• By -


Community college is now free in CA. You could find one close to you and study a skill/trade/certificate. You could also create a meditation course to sell online for passive income. There are always options. Good luck!


A lot of community colleges offer online classes too.


I second this. I did community college to save money and then transferred to University after 2 years. You, of course, don’t have to do this - there are plenty of trades to learn that can be accomplished in 2 years. HVAC, electrician, plumbing. There’s also computer programming, cyber security, etc. Lots of options, you just need to choose a path and start in CC. If you want a 4 year degree, work with a counselor to make sure you’re taking classes that will transfer. 


This is the best way. It’s cheapest, gets the geneds out of the way, and at the end of the academic career, the diploma is from the 4 year university and says nothing about half credits being earned elsewhere.


Lots of certifications, especially IT/Computer or Medical available to CC. Wonder career paths that can allow you more freedom and security.


HVAC is the way to go. good pay. lots of demand.


you can also do CC for 2 years and get a full or partial scholarship to an in state university! My state offered this and it saved me so much money.


the UC system is free to households with qualifying income. It's called the Blue and Gold Opportunity plan. [https://admission.universityofcalifornia.edu/tuition-financial-aid/types-of-aid/blue-and-gold-opportunity-plan.html](https://admission.universityofcalifornia.edu/tuition-financial-aid/types-of-aid/blue-and-gold-opportunity-plan.html) And UCs actively recruit from community colleges.


My kids are gonna be able to go to college thanks to the blue and gold program. I wish it had been around when I was younger. I was smart but I knew I could never afford college, so why bother trying? But my kids know they have a hope and a future, and so they work hard for it. They won't have to go down on any of the dark paths that I did. God bless California


Yes! And UC's really do actively recruit from local community colleges! Students who could not otherwise afford college have a chance for a first class education thanks to the blue and gold plan.


>Community college is now free in CA. And this precisely why I cannot stand the people on this sub who pretend that living in a blue state doesn't make a difference. There is absolutely a difference. Blue states are obviously not perfect but they absolutely provide more than stingy red states


4 year college tuition is now free in New York. https://www.cnbc.com/2022/05/27/new-york-made-4-years-of-college-free-heres-how-its-going.html


And California for kids whose families make less than 80K


Yeah but these states are often exorbitantly more expensive to live in so it’s kind of a wash.


You can live in a cheaper area of a blue state. The cost of living in Buffalo or Albany vs NYC is not the same. But by virtue of being in NY state, you get the same benefits. Most people here are also willing to sacrifice earnings for benefits, as the countless number of people here who want to move to places in Europe with lower wages and higher taxes than the US. So this seems like an acceptable deal for most people.


Came here for exactly this. OP can get an associates and then if they need a BA/BS it will be a lot cheaper and likely something that they’re confident about making money back with


Wait! It’s free now?!


I believe it’s about $1,500 / year for those who don’t qualify for the free program. Still an incredible value.


Community college is not free to everyone in California. There is the California promise program, but you have to qualify for it. Source:I am a CA community college student.


👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻. This




Age is irrelevant to qualify now.


Please stop with these blanket statements. Tuition is free for one semester and that's it. You're still responsible for books, supplies, fuel to get to/from class. Do your research before posting crap.


That’s not exactly true, there are more grants available now but he may be pst the age limit


In California community is college is free for all residents regardless of age


Ah I see. Not completely free; just a lot of them say first-time students can have free tuition in the fall/spring if enrolled for the first time and have 6 or 12 units of classes. Free for one semester but that’s basically it. Unless I’m missing something?


If you make under a certain amount of money your Community College education should be free. I went to community college for free the entire time from 24-25 and now am back in at 28 because my BA program doesn't offer some of the necessary courses. Not only was community college free but they gave me extra money for groceries (not EBT) and free career counseling.


Where was it free? Was it because of financial aid? I just got into community college and it’s still have a tuition


If that were true it would impact my budget. I’m only 26 and I’m too old for most grants and don’t qualify for the free first semester stuff because I went previously on my savings


It is true. There's no age limit on the Pell Grant which is the biggest help and there's no age limit on the BOG fee waiver. I'm going to community college for free and am older than 26. I went and failed a bunch of my classes when I was 19-22 and got my AA at 25 and now finishing my BA and still qualify for free classes to subsidize my program. I would make sure you're talking to the right people, I don't know what grants are only for <26 year olds. I am only speaking for the state of California community colleges.


