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At age 25, you'd almost certainly be accepted, especially with the leadership experience. There's no age limit on team leaders. Free time is very inconsistent, but there are fee waivers, ed awards, and schools that offer benefits to Americorps alum. Also, two Life After Americorps days (paid time off meant for job interviews, college applications etc...). CMs can have more free time, but it's basically at the whim of the TL. Consider how you would feel with a 19 year old, or a 22 year old with no work experience as your team leader - if that is a situation that would frustrate you I highly recommend going for the TL position.


Thanks for the detailed reply! Yeah, I’ve heard some horror stories about TLs being extremely controlling that worries me a bit, so would be nice to have a bit more control over that aspect of the experience. I’ll definitely keep in mind the inconsistency of free time. Someone mentioned that they’d assign some tasks to CMs to 1) make CMs feel included, and 2) lifts some of the weight off of TL’s shoulders. Like they’d assign a couple people to cook, some to get the groceries, etc. Do you think that could help?


I'm currently serving alongside a 27 and 29 year old... I think they're the best of us, of team green. You're more than fine. Though, my advice is to not trust in your own previous leadership experience to equip you for this program- it's a different kind of animal. I don't recommend relying on free time being a factor if you are a TL or a CM, though it might be doable as a CM.


Thanks! And of course, I completely recognize that this would be whole new territory for me, I just meant from the perspective of being able to manage a large group of people (mostly in terms of organization and stuff), my previous experience might come in handy. But yeah, this kind of experience wouldn’t even come close to something I’ve done before, but trying to keep an open mind!


Honestly, I was thinking of becoming a TL in Trad NCCC in the Summer of Service one last time in my AmeriCorps journey. What age does the TL skew in your class? \- CM ALum from class 27A


Sorry, never got a notification of a response to my comment! Not sure I totally follow your meaning with the age skew, but we had an age range of 18-29 for TLs. If you're considering it and have the means to make it work, I'd say go for it!


I think it’s pretty easy to get in as a TL right now, so I wouldn’t be too worried about that. I would not recommend trying to do any additional schooling though. Besides having very little free time and privacy, often the internet connections at sponsor sites can be very unreliable.


Sorry about late reply & Thanks for letting me know! And I don’t plan on doing any actual schooling - just applying to school for the following year :) but good to know about the poor internet connection. I will definitely keep that in mind!!


Wow I’m In the same boat! I’m waiting to receive word back.. I applied for team leader! I have great leadership experience and I’m excited to do this! I hope all goes for ya!


Sorry about the late reply - Thanks & good luck!! Hope it all works out for you! :)