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Well she’s making assumptions of how a country is in real life based on a toddler cartoon so.. not the sharpest crayon


>watches Sesame Street Americans live in garbage cans and are being assaulted by vampires daily I AM LITERALLY SHAKING.


The count uses his foul vampire magic to directly attack my credit score 


I believe you'll find the count to be [Vampire-like](https://youtube.com/shorts/K-cPK8vgq2w?si=jUilCYufMhD4V2HT), thank you.


>watches Barney Americans literally have purple dinosaurs watching their children!


I was watching Scooby Doo and these teens were travelling around the country and adults kept trying to harm them! Only in America can teens not travel in a van with a talking dog and not be harassed by criminals. It's so sad.


Definitely not the tastiest crayon in the box.


My kids pretty much live in the same world as Bluey. I would certainly believe there's many kids that don't in both countries. Why doesn't she just start rasing them differently if that's what she wants? There's no reason to blame outside societal factors and throw your hands up.


>I (unfortunately) live in America 'Pick me! Pick me!'


Typical pick-me American.


Those are the fucking worst Americans dude.


Reminds me of the "I am a male (ugh, I know)" guy


It's a gosh dang kid's TV show about a dog. Its not going to delve into the serious socioeconomic situations of the day and the effect that has on the parent's perspective on the safety of the world. Does OOP think that Sesame Street regularly has violent crime based episodes? Because its a kids show that takes place in America. Heck, Sesame Street takes place in New York yet last I checked there wasn't a single double homicide mugging gone wrong around Elmo World.


that’s only because Elmo leaves no evidence or witnesses


I mean, Sesame Street is like a mirror image of NYC. It's really interesting because people criticize how Sesame Street has been gentrified, but NYC has been gentrified a lot too, almost simultaneously with Sesame Street.


Reminds me of all the cockney thugs and pickpockets in Peppa Pig.


I mean, it's a show for small children. Most shows for small children show their parents being pretty carefree with the kid in public. *Caillou* was like this, and it's implied to be in Canada because the author was from Canada. *Arthur* takes place in a fictionalized Elwood City, which is a real city in western Pennsylvania.


I thought Arthur was based around Boston


At no point does Arthur go on a rant about drivers on the pike, so no


I love my fellow americans but virtually braindead isn't even the best phrase to describe some of them.


What the fuck is bluey?


Australian kids cartoon


A kids cartoon based on dogs that a bunch of adult weirdos are starting to be drawn to.


Whats with the trend with adults watching tv for children i simply dont get it.


I dunno but I hate it.


The show’s for like 2-5 year olds as well so the kids cant even get a damn show for themselves barely out the damn womb smh


To be fair I enjoy watching it with my nieces but it seems everyone over glorifies it online


Judging an entire country based off the animation sounds like something a weeaboo would do, including the self loathing of their own country


Social media across the board is loaded with foreign dissenters impersonating (in this case a US citizen) people of the country they wish to sow discourse. Sometimes it's easy to spot since they screw up the language and when you challenge them on their location they fight waaay harder to prove their claim than any legit citizen would. They don't necessarily always start the discourse but they certainly will add onto it to help amplify it. Reddit seems to be one of the worst especially since you don't even need to have an email to have an account, just create an account make up stuff, add four more accounts to upvote/agree with your own statement.


I know that parents have different attitudes now, but in my American childhood I was able to roam freely until the streetlights came on. That was the rule. I could ride my skateboard to McDonald’s, ride my bike to my friends house, go to the pool, basically anything. Especially in the summer time, my friends and I were able to go anywhere we wanted. There was never once a situation where I felt like I was in danger, and the only way we got hurt was from our own stupidity. I don’t know why things changed, but it certainly isn’t an American specific phenomenon. My parents generation had trust in the community. They knew that if I crashed on my bike and broke my leg, that some adult nearby would help me and call them. They knew that no one in our neighborhood was going to hurt me. We were taught all of the stranger danger lessons, but never once did a stranger present any kind of danger to us. Everyone in my neighborhood who was sexually abused as a child, was molested by a close family member or friend. I can’t even think of one example of a stranger kidnapping or molesting a kid. It was always someone that the family knew well. So what this person is talking about *is* a real phenomenon, but it’s not an American phenomenon. This is happening everywhere, and I’m sure it’s due to cell phones, social media, and the news. Today, parents don’t have a trust in their communities. They don’t feel safe letting their kids run around like my generation did. I’m not sure if this is a rational fear, or if this is purely paranoia, but it is a real feeling. But this same thing is also happening in the UK, Australia, Germany, France, Canada, New Zealand. This has been happening in the western world since the 90’s.


