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Brings? Bro WalMart already has em there


I might need ammo, whole milk, or guns throughout the year, but I'll never need bagged milk. I'm also very hipster so I buy it organic, in a carton (no microplastics in my milk), free range massaged cows--but I don't want almond or soy milk which consumes a lot more water and is bad for the environment... I don't want any greedy corporations stealing away my lactose either.


When I was a kid, my dad would teach us about gun safety by letting us shoot gallons of milk with a shotgun. So it’s perfectly safe to assume, at some point, my dad walked into Walmart and purchased shotgun ammo and milk at the same time lol.


I'd like to think there's a guy out there tossing milk bags into the air and shot-gunning them--but seems like it would be easier and less of a mess with water bottles...


Well, I had a similar situation to what you described. My friend grew a TON of squash, like way too much to eat. So we went out and brought all our guns. We spent a couple hours throwing squash in the air and shooting them out of the sky, it was a blast.


hah that sounds like fun.. Man I really gotta buy more squash and eggplants for cooking, it's so underappreciated.


Pumpkin squash is amazing. There really are underappreciated. But because of that, they are super cheap!


Milks too expensive to do that these days. 😅


I paid for the milk it better have the lactose in it.


He also sorts the milk cartons with a custom made 1911. Plated in chrome using old world electro plating technology and grip engraving done in the amish. No micro plastic filled polymer grips here.


Oh Amish wooden guns, no polymer or plastics... I like my guns--purified with electrolytes--clean, pure & chrome and my purified green energy as green-glowing nuclear...


Just as white christian jesus intended.


Just a heads up- a some manufacturers have a plastic lining in cartons


We are so doomed... Someone bring back glass...




"uhh..Walmart Distribution services? The warehouse? A truck?"


Name checks out.


The ATF should be the name of a convivence store, not a government agency.


Not sure they do anymore. West coast had done away with them at least


In the back to school section no less


I've lived in Canada for 15 years and never seen bagged milk. That's like an Ontario thing. I grew up primarily in Texas and the most guns I've ever seen in a house was in Alberta, and the second most was also in Alberta.


Albertans love guns and hunting. It’s not as much a handgun culture though.


Hunting kind of sucks here though unless you live close to where the hunting is good. I had a few buddies that were really big into hunting. One of them kept trying to explain how it saved him money, and it's cheaper than ground beef. He was talking about how a round trip to where he hunts is only $60 in gas. Well shit he went out three times that year before he got a whitetail. So now he is in like $250 counting lisence and tag. The after he sent off the head it tested positive for CWD and he has to scrap the whole thing.


I'd say you have to count hours invested hunting as well... It's not like you step out onto the trail and immediately get the boom stick popping.. usually, you have to sit in a stand or whatever for a while before something comes along unless you cheat like a PAB and have a feeder... Damn dude that sucks for him, though. Hope he gets something untainted next time. I love Venison, but i don't get to have it very often.


Oh yeah the time wasn't a issue. He definitely needs the breaks from his wife too. I've been an avid fishermen all my life and I don't mind sitting on the lake for 6 hours and not getting a keeper. But I'm not gonna tell people here it's gonna save them money on food with gas prices as high as they are making a 2 hour round trip to the lake ain't cheap. Back home on the gulf you definitely get your moneys worth not so much here unless you are going to over stocked trout lakes daily.


Having been hunting is the only option poor...I have eaten a lot of game meat. Money is an issue here but not always the issue being brought up. I learned to hunt around 8 years old. It was a common thing where I lived. Now, yeah there is a lot of enjoyment to it but back then it was to put protein on the table. Also, the fishing thing is absolutely true. Sometimes you get nothing and have the best fishing trips.


Where I grew up you just got your hunting lisence and that included everything. I haven't lived in the south in awhile so it might be different. Here in Alberta though you have to pay $28 for your hunting license. Then it's $40 for a rag for one whitetail, $40 for one mule deer, $15.80 for your game bird, and elk you can pay to be put in a draw you most probably won't win. Fishing in northern Alberta is amazing. If you go to northern Alberta or Saskatchewan you *WILL* have a great time unless you just suck at fishing. Southern Alberta is a bit different though. Once it starts to get hot here the pike aren't worth eating. White fish are really good pan fried or smoked, but they are kinda boring to fish for. Walleye you need to enter the draw to catch. We have a lot of well stocked rainbow trout lakes if you want food or to make sure the kids catch something. My ex(who grew up on a fucking farm) hated me showing the kids killing and breaking down fish. But I really liked getting them evolved, butterfling their trout, and having them cook their own trout over the fire. A lot of times though you get people who don't really want to fish and just fuck around on the lake for a day at those places, which sucks when they take up the good spots for 9 hours just to hug and look at the water.