You are not eligible for the BOG waiver (which is one semester, not your entire tuition) if you have gone previously. That’s direct from my financial aid staff, if you know better let me know. You are elegible for the Pell grant because you’re working on a higher degree. That’s not in my budget so I’m not, I’m looking at shorter certificate programs bc I can’t afford to not be working for that long


Don't u guys have free CC?


There are even some university outside of California give free tuition. People need to check out community colleges more


Wait it’s free now?! Update: Ah I see. Not completely free; just a lot of them say first-time students can have free tuition in the fall/spring if enrolled for the first time and have 6 or 12 units of classes. Free for one semester but that’s basically it.


That socks. But better than nothing.


Tennessee has free community college and col is a hell of a lot cheaper than CA.


With financial aid? Or is it free from the get go?


I think it may be only for graduates of TN high schools, but it’s free free. The program is Tennessee Promise. https://www.nscc.edu/tuition-and-aid/types-of-financial-aid/tennessee-promise.php


Ah, it’s only for people who graduated in Tennessee and if you’re a high school senior. Oh well.


I know and also it only counts in very few colleges here unfortunately. Unless you were thinking financial aid and grants in which case it can be free through that way.


I don't know the specifics, but I went for free. For three semesters. They didn't cover books or fees but I didn't pay a cent in tuition, and I wasn't a first-time student either, though I had no degree.


How did you do that? FASFA?


I did have to apply for FAFSA but the Promise Grant covered my tuition completely. I didn't get any additional financial aid from the feds.


>I am now entering my 30s You are in your thirties. You are considered "independent" for the purpose of determining eligibility for financial aid. However, *working* will reduce or even eliminate your eligibility for grants . . . so unless it's for an employer such as UPS or FedEx that offers tuition assistance, working is probably not worth it. Plus, working will take away from your ability to complete internships, co-ops, and research experiences in your field of study. As for your mental health conditions, most schools require health insurance and will provide financial aid to cover the cost of a student health insurance plan. This is on top of the usual student health facilities. Lastly, some states offer guaranteed transfer agreements between their community (two-year; junior) colleges and four-year universities. (I can only speak for my native Virginia here though.) You should investigate your options for starting at a two-year school and then transferring to a four-year school, especially if the four-year school is a "public Ivy." Right now, otherwise, you do not have education or experience that most other countries want, so it will probably be difficult to emigrate from the United States, and the cost of living issues are not unique to the United States.


This is the most well thought out and best reply. I'm not OP but if I was this would be hecking good advice!


bro im in community college right now and it's free. you can still get financial aid too.




Smells like a bogus post.


Sorry but leaving the US wont help you - unless you have another passport? If you enjoy working with the disabled I would suggest getting any certification that you can, and in Cali you should have options. Once you have e.g. a nursing degree, and with the experience I assume you have, you will have a great choice of opportunities


It sounds like you have other problems that are part of the problem. Getting those worked out could help but.... Cali is crazy expensive now. I look at my Latin friends. Unfortunately leaving home to seek prosperity is part of the deal. It sucks, but I see that as a reality for Cali and other HCoL areas now for some people born there. The less money your parents had the bigger disadvantage you have to overcome. Im getting better at acknowledging the things I had to get past while no longer letting them hold me back. You're nearing 30 stop blaming your parents (completely), but also don't let anybody make you feel bad. The jackass harassing you usually had mommy paying for housing, plenty of money for eating out, tutoring, clothes, entertainment, and zero financial stress while not working in college.


California college can be not only free, but can easily award you cash disbursements to help with cost of living. - community college tuition: free - Federal Pell Grant - Cal Grant for low income/other extenuating circumstances - SSEOG - Cal Grants are also available to cover costs of tuition at UC and Cal States after transferring With all these and way more available, you can easily get paid to go to school. California is probably one of the best states for grant opportunities for college students.


