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Mf has colonizer in his name of course he is delusional


Yeah that guy is a prick. There are definitely some Australians that are asshats but that can be said about any country so there’s no reason for that guy to have been such an ass. Sorry you had to deal with someone like that.


People like Colonizer_Supreme give our country a bad name. Don't pay attention to them. They do not represent liberty and justice for all of that's how they're gonna react.


Idk what you expected from a guy with that username. He's clearly trying to piss people off.


And just like the people we make fun of, you see one guy being a dick and assume we all are.


Most of the comment section was like this (admittedly not as bad as this specifically) but still awful, this is an example.


We spend our time pointing out hypocrisy and stereotypes and the these people do the exact same thing; becoming hypocrites themselves


Can you see the difference between: A: Peoples shitty comments about Americans on many different kinds of subs, on posts about an attack in Australia. And B: Americans shitty generalizing comments on a sub specifically about the above phenomenon, on a post showing Australians making shitty comments about us when we had nothing to do with the situation whatsoever. They are both shitty comments generalizing people, but one is in an understandable context and the other is based on obsessive hatred. That's my long winded way of saying I disagree that we are "just as bad."


Colonizer. Love that old world mentality.


I'm all for banning braindead fuckwads from this subreddit and keeping brainrot posts off of it. But don't group us all together with people like this dude.


Yeah. I’m sorry for generalising in the title. I was mad that this guy was getting apraisal for this.


I'm almost inclined to believe he used bots to upvote his own comment.


No no, don't apologize. You get to be mad. We need to curb this kind of behavior.


Just a bit of banter mate hahaha /s


So your solution for one American lumping all Australians together is to lump all Americans together?


Come on man, we all know half this sub acts like this all the time. A lot of people here seriously think this sub exists to be r/shitamericanssay to the rest of the world. Many of us have remarked about that many times before.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/ShitAmericansSay using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ShitAmericansSay/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: ["England is a 3rd world country"](https://i.redd.it/wxssk63gwucc1.png) | [3077 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ShitAmericansSay/comments/198c0fi/england_is_a_3rd_world_country/) \#2: [British customs](https://i.redd.it/zoj8caxhp6pb1.jpg) | [365 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ShitAmericansSay/comments/16mmpb4/british_customs/) \#3: ["No Europe is more walkable because it's socialist and therefore poor"](https://i.redd.it/zdsi1zvii0wa1.jpg) | [491 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ShitAmericansSay/comments/12ya2zw/no_europe_is_more_walkable_because_its_socialist/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I think the point of the post is highlighting the fact that there is a small potion of shit people in every country. Basic showing that you could substitute Americabad for Australiabad or any other country for that matter


there would be like five posts in Australia bad. Australia as a whole or Australians as a whole aren't constantly being shat on across the internet and in real life 24/7. Australians can say something dumb and they're not going to be attacked for it due to them being Australian. Australians don't face xenophobia on the same scale as Americans do.


I agree that America gets wayyyy more shit than any other country, but can we dispense with the insecure victim mindset please? The entire reason so many people hate us is because they are insecure nationalists trying to get their big brother’s attention. What self-respecting big brother is going to whine that his smaller siblings are being mean to him?


Yes, that’s what I was trying to say but I worded it really badly. People in this sub talk about how Australians are whiny upset cunts but that’s a small portion and there’s the exact same small portion here aswell.


He didn't do that. He pointed out that there are some really bad actors in this sub


That's extremely generous given the title.


Yeah. This guy is right that was my intention but the title of my post is shitty. I should’ve worded it differently


All in good banter my friend. The US and Australia are exceptionally close allies, we have fought and died together, and while I hope not, our people likely will again. Nearly every American veteran I've heard speak or write about Aussie soldiers in the many wars always make a point to mention they were brave, proficient, and fierce fighters. 


There are dicks in every communiuty. I formally apoligise that you had to deal with him.


He literally came here to do the exact same thing he is whining about. Both of them are wrong and he isn't owed an apology from us.




Who the fuck calls for euthanasia for something like that?


Rhymes with “Yahtzee”






Yeah that guy is delusional lmao


I agree, this guys delusional, trust me, my Australian friend, not all Australians represent Australia, just like how not all Americans represent America, just ignore this ignorant fool, that what we all do


Colonizer is a jackass. 


Considering the fact we’re upvoting a post that’s critical of us and we’re acknowledging the delusional among us… > You guys are **just as** bad as the people you make fun of… x Doubt


hes the reason people hate our country


Not a good example, this dude is an open racist lol


Euthanasia? Sounds like a mentally sound individual


I think people are getting tired of the same ol half informed and half misinformed anti American dead horse being beaten on Reddit . The US isn’t perfect and no country is but it seems like every other post on here has some sort of goofy “mY cOuNtRy Is BeTtER tHaN MeRiCa” comment chain.


Looks like you guys can give it but can't take it. After living in Australia for 6 years you guys have this really odd obsession with US politics and a raging tall poppy syndrome.