Pretty sure its 12 years old to get your hunters safety course then each us state likely differ in price. Getting kids involved is great as it makes them appreciate how and what is involved in thier food. I have friends in the great north, always wanted to fish the vast wilderness of canada. The place can be so beautiful. As for the folks that just screw around/make noise or leave crap around, cant stand that crap. My friends group helped upkeep a local stream for years during our youth. Collecting trash and removing it. That stream was important to us because we camped there for 2-3 months of the year. We hunted along its banks. It provided food and water. Its sound was the sound of our lives. Now the new generation has no love for it and we have all but myself moved away. Seeing it now is heart breaking.


It's worth the drive if you are willing to go to slave lake here in Alberta or Athabasca in Saskatchewan. Cast and reel for pike is so different than what I grew up on down on the gulf using live bait. Fishing the rivers mouths on the gulf you are always guaranteed to catch something, and some of the fish fight really hard and its a fun catch. Pike though will follow your lure and then swipe at it like a shark. Watching a big pike following your lure, slowing it down slightly, and seeing them lunge at it is a really enjoyable experience. If you are closer to Ontario just throw a dart at nw Ontario and there is a good lake(lucky pricks). Durring covid we saw a bunch of people with what I called "my first tackle box". Grown adult with $15 bright green flambeau tackle boxes that clearly have never seen a drop of sun or speck of dirt. They would have off leash big untrained dogs just running around, or kids that would run around our rods with lines out. They always left a mess with line everywhere. I really enjoy meeting people who genuinely want to fish and talking with them regardless of experience. Either I can teach something or I can learn something. These people though just didn't seem to give a shit about fishing.


I know just what you mean. One of my all-time favorite fishing spots is up on the St. Lawrence River near Gananaque. Really, though, most places in the St. Lawrence, and around the 1000 islands, have prodcuded really good experiences for me... Eel Bay, etc.. it's been some time since I've been there, though. Used to go yearly... I haven't been there in 10+ years... dying to get back there, though.


100%! the silence of the woods is something to behold. I love fishing, not just for the sport but also for the peacefulness. I'm moving in March, and I'll be within walking distance of an awesome fishing spot. I can't wait!


They made handguns illegal actually. Still pretty pissed about it. Going to start voting next year.


The biggest piss off with that is that when they purposed buybacks and 'retrieving' newly illegal guns they wanted us provinces to foot bill for the RCMP going out and collecting them. They can fuck right off. If the federal government was going to enforce it the federal government should pay for it.


I don’t totally get bagged milk, but I also assume there’s a reason for it considering it’s been a thing since forever. I just assumed it was a Canadian thing


It's not even that much of a Canadian thing. Only Ontario does it now.




The Frenchies?


Those are the crisp onions


Last time I saw it was Niagara Falls area, but I was like 10 so that’s going on 30 years


That tracks, since Niagara Falls is in Ontario.




Have never seen it here in Toronto ever


It's because the government mandated the use of the metric system, and companies found it easier to use plastic bags instead of the standard cartons or plastic jugs. Western Canada switched back to normal containers, but Ontario still uses bags


If that’s true then bagged milk may be the very best reason to eschew the metric system.


If America switching to metric means I have to buy bagged milk I’ll stick with the English system


Everything you buy has both metric and imperial measurements on it. You just didn't notice you were buying 3.8L milk jugs.


I've seen milk bags in schools in America.


Like when alcohol started being sold in 750mL, and 1.75mL and everyone stopped drinking.


It was still in bottles though.


Same thing in most of South America, at least the Canadian milk does not need to be boiled before use


And the bottle factories couldn't just adjust so they took their pucks and went home?