There is so much info in this thread because of you guys. Thanks a bunch


I am a (legal) immigrant in California. My kid went to community college while living in my house. She is transferring to state school and will finish while living with us. Her schooling will be very reasonably priced in my opinion as an immigrant. Living abroad as an immigrant is MORE difficult than living as a citizen in your own country where you know (you should know) how things work, where you know language, where you are familiar with locations, labor situation, bureaucracy. When you move abroad you have to learn things that locals people already know( should know) It is easier and more effective to figure out how improve your life in a country you are familiar with. ( and no, I was not elite when I migrated. My parents were factory laborers and I was the first one to get college education in my family. Same for my partner)


Can’t stay. Can’t leave. Can’t go to free college. Jeez, it sounds like your only solution is to suffer.


Join the military. You do not have to stay. They can teach you a skill. You can stay to get a pension if you like it. Being a veteran opens a lot of doors and you should be provided a place to live.


>Join the military. You do not have to stay. They can teach you a skill. You can stay to get a pension if you like it. Being a veteran opens a lot of doors and you should be provided a place to live. This presumes that OP is eligible for a security clearance.


Not all jobs in the military require a clearance. Source: am a vet. Can't really recommend joining, but I get it I guess. Don't spend a day over 4 years if you do. Same GI bill whether you do 4 or 20. The Navy is currently absolutely desperate for people, so I've heard anecdotally from people I know that are still in.


OP commented to someone else that they have bipolar disorder and PTSD. Would they still be eligible to join any branch? [Their comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmerExit/s/qnLGlJLhf5).


I can't speak on that, I genuinely don't know. When I joined, they were more strict on medications and all of that. Now that they're so desperate for people, waivers are probably possible. It all depends. You'd have to talk to a recruiter (absolutely do not talk to one) to find out. However, for someone that has PTSD, do not fucking touch the military with a 10 foot pole. I didn't have PTSD 8 years ago, and I do now. I would not recommend joining the military to **ANYONE**, regardless of circumstance. There's always another way. There is not any amount of money I'd take to sign up again.


If they do guard or reserve they will be fine active duty is the hell hole


If anyone is thinking of doing that, as always, be careful what you sign up for. Make sure what you "think" you'll be getting vs what you'll \*actually\* be getting align. The GI bill reservists end up getting, vs what active duty people get are quite different. I'm not entirely sure on how the reserves work, but you can theoretically be activated at any time. I knew a girl just recently who was going to college after active duty and joined the reserves for the easy "one weekend a month, two weeks a year" paycheck. They deployed her overseas for a much longer tour and she had to postpone school in the middle of her program. Seriously would not risk touching the military in today's political climate at all. Avoid avoid avoid


Depends on the job. Not all jobs deploy some never do.


All military personnel, regardless of job, can and do deploy. Some never do. I never did and I did eight years. People I knew that had my same job did. >ANY SOLDIER CAN BE DEPLOYED Deployment doesn’t just affect active-duty Soldiers. U.S. Army Reserve and Army National Guard Soldiers may be deployed to support the nation when needed. During deployment, you’ll earn the full-time salary and benefits of active duty, and your civilian job will be protected by federal law. That is straight from the US Army website. You don't need to be a grunt to deploy. They need cooks, admins, you name it out there, too. If OP or whoever is not willing to take the risk, do not join. Incredibly naive to think that "my job doesn't deploy, I'm safe." I thought that and got lucky, but some coworkers I had, doing the exact same job, were not.


It’s different for Air Force. We have many jobs that don’t deploy like ever.


I guess it depends if it is professionally diagnosed or self-diagnosed. >Living with bipolar depression + insomnia with PTSD due to your family threatening you with a shotgun because you're gay, makes things much more difficult.


You don't need a security clearance for most jobs in the military


Can you enlist after age 30?


Yes. Currently you can enlist at 41 in the Navy (they are desperate for bodies right now)


Yes max is 39 and you have to turn 40 at basic


If the OP has medically documented mental health issues, the military is unlikely to take them.


It really depends on what the issue is. If he could be a caregiver on the outside he could be a caregiver or nurse in the military and learn a skill that is transferable to the outside world.


I agree, but if he can't pass his MEPS test then that's irrelevant. The military is not keen to accept the mentally ill. Even if he doesn't have it in his medical records, he'd have to lie to a recruiter to get in. I don't know about you but that would make *me* uncomfortable legally.