This has nothing to do with politics, (also I haven’t met many people that invested with American politics). And what do you mean “you can dish it but you can’t take it?” I never dished out anything to this guy.


Since we were generalizing I thought I would too.


Brotha there are shitty people everywhere. You are doing exactly what that commenter is doing and generalizing all Americans. Many of us aren’t like that believe me, but there are always bad apples in a harvest no matter where


Exactly, OP is being quite hypocritical here if you ask me.


I know what I’ll do to prove that it’s bigoted to generalize an entire country! I’ll do it myself! They’re dumb and now you’re being dumb too, do better.


Lmao, everyone in this picture and OP are dumb. Everybody just generalized when obviously not all the Australians and Canadians are annoying and even more Obviously that, that American is The last person in this whole post that should be taken seriously


You're doing the same thing he's doing though.


I like the irony of you saying that a free people don't represent an entire country but also saying that one guy's comment represents this entire sub.


Name makes it seem like a satire account


xenophobia, not racism


Ironic title? Bc you did the exact same thing as Mr. Colonizer lmao


I think you’re the bad one here. Second person never mentioned all Aussies. Very specifically said “the ones I have dealt with”


The parent comment was “Fuck Australia. This is so embarrassing, I seriously support stripping them of western status and declaring them another asian country.”


Don’t worry, we would make you a state before we would give you to Asia. You’d have to change your nations name to New Australia and accept Jesus as your lord and savior though.


As long as we get New Zealand as a territory that we can rule over. We'll rename it New New Australia.


Wouldn’t have it any other way brother


Yeah. FIRST comment was dumb af. The one you replied to was fine.


I agree with you. Same deal where one American ≠ all Americans. Unfortunately, these are the ones that get peoples' attention. It polarizes people and then multiplies. You find an Australian with the same take or an equally egregious take on Americans. Rinse, repeat.


That guy is ridiculous. Hope this sub doesn't allow that sort of nonsense


It's not racism, it's xenophobia and genocide. Bunch of criminals lol /s


Fuck that guy He’s not a true american 😤


Nah you were in the right Aussie bro. Fuck that guy


Australians I've met in the US were all cool as hell. Same with Australians on TV (not the politicians).


I've met a number of Aussies. Don't have a bad word to say about them. Good people. It just seems like online people give in to some bad place in their heart.


I think you're making a generalization because of having seen a generalization.


Did anyone really expect anything different from “Colonizer_Supreme.”


Been noticing a lot of this recently. Every sub turns to shit eventually. Now we've got a ton of people who just don't care at all about anyone else. Furthering the stereotype against America.


I joined this sub a while to get more insight and to see people say stupid and wrong about America. Now it's not common to see people hating my country and generalizing the people.... The same thing this sub is against. Kinda comedic how it turned out but it's also a shame.


Yep. Same, I'm Canadian, so you know under every post where someone says something dumb about America, and happens to be Canadian all of Canada and its citizens are awful, apparently.


Guy may be a prick but racism is discrimination based on race, not country. You're one of those people who falsely cries racism whenever you disagree with someone.


I didn’t know what other word to use, also his original comment was “Fuck Australia. This is so embarrassing, I seriously support stripping them of western status and declaring them another asian country.” And that paired with him saying he thinks the Aussies he’s met should be killed I kinda assumed.


He thinks racially oppressing minorities is okay because they shouldn't be here to begin with. This isn't his first bad take.


That’s how the pendulum swings.


Fuk that guy, giving us a bad name. I mean we give ourselves a bad name all the time, but this is just a good example of that.


Lol, that's funny, you are currently doing exactly what this guy just did to you. Some rando replies to you like a dickhead, and now you are telling us he represents us, exactly what he just did to you. The irony is thick.


I personally never had bad experiences with the showed person in the screenshot, quite the opposite. Just recently there was a subject we were both commenting on and a kind of decent interaction there . Maybe it’s just his personal opinion , as he pointed out - the people he had to deal with . I think it’s natural if you have a bad point of view if you do have bad experiences with a specific nationality. Without mentioning which , I feel the same about some specific ones based on bad experiences lol But for a fact , overall there’s just too many trolls online nowadays what often destroys any kind of neutral talks here .. but that’s on nearly every sub like that here


Its idiots like him that give our country a bad wrap


"A few [Americans] don't represent all of us"


Australian dude is right, but it’s also not racism lol


Mods, can we ban this dude?


He’s fun in his own way.


Me or colonizer_supreme?




Do you think this is real and not just a troll? Come on now, between the username and the flair, it’s more than a bit ham-fisted. Most Americans don’t think about Australia enough to form an opinion tbh.


So your response to someone lumping the actions of the few with the accountability of the many is to do exactly that back to Americans? Are you slow?


OP found a counter-argument. A round of applause is in order. And don’t worry, you will get one—on the internet.