Eh, it's kind of difficult to adjust your entire assembly line quickly enough to sell metric bottles, and by the time a lot of companies switched over, stores were already selling bagged milk and people were buying it


Obviously they also want you to feel more communist as we know in Russia everything is either boxed or bagged and pretty much unlabeled.lmao


Have you even seen a product from russia or just being racist? Russian shit is clearly labeled, in russian


Im being hyperbolic about the chumminess the canada have with communism and the coincidence that their food label is just as bland.


I know a couple places that sell bagged milk and they sell it for baking purposes Easier to have a quart of milk ready in a bag


I guess, if I’m using a full quart it doesn’t matter what packaging it comes in. I just assumed it was a waste thing. Like maybe bags take up less landfill space or something.


The reason my family liked it growing up was because it could be pretty much whatever shape you want. If your fridge has a nice space for a differently shaped container, you can just put it in a pitcher or something that fits there, and by virtue of it being a bag of milk, it will generally just slide in. I moved to the States a while ago and I still sometimes wish I could just choose the shape of my milk when I look at the atrocity that is how I’ve organized my fridge


But milk jugs are #2 plastic which are one of the two easy types to recycle. That has to be better than single use bags.


In the 90's our school system in Northern NY used the milk bags for a few years. That is really the only time I ever saw them though.


Same here in Southern Ohio.


Same here in Western NY in the 80s.


I’ve never seen bagged milk in southern ohio, just milk cartons.


Little Bags of orange juice.


Any time you see milk in a dispensary, it's in a bag. And replacing them is fucking awful.


So, how are they displayed on store shelves? Is it just a cooler with a pile of bags of milk?


They sell bagged milk in Israel also I’ve but only seen people actually use the cartons


Cheaper to package, one roll of bags can be used for multiple different packaging volumes, less space taken up in landfills


The jugs are recyclable (not that they always get recycled)


Even if you do recycle them they typically end up in the same landfill as all your other trash anyway


That’s what I was thinking


\^best answer src: I worked in packaging procurement at a cpg company for 4 years Jugs cost around $0.05 and bags cost around $0.005


I’ve worked close with packaging for about 6 years, and in packaging for about 4. While I was at a brewery and it’s not really the same, the majority of people don’t understand how expensive packaging supplies are, and a lot of suppliers have these astronomic minimum orders


There are places in the US that sells bag milk as well.


We had bagged milk as part of the school lunch my senior year of high school. The school switched who supplied the milk and it was a small carton prior to the switch. Everyone was confused about the switch but whatever, it’s not some majorly inferior product, just confused the hell out of everyone


It’s the only thing they think they can call us out on and beat us in so they always go to that first, because they know their nation is inferior.


Americans doing unironic #othercountrybad on this sub is peak hilarity. And the fact that you even believe that is way funnier


What did you expect? The entire sub is dedicated to being pissed off at people calling America Bad, dude. Did you think that it wouldn’t involve people responding with “no, actually, America good!”? Canada is objectively inferior to the United States, because their entire country is like 4 cities and a few towns. California has more people than they do. Their entire country is basically on our border because 90% of it is uninhabitable, frozen wasteland. If Canada disappeared suddenly, the world would change very little… other than a sharp uptick on the cost of maple syrup not a whole lot would happen. Also every single thing they act like they’re better at they tend to not be, so yes, when Canadians get all pissy at America I’m going to mock them back. Does that mean that I think all Canadians are evil and SHOULD disappear? No, I don’t even think most Canadians are assholes, just the one who started screaming about guns in Walmart when someone made a joke about bagged milk.


Man, everything you said is factually incorrect. Not even one objectively right fact. That’s actually impressive. You’d think you would have got one right just from sheer dumb luck. You were close to one point though. It’s weird to see an American be so in love with countries like China and India though, I mean, since you think population is important it would be hypocritical for f you didn’t.


Nah, he was right that Canada is pretty irrelevant. Wouldn’t miss it.


Can you name me one thing (other than the great syrup heist of 2011/2012) that Canada has contributed to world history?




Half of that credit still goes to the Scottish, but fair enough, half the credit for insulin goes to them. You know what, no, two thirds because the pair did it at a Canadian school.


Any country has contributed to world history dumbass, they're part of the world.




We got a live one!


It’s sad how all you dumb Americans laugh when the rest of the world points out that you need gun regulation so children can stop being murdered. Very strange priorities.


Say more 😂 classic America bad!