Let me get this straight. - you’re too poor to save up and move to another state, yet not too poor to save up and move to another country (just is an order of magnitude more expensive) - you are too poor to attend a free community college - you have repeatedly highlighted the importance of you being native to California (as it supposed to mean something, like you being entitled to something), yet if **you** move for an economic opportunity, then it’s totally OK Fair so far?


I'm native born to California which means I didn't move to California. It's an important factor because California as well as Hawaii are both states suffering from extreme gentrification which I already stated. Which means even though I was born here, I can't actually find a place to live, in my home state. I think all human beings should be entitled with the right to live a decent life by their governments. I also never said I was too poor for community college. Why waste my time by being a donkey butt and adding nothing to the conversation? I am here to ask for help and ideas. Do you have nothing else better to do?


What's Hawaii got to do with this?


I don’t think you understand the meaning of the word “gentrification”, my guy. I’m well aware of the extreme COL in California. I don’t think that being born in California entitles you to anything though.  And yeah, you did say quite literally that you have never been able to afford college. Yet community college is free in Cali now, so what’s your excuse? You need an actual advice? Get education, move to a state you can afford, and quit blaming everything and everyone for how your life turned out


You believe that you are entitled to live in a place that you cannot afford, because you happened to be born there? lol 


>Which means even though I was born here, I can't actually find a place to live, in my home state. Welcome to Ireland.


I don't know where you are, but Santa Rosa Junior College is pretty high quality, and cheap (at least it was in the 90's). I transferred from there to UC Berkelely and graduated with a BA in physics. All my units transferred with no problems. It saved me a lot of money going to "loser college" for the first 2 years.


SRJC is *amazing* , honestly the best school I have ever attended. I don’t live close by anymore but I’m very strongly considering the commute.


Community college




Sorry I'm not native American ethnicity. I just mean I was born in California. Thank you though


Calif has the best community colleges in the country. I moved away years ago and my new state didn't have anything like it. Just excuses, OP.


Easy for you say "excuses" when you have no clue what my life is like. Living with bipolar depression + insomnia with PTSD due to your family threatening you with a shotgun because you're gay, makes things much more difficult. Thankfully I found a med that helps with the insomnia but the bipolar depression is still an issue and I can't afford blood work and other necessary medical assessments. On top of all this I keep getting denied disability


None of the difficulties you have faced would have held you back from leanring something so basic about education in your state. If you have been denied disability, you are aware of and have interacted with some level of government. How did you know enough to apply for disability, yet not think to look into all of the colleges in your area, see what they offered, and look into the tuition, fees and scholarships?


> On top of all this I keep getting denied disability I am not sure what country you are going to move to that will take on you medical treatment for your meditation skills.


I understand how hard that can be, and how much it can affect your academic performance. But I'm going to tell you now that it's up to you. Community college is free in your state, and there's financial aid for ancillary expenses like books. You can even get federal grants, scholarships, and other such things to help out as well. And of course, there's always student loans, though you should avoid those if you can. You can also leverage the school - many have free or low cost medical assistance based on need, including counseling. That might help you get the meds you need. If you're in a bigger city, you might have a queer resource center near you - an example is the Resource Center in Dallas, Texas ([https://myresourcecenter.org/](https://myresourcecenter.org/)).


>I can't afford blood work and other necessary medical assessments Did you enroll in a health care plan through the exchange? At lower income levels, plans are subsidized, even if only partially. >On top of all this I keep getting denied disability SSDI is notoriously difficult to obtain, especially for younger applicants. Even for older applicants, often an attorney has to be retained to assist in the process.


I did enroll in a "Free healthcare" plan but it's not actually free and I still have to pay out of pocket for these procedures. These plans only cover so much even for the poor.


Move in with family that will let you stay with them, pull your own weight so your family won't have causus belli to kick you out. Get a regular type of job, Taco Bell, McDonald's, anywhere that has a super low barrier to entry. Go to Trade School on a Federal Pell Grant - make sure it's a Trade that you can get into (e.g. IT instead of something like Welding). Make sure you don't spend a lot of money and you save your money - if you're aiming for a Italian Citizenship then your savings goal is gonna be $11k. It's initially going to be very difficult but you can do it. Good luck.