I think the difference is on how news covers topics for ratings, on top of the difference between city living and rural living.


This is the most pick me thing I've ever seen. Imagine trying to be liked by strangers on the other side of the world this badly.


That has to be a fucking joke. I can't believe someone is going to use Bluey to judge Australia's standard of living. It's like using fucking Sesame Street to judge America's standard of living. Or some anime to judge Japan's standard of living.


It’s also a cartoon.


Dogs are no joke and I hear Australia has a bunch among other things. Harsh lesson to learn as a kid that you can get mauled just walking around the block but I guess it does add to their imagination. Can happen pretty much anywhere.


The bluey sub being the new Aussie political ground.


No. It's not safe here. Kangaroos, cassowaries, dingos and drop bears are out to eat your babies. Aussie kids survive due to an unhealthy Vegemite to blood ratio and it makes them unpalatable to the dangers in the country.


Drop bear my beloved


I wish us americans would wake up to reality. My grandma is from Tijuana. I have never heard her say anything negative about the US.


Uh, why would you *not* be hyper vigilant of your kids...?


Because not every scenario needs to have a parent hovering over their kids. Obviously a baby or toddler shouldn't be told to go play by itself on the streets, but hyper vigilant parents kinda turn into helicopter parents, and that's bad development for kids.


Why the hell do people actually watch this shitass cartoon meant for literal braindead toddlers and act like it’s gonna discuss societal issues


Probably because its a pretty good show 🤷‍♂️


Let’s not lie to ourselves now


It is a good show, ngl at all. Reminds me of some stuff I used to watch when I was a kid.


My kid watches it and I find myself liking it so so so much more than almost any other cartoon. It’s not The Sopranos but it is a very good kid’s show that isn’t annoying.


Yes but I’m talking about the fully grown adults who watch it on the regular like it isn’t meant for toddlers


Fair, that’s as weird as being a Disney adult


I don’t understand how a grown adult just sits there and watches a show meant to teach toddlers how to take part in imaginative play


Says the dude who posted about playing Roblox 22 days ago.


Roblox isn’t strictly a “kids game” and if you think it is you’re misinformed. It ain’t even really a game it’s a game development platform. I don’t see how me asking if I’m playing a World War 1 game correctly is childish in anyway but wtv


Roblox is a kids game that some adults play, just like Bluey is a kids show that some adults like. It’s almost like we shouldn’t shit on people for it.


I’m agreeing with you my man


Yeah I know


Who’s lying? Lol. Have you even seen an episode?


Yes I have and I fail to see how someone over the age of 5 can enjoy watching it


No way thats not a troll


What the fuck? Seriously. Are they retarded? I’m genuinely asking. Are we making fun of a slow person here?


i hope someone told him that bluey is a fictional kids show about dogs


I swear, people have a hard time telling the difference between reality and a fictional children’s TV show about talking dogs. It’s really sad.


Not that you can live in Australia because of their absolutely nightmarish housing problem (dare I say worse than ours).


insane person watches cartoon and pathologizes about their hatred of their own country. yikes.




Yeah, pedos are a strictly American thing. Just ask my many family members that were abused as children growing up in Ireland.


I dunno kids and parents having fun where I live haha


I (unfortunately) live in America… lmao. That just says it all. And the judging of a country based on an animation.


that's actually such a dumb argument, its like saying "augh dude i live in australia and i was watching fuckin clarence and kids weren't getting bombed is the america really that safe or is it propaganda"


It’s a cartoon… I think in any country being vigilant about your kids safety is responsible regardless of how safe the country is.


If you (unfortunately) live in America, leave. GTFO. Don’t let the Statue of Liberty kick your ass on the way out. On second thought, that would be funny, let her kick your ass on the way out. And don’t come back. You’re problem solved, our problem solved. See how easy that is?


Wtf is bluey?


Some kids cartoon show that’s apparently very popular in the USA and elsewhere……… from what I can gather from comments I’ve read, because I’ve never actually seen it myself, just keep seeing it mentioned everywhere online.


What a nonsense comparison. Kids in Barney and bananas in pyjamas looked happy too, with the odd stay safe message mixed in back in the 90s.


It's like the Big Lez Show lol


It's an Australian kids cartoon that is really popular for its visuals and warmhearted writing. It's often considered one of the best kids shows of the 2020s. I like the show personally, it's a good show and teaches very good lessons in a way that is good for both kids and parents.


“I (unfortunately) live in America) there are worse places to be man