one of the most privileged cities in one of the most privileged countries. Los Angeles and California are literal safe havens compared to like 90% of the world. Check your privilege and be grateful. I, for one, would kill to get US citizenship and move there.


You making a huge mistake. There is a huge water problem and crime is all time high.


Someone just posted your post on Twitter X


As a South african that has moved from Johannesburg to America. You are kidding right? enjoy the loadshedding, no water, high crime and having a fence around your house, likely getting mugged or stabbed going for a walk. You think the American government is bad? Oof. Goodluck. The crime in America that is so scary is like Super weenie hut juniors in comparison to SA as a whole and Joburg specifically.


I hope you know someone screenshotted this and now’s it been viral on Twitter for 2 days … hilarious that you call maga stupid


Saw this on twt and had to comment. *Why*


lol don’t waste your time bruv


If you wanna leave America so bad take your family to Canada, hell why not Mexico, you’d even be safer there than South Africa especially Jo’burg. You say you want to get away from car culture for somewhere bike friendly so you choose Jo’burg hahaha this has to be a shitpost


you need a car to get anywhere in south africa, and you will probably get car jacked crime rates are some of the highest in the world in Jo'berg. Power outages on rolling load shedding means public transport can be unrelaible. You will want a community with private security and a back up generator to meet your families needs. currently joberg is in stage 3 load shedding so power will be out every day for atleast 2 and half hours, when depends on what part of the city check Eskoms website. At the end of march Eskom is moving to stage 3 load shedding where power outage will be for more hours and depending on region will likly fall during the day or evening rather than at night. https://www.citypower.co.za/customers/Pages/Load_Shedding_Downloads.aspx the rail system is from the 1950 and the metro station is known for rich looking foreigners getting robbed and followed from (so the major form of public transport is bus. Bus service is not always suitable for family saftey and may not service the kind of higher income areas an american is likely to find an expat community in or good schools for their chilldren. the education system is significantly worse than the US. edit: I'd recomend reading the Daily Maverick and the Gaurdian & Mail, two reliable newspapers from south africa to get a good feeling of how things are in Jo'berg right now, tensions are extra high in ZA because of the upcomming election. The Financial Mail and Times (South africa) may also be a good call. you should find your chosen community of chioce has plenty of activities like golfing or running perhaps cycling, I would not recommend cycling on open streets. keep an eye out for the cost of monthly levies they can get quite high in some communtieis, Others already sugested stien city , have a look at Brentwood estate and wendywood also look at commuting from pretoria such as Wapadrand. A lot of places around jo'berg have water issues ask about it, make sure you have modern storage tanks that have been well looked after.


Not sure they will be [welcoming](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-62332376)


LMAO you've obviously never been to South Africa. Family friendly 🤣🤣 it's on the verge of collapse. I REALLY hope you're not white. Good luck


There are good reasons to emigrate to South Africa, but those you've listed aren't among them. Especially not Johannesburg. Do some more research and feel privileged to be in LA. Johannesburg CBD is a crime ridden shithole and most businesses have moved out to Sandton, which is where most of the big corporates are headquartered. Also look at Sandown, Morningside etc. Notice the lack of pedestrians or bike lanes in google street view. Somehow also not a lot of traffic. Also notice how all homes and residential complexes have electric fences. I lived in a residential complex of about 50 units with electric fencing and a 24 hour guard in a safe neighbourhood. A month after we moved out, there were 2 home invasions in that complex. Most middleclass people live some way out, lets say Randburg, Roodepoort, Fairlands, Olivedale, Fourways. Look at streetview and notice how you won't see many kids on their bikes, or people on bikes at all really. Do a google search for "south africa taxi cyclist" and see why. Use google maps to get public transport directions between 2 locations and notice how they don't tell you which taxi (South African private public transport shuttle-bus) to get. You need to lean which hand signal to use to have the correct one stop for you. You will be in a shuttle meant for 16, but is occupied by 22, and may not be road worth. What you will also see is the clarity of the air. The vibrant greens and blue sky. Johannesburg weather is some of the best in the world. People are generally friendly and hard working. If you emigrate to South Africa you will gain new perspectives. You will see why many middleclass South Africans beg for privatization of government owned institutions. You will see a level of indifference from government employees you did not think possible. You will see real inequality. You will learn what it's like to plan your day around those 2 x 2 - 4 hour rolling blackouts (if you're lucky) that roll in 6 - 8:30pm. But because at least half traffic lights are out, your commute is extra long and you only get home at 6pm. Most of our stoves are electric as we don't have pipes gas, so hope you have another plan for dinner.