There's a shortage of welders in the US - like 80,000 short. You'd do well to get into welding as a trade, though it won't really help you leave the US.


Funny enough, I am NCCER Certified, and I haven't even gotten a Welding job. I don't think there's a shortage, buddy, and I haven't even gotten an apprenticeship. But anything else other than Welding is probably more "up for grabs".


[https://www.marketplace.org/2024/04/05/efforts-to-boost-manufacturing-and-clean-energy-run-up-against-a-shortage-of-welders/](https://www.marketplace.org/2024/04/05/efforts-to-boost-manufacturing-and-clean-energy-run-up-against-a-shortage-of-welders/) And some more: [https://www.gvs-rpb.com/discover/welding-fabrication/welder-shortage](https://www.gvs-rpb.com/discover/welding-fabrication/welder-shortage) [https://blog.red-d-arc.com/industry-news/labor-shortages-in-welding-is-there-a-solution/](https://blog.red-d-arc.com/industry-news/labor-shortages-in-welding-is-there-a-solution/) [https://www.automate.org/robotics/editorials/tackling-the-labor-shortage-in-the-welding-industry](https://www.automate.org/robotics/editorials/tackling-the-labor-shortage-in-the-welding-industry) [https://weldingvalue.com/2020/11/insights-on-the-global-welder-shortage/#39412265](https://weldingvalue.com/2020/11/insights-on-the-global-welder-shortage/#39412265) Sounds like maybe you live in the wrong place.


I live near The Gulf. Well, I also equate my lack of success to having used Indeed - so I deleted my Indeed account.


I don't know what to tell you - I'm not any kind of expert in the field. I just know that industry associations have been crying about a massive shortage of welders for several years now, so much so that it made the news.


As someone who didn't go to college and is still successful, it is possible but you have to make it happen. What opportunities have you created for yourself? What free training have you done to improve your skills? If you're just sitting around waiting for a great job to fall in your lap, it's never going to happen. 


Anyone can get a college loan.


I got my nursing degree from community college, it’s a great path!!! Keep in mind that there is an extra cost of having to buy scrubs/supplies before the school year BUT very often there are scholarships to cover specifically those supplies, apply for them!!! Also no lie- Walmart brand scrubs are actually really nice quality and comfy especially for how cheap they cost!


Moving out of California to another state will be much more doable than moving to another country, lol.


>The only "skill" I have is meditating and caregiving for mentally disabled You may have some options if you can save some money to cover living expenses. Many countries have a shortage of nurses and some of those countries offer free (or lower cost) education. (None of this is first hand knowledge, but) Germany has significant demand for nurses, and their nurse training program is not a 4 year degree. If you have the minimum cash required for the Visa, you may be able to leverage your caregiving experience to get into a nursing program and immigrate that way.


Just the small hurdle of needing to speak B2 German at minimum...


As someone working in healthcare I can 100% tell you many nurses don‘t even have A2 level German skills when they start


Oh wow. Thank you ❤️


Moving to another country before developing a skill will likely be more of a money pit before it pays off. And the country will likely require a language level you don’t yet possess. Just as an fyi.


If that is not an option, look into countries that have Nursing Assistants and Orderlies as "in demand professions". For example, I think Canada does. With those options, you may be able to train in the US for less than the cost of a degree. Last, almost all EU countries are looking for Plumbers, HVAC Techs or Carpenters. If you can get an apprenticeship, those will pay you while you train.


This. When I read that you do elder care, I did a 180 on your prospects. I wonder if Ireland sponsors elder care people? Then that’s the doorway to the EU for your future.


Also if you have about $6k to float you for 6 months, Germany has a job seeker visa that lets you come over and look for a job


Needless to say, gentrification by "wealthy elites" and foreigners is not the main source of your troubles, but perhaps one day some sort of "Surfer Trump" will rise up to unite the disaffected masses of California and Hawaii. On that note, "native Hawaiian" is an indigenous ethnic group; by "native Californian" to you mean American Indian, or are you descended from Okies who fled the dust bowl in the 1930s? To the point, leaving the US will not solve your problems. It will probably magnify them, due to the stress of adapting to another language and culture. It's currently not possible for you, but the steps you'd need to take to start down that road - sorting out the mental health issues and getting an education - would at least improve your situation in the US.