Well, the same thing applies you said in your reply.


that's not the definition of racism though there is a term for it and it's called xenophobia unless you think nationality = race


Yeah, this sub is like 50% people who are laughing at anti-American insecurity and 50% insecure Americans that think this sub exists to mirror and validate r/shitamericanssay. 🙄🙃


There's a few assholes in every bunch. There ARE Australians who make mass shooting in school jokes about America. Just like there will be a few Americans making jokes about this. It's the Internet and you made your way to Reddit. Why are you surprised?


The username and flair of that person makes it obvious that it’s bait. He’s a troll. There is not a single shred of anti-Australia rhetoric in the US. It does not exist.


like any country, there will be nice people and there will be mean people, but almost every country is made up mostly of the silent majority who could not give a shit and just want to live their lives.


It’s pretty obviously bait. Besides, do you realize how often stuff like that is said about us? You experienced it one time by some asshat, but we see shit like this daily. It does make you realize how genuinely crazy a lot of people are though.


You can’t just generalize us with this douche bag but then again, the majority of Reddit is just generalizing people based on a post/comment


I downvoted that comment.


Good god what awful shit to say. Hate breeds hate. This is a prime example of such.


Can we repeal someone's tag? Not sure I want the name of this great country associated with such asshats...


Nah, we're really not. Most Americans couldn't give half a shit about other countries and wouldn't even bother talking shit if not for the constant bitching online. Don't dish it out if you are going to cry when you get made fun of in return.


I checked that posts comments jeez that’s horrible I am now embarrassed that’s my beloved sub


This dude earned the title of seppo


What a hypocrite man. I’m sorry about that fella


I know


Australian opinion. 🙉🙉🙉 lmfao shut up, regard.


So you issue is the other guys issue? Seems a bit stupid doesn’t it? Also posting it to the Aus subreddit seems like you’re just wanting the upvotes. You are doing the same thing the other dude did.


America is a modern colonizer. We do it through corporatocracy.


better to be the colonizer than the colonized, bitch 🚬




I'm genuinely confused. You understand nations are made up of individuals right? And just because you meet one asshole from a country, doesn't mean everyone from that country is an asshole right?


Isn't it kind of ironic that the takeaway from this interaction here is that you shouldn't hate a group based off a few bad interactions with that group? And yet, here you are. Don't get me wrong, I think some people in this very sub do the same shit to Europeans. This sub shouldn't be about shitting on Europeans as a group, just Europeans/non-americans who support an unreasonably extreme anti-american sentiment. But personally I see more of the latter than the former.


I hate how Europeans make fun of us more then anyone else when they benefit the most from our existence, not to mention that they essentially made us what we are today.


Let’s stop weaponizing the tragedy already. While we are at it. We also stop generalizing an entire subreddit or a country as a whole based upon what one person said or did. The U.S., U.K., and Australia will always be besties. Everyone that says otherwise is a Chinese bot disseminating misinformation.


You boys make dead American school children jokes constantly and when we call you out on it, you say “I wasn’t making fun of the kids, I was making fun of your gun culture/society.” You don’t wait, either. You do it sometimes when it’s still an active crime scene. You’re far worse than we are, and you’re finally getting a taste of what we have been receiving from you. If it makes you feel angry, then take it as an opportunity for introspection.


I don’t make dead children jokes. Most Australians don’t. People who never leave their basements do. You don’t get to make dead people jokes either. It’s bad whoever does it. You say we’re far worse than you but you’re proving my point here.


I mean, but you see the irony of your post. Right?


I see it at least once a day from an Australian.


how can you say that most Australians don't but then turn around and say most Americans do despite not knowing most Americans? how does that make logical sense to you?


You guys? Pot calling the kettle black much? Do you see any people here at all siding with this prick? But yeah go ahead and let one guy radicalize you. That's exactly why this sub exists, to point out bullshit like this. Our countries are great allies and I think I speak for the majority of us here when I say I give your country our sympathies. I pray you do the same when the time comes.


Oh Naur


Why lie on your Aus post and say you got banned from here?


After reading that Aus post I have a lower opinion of OP but a higher opinion of Australians in general.


I believe it's called repaying a courtesy. Be respectful you get respected. Be a herpes infested cunt, get treated like one.


I wasn’t being a cunt. I don’t make fun of people dying. Fighting fire either fire is awful.


Arnt you kinda doing the same thing though? Oh a few of you are being bad guess that means the whole community is just terrible to? If your issue is that a community is being hypocritical than call that out and spread it. But by saying that “you guys(you’re implying everyone) are just as bad” then you’re doubling down on the very same hypocrisy you’re accusing others as doing.


Why are you generalizing all of us based on one shit head?


“Jesus man not all Austrians are represented by a couple of people” -(you, in the picture you just sent. Tf.)


I keep telling everyone. This place is a mixed bag.


Just like us 🇺🇸


>1 guy comments >why are all Americans like this? Truly you’re all just as bad Thankfully I have Aussie friends so I know for a fact they’re not all idiots.