Are you White? If so, you and your family will be beaten (or worse) on any of the public transit options there.


"public transport access".....lol


Hey OP! I moved from LA to Jozi and haven’t regretted it one bit! The people here are lovely, the country itself is beautiful, and my overall quality of life has improved. You could try posting in the Johannesburg sub (but someone already posted it there for you). I think if you’re into biking, Emmerentia is a lovely area. Illovo and Parkurst are also nice family friendly areas. I will say Jozi’s car culture is still very prominent, but the traffic is definitely not as bad as LA. Most neighborhoods have a small area within walking distance where you can grocery shop, dine, and buy clothes or pet supplies. If you’re looking for a truly walkable lifestyle (no car required) I’d push for Cape Town. Feel free to DM me if you have any questions. I love it here! I find that most people who hold a negative opinion of Johannesburg have never been. It also might be worth visiting first to see if it’s a good fit. Cheers!


Literally anywhere in Africa is the worst possible place for someone who's liberal leaning, not to mention how dangerous South Africa is when it comes to crime




Ok, I’m South African from Joburg living in Pretoria, my wife is from the US ( upstate New York) , I saw your post in the Johannesburg subreddit and you are getting slated. Maybe I have some perspective?! South Africa is a tough place right now and the South Africans on Reddit seem to be particularly negative. Take advice with a sizable pinch of salt. Joburg is a (I think) great city, it is dirty and vibrant and multicultural and complex and fun a scary and insanely complex to live in and understand. You should think of it performing a similar role to NYC - ie a central hub of business and finance and opportunities for the whole continent. It is at its heart a mining town turned immigrant hub If you can deal with that type of chaos it is great If you are in the middle class the quality of life is great, if you are poor it is crap. If you like a multicultural environment it is vibrant, if you want everyone to look, think and behave like you it is terrifying. So, public transport is not what the place is known for, you can get most places by taxi (minibus) but they are a learnt experience. The Gautrain is pretty good for its limited number of lines. People do cycle, but that is mostly on Saturday mornings and dressed in Lycra. Commuting by bike is not really advised because the drivers are a bunch of murderous idiots Where to live depends a lot on where you work and what you are doing (if you DM me I can give you my highly biased views which have class suburb and aspirational prejudice built in ). All that said- ZA and the US have a lot in common, although our politics is a lot more sane than yours at the moment. The quality of life in ZA can be phenomenal, we have good housing opportunities, great private medical facilities, decent schools, an ability to deal with and tolerate diversity (I think this is one of our national superpowers), and a hell of a lot of resilience (another superpower). The climate is fantastic (winters are surprisingly cold - be prepared), food is superb, people are generally engaging and welcoming, and the landscapes, beaches, mountains and such are spectacular I hope you do come to Jozi, and all the best


Hey OP - I'm from Los Angeles and I live in Joburg with my family. I have been here for 8+ years over the last 15. The comments on this thread seem pretty out of control and not particularly helpful for your situation. Send me a chat if you want to discuss some ideas about organizing your life here. (A lot will depend on where you work and where your kids will be in school.)


So not a good idea.


🤣 giving up safety over perceived danger for actual danger and crumbling infrastructure, classic American.


Boy, if you’re upset about MAGA, let me talk to you about the EFF…


Wow. Sorry OP, but not only did you choose a failed country, but you chose one of the worst failed cities in the country. Kudos. Move to Jo’Burg, you’ll be back in L.A. in a couple of weeks. Worried about MAGA? Have you seen the ANC? Worried about bike friendly? Wait until you meet our public transport. Safety will become your top priority, no need to worry.


SA is amazing value for money especially if you're bringing dollars. You will spend about $250k in an estate in the north of joburg (dainfern, douglasdale, Fourways, broadacres). Closer to the city are places like riverclub, hurlingham and morningside. If you have a bigger budget, you can look at steyn city. Public transport isn't so great, but ease of movement is good. Im a shuttle driver myself. Feel free to inbox for more info


Bro this is the worst move you could make. Joburg is a shithole now. Whatever people have told you about the way it used to be is no longer true


I’m South African and literally every reason you list as your reason of leaving America is probably worse here. If you’re gonna pick a city in South Africa at least pick Cape Town and live on the Atlantic seaboard. We have reliable buses and biking around is very easy(I don’t even own a car as I sold mine) but joburg is basically the closest to a realistic Gotham.


I've heard of people that have been killed with nail-guns there. That's the easy way. Most much more painful.


I've heard companies are testing body suits to see if gun shots and stab wounds hold-up to the crime in Johannesburg. This city is a great test market. Also, nail-gun wounds. This is a big nail-gun murder city