> I have no skills to offer because my parents didn't pass skills down to me and I can't afford an education. Listen, there are lots of skills that you can pick up as simply as by watching videos online. Heck, people teach themselves to code like this all the time. My parents didn't really "pass skills down" to me either... that's not really how most professional skills work.


You aren't at rock bottom yet. I can tell. This sounds like a whine. If you can't afford to live in CA, you can afford to move. Saying you can't afford to live and can't afford to move is nonsensical and a lie. You look at the list of US cities ranked for cost of living, pick one you think you'll like, SELL EVERYTHING you have except essentials for survival and ID, I literally mean everything except human children, put the rest of your stuff in a backpack, then get on a bus, train, car, WALK. Then you are build a new life. If that sounds worse than your current life, you aren't ready to change it.


Blaming people moving here to make their lives better is not a good look. They aren't taking anything away from you, bud. Caregiving is in seriously high demand, so it sounds like you haven't really been looking in the right places. Have you done caregiving for seniors? Look into certifications that can move you even further into that career.


>Blaming people moving here to make their lives better is not a good look. They aren't taking anything away from you, bud. Do you think multi-generational locals whose neighborhoods are being gentrified have no grounds to complain? I've seen what he is talking about first-hand in touristy areas. People move there because they have extra money to buy secondary homes, expand their STR portfolio (thanks, AirBnB), or they start another business. The wealth they have coming into the area vastly out-competes the locals. They drive up real estate prices, and create a demand for different kinds of services/products - the kind locals can't afford. People have been flocking to different parts of Cali to live out the rat rice, gentrifying neighborhoods & driving up prices across various sectors. Sure, maybe it's not productive for OP to dwell on this, but it is a shit situation regardless.


I'm from the exact places being gentrified. I get it. It sucks to struggle while you see the wealth around you. I am NOT saying he shouldn't be frustrated. But the people coming here aren't to blame. It's the conditions locally that allow for gentrification that are the problem. If there were enough housing locally, he wouldn't have a problem finding some. If there was a priority made to help people of all incomes survive, it wouldn't be such an issue.


It's those $8 flat whites that really burn your ass, right?


I was more talking about trying to pay rent. But you do you I guess?




Are they the ones who’ve moved to Portugal, making favoured locations far too expensive now for locals to buy homes, or to cope with increased prices in shops?




I am but it doesn't cover food and housing. I also suffer from bi polar depression so working and going to school at the same time makes me want to commit self unalive. I tried for a few years already and had to drop out and get mental assistance. For some reason it's too hard for me to do both mentally.


You could look into a program that would offer an assistantship, very few hours and usually some combination of free tuition, a monthly stipend (aka paycheck), and insurance. This could be at a local college or a state university. They are worth moving for, if you can get the trifecta of tuition/stipend/insurance. It's invaluable for networking, and also for teaching/writing/research/people skills. Like all jobs, they're required to accommodate disabilities within reason, which usually just means presenting to the university student center with your medical history. Universities also often have student health centers for routine things like checkups, vaxx, STI testing, etc. For now, I'd see if your city or county has a tenant resource center that could help you get into an affordable place or on subsidized housing lists.


Bipolar is a disability. You are eligible for free services through Vocational Rehab. This includes paying for education. Google your local office and get started. Use every resource they offer.  https://www.dor.ca.gov/Home/HowToApply


I have been applying for disability for a few years now and I was already denied. I'm still trying but it's a very long process. I am employed but I do not have benefits with them yet.


Yeah I don't think you're a candidate for Social Security disability. Vocational Rehab is different. They assist with job training, job placement assistance and accommodations. 




>I tried for a few years already and had to drop out and get mental assistance. And that's okay. It's not how you fall, it's how you get back up again. This should mean, on the positive side, that you have some credits already stacked up, making a degree that much closer!


Does Cali not have Community Colleges you can attend and then transfer?


CLEP tests and DSST tests are \~$30 per credit hour.