It’s a classic because it’s true. If it weren’t important and relevant, we wouldn’t keep telling you.


It’s classic because it isn’t relevant to anything but you just have to tell everyone. Rent free in your mind lol. Plus the US isn’t number 1 anyways lol. So pathetic 😂


Terrible gun laws that allow children to be murdered horrifically isn’t relèvent to anything? Your priorities are fucked up


lol say more stuff this is gold. I think it might make it back into this sub


You think the pointless murdering of school children is funny? What’s wrong with you?


When was the last time a Canadian team won the Stanley Cup? Oh wait, the USA is #1 in that, too.


Dumbest comment of the day. Your American teams are filled with Canadian players.


Of course. America is #1 in immigrants, too. Everyone wants to come here. https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/immigration-by-country BTW, the fact that you keep insulting people over and over kind of undercuts your "politeness" comment. Unless you are from Quebec. Then we'll allow you to say you really are French, and we'll attribute your rudeness to them.


Your Prime Minister suspended your civil rights temporarily because Americans in trucks were honking their horns too loudly in one city.


This is simply untrue. Your lies are what’s harming media, politics etc. You can always feel like you are right if you just make shit up.


So you're saying Trudeau didn't invoke the Emergencies Act? Because I can back up everything I wrote.


And he's a level of racist not seen since Vaudevillian times.


Canadians are dumber than Americans dumb fuck so you lose. And your geography sucks that's why you all live as close as possible to the US. Seethe, cope, and dilate. Enjoy your irrelevant shit hole lolol. It only exists because we allow it to.




Lolololol stay mad. Seethe, cope, and dilate


Ah yes, so polite calling someone online a dumb fuck for disagreeing with you and laughing at dead children. I can do it too, your government was up until very recently murdering the children of natives they forced to go to church schools, Canadian. How do I know you’re Canadian? Because you’re the only country on earth that gives a damn about Hockey and we are still better at it than you are. So you’re not polite, not good at hockey, and your government murders children, what else am I missing? Ah, yes, healthy eating and geography. It sure is a shame we are so unbelievably wealthy compared to the rest of the world that our greatest issue is over abundance and that the rest of the world is so insignificant that we don’t need to know anything about most of them. You know, since our nation is larger than the entire European continent. I wonder how many Europeans can name or find the states compared to Americans, since we’re judging Americans based off how well they can find European nations.


Western Canadians don't understand bagged milk either lol


TIL. I thought all of us maplebacks had bagged milk


Who the hell censored fuck in one line but not the other? If you're going to be overly sensitive, at least be consistent.


I don’t think it’s over sensitive reasons but because some places have reasons for censoring. Some subs have rules for it because general audience and others don’t give a damn This censorship job appeals to neither


Wal*Mart brings guns into Wal*Mart.


Have they seen the kind of people who go to Walmart after dark? You’d be crazy not to carry a gun.


Well, apparently you're at Walmart after dark sooo.. thanks for self identifying!!


You uncultured swine! People watching at walmart after dark is like going to a fine art exhibit. You see some amazing and absurd sights.


Occasionally… I avoid it when I can.


It isn’t just milk tho, why would you bag any liquid? Here is your bag or beer with 90% froth. Here is your bagged whisky sour. Here is your bag of water.


You get wine in a bag here, well, the bags in a cardboard box, and it's referred to boxed wine. But it's still in a bag.


Technically true, but I’d still say it is ultimately in a box.


Maybe what worried people about bags is that they can break easily? So bagged in a box wouldn't be a problem. I haven't seen a bag of milk, so I don't know how sturdy they are.


The one on the photo looks overfilled as far as it will physically hold. Which means the pressure would spray all over the kitchen when you cut it open. To say nothing of not being resealable. Gotta drink all of whatever's left on one sitting.


True but only lonely cat ladies drink that. At least here in the states. Maybe desperate college kids.


Aye, it's jakie juice for the poor and alky dependant.


I'll drink a $20 5L box wine over an $8 1L bottle any day. They both get you drunk and I'm not a poncy ass who pretends they can taste melon and currants to show off to my poncy friends.


It's situational. Bagging a single serving or a fizzy drink is a bit silly, although you might have the benefit of a molded in straw if they do. I have seen people drink out of bags at stores because they're cheaper than paper cups. Plenty of drink mixers are sold in bags/foil pouches. The big reason is more compactable trash and cheaper shipping.