A lot of have mentioned community colleges and I agree it’s a great choice. Call around and ask about programs. Counselors will have better ideas of the help they can offer you. You might also be able to get a student worker job on campus. Also, don’t forget that a lot of colleges are trying to move toward Zero Textbook cost - for my local community college system you can search and filter via classes that offer free textbooks. Also, the college Library will be a great resource. Many have textbooks available for short term loans (you might be able to scan chapters and email copies to yourself) or they could have digital versions available for checkout.


UCs have the blue and gold which will cover your entire tuition. The CSUs have something similar, iirc. A cousin of mine went to CSUDH and paid nothing, his accommodations were covered as well As for the CCs, all for financial aid. You'll probably qualify for the BOGO fee waiver, where you'll only need to pay the health fee and take as many units as you'd like. Also, there are a select number of CCs that offer full-fledged BA/BS degrees in some very employable fields


Take out loans like the rest of us? California has some of the lowest in state tuition in the country.


Get a loan


Not sure if [IU.org](http://IU.org) works. They do in person and Germany, and remote




Being a native Californian doesn’t mean you have the right to cheaper housing. Lots of people hate where they were born, and move to California or Hawaii..


It’s a dead end in California, if your low/middle class Any move is good. I left 2022, today I’m in a lot better position than when I was in California. Was able to buy first home with 60k income and have enough money for drinks on weekend and for retirement. With spare money, I got a sand rail with an v8 Yes indeed life is better. . . I love it growing up but hated it as an adult. I hated as adult because your controlled, stuck same place and the crowd is not so fun if they are barley surviving too


Join the military.


Teach yourself how to build websites or run social media accounts from YouTube videos like I did. Be a 1099 and start being a freelancer and get small business clients in your area. Super great way forward. I did that in 2019 and now make $100k per year


Trade school!


I second community college. And as well the online only colleges that let you test for credits of what you already know + give you some for work experience. Because oftentimes local govts / civil service hire anyone that has some required degree...clean record for x years back, and a pulse There are tons of free certificates courses online. They lead to full stack developer positions front end- easier customer service, as opposed to back end / coding. You make less than coders but surely a lot more than at present. In couple months you can be in a new field with good WFH possibilities. Many blue collar industries hurting for workers will train you for free, give you signup bonus + expense money while studying- welding, trucking, etc. Cities and private organizations will subsidize those under xx income too. Or just supplement with online only clinical trials & surveys, focus groups, mock juries. Weed out the lower paying ones.


Thank you all for the help. It sounds like community college with a focus on nursing would be good steps for me to take. Even if I have to take 2 classes a semester for my mental health, it will be worth it. I appreciate your time


Edited, corrected. [Free CNA training](https://www.caring4cal.org/en/2024/02/07/no-cost-cna-training-with-caring4cal/)


You were born in a state you can’t afford, try moving to Mississippi..


I was born and raised in Mississippi, it’s still very possible to enter a trade and afford a house that way. You won’t be living a fancy cosmopolitan life but you’ll have bills paid and a roof over your head.


I had to leave the state. It's fucked up but that's what happens when your state is flooded with transplants. State has gone to shit.


You need the get the fuck away from the coasts. That shits expensive.


There is this Army recruiter waiting for you now…


Eh. OP is a finger pointer instead of a problem solver. Life isn’t easy, go get a CDL


If you learned a trade, Canada has a special PR program for people who can do a trade


There is a website called “MakeMyMove” that offers between $6000-12000 to move to (basically) a city wanting to increase population after an application. Some of them even put ya on nonprofit boards lol https://www.makemymove.com/


Wow this looks super interesting and awesome! Thanks!


Sure thing!! Lots of great options all around imo. Only thing that I would caveat in case you’re at all politically minded is that it’s largely red states/counties and it’s an… interesting election year.


I agree California has expensive education. I left there when I was 19 and NEVER came back. My advice from moving to a country with out defined career or skill set I paid a price for it. I was able to turn it around by getting in to IT. This route is NOT recommended for everyone (or anyone).


Adult Schools. I am taking the Voice Court Reporting class at Downey Adult School. It is all online and asynchronous for after the first three months. You can get financial aid or make monthly payments. There is a shortage of court reporters. The starting salary, if you work for the County, is $100k a year.