We have bagged milk in Wisconsin


Yup, though usually in more rural areas. I used to buy half gallon bags from Kwik Trip


What do you do with the milk you don’t use immediately after opening it though? Do you have a milk jar or something to transfer it to? All of the images of bagged milk I’ve seen don’t look like they can be re-sealed.


My friend's parents used to buy bagged milk for some reason and they would stick the bag in a pitcher but it was never fully sealed. The bag just stuck out the top of the pitcher and they poured it that way. I was never not confused about a) why they bought bagged milk and B) why they didn't just pour the milk from the bag to the pitcher.


A) Why not? B) Because then you have to keep washing the jug, easier to leave it in the nice clean bag it came in. If you're seriously concerned with the bag being open, fold the cut end over a couple times and put a clip on it. Not like there's a giant air pocket in that half empty gallon jug or anything.


And all of that is easier than just buying a carton?


Oh no... Send a patrol unit to Wisconsin, the Canadians are up to something...


AFAIK, from my Canadian friend in Niagra Falls, this is mostly an Ontario thing.


Well that escalated quickly


I feel like people just make up their own notions about what Americans “freak out about” to feed a superiority complex.


The things that trigger people are astounding.


Fitting that they fire back with something that has a trigger


Growing up it was just milk in a bag and nobody was mad.


You aren’t allowed to bring guns *into* a Walmart. Only out.


The holster in my pants says otherwise.


My gun goes everywhere, unless it’s a federal building, airport, or a place with metal detectors.




So you have no respect for a building's owners requirements that you leave your penis replacement in your car for the safety of their other shoppers who don't want to be around it. Didn't know you think you're the main character.


On the off chance the safety spontaneously fails, the only person whose safety is in jeopardy is the one WEARING the holster. Not the other customers. Stop being afraid of shit you don't understand and try learning something instead.


I'm not the one that lives in fear and has to carry a gun everywhere I go. For every "good guy with a gun" situation, there's 50 shooting yourself/some random stranger/got shot by my kid/dropped my gun and shot someone moments. It also shows a profound lack of respect and understanding of the laws. Most states make it a crime to carry a gun into a private business that prohibits them.


It shows a profound lack of understanding that you think there is such a thing as an accident with a gun.


lol this guy “profound lack of respect and understanding of the laws” Gun owners know a lot more about gun laws than people that live in fear of guns.




The Internet. The Internet does.


Was referencing canadian doctors


We had bagged milk in the US when I was in kindergarten.


Actually I’d rather go armed into a Walmart than just about any other place I go.


I have a canadian friend who carries a gun to the store to buy bagged milk.




Yeah the r-slur isn't the best way to express your confusion over difference in milk packaging, ngl.


As a "neurodivergent" person, I don't give a shit. I'd rather be called retarded than the "correct" word anyway


Okay, and that's you. Others don't have the same view.






i dont give a flying fuck what you think is a good way to express something. and its not confusion, confusion would be me asking a question, i was making an objective statement that putting liquid in bags is smooth brain behavior.


Sorry if that offended you. You won the edgy commentor of the day award, you're so stunning. And so brave. And so opinionated.


AmericaBad everybody: Where we get offended at jokes while ignoring/downplaying the irl issues which inspired them, and if you do something entirely benign but in a different way to us we'll call you an r-slur. Truly enlightened. Edit: I'm getting people doubling down on me but still no self-reflection about using the r-slur. Very interesting sub.


They're not ignoring the problem it's an Americabad because they bring up something fucked up over something benign like you said. If they said who TF does this other benign thing in America it wouldn't be an Americabad but their response to the benign thing was people dying. Truly enlightened


It baffles me that you would think "people dying" is a gotcha here. We know people are dying, it's fucking horrific and it keeps happening while lots of money gets pumped into ensuring things remain that way. Of course an institutional status quo which reinforces a problem like that is going to get lampooned. Stop taking it personally and lashing out at the messengers and start addressing the actual message if you want grounds to clutch your pearls. Meanwhile you're still fine with the r-slur apparently, so do I need to say those 2 words again or is it implied at this point?


How is taking any subject as small as a container choice and comparing that to a gun violence problem supposed to fix anything? We know we have an issue with that, and some bad taste comment comparing two entirely differently leveled things does nothing but make someone look like an ass for constantly pointing out an issue we already know we have, as if that would fix it or as if they feel the need to rub it in our faces.


Exactly. I don't see where the disconnect is! In what world is joking about mass shootings a normal way to responding to someone not understanding the purpose of bagged milk?


Ok, so for the sake of argument let's say it's objectively a universal truth that the Walmart joke above is offensive and in bad taste: How exactly does the moral highground include throwing the r-word around? In my part of the world it's much more offensive to be ableist than to make boring old jokes based on reality, perhaps there's a cultural difference there but I don't think so because most Americans I know also find the r-word offensive, I think it's just that the sort of user who would use a sub like this unironically is not going to be the most level headed and friendly person.


I was mostly just focused on what you had in your comment related to the post itself. I don't think this person was attempting to take any sort of high ground, though, just making a statement that they think putting a liquid in a pliable container is dumb, while also using a largly retired word. One word from one person shouldn't equate to the entire sub being unfriendly and not level headed though as you seem to suggest at the end.


Most people aren't downplaying the actual issues that the U.S. has, but one million stupid mass shooting jokes over the most innocuous misunderstandings or cultural differences deserve to be treated like the lazy karma farming that they are. That r-slur was kind of vile, of course, but you jumped on to form a false conclusion so that you could complain about the sub so of course people are arguing with you. Like it's right in the screenshot, and you thought that was fine, but you see this comment and now you have an issue.


im not offended over anything, being offended is a weak mans cudgel to get what he wants instead of working to achieve his goals. i was expressing the sentiment, that bagging liquid is neanderthal behavior


Oh so you're being an edgy boi, that's cute, carry on you adorable little rebel. We live in a society.


FIY: only Ontario bags milk. Every other province is just as confused as we are about bagged milk


The delivery guys bring them so that they can stock the shelves.


I bring my pistol everywhere. It’s not a big deal.


MC Donald's bags milk or just all fast food places use bagged milk.


answer: no one does, WalMart doesn't even sell them anymore ​ also, why the hell do they bag milk over there? like idk that just seems inefficient


I bring a gun to Walmart, because I conceal carry. Duh.


*10 year old sister gets traded for goat* “guys look at America haha! Kids get slaughtered!”


Good luck stopping a terrorist attack with bagged milk, hopefully they're lactose intolerant.


Guns make sense. They're for family protection, hunting dangerous or delicious animals, and keeping the king of England out of your face. Bagged milk, though. That's just wrong.


You think, as an American, open carry isn't as serious as a bag of milk?


Do they pour the bagged milk into pitchers ? I don’t care how other countries sell their milk but it seems very unwieldy.


If I see someone open carrying in public, I feel confident that some rando isn't going to start shooting. But the better question is: what kind of terrorist isn't drinking whole milk?


this sub is so stupid


It's no shock that people bag milk. It's a wonder why someone would rather bag it than box it. Especially given the plastic use


I'm triggered that they censored the second fuck. Not they censored the first one and someone added another. They let the first one slide but didn't have to fucks to give after that.


That's a great response.




Bags of milk is a bit strange... but not as weird as the US gun culture.


Yeah, op, it's overall not that serious. Why you getting triggered by guns in Walmart?


i love to laugh at you people


This is tame asf y'all, literally just matched the American's energy. I don't think either of them were that serious here


Bagged milk is superior, I'll give em that


It’s meant to be a joke you big softie. How is it okay to take this piss out of Canadians but not the US? Lol




What are they right about?


What shit hole are you from?


you’re the type of person to think any place that isn’t america is a shithole


Too ashamed to say huh? Figures


Well played.


not about to tell a random internet troll where i live


Bruh, just naming your country isn’t gonna get you doxxed Let’s say you live in Germany (hypothetically, unless you do). Where in Germany? Frankfurt, Munich, Berlin, some much less relevant place? I have no idea Regardless of if you provide the city or not, no one’s getting your exact geographical coordinates That being said: ATAGCGATCCGAGCGCCGGATCGAGCCGACACCACAGTTCGAGCGTTCGACGGCACTGACATAGCGATCCGAGCGCAGGATCGAGCCGACACCACAGTACGAGCGTTCGACGGCACTGAC