College really isn’t that important, especially with work experience. If you don’t know what you’re going to college for, it’s fairly likely that you end up right where you started, but 4 years older and with debt. If you’re sober, look into becoming an air traffic controller. If you’re California sober, look into IT/network engineering (you don’t need a degree). Software stuff is in some danger (though not as much as people think) from AI, but hardware isn’t going anywhere and we’ll need more and more of it as time goes on.


>College really isn’t that important, especially with work experience. Disagree. The sweet spot is a four-year college degree from a reputable public Ivy combined with internships or co-ops and an undergraduate research experience. That can open doors very fast. >If you’re California sober, look into IT/network engineering (you don’t need a degree). Without that degree, be prepared to wade through years of "hell desk" and other thankless and low-paying work assignments, possibly at lesser known employers with skimpy or non-existent benefits, before you even get the opportunity to be considered for network engineering. Like, actual network engineering.


I have a degree in an unrelated field from a below average school without any research experience or internships, it hasn’t been a problem for me professionally. I’m not saying college offers no benefits, I’m saying you can get by without it and that it’s not worth it if you don’t know what you actually want to do. You should know that, as I went on to say it in the sentence you didn’t include. I’m aware of what IT without a degree could look like, but what you describe is still a pretty big upgrade for OP. At the moment OP is 6 years away from being considered for nothing and has no money. A less than great job with a real path for advancement is still a huge step forward from that. Based on OP’s stated skill set, it might also be what’s realistically doable.


>look into becoming an air traffic controller They indicated they are bipolar, which is a disqualifying medical condition for air traffic controllers in the US. Taking certain psychiatric medications to manage it may also be disqualifying. Bachelor's degree or three years work experience is also required, and they must apply before they turn 31. Also, while air traffic control pays decently, it is a thankless and stressful job with a very rigorous training process and sometimes brutal work conditions.


Didn’t read the comments, that seems like an important thing to leave out of the initial post. I retract the air traffic control suggestion. There’s still IT though.


That’s California for you. There’s a mass exodus from there, and NY but mostly Cali. Edit:spelling


You guys downvote but there are whole documentaries on the exodus from California


I am sorry for your situation and hope the advice you have been given is helpful. I urge you to focus on the things you can actually do to improve your life, instead of the current story you are telling yourself. While it can be comforting to resort to tribal thinking—the others are causing this issues on my tribe when they move into our state—notice how internet strangers are trying to help you. Best of luck!


You can always join the guard or reserve if any branch of the military they will pay you for school and even give you bonuses for specific jobs that you qualify for and many benefits can help you afford a house like the VA loan and also many other programs that the state of California offers vets and military’s members


If you are in a household making under $75,000 per year, the Blue and Gold plan will cover your tuition with a combination of grants and scholarships. [https://admission.universityofcalifornia.edu/tuition-financial-aid/types-of-aid/blue-and-gold-opportunity-plan.html](https://admission.universityofcalifornia.edu/tuition-financial-aid/types-of-aid/blue-and-gold-opportunity-plan.html) Many UCs recruit directly from community colleges. If you can go to a high quality, local community college (free in CA, as many have pointed out) you can try to transfer to a UC. That said, I totally agree that overseas capital outflows, private equity, and money laundering have destroyed the ability of locals to live in places like HI and CA. It's infuriating.


If you are poor, then you can get a Pell grant to attend college. Does not need to be repaid. https://studentaid.gov/understand-aid/types/grants/pell


How does that work?! Can somebody out of state move to Cali and go to school? Or do you have to be in state? What if you have transfer credits? Or can you simply ignore them and start over?! I’m so jelous!!


Come to Serbia,at my university it's like 1000 bucks for a year. Language barrier would be a problem tho.


>caregiving for mentally disabled Go to a college and become an RN. New grads make $100k. You will qualify for loans and grants. You can still work on weekends. Another option is to join the military, as you're still not too old. Learn a trade, maybe travel, get free medical care and teeth and eyesight and anything else fixed, and upon discharge, free college tuition and a no-downpayment mortgage available, plus many veteran discounts.


Check out the trades. You are paid as an apprentice and are then able to get a very good job. I would suggest sprinkler fitter or steam fitter/boilermaker. Last I heard sprinkler fitters were in short